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Realms of Fantasy

Page 7

by Mychael Black

  “I did,” Nias said quietly. “And then I find that my Father has betrayed me. To my connections, I’m nothing more than a body with a cock. There is nothing but physical sensations.”

  Nichael knew Nias wasn’t old enough to be completely corrupt, nor was he influenced by the Fall itself. He also had the feeling Nias didn’t understand what could affect one who had suffered through the Fall.

  Sighing quietly, he laid his hand on Nias’ shoulder. “Lucifer is driven by many things, Nias, and you can’t gauge all by what happened. There is more meaning to you than just a body with a cock.”

  Nias tossed the book onto the floor and pulled away, settling into the armchair a few feet away. “It was merely stupidity on my part,” he said bitterly. “Stupidity for thinking I was favored, and stupidity for longing for something I’ll never feel with anyone.”

  “Not stupid, Nias. You wanted something most long for. And something you had a right to expect from him.”

  Nichael had never doubted the depth of love Michael held for him, but still he understood the impact it would have to have something trusted taken away. He wasn’t sure of his ability to reason with Nias, though. Somehow Nichael felt he was floundering over his head.

  Nias’ head fell back and he closed his eyes. “Yeah, well. Not a fucking chance I’ll ever let it happen again. Best to be cold and alone than to have what little heart you have ripped out at the seams.”

  “That isn’t the way to take what happened.” Nichael settled heavily into the other chair. It saddened him to listen to Nias, and wanting to reach out and help did him little good. It put him at a loss. “But it seems you’ll not listen to me. And in truth, I’m not certain I’m offering much good to you.”

  “You’re listening to me,” Nias said. He looked over at Nichael. “That’s more than anyone else has ever bothered to do.”

  Outside of his own complacent universe, Nichael thought little of any other existence. Hearing Nias’ words made him pause. “It is little enough, Nias. I understand how you would feel. In your place, I would be devastated.”

  “I hide it well. Don’t suppose you have a shower, do you? Slinking around in that house made me feel…” Nias shivered. “I don’t know…odd.”

  Nichael pointed toward the hall. “Second door on the left. There are towels in the small cupboard as well.”

  Nichael didn’t say anything, but he wasn’t surprised by Nias’ “feeling odd” comment.

  Chapter Two

  Nias towel-dried his hair before putting his jeans back on. He left his boots and shirt beside the bathroom door, opting for the warm air of the house on his bare skin. His hair was thoroughly disheveled as he walked into the kitchen.

  Nichael was busy at the counter. A couple of bags of different chips were opened, and he had a bowl filled with a mixture of them. The rather unnatural addiction to them was the first thing Nias noticed about the angel.

  “Feeling better?” Nichael asked.

  Nias straddled one of the bar stools, hooking his feet on the sides. “Much. Thanks,” he said with an amused grin. “At least I’m not the only one who’s managed to pick up a few mortal likes along the way.”

  “I believe cigarettes and alcohol are mortal habits. At least mine are less hazardous.” Smirking slightly at Nias, Nichael leaned comfortably against the counter and ate a handful of chips.

  “Hazardous to mortals,” Nias said. “Not to me. Besides, alcohol has a distinct burn, almost like a man’s come. It’s addictive.”

  “You seem to have a one-track mind. I certainly hope you don’t plan on bringing anybody here for your own amusement.”

  “No worries,” Nias said, seconds before he grinned wolfishly. “Besides, the eye candy is enough.”

  “I’m not here for your amusement either.” Nichael’s tone was dry.

  “You ruffle easily.” Nias chuckled.

  Nichael fell silent, eating some of his chips. His gaze never left Nias’, the silvery depths glittering faintly with his own amusement.

  Nias slid off of the stool and bent over the counter, reaching into the bowl for a chip. “Stupid question, but where do you want me to sleep? I only saw one bedroom.”

  “You can have the couch. It’s comfortable enough.”

  Nias turned and walked to the couch. He stretched out on it, resting his arms under his head. One foot hung off of the edge, while the other was drawn up. Even from the distance, he could see the angel clearly and he let his gaze wander over Nichael’s body for the first time since meeting him. Oh, yeah, the angel definitely looked good.

