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Keeping Her (The Lexington Series Book 2)

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by Belle Winters

  Keeping Her

  (The Lexington Series, book 2)


  Belle Winters

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with.

  Copyright © 2016 Shannon Jackson. All rights reserved. Including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof, in any form. No part of this text may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the author.

  Version 2016.07.11

  Table of Contents














  The drive is exactly what the doctor ordered. Having to stay up and focus for 8 hours straight required me to push all the drama and turmoil in my life to the back of my mind. It was extremely late when I finally pulled into a hotel. I called James and Dean as soon as I got into the room. I stared at my phone for five minutes contemplating calling Landon just to hear his voice and thought better of it. I know he’s still pissed at me for having an abortion and hiding it from him, but shit. He doesn’t get it… we’re too young for this. He and Nick are so mad at me, and no matter how much I want to cave, I know they need their space and time to forgive me… that’s if they ever will. I sighed and tossed my phone onto the nightstand and fell asleep. When I woke up the next day I grabbed some food from room service then drove the extra 30 minutes to the school. I got my dorm assignment and other information. To be honest it was all overwhelming, I felt like a lost dog and was scrambling to keep it together. When I finally got everything I needed and found my dorm I discovered I was on the fourth floor. Fuck! How am I going to get my stuff up there?

  I was standing by my car mulling over the possibilities. I knew there was no way I could carry all my stuff up there on numerous trips by myself. Hell I’ll be lucky to get one of these boxes up there alone. I contemplated calling James to see if he could make it out here within a couple of days and just wait until then. I had unlocked the screen on my phone and was about to call when the sunlight was blocked and I looked up startled.

  “Lucy?” my eyes trailed up slowly until I was looking into a face I recognized.

  I broke out into a grin, “Teddy! You’re going here too?!” I asked. It was Ted, who used to be on the football team with Landon. He was a huge guy that is intimidating as hell just looking at him but he was the sweetest and shyest guy I knew.

  “Yea.” He looked around. “Where are Landon and Nick? I thought they were going here too?”

  I sighed and looked down. “They’ll be here sometime today I guess. We aren’t really talking right now.”

  His eyebrows rose, “They let you come here by yourself? That’s pretty hard to believe.”

  I smiled. Yes they were ridiculously protective of me, and it was unusual Landon wasn’t breathing down my neck. Especially now so he could stake his claim with his normal caveman antics. “I’m here alone. I just found my dorm finally.” I told him.

  He nodded and looked at my car, “You’re going to try to move this all alone?” he asked.

  I grimaced, “I’m going to try my best. Then I was just going to call my dad and ask him to come up here to help when he could. I know it’s sad but dude I’m on the fourth floor.” I informed him.

  Ted’s eyes narrowed. Whoa, I’ve never seen attitude on him. “You think I would seriously let you try to do this by yourself or something. I’ll bring your stuff up. Give me your room number and the car keys. I need to drop something off then I’ll start bringing it over for you.”

  My mouth dropped, “Dude, you totally have some fight in you. You hide it well. I will remember not to piss you off.” I smiled wide. “That is really nice of you, but you don’t have to if it’s an inconvenience. I appreciate it either way.”

  “First, Landon and Nick will have my ass if I don’t do it.” he began

  I muttered, “I highly doubt that.” I know he heard me but ignored me and continued.

  “And secondly I like you Lucy. You’re a nice girl, your funny, and truth be told people thought you were weak for years because you let them bully you, but I looked at it as strength. You took it and while I sometimes wished you would knee someone in the balls you didn’t let it ruin you. Plus you turned Landon into a pussy, well only for you… and mostly to be honest you made an effort to know me. I know I’m not the easiest person to get to know because I’m not open with people… but I like talking to you. You’re not judgmental or anything.” He said.

  I nodded, “You know… you’ve never spoken to me this much before. But I like it. You’re pretty fucking awesome Ted. I’m happy I did speak to you.”

  He shrugged, “It’s because I’m comfortable around you. I would’ve spoken to you more in school but I’m not comfortable with a lot of people around and I really only saw you at lunch. I’m sure you noticed that the ones I do speak to its usually private or nonexistent around others. I’m kind of hoping to work on it now though. Anyway, keys and room number. I’ll see you in a few.”

  I handed over my keys and thanked him again. He nodded and walked off while I headed to my room. I was technically staying in a small furnished apartment, but it was so small I still considered it a regular dorm room. We just had some additional amenities and a bit more privacy. When I got there it was empty. I looked around and noted our small living room and kitchen. I knew I would have a roommate but she hasn’t arrived yet. I’m kind of worried about it, what if I don’t like her? What if she’s a pain in my ass or stinks or something? I would have to endure it for a whole semester. I tried to push it out of my mind to try to prevent a panic attack before I knew anything.

  It was about 30 minutes later when the room door swung open. I got out of my bed to go to the front door to help Ted, but it wasn’t him in the doorway was a girl. She stumbled into the room trying to tug in two rolling bags while balancing a few on her shoulders. I jumped up to grab the door to help her. She didn’t even look at me as she pulled everything in and then dropped them. She heaved a huge sigh and then looked up.

  “Goodness you’re pretty.” She said when she saw me.

  I laughed softly, “Actually I’m Lucy.” I said holding out a hand.

  She laughed too. “Sorry, I’m Naiyla.” She shook my hand, and I took her in. She had caramel skin, dark brown straight hair past her shoulders. Her brown eyes were framed by long thick eyelashes. She had a figure eight body shape. She wasