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Realms of Fantasy

Page 8

by Mychael Black

  Nias lifted his hips, allowing Nichael to pull off his jeans. He swept his gaze over Nichael, the look in his eyes hungry. Nichael’s actions remained unhurried as he tugged off the jeans and dropped them to the floor. His fingers drifted over Nias’ chest, the demon irresistible. Without a word, Nichael knelt beside the couch.

  He was in no hurry to take what he wanted. He savored the sight of the body stretched out just for him. From Nias’ expression, Nichael knew how much the demon wanted him. Leaning forward slightly, Nichael kissed Nias’ chest and lightly scraped his teeth over Nias’ nipple before he drew it into his mouth. He traced a path down Nias’ stomach to circle his navel.

  Nias drew in a sharp breath, threading his fingers in Nichael’s hair. He shivered under Nichael’s touch, muscles flexing, moving beneath Nichael’s lips and fingers. Without a doubt, Nichael knew that Nias’ skin would prove to be an addiction all its own. He took his time, holding Nias’ nipple captive in his mouth as he flicked the tip of his tongue back and forth against it. “What do you want to feel, Nias?” Nichael whispered, lips barely brushing Nias’ chest.

  “You. Everything.” Nias found Nichael’s other hand and pulled it to his mouth. “Your touch, your taste.” He rolled his tongue around two of Nichael’s fingers then sucked them into his mouth. His other hand moved down to brush over Nichael’s, entwining their fingers around his own cock. His breath caught as he stroked their joined hands over his length. “I need…” His hips lifted and a soft whimper escaped him. “I need to feel you inside me, Nichael.”

  Seeing the open vulnerability on Nias’ features, Nichael felt it tug at something inside him. More than lust drove him. His expression softened as he stared into the black eyes. Nichael understood in a moment of perfect clarity that Nias needed far more than that.

  “I want my own taste first, Nias.” After releasing Nias’ cock, Nichael lifted him until the demon was exposed to him. Nichael lowered his head and rimmed Nias’ hole with his tongue.

  “Nichael. Please…” Nichael licked the puckered skin and resumed stroking the demon’s cock. When he breached Nias’ body, however, he was greeted by an unexpected tightness and it gave him a moment’s pause. He definitely hadn’t expected that. Nichael studied Nias for a silent moment before he changed position. He settled over the demon, and for a moment, he savored the feel of the body beneath him. A sharp ache had already taken up residence in Nichael, and nothing would stop him from taking everything Nias offered.

  Nias threaded his hands through Nichael’s hair, pulling him down for a kiss. He spread his legs farther apart, moaning into Nichael’s mouth as their cocks slid together. His kiss was hungry, yet nervous. “I need this, Nichael,” he whispered, breaking the kiss. “I need you.”

  Nichael lowered his head and nuzzled Nias’ throat. “As much as I need you.”

  “Nichael, please…” Nias pleaded softly, arching his body toward Nichael’s. “Inside me. I need you inside me. I know it will hurt. I can handle the pain.”

  “Soon, Nias.” Quickly wetting his hand, Nichael stroked over his own cock before rubbing the head over Nias’ entrance. He kissed Nias softly then thrust.

  Nias cried out and his fingers dug into Nichael’s hips, holding him still. “Don’t move,” he breathed. “Oh…” His chest rose and fell quickly, his black gaze locking onto Nichael’s.

  The sensation enveloping his cock tore away at Nichael’s self-control. He managed to calm himself somewhat only by focusing on the soft caress of his hands over Nias’ hips. “You have no idea of how beautiful you are, Nias.”

  “I don’t know what’s in my soul,” Nias said. A look of confusion crossed his face. “But whatever is there…is yours.”

  “And I want everything of you as my own.” Nichael tucked his wings around both of them. This was meant only for him—for them. A gentle rock of his hips kept him buried within the demon. The touch of his lips molded to Nias’ before his tongue sought entry into the demon’s mouth. His movements were unhurried as he withdrew slightly only to fill Nias again as he made love to him. Soon it would be more, but he wanted Nias to feel something other than lust for once.