  Nichael caught the inviting look Nias gave him. Ignoring the stirring he felt at the idea, Nichael said, “If I thought you would behave, you could share my bed.” He closed up the bags and put them back in the cupboard.

  “I couldn’t promise that,” Nias said quietly.

  “Then it would be better if you slept on the couch.”

  “And such a lonely, cold bed it will be.”

  “Somehow I doubt you would appreciate the fact that I prefer it that way,” Nichael said. “It leaves more room for me.”

  “Suit yourself,” Nias said with a shrug. “Body heat does wonders. Aren’t you going to sit down?”

  Carefully, Nichael sat at the open end of the couch. He wasn’t all that happy to be aware of the demon. Nias’ presence nagged at the fringes of Nichael’s mind, reminding him of how close they were. Several choice words were already forming in his thoughts, and he planned to express them to Michael as soon as he could.

  “Don’t you have any other thoughts to occupy you, Nias?”

  “Like…?” Nias prodded. One hand rubbed absently over his chest and stomach.

  “Anything that doesn’t include sexual gratification?”

  Nias’ expression didn’t change as his fingers brushed over the crease of his hip before settling on the inside of his upper thigh. “Are you saying there’s something wrong with it?”

  Nichael knew he was being played, but even knowing it, he reacted. Abruptly he stood. “If you don’t think there is, apparently there isn’t.” Without a backward glance, Nichael went down the hall to his bedroom.

  It had been some time since Nichael had been home. The atmosphere relaxed him as he soaked in the heavier presence permeating the halls. He sighed in contentment as he strode into the throne room.

  Looking up, the man on the throne smiled. With a wave of his hand, the others departed, leaving the two of them alone. He rose and his emerald wings stretched out then dropped back down. He motioned toward one of the corners where white and gold pillows waited.

  “What brings you home?” Michael asked as he settled down, leaning back against the wall with a smug look on his face.

  Nichael bowed his head to Michael. Normally he didn’t bother his prince with details. Nichael tended to handle his missions with uncanny success. It bothered him to no end to be disturbing Michael now, but he didn’t feel he had a choice. “I have encountered an unexpected problem, Michael.”

  “Oh? And that would be?”

  “A young demon, a very young demon.” Nichael wasn’t used to the emotional roller coaster of one minute wanting to help Nias, and the next wanting to strangle him. “I’ve taken him in, but I can’t have him around while I try to deal with the mage. Nias is likely to get himself killed.”

  “Ah, yes,” Michael said. “Nias. He must be quite the handful if he already has you twisted into such knots.”

  “Could you please find a place for him, Michael?”

  “I already have, Nichael, and he seems to be doing quite well.”

  “You don’t mean me. I’m not sure if I can really help him. I’ve tried, but I don’t think I’m doing much good.”

  Michael stood and placed his hands on Nichael’s shoulders. He pressed a soft kiss to Nichael’s forehead and whispered, “He isn’t the one who needs it, my friend.”

  The words only served to confuse Nichael further, but then when it came to Nias that particular em
otion was commonplace.

  “Look at me, Nichael. You need each other. You have a great deal in common, if only you open your eyes and heart to see it.”

  Nichael wanted to argue, but it would do him no good. “I will do my best with him, Michael.” If I don’t kill him first.

  “Open your heart to him, and try not to kill each other.”

  “I think you have more faith in me than I do.”

  “My faith is unerring. Take care of him. He needs you, Nichael, just as you need him.”

  “I will do as you ask, and fulfill my duty.”

  Nichael wasn’t sure how he would manage, but he would do his best as he always did. After bowing his head once again to Michael, he entered the portal near him. Nichael wasn’t fully sure what to make of everything Michael had said. When he stepped into his living room, he was no less confused than he had been earlier.

  Nias lay fast asleep, stretched out on the couch, one hand low on his bare stomach, his fingers fanned. Nichael realized just how young Nias was, no matter what the demon portrayed when he was awake. Nichael crouched beside the couch.

