Living Hell
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Corcoran, Michael, 20
Corliss, Joseph H., 98
corporate leaders, 194–95
corpses on the battlefield, 100–103, 153–54
burial of, 92, 101–3, 106–7
hogs’ consumption of, 83, 88, 92
Courtney, Edward Henry, 166
Crane, Stephen, The Red Badge of Courage (Jim Conklin), 3, 4, 86, 212
Crimean War, 22
Crittenden, George B., 112
Cross, Charlotte, 191
Cross, Edward, 71
Crowell, Joseph E., 15, 18, 27, 42, 71–72, 90, 92, 113
Crummer, Wilbur, 87
Cumberland Gap, Battle of, 114
Cumming, Kate, 94, 99, 142
Cupp, Daniel, 114
Custer, Elizabeth (Libbie), 121, 191
Custer, George Armstrong, 52, 170
at Little Big Horn, 208–9
Dabney, R. L., 88
Daly, Marcia L., 145
Davidson, William Lott, 47, 138
Davis, Charles E., 76
Davis, Jefferson, 8, 54, 65, 159, 190
Davis, Richard Harding, 213
Davis, Varina Howell, 8, 159
Dawson, Sarah, 139
death. See casualties, Civil War
corpses on the battlefield
medical treatment
DeForest, John William, 46, 50, 114, 150, 199
dehydration, 56–57. See also water
DeLeon, Thomas, 152
desertions, 27, 29, 31
encouraged by soldiers’ families, 141–42
punishment for, 130–32
related to psychological trauma, 110, 115, 119–20, 128
Dewey, William, 112
diarrhea, 23–24, 25, 43, 45
Dickens, Charles, 9
diet and nutrition, 8, 79–80. See also food
Diltz, Joseph H., 26
disease: borne by insects, 37, 47–50
officers afflicted by, 52–55
prevalence of, 8–9, 158
prisoners of war afflicted by, 179
soldiers afflicted by, 20, 22–27, 42–43, 44–45, 51, 55, 79–80. See also dysentery
typhoid fever
venereal disease
yellow fever
dissociation, 118
Divine, Michael, 71
Doctorow, E. L., 137
Dooley, John, 56, 71, 115
Dornblaser, Thomas F., 136
Doubleday, Abner, 57, 74, 127, 162
Douglas, Henry Kyd, 3, 85, 172
Douglas, William, 22
Drennan, William A., 177
dress, 8
drug use, 9–10
by Civil War veterans, 199, 202. See also laudanum
Duke, Basil, 121
du Picq, Ardant, 62, 113
Dyre, John C., 98
dysentery, 23–24, 25, 45, 49, 69, 80
Early, Jubal, 55, 56, 169
Eaton, Clement, 7
Eaton, John, 148
Echols, John, 53
Edwards, John, 88
8th Illinois, 47
8th New Jersey, 141
8th Ohio, 104
8th Virginia, 128
18th Pennsylvania, 123
80th Ohio, 143
83rd New York, 152
85th Illinois, 118
86th Illinois, 44, 116–17
Eisenschiml, Otto, 171
elephant, as introduction to battle, 60, 69, 115, 218
11th Connecticut, 128
11th New York Artillery, 19, 112, 115, 137
11th North Carolina, 50, 67
Elmira, New York, prison at, 177, 179
Elmore, Grace Brown, 57, 150
Elwell, John, 65
Emancipation Proclamation, 34
divided feelings about, 18, 167–68
Engels, Friedrich, 193
enlistment: age requirements for, 28
bounties offered for, 29–30
reluctance regarding, 27–28
Enrollment Act (Union), 29, 34
erysipelas, 2, 4–25
Estes, John B., 119
Estes, Lewellyn G., 52
ether, 150–51
Ewell, Richard S., 78–79, 121–22
Fall, Albert, 20–21
Farnsworth, Elon J., 74
Farragut, David G., 160
Faulkner, William, 216
Fay, Edwin, 129
Featherstone, Daniel, 70
Fehrenbacher, Don, 202–3
Fern, Fanny, 8
field hospitals, 51, 86, 89–92, 106
surgery performed in, 89–93
15th Alabama, 57
15th Amendment, 186
15th Arkansas, 72
15th Georgia, 46
15th Iowa, 20, 22, 72, 89, 112, 200