  Meeting Nichael with a rock of his hips, Nias cried out, the sound drowned in their kiss. He shook beneath Nichael, fingers smoothing over Nichael’s wings. The touch set off a chain reaction in Nichael. He sped up, panting into the demon’s mouth. A determined push of his hips strained toward Nias’ body with a violent shudder as Nichael’s orgasm swept through him. Breaking away from the kiss, he shouted. Lightning flooding his body with pleasure.

  “Nichael!” Nias went still for a split second then he bucked, driving Nichael deeper. Between them, his cock throbbed, spilling his release. It took several minutes for him to stop shaking and he squeezed his eyes shut, struggling to catch his breath.

  “Never felt anything like that,” Nias said once he’d caught his breath. “Never knew something could feel like that.”

  Carefully Nichael withdrew and lay down. He pulled Nias onto his side, the demon pinned to the back of the couch. Nichael kept his left wing tucked around Nias to shelter him. “It’s going to feel like that many times between us, Nias.”

  “You were the first,” Nias said. He looked up at Nichael. “And you will be the only one. I was serious when I said everything I have is yours.”

  It meant a great deal to Nichael that Nias had been willing to give him that. He smoothed his fingers over the dark hair as he studied his lover in turn. “I wouldn’t be willing to share you with anyone. Not now and not ever. And you have the same from me in return.”

  “What is this? I don’t understand any of this. Desire and lust, I understand. But this?” Nias shook his head. “There is more than just desire and lust.”

  “It is a lot more than that, Nias. I am incapable of feeling only lust.”

  Nias smiled and scooted closer. His tongue slid along Nichael’s lips then slipped inside. Relaxed, he draped his arms around Nichael’s neck.

  Opening fully to the demon, Nichael encouraged the exploration with soft flicks of his tongue. He knew Nias didn’t truly understand, but the demon would in time. And during that time, Nichael would keep his lover protected and very well loved.

  This was stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. What was he thinking? Nias knew he was in trouble as the man watched him. Nias fully believed he wouldn’t get caught, that he could scout things out by himself, prove that he was strong. He’d left Nichael asleep in the apartment and wanted to prove himself, to show that he was strong enough. He’d been mistaken, and that mistake might very well have sealed his fate.

  “Aren’t you an interesting catch?”

  Nias tugged on the chains holding him, but found they had no give. He wanted to reach out and strangle the godforsaken life out of the damned mage, but he couldn’t even move more than half an inch from the wall. Adding insult to injury, the chains were enchanted, preventing him from being anything more than flesh and blood. And judging by the dark look in the mage’s eyes, Nias had a feeling he wouldn’t even be that for much longer.

  “You have no idea what you are messing with,” Nias growled. “You are playing with fire.”

  “And you have no way to stop me. There is real fear in your eyes. You are mine now, in service to only me. And I will see to it once your service to me is finished, you are destroyed.”

  It took no more than overwhelming fear to pull Nichael to Nias’ location like a magnet. He stood outside the mage’s house in a rage. Using only a minor expenditure of energy, he merged with the magic protecting the house, remaining invisible as he walked down the corridor to the room where he could feel the disrupting vibration. Passing through the door, he emerged on the other side just in time to hear the mage’s pronouncement.

  Brilliant light surrounded Nias’ body, rendering the chains useless as they fell away from him. The mage, blinded by brightness, never saw the backhanded blow from Nichael that sent him crashing into the wall.

  As the mage scr
eamed in pain and rage, Nias grabbed Nichael’s hand. The mage stumbled to his feet, still blind and dazed, and reached out in Nias’ direction. “You are mine!” the man screamed.

  An enraged snarl answered the mage and Nichael’s white wings stretched out in an aggressive stance. Only Nias’ pull on him focused Nichael’s attention back on the demon, and his power surrounded them both. One moment they were in the mage’s hall, the next they were safely in their own living room. Nichael tugged Nias against him.

  “Before you say anything, I know that was stupid,” Nias said, his voice muffled.

  “What possessed you to do that, Nias?” Nichael tried to rein in his sudden burst of temper, and it was proving almost too difficult for him. The idea of the mage imprisoning Nias and the last words he’d screamed at them were doing a number on Nichael.

  Nias sighed, but didn’t move. “I wanted to spy on him, try to find out what he’s up to and how to stop him. I didn’t want you to… I didn’t want you to get hurt.” He burrowed his face in the fall of hair covering Nichael’s neck and shoulder, and whispered, “I love you too much to lose you.”