  Nias stretched in his sleep, the movement tightening his muscles then relaxing them. His eyes opened. He turned his head to look at Nichael. “Welcome home.”

  Odd how Nichael’s own expression softened when his gaze met Nias’. Even odder was the feeling descending over him. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  “S’okay,” Nias said sleepily. “I think I could get used to it if given the chance.”

  Unable to resist the urge, Nichael reached out and brushed back Nias’ hair from his forehead. “We’ll be stuck together for a while, so you’ll probably have to get used to it.”

  As Nias closed his eyes, a sound greatly resembling a purr rumbled from his throat. With a lightning fast move, he had Nichael’s hand in his. He pressed a kiss to each fingertip then opened his mouth, sucking two into velvet heat. Nichael hissed. Even knowing he should draw back his hand, he didn’t.

  Nias began sucking, rolling his tongue around Nichael’s fingers with every pull. Swallowing thickly, Nichael tried to control the effect Nias had on him. He finally managed to pull back his hand.

  “I’m not a thing for you to play with, Nias.”

  For the briefest moment, a look of hurt passed through the demon’s eyes. He shook his head and sat up. “I need a shower,” he said as he stood. He started down the hall, his shoulders a bit lower than normal.

  The demon tended to be a very sexual creature, Nichael hadn’t missed that. Nor had he missed the pained expression. Straightening, he watched Nias uncertainly. He followed behind him, laying a hand on Nias’ shoulder before he entered the bathroom. “Was I wrong?”

  Nias sighed and hung his head. “Wrong about what?” he said without looking up. He leaned forward, pressing his forehead to the doorframe. “I just…” With another sigh, he shook his head. “Never mind.”

  “I hurt you, and that wasn’t my intention.” Nichael exerted a gentle pressure to Nias’ shoulder to get him to turn around and look at him. “You just what?”

  “I just thought… I swore not to trust anyone ever again, but for some reason, it just comes naturally with you. Whether I really want to or not.” Nias laughed. “And I can’t exactly deny that I’m attracted to you. I guess I was just hoping it was mutual. Believe it or not, I won’t do anything against a man’s will.”

  It wasn’t hard for Nichael to see the beauty shining within Nias. “Perhaps not so odd. I am attracted to you as well.” He wasn’t certain they had a place together, no matter what Michael had told him. Though he’d gotten the feeling Michael might be playing matchmaker. “You are very beautiful, Nias. More beautiful than anyone I have seen in a long time.”

  Nias opened his mouth then shut it just as quickly. He looked away as his cheeks flushed pink. “That’s a first.”

  “I think it may be why everything happened to you, Nias.” Nichael smoothed a fingertip over the demon’s skin.

  Nias turned his face into Nichael’s touch. “I wouldn’t be surprised. I’m sorry if I assumed anything with you.”

  “I owe you an apology as well,” Nichael said. “For my own assumption. Go ahead and take your shower. I’ll be waiting in the living room.”

  Nias swallowed hard and nodded, closing the door between them.

  Lost in thought, Nichael returned to the living room. Any relationship between them would be impossible. It wasn’t something he wanted. He preferred his well-ordered life as it was. Those thoughts warred with something deeper inside him.

  Twenty minutes later, Nias returned, drying his hair with his towel. He leaned up against the counter. After a few minutes of silence, he spoke. “Look, I really am sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

  “You haven’t made me uncomfortable. Annoyed me occasionally, but not made me uncomfortable, Nias. I’m just not used to any disruptions to my duty.”

  “I’m not sure if I should take that as a compliment or not.” Chuckling, Nias turned and bent over the counter, reaching for the bowl of chips he’d filled earlier.

  “At least you’re not taking offense.”

  “No. I’m not offended,” Nias said with a mouthful of potato chips. He picked up the bowl and walked over to the couch, dropping beside Nichael and offering him a chip. “Humor me,” he whispered as he touched the chip to Nichael’s lips.

  “As long as you humor me.”

  “Anything you want.”

  “Why do I get the feeling you’re saying a lot more beneath the surface?”