15th Massachusetts, 87–88
15th New Jersey, 23, 120
5th Indiana Cavalry, 200–201
5th Iowa, 113
5th Kentucky Artillery (U.S.), 20, 57, 74, 88, 127
5th New Hampshire, 71
5th New Jersey, 103
5th Texas, 47, 67, 71, 137, 138, 178
52nd Georgia, 66
54th Massachusetts, 34, 36, 65, 187–88, 197
54th Pennsylvania, 50
55th Illinois, 66
55th Massachusetts, 35, 129
58th Indiana, 172
58th Ohio, 92
1st Kentucky Brigade (U.S.), 55
1st Minnesota, 67
1st Missouri Cavalry, 173
1st South Carolina (U.S.), 53, 148, 188–89
1st South Carolina, 102–3
1st Tennessee (C.S.A.), 48, 137–38
1st United States Volunteer Cavalry, 217–18
1st Virginia (C.S.A.), 56, 71, 115
1st Virginia Cavalry, 104
Fisk, George, 95
Fisk, Jim, 194
Fisk, Wilbur, 22, 56, 114, 116
Fisk, William, 45
Fletcher, William A., 47, 67, 71, 137, 178
flies, 48, 49
Fogle, Theodore, 19
food: poor quality of, 41–43
for prisoners of war, 179
shortages of, 37, 40–43, 135, 136
Forrest, Nathan Bedford, 168, 187
Forten, Charlotte L., 145, 147
“For the Union Dead” (Lowell), 189
40th Georgia, 16
40th New York, 19, 30, 69, 177, 202
42nd New York, 42
42nd Ohio, 55
44th Georgia, 119
45th Illinois, 87
46th Ohio, 151
47th Ohio, 39, 59, 88
48th Pennsylvania, 30, 50, 71
4th Alabama, 67, 205
4th Louisiana, 138
4th Michigan, 69
4th Ohio, 44
4th Pennsylvania, 129
4th Texas, 112
14th Amendment, 185–86, 190–91
14th Illinois, 41, 44
14th New York, 98
14th Wisconsin, 16
Foy, Eddie, 142
Frank, Albert, 125
Fredericksburg, Battle of, 18, 46, 54, 64, 71, 104, 112, 119, 206
freedmen, 146–47, 148
Freedmen’s Bureau, 185
Fremantle, Arthur, 121–22
French, Samuel, 66
Gale, W. D., 104–5
Galwey, Thomas, 15, 104
gambling, 21
gangrene, 68, 89, 92, 95
Gardner, W. H., 160
Garfield, James, 55
Garland, Samuel, Jr., 77
Garnett, Richard Brooke, 53, 74
Garrard, Kenner D., 48
gender roles, 10
Gettysburg, Battle of, 40, 50, 53, 56, 57, 162
casualties at, 63–64, 67, 68, 70–71, 86, 86, 100–101
injuries suffered at, 69, 77, 78, 79, 87, 89–90, 97, 104
Gettysburg Cyclorama, 213
Gibbes, Robert W., 92, 155
John, 74, 167
Gieseke, Julius, 112
Gilded Age, 196
Gillmore, Quincy A., 161
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, 96
Girardeau, Thomas, 142
Glory, 189
Gone with the Wind (Mitchell), 196–97
gonorrhea, 22. See also venereal disease
Gooding, James Henry, 34
Goodloe, Albert Theodore, 117–18
Gordon, John B., 23, 77–78
Gorgas, Josiah, 183
Gould, Charles, 18, 24
Gould, Jay, 194
Graham, Charles K., 74
Graham, James, 143
Grand Army of the Republic (GAR), 187, 193, 201
Granger, R. S., 21
Grant, Harriet, 158
Grant, Ulysses S., 3, 35, 55, 110, 113, 117, 124, 130, 168–69, 208
as president, 195, 196, 207
Greene, William B., 17
Greenwood, Berry, 43
Griffith, D. W., 189
Grover, William, 131
“guillotining” (in amputation), 91
gun violence, 197–98
Haley, John W., 41, 44
Hall, George, 112
Halleck, Henry W., 65, 130
Hamilton, William, 92
Hammond, James Henry, 10
Hammond, William Alexander, 40–41, 96
Hampton, Frank, 156
Hampton, Wade, 74
Hancock, Cornelia, 21, 45, 89, 93, 128, 147
Hancock, Winfield Scott, 74, 78
Hanna, Abe, 69
Harding, Vincent, 146
Harris, Joel Chandler, 151
Hartford (ship), 82
Haskell, Alexander, 58
