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Page 18

by Jennifer Foor

  For the first time in years I feel like I’m in a place where that can happen. If she led me here I wish there was a way to thank her. It’s beautiful, everything I dreamed it would be.

  The ride back to the dorms is different for me. Instead of ignoring the people around me, I embrace having company. We talk about that whale and how awesome it was to witness. They invite me to a late night movie in the common area, which I accept. I can’t put walls up and expect things to be easy. I need support. Friends even.

  The bus pulls up to the front of the building behind a Jeep. Leaning against the tailgate is a familiar person, though I’m unsure why he’s here.

  Waiting my turn to step off, I approach him with a questionable glare. “Max?”

  “You’re hard to track down.”

  “Why would you want to track me down? It’s not like I’m seeing Baz anymore.”

  “That’s why I’m here, Miley. Baz said you’d be mad, but you need to hear why you haven’t gotten a return call from him.”

  “I get it. He thought he could be in something serious, but then he changed his mind.”

  “Would you shut up? He’s in the hospital. He doesn’t have his phone and didn’t know your number to call.”

  In the hospital? “Why would he be there? What happened?”

  “It’s a long story, and I’ll explain everything I know on the way.”

  I don’t hesitate. I’m climbing into the Jeep without looking back or asking for permission. This is an emergency. Something is wrong, and I feel like the worst person for thinking his silence was for other reasons.

  We’re only a few short miles from the hospital, and Max doesn’t drive slow. I assume it’s life or death until he explains what happened. Since I know how he feels about his absent mother and what she did to him, I can only imagine what it was like to face her and then get into an altercation.

  Max drops me at the front door with the room information. After quickly thanking him for tracking me down, I dash inside to get to Baz.

  The door to his room is closed. I peek in and see that he’s sitting up on a pillow watching television. Without knocking, I head inside and watch him actually turn his head to look at me. The halo is gone and I’m staring at the most handsome man. “Miley.” His body straightens. “Did Max find you?”

  “Yes.” I approach the bed. “Baz, I’m so sorry. I thought you were ignoring me because you didn’t want to see me again.”

  He laces his hand into mine. “Why would you think that? I’ve been going crazy without you, woman. I’d never leave you hanging like that.”

  “Max told me what happened. Are you okay? What did the doctor say?”

  “He says I’m okay. I’m just scared to move around so they’re keeping me here and making me see that shrink.”

  “Dr. Lucas?”

  “Yeah. I wanted to ask her where you were. Max just found you before I had a chance.”

  I’m so happy to see him. My smile only shows half of the emotions I’m feeling at this very moment. “I thought we were over. I’m so sorry I wasn’t here for you.”

  “You didn’t know. What happened to your job? I tried to call down to the cafeteria.”

  “They transferred me to another place. Full time hours.”

  “That’s great. How are you?” He asks.

  “If you asked me that yesterday I would have said terrible, but right now I’m happier than I can remember being.”

  “Miley, I’m a fool. I let you leave without telling you how important you are to me. I was confused about my feelings because I’ve never felt this way before. I’ve never felt what it was like for someone to love me.”

  My lips part to say something, but he stops me.

  “I love you. I know it’s love because when I’m not with you I’m thinking about being with you. I love you because when things are bad you’re the only person I know who can make them better. I love you because you saved my life after I was a total asshole. I love you because when I look into your eyes I see my future. Everything changed the day I met you.”

  I wipe away tears before I even begin to cry. “I love you too. I thought I lost you and it was horrible.”

  “You’re never going to lose me. We’re a team. Oh, and I don’t know how much Max told you, but you don’t have to keep looking for a place. You won’t be staying in an overpriced apartment.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I inherited a house. Actually I inherited a whole estate, although any of the money left I’m thinking about putting in a trust fund for my little sister. We may not ever know each other until she’s older, but it’s the least I can do.”

  “That’s very sweet of you, Baz. Are you sure you want me to move in?”

  He squeezes my hand. “I don’t want to spend another day without you, Miley. I’m sure.”

  “Well, if you’re sure, then I’m sure.”

  “If you don’t get over here and kiss me I’m going to have to sit up and do it myself.”

  I step backwards and really take in his masculine, but handsome features. My teeth drag over my bottom lip as I consider how much we’re able to do now without the halo obstructing us. “Max said you were afraid to move. If you want a kiss, you’ll have to come get it.”

  Baz sucks in a huge breath of air and exhales. He’s cackling, but nervous. I give a little tug to the hand I’m still holding. “If you come to me I’ll give you anything you want, Baz.”