  Tightening his hold around Nias, Nichael drew the demon with him toward the couch. As he sat, he pulled Nias onto his lap. Surprised warred with his own initial reaction; Nichael hadn’t thought Nias would admit to what he felt. Pulling his head back, he stared steadily at him. “And I love you too much to lose you, Nias. I will protect you with my life if need be.” No way would Nichael ever let that mage get his hands on Nias again. He’d kill the bastard first.

  “I’m sorry,” Nias whispered. “I won’t let you go alone, and I’m no match for him. We’re going to have to work together. I know that, whether I like it or not.”

  “I don’t want you anywhere near him again.” The anger settled back into his expression as Nichael scowled. He could and would take care of the mage. He’d already gotten a bit of information on his own, and had set things up for the mage to come looking for him.

  Nias glared at Nichael. “I will not sit idly by and watch him try to destroy you. We’re in this together.”

  “And I will not let him enslave and destroy you, Nias,” Nichael countered vehemently. “You are mine, not his. You will never be his.”

  Nias opened his mouth to argue further, but then seemed to think better of it. “I’m not going to win this one, am I?”

  “No, not on this.” With a gentle touch, Nichael brushed back the ebony hair from Nias’ cheek. “I can protect myself from him. Even if he thought to destroy me, he wouldn’t succeed permanently. I would return.”

  Nias closed his eyes and sighed. “I don’t think that’s something I could ever survive watching, Nichael.”

  Nichael gently ran his fingertips beneath Nias’ chin, drawing the demon’s face up to look at him again. “For my sake, don’t say that, Nias. What would I have to return to if you weren’t here for me?”

  Meeting his gaze, Nias smiled. “I don’t belong in this realm any more than you do, but I will always be wherever you need me.” He leaned forward and kissed Nichael softly. “Besides, I’d miss your stubbornness.”

  Gazing steadily at him for a long moment, Nichael said nothing. He wanted Nias constantly at his side. Once the mage was taken care of, he would see to it. “You belong with me, always with me.”

  Nias knew the second he woke up that something was wrong—he was alone. He threw off the blankets and, not giving a damn that he was naked, wandered out of the bedroom, expecting to see Nichael making coffee or engaged in some other bizarre human habit. But when he realized Nichael was gone, he started to panic.

  The first place he thought to look was the mage’s house. After he dressed, that was exactly where he went, keeping out of sight as he watched the house closely for any sign of his angel.

  Suddenly the angel appeared out of the blue, hovering over the house. From the state he was in, it was clear he’d been in a battle. A portion of his body had been burned, and the white of his wings showed many burn areas as well. A scowl marred Nichael’s fair features and the sword in his hand was covered in blood.

  Nias’ eyes widened. When he was finally able to move, he spread his wings and flew to Nichael, hovering beside him. Common sense aside, he started looking the angel over frantically.

  “What happened? You’re hurt! Shit!”

  Sheathing the sword, Nichael scanned the area to make sure they were safe. “I’m all right, Nias. Just a little the worse for wear.”

  “Fuck,” Nias hissed, reaching out to brush his fingers over singed feathers. “What the fuck happened?”

  Even with the light touch, Nichael winced. “I took care of some of the mage’s comrades, but the little bastard escaped me. I was sure he would return to the house, but I can’t sense him anywhere around here.”

  “C’mon,” Nias urged, tugging at Nichael’s arm. “Home. We’ll find him later. You need to heal.”

  If Nichael hadn’t felt so weary, he probably wouldn’t have agreed to leave. As it was, he nodded to Nias and moved closer to him, drawing the demon under his mantle of power. In no more than a blink, they were standing in their living room. “I think I could use a long, hot bath and a night next to you.”

  Nias was already undressing him, pushing Nichael’s shirt off his shoulders as he leaned in for a kiss. “Need you. Need to know you’re okay.”

  Thankfully, Nichael wasn’t in as much pain as he’d been before Nias saw him. Smiling slowly, Nichael leaned toward Nias, resting his hand on his lover’s shoulder. A soft brush of his lips touched the demon’s cheek. “I’m an angel, remember? I’ll heal.”