Haskell, Frank, 167
Hawk, Esther Hill, 35–36, 41–42, 148
Hay, John, 217
Haydon, Charles B., 18, 22, 143
Hayes, Rutherford B., 50, 193, 194–95
Heintzelman, Samuel P., 19, 85
Hersey, Frank, 70
Higginson, Henry Lee, 15
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 53, 188–89
Hight, John H., 172
Hightower, H. J., 128
Hildebrand, Sam, 199
Hill, A. P., 22
Hill, Daniel H., 52, 121
Hill, James J., 194
Hoffman, Lucas, 201
Hoffman, William, 179
hogs, corpses consumed by, 83, 88, 92
Holmes, Emma, 136, 150, 151, 153, 164, 178
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr., 69, 115, 130, 211
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Sr., 153
Homer, The Iliad, 167
Homer, Winslow, 129
Hood, John Bell, 64–65, 79, 123–24, 156, 157
Hook, Elizabeth, 106
Hooker, Joseph, 127–28
Hopley, Catherine, 163
Houghton, James, 44
Howard, Anna, 142
Howard, Oliver Otis, 176
Howe, W. W., 14
Howells, William Dean, 12, 217
Hughes, Margaret, 146
Hughes, Nathaniel Cheairs, 41
human rights, 11, 166
Hunt, Sallie, 162–63
Hunt, Sanford B., 188
Hunter, Alvah, 80
Hunter, David, 147, 169
Hurriston, Amos, 86
Hurst, Samuel, 87
Hyatt, Thaddeus J., 126
Hyde, Thomas, 66, 73
hygiene. See sanitation and hygiene
Iago, Jack, 45
I’ll Take My Stand, 196
Imboden, John, 94
immigrants: hostility toward, 10
as soldiers, 15–16
income tax, federal, 204
industrial safety, 11
inflation, 134, 143
insects, as carriers of disease, 37, 47–50
Jackson, Andrew, 37–38
Jackson, Benjamin F., 41, 130–31
Jackson, Stonewall, 39, 76, 85, 169
health problems of, 54, 95
James, Alice, 10
James, Garth, 197, 211
James, Henry, 197
James, Robinson (Bob), 129, 211
James, William, 211
Janet, Pierre, 118
Jett, Mrs. Edward, 143
“Jim Crow” segregation, 186
Johnsen, Charles, 68–69
Johnson, Andrew, 185
Johnson, Ben C., 50
Johnston, Albert Sidney, 77
Johnston, J. Stoddard, 77
Johnston, Joseph, 65
Jones, John B., 51, 54, 134, 140, 206
Jones, William, 32
Jordan, Thomas, 175
Joyce, W. J., 42
Kean, Robert, 135, 140
Kearsage (ship), 81
Keen, W. W., 90
Keitt, Laurence, 10
Kemble, Frances Ann “Fanny,” 10
Kemper, James L., 53, 74
Kennedy, John F., 211
Kennesaw Mountain, Battle of, 67, 68, 77, 116–18
Keokuk (ship), 81
Kepler, C. W., 44
Kershaw, Joseph B., 58, 150
Key, Thomas J., 88
Keyes, P. T., 19
Kilpatrick, Judson, 52
Kilpatrick, Madison, 146
King, Edward, 188
Kinney, John C., 82
Knights of the White Camelia, 187
Kozol, Jonathan, 190
Ku Klux Klan (KKK), 187, 189
labor movement, 192–94
labor relations, 185
Lanaghan, Dennis, 129
Lanier, Sidney, 85–86, 149, 180
Latrobe, Osmund, 167
laudanum, 9–10, 150, 156–57
Lazear, Bazel, 173–74
LeConte, Emma, 135–36, 164, 173, 184
Ledlie, James, 124
Lee, Mary, 8
Lee, Raymond, 118
Lee, Richard, 128
Lee, Robert E., 8, 20, 28, 118, 119, 122, 137, 187, 215
at Gettysburg, 63–64
health problems of, 54–55
reflections of, 215
Yankees as viewed by, 164
Lenoir, Walter, 94
Letcher, John, 163, 169
lice, 47–48, 49
Lincoln, Abraham, 6, 8, 11, 122, 134, 197
war powers assumed by, 160–61
Lincoln, Mary Todd, 8, 147–48, 202
Little Big Horn, battle of, 63, 208–9
Littlefield, Milton, 35, 36
Little Round Top, 57, 123
Livermore, Mary A., 111, 190
Long, A. L., 56