  He looks to the ceiling and finally does it. His head lifts from the pillow. When he turns to look at me I can see the accomplishment and gratification in his damp eyes. He pulls me toward him and crashes his lips to mine.

  We kiss until I’m left breathless, and then he kisses me more, gracing every inch of my face and neck with little pecks. I run my hand through his thick hair and enjoy being able to touch him this way.

  When I’m with Baz all my worries seem to fade. Earlier today I thought I could do this without him. I could have, but it’s not the same as feeling him love me back.

  He pulls me close until our heads are touching. We’re staring into each other’s eyes and I smile knowing I’ve found happiness after all. “I love you, Miley Rose. I can do anything if you’re by my side. Move in with me. Together we can make a life.”

  “I love you too, but before we take the next step I’m going to need something from you.”

  “Anything, babe.”

  “Hold my hand when I get tested for Huntington’s Disease. Promise not to leave if the news is bad. If I’m going to die promise you’ll be with me at the end. I just don’t want to do it alone. It’s what I’m most scared of.”

  He takes my hand and brings it to his lips. “I’m here. You won’t be alone. I promise. However long we have we’ll make the best of it.”

  When he holds me I know I’m going to be okay. My mom was right to want to know the results. I can’t live every day with the possibility of death hovering over my head. It’s time I faced my demons head on.

  Chapter 44


  So much has changed since that day in the hospital. Eight months ago I wouldn’t have believed this was possible, but now I know different.

  I’m no where near the surfer I used to be before my accident, but I can still catch some average sized waves without wiping out. My improvements don’t compare to what Miley has accomplished.

  In eight months she’s managed to land a job at the same facility she was once a patient at. She’s now part of the daily therapy sessions, but as the coordinator. With the help of Dr. Lucas, who we now call by her first name, Candace, she was able to get her foot in the door and prove she was an asset to the building team. What really landed her the job was the fact that the previous employee decided to be a stay at home mom. With the position open she applied and was granted a probationary timeframe to prove she could successfully work within the positive environment the mental facility promotes.

  She’s never going to be rich from what she does, but she
loves the job. She understands what the patients are going through and offers them proof that life can unexpectedly change for the better. You just have to have faith.

  As for me, well I’ve had my hands in a lot of different projects.

  It took me two months to get my mother out of my hair and all the paperwork finalized with the deed to the house and the rest of the estate. Lucky for me, I never had to see her during that time. When I was released from the hospital she’d already left the island.

  I started designing surfboards while I was still doing physical therapy. Then I went back to the surf shop until I was approached by someone from the SAS Foundation. The Surfer’s Against Sewage Foundation is a non-profit organization that wants to keep the oceans clean of contamination. I was hired to provide local testing on the island. It’s a full time position with room to advance eventually. For the most part I drive a little truck around to designated locations and bring back samples of the water. It’s a gravy job I’m surprised exists. It’s also a position that holds importance to me, because we need to keep our oceans clear of pollution and it’s almost impossible these days.

  Last week I received an offer from the Association of Pro Surfing World Tour asking if I’d be interested in working on the circuit while they’re on the island for the annual competition. After much consideration I accepted. It’s not the way I wanted to be a part of the tour, but at least I can say I was there and participated.

  Eight months ago I met a girl who ended up almost killing me while trying to save her. In a lot of ways she’s the one who saved me. Every night when I come home and see her sitting on the porch or waiting inside I feel whole. Without her I’m just a washed up surfer with pipedreams I’ll never reach, but with her I have a world of possibilities.

  When I thought my life was over I actually found a different path to take; one I wouldn’t trade for anything in the world. I have someone who loves me now. I waited twenty three years to find it, and I never want to lose it, especially when I know the best is yet to come.

  Four months ago Miley discovered she was pregnant. We weren’t being safe, so it’s not like it took us by surprise. If she’s happy then I’m happy.

  Yesterday we found out it’s a girl. When Miley suggested we name her Cadence I knew it was the perfect idea. She wanted something to honor Candace’s sister, and all the things the good doctor did for her. She’s the real reason we have so much to be thankful for.

  I’m going to have medical bills out the ass for the next thousand years, but it’s manageable. I’m rich in other ways; more fortunate than I could have ever wished for, all because I met a broken girl who tore my world apart and helped me put it back together again.

  Chapter 45


  My momma always said my future was mine for the taking. She told me I had one life to live and to make the best of it, because she also left me with a burden I didn’t think I’d ever be able to face.

  I can still vividly recall the day my results came in and we were called to the doctor’s office to go over them. A fifty percent chance is a lot. It’s half. I may or may not be slowly dying.