  “Don’t care,” Nias grumbled, almost growled, fingers working on Nichael’s pants. “Want to see, want to touch. Fuck. You’re mine to touch, not theirs.”

  There was no scarring on Nichael’s body from the burns since they’d already healed. Only the blackened marks remained, but some of the material of his clothes had been burned into his skin. Nor had he bothered fixing the serious singeing to his wings.

  “You’re allowed that, Nias.” Nichael let Nias have his way. Very carefully he began peeling the material of the shirt away from his skin. It stuck in places, and he had to tug to get it off.

  Nias’ growls were growing stronger as every inch of Nichael’s body was revealed. “They touched you,” he snarled, tossing strips of the tattered shirt to the floor. “They hurt you.” He shoved Nichael’s pants to the floor.

  Realizing nothing he said would calm the demon, Nichael let Nias rant. He realized what Nias would need to do and expended a portion of energy to heal the torn skin and blackened feathers. After stepping out of the pants, he reached for Nias. He started them slowly backward toward the bathroom, brushing feather-light kisses across Nias’ skin.

  Nias’ hands mapped Nichael’s body as if searching. When they reached the bathroom, he shoved Nichael against the doorframe and pushed his tongue into Nichael’s mouth, low growls filling the kiss.

  Nichael opened to him with no resistance, and Nias’ possessive wave of frenetic energy engulfed him. Nichael circled around the demon’s neck with his arms, pressing closer to him. Their kiss inflamed his senses and he reacted hungrily to it.

  “In the shower. Want to touch and taste and fuck you until the end of time.” Nipping at Nichael’s lower lip, Nias stepped away and went to the bathtub. He started the water and stripped then reached for Nichael.

  Nichael pushed Nias back into the shower. The spray of hot water hit them both as he covered Nias’ lips with his own. He explored every inch he could reach, hands caressing and kneading downward over Nias’ arms.

  Nias gripped Nichael’s hips, tugging him, pushing their cocks together. “Need you,” he whispered. “Want to taste…” He slid down Nichael’s body, taking Nichael’s cock into his mouth in one breath.

  Leaning heavily against the cool tile of the wall, Nichael groaned. He stared down at the demon, everything forgotten to the one lone sensation of Nias’ mouth. Nichael enjoyed it
all with slow movements of his hips, sliding his cock in and out between Nias’ lips.

  Tongue stroking the underside, Nias worked the flesh in his mouth, teeth grazing just the slightest bit. He curled his fingers around Nichael’s hips, nails digging into the skin as he encouraged the movements.

  Nichael jerked harder and quicker, burying himself in the wet heat. A deeper groan escaped him and before it could go too far, he tugged the demon’s hair to draw Nias away. “Not that way, Nias. I want to be inside you.”

  Licking his lips, Nias looked up from where he knelt, one hand stroking himself slowly. “Please.”

  Nichael drew Nias up and spun him to face the wall. He bent Nias at the waist and stepped back, reaching to point the spray of water at Nias’ ass. He massaged the cheeks of the demon’s ass, parting them to the water, enjoying the sight of the tight, beckoning hole waiting for him.

  Nias groaned and placed his palms against the tiled wall, spreading his legs. “Yes…” His head dropped down, back arching. “Please, Nichael…”

  Nichael dipped his fingers between the cheeks, rubbing slowly against the crack before lowering to circle Nias’ anus. Watching Nias intently, he pushed one finger inside, wiggling it and probing deeper. Before Nias could react, Nichael withdrew his finger and replaced it with his cock. With one slow push of his hips, he sank inside. Buried balls-deep, he leaned over and licked the water from Nias’ skin.

  “Nichael.” Nias pushed back impatiently. He shivered, and the sound of nails grating on the white tile warred with the thrum of the water pouring down on them.

  Slow, easy movements impaled Nias. Nichael slipped one hand around to cup Nias’ balls, gently tugging and playing with them. “Give in to me, Nias.”

  Nias shook and cried out. Two massive wings fanned out, the water soaking the black feathers. His tail started as a nub and grew, the barb at the tip just barely grazing Nichael’s skin as the tail coiled around the angel’s waist. “Harder,” Nias begged, fingernails lengthening into razor-sharp claws.


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