  “What do you wish of me?”

  “I don’t know. What do you want of me?”

  “A kiss,” Nias said.

  To grant that would be easy enough on the surface, but Nichael knew how much it might cost him. Once started, he wasn’t certain one kiss would be enough. He drew the demon toward him. Nias traced his tongue over Nichael’s lips then probed between them, seeking entrance. His fingers tangled in Nichael’s hair, holding him close.

  Something between a purr and a growl slipped from Nias as he deepened the kiss. His tongue swept through Nichael’s mouth, circling Nichael’s tongue. His fingers tightened in Nichael’s hair as the sound grew stronger. Then he pulled away, breathless and dazed. “I can’t,” he said, shaking his head. “If I don’t stop, I’m going to want more.”

  Nichael already found himself lost in something he barely understood. The kiss had proved intoxicating, and his first reaction was to blurt out not to stop. Biting his lower lip, he stifled the plea.

  Nias leaned over and ran his fingers through his hair. “I want you,” he growled. “I want you so fucking bad it’s eating away at me. But I said one kiss and I stand by my word.”

  “We need to take care of other things, Nias.” Nichael stood abruptly and paced in front of the couch. He needed to focus on his duty, on what he was supposed to be doing.

  Within seconds, Nias bolted off of the couch and shoved him against the wall, pinning him tightly as he crushed his mouth to Nichael’s. He forced his tongue into the angel’s mouth and gripped Nichael’s wrists, holding them in an iron grip.

  Sensations shot straight through Nichael and he instantly hardened in response. Part of him understood the need taking hold of Nias because it drenched him as well. He arched toward Nias, forgetting everything he’d been trying to think of.

  “You think too much,” Nias growled into Nichael’s mouth. “And there are other things to do with that beautiful mouth besides talking.” Locking both of Nichael’s wrists in one hand, Nias slid his other hand between them, gripping Nichael through his pants. “You need to feel.”

  The need for another wasn’t something normally dominating the angel’s thoughts, but now his thoughts were scattered. His hips nudged into the press of Nias’ hand as he groaned. All he wanted to do was touch. “Then let me feel more.”

  Nias slipped his hand inside Nichael’s pants, wrapping his fingers tightly around the angel’s cock. He began st
roking it, milking his hand up and down the shaft. “What do you want to feel, Nichael? My hands? My mouth? My ass? My cock?” He kissed a slow path over Nichael’s cheek to his ear, flicking his tongue across it. “Or everything?”

  “Everything.” The silky pressure of Nias’ hand on his cock drew a slow shudder from Nichael. It had been too long since he’d allow another to touch him. Freeing his hands from Nias’ grip, he slid them up into Nias’ hair. Turning his head, he caught the demon’s lips, the hungry probe of his tongue parting them for a deeper kiss.

  “Don’t move,” Nias murmured.

  He kissed his way down Nichael’s throat, his chest, his stomach. He knelt down, tugging Nichael’s pants to his feet. He wasted no time and wrapped his fingers around Nichael’s cock once more as he leaned forward. He rolled his eyes up to hold Nichael’s gaze as his tongue snaked out and circled the head of his cock, teasing at the slit. Then he sucked on the tip.

  Chapter Three

  Nichael leaned against the wall, seriously needing the support. Another shudder ran through him, and he couldn’t control the sudden thrust of his hips. Nias purred, the vibrations rippling through Nichael’s cock. He gripped Nichael’s hips in his hands and began sliding his mouth up and down his shaft, stopping to suck on the tip before swallowing him once more. He stroked the underside with his tongue, humming softly with every stroke. He looked up again, locking a hungry gaze on Nichael.

  “Get up, Nias, and go over to the couch.” Nichael pulled the demon to his feet. Nias swallowed hard, the hunger sharp in his eyes. He backed up to the couch and fell onto it.

  After stepping out of his pants and shoes, Nichael began to remove his tunic. He smiled at the feast spread before him. Once he was near the couch, he reached down to unfasten Nias’ pants. He couldn’t deny his need, the insatiable urge to take Nias as his own.


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