  I never wanted to find out until I knew I had a chance at a beautiful future with a man who adores and depends on me. It terrified me to imagine having to leave him behind. What was worse was knowing that same gene could be passed onto my children. For a while I swore we weren’t having kids. Then I discovered I was pregnant. I’d been procrastinating the test up until that happened. Then I had to know. I needed to know if my innocent child would be left for her father to raise alone.

  Baz would do his best to comfort me, but he wasn’t living on borrowed time. He’d be able to see our baby grow into an adult, maybe get married and have children of their own. At some point I’d deteriorate until he wasn’t able to care for me on his own. Then the two of them would watch me die.

  I tried not to be depressed, but it was important to know what we were dealing with.

  At any point my mom could have tested me. Maybe she did and never told me. I can’t remember having blood drawn when I was younger, but that’s not to say it didn’t happen. When I consider it a possibility I imagine she got bad news and couldn’t deal with telling me herself.

  Baz is my lifeline when we step into the office and await the results.

  Alone in two side by side chairs, I look to my boyfriend, so young and handsome, but most importantly healthy, and I wonder if he doesn’t deserve something better than I can give him. He’s been my rock, but is it worth a lifetime of suffering?

  He’s wiped away enough of my tears to fill an ocean. I’ve poured my heart out to him, and experienced more support than I deserve. This news could destroy him, because I know he depends on me. Our love is unconditional, but it comes with a lot of pain. It comes with the possibility of being a burden. My love could curse him. He shouldn’t have to watch me fade away, but if the test results are positive he just might have to.

  Baz squeezes my hand and offers me a wink. “No matter what that test says, we’re going to be fine, babe. You can live a long life. We’ll do the treatments and get you the best care. I’ll be right there with you, even if I only get to keep you for twenty or thirty years. We’ll make every single day special. I promise. You’re never going to be alone, no matter what.”

  “I’m scared, Baz. I want to see our baby grow up. I don’t want to leave them the way my mom left me. I don’t want them to remember me that way.”

  “Don’t get ahead of yourself.”

  The doctor comes in and sits at her desk while reviewing the results. She folds her hands together and looks me right in the eyes. It feels like the longest several seconds of my life.

  “The test results are negative, Miley. You’re not going to develop Huntington’s Disease. You’re completely healthy.”

  It’s almost like I’ve been slipped a drug, because the room begins to spin. I’m elated, comforted by the news that all my worry was for nothing.

  I spent too much time afraid of something that isn’t going to happen. From that moment on I swore I’d never let it steal another second of my life.

  We’re having a little girl. We’re adding another person to our family; to our hearts. It’s amazing to look back at how far I’ve come in such a short time. The accidental pregnancy might be fast, but Baz can’t be more excited. He wants me to be happy. If he could only know how satisfied I feel being his companion. One day we might get married, but for now we’re content just being a couple. We’re still young, not that I feel like either of us is going anywhere. When you know you’ve found your forever there’s no questioning it. He is my forever. He’s my reason for never giving up. He’s my heaven.

  The End.

  Want a master list of my books for sale in reading order?

  Mitchell Family Series

  1. Letting Go

  2. Folding Hearts

  3. Raging Love

  4. Risking Fate

  5. Wrapping Up

  6. Wanting More

  7. Saving Us

  8. Blinding Trust

  9. Losing Him

  10. Loving Her

  Mitchell Healy

  11. Noah

  12. Isabella

  13. Christian

  14. Merry Mitchell Affair

  15. Jake

  16. Jax

  17. Addison

  18. Cassie

  19. Jingle All the Mitchell Way

  20. Cammie

  21. Callie

  22. Joshua

  23. Rockin’ Around The Mitchell Tree

  Seven Year Itch Series

  24. Binge

  25. Bereft

  26. Belong

  27. Because

  28. Bound

  Twisted Twin Series

  29. Twinsequences one

  30. Twinsequences two

  Love’s Duet

  31.Love’s Suicide

  32. Love Survives

  Bank shot Romance Series

Hustle Him

  34. Hustle Me

  35. Lustly

  36. Wrong Side of Rock Bottom

  37. Happily Ever Never

  38. Moth

  The Kin Series

  39. Repair Me

  40. Replace Me

  41. Renew Me

  42. Remember Me

  43. Reject Me

  44. Redeem Me

  45. Diary of a Male Maid

  Oyster Cove Series

  46. Salt Water Wounds

  47. Half Shelled Heart

  48. Waves of Despair

  49. Sea of Solitude

  50. Summer Maintenance

  51. Riding it Out

  52. Frigid Affair

  53. Hope’s Chance

  54. Hope’s Last Chance

  Mitchell Family Series Coloring Book volume one

  Mom’s Day off Coloring Book




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