Longstreet, James “Pete,” 40, 54, 64, 79, 109, 122, 206
Lonn, Ella, 131
Loughborough, Mary Ann, 162
Lowell, James Russell, 193
Lowell, Robert, 189
Lucas, Mrs. Henry, 142
Lusk, William, 18
Lyman, Theodore, 196
lynchings, 197
Macedonian (ship), 83
Mackenzie, Alexander Slidell, 131
maggots, 48, 89
Magruder, John B., 53–54
malaria, 49–50, 55, 80
Mallory, Silas, 41
Malvern Hill, 64, 67, 78, 85, 121
Manassas, First Battle of (First Bull Run), 67, 85
Manassas, Second Battle of (Second Bull Run), 18, 65, 69, 71, 73, 98, 114, 116, 121
Marks, A. D., 97–98
Marmaduke, John S., 162
Martin, Alberta, 205
Martin, Jasper, 205
Martin, William, 101
Marx, Karl, 193
Maxfield, Lucy, 199
Maxwell, Henry, 187
McCarty, Patrick, 22
McClellan, George B., 53, 55, 64, 67, 122
McCook, Daniel, 57
McCook, Robert, 161
McCord, Cheves, 156
McCrumb, Sharyn, 214–15
McDermott, Anthony, 205
McEntire, J., 109
McGavock, Carrie, 104–5, 106–7
> McGuire, Judith, 159
McIntosh, James, 24–25
McIntyre, Benjamin F., 137
McMurray, John, 201
McNaughton, J. H., 152–53
McRae, D. K., 116
McVeigh, Cornelia, 173
Meade, Charles, 148
Meade, George Gordon, 19, 119, 121, 124, 130, 165
Meagher, Thomas F., 112–13
measles, 20, 23
medical practice, primitive nature of, 8–10
medical treatment: inadequacy of, 24, 26–27, 40, 49–51, 85–86. See also ambulances
field hospitals
medicines, shortages of, 136, 160
Melton, James, 119
Melville, Herman, 80, 82
Bartleby the Scrivener, 15
Moby Dick, 14–15
Memphis, Battle of, 82
mental illness. See psychological trauma
Mexican War, 23, 53, 63, 204
Meyer, Thomas, 100
military discipline, 18–20, 130–32
military leaders, infighting among, 18. See also officers
military service: class discrimination in, 30, 31–32
disillusionment with, 16–18, 36
initial enthusiasm for, 13–16
racial discrimination in, 34–36. See also officers
Militia Act (Union), 29, 34
Miller, William Bufton, 167
Minié, Claude E., 62
minnie balls, injuries inflicted by, 68–69, 98
Minor, William Chester, 19
Missionary Ridge, 88–89
Mitchel, Ormsby M., 53
Mitchell, Mary B., 43
Mitchell, Weir, 96–98, 109–10
Moge, Benjamin, 174–75
Monroe Doctrine, 216
Montfort, Theodorick, 16–17
Moore, Edward, 207
Moran, Lord, 120
Morgan, George, 152
Morgan, Gibbes, 152
Morgan, J. P., 194
Morgan, John Hunt, 121, 199
Morgan, Sarah, 139, 152, 153
morphine, 10, 53, 97–98, 200
Morton, Oliver P., 134
Mosby, John Hunt, 170
mud, as obstacle for soldiers, 39, 45
Mud March, 119
Mulligan, James A., 69, 93
mumps, 23, 24
Mundy, Sue, 198–99
Murphy, Audie, 3, 4
Myers, John, 66–67
Nahant (ship), 80
Napoleon III, 213
Napoleonic Wars, 26, 63
Native Americans, war on, 217
naval combat, 79–83
hazards of, 80–82
Nelson, Annie, 174
neuralgia, 97, 122
Nevin, Wilberforce, 116
Nevins, Allan, 5
Newton, James, 128
Nichols, N. K., 116
9th Indiana, 117
9th Kentucky, 23
9th New York, 111
9th Ohio Cavalry, 22, 161
19th Amendment, 191
19th Iowa, 137
19th Michigan, 126
19th Virginia, 113
97th Indiana, 151
99th New York, 147
Nood, Arthur, 174
Norris, Sherman, 100–101
nostalgia (illness), 25–27, 110, 180
Noyes, George Freeman, 127
Nunnally, Matthew, 45
nurses: as caregivers and comforters for soldiers, 46–47, 51, 58, 93, 94, 98–99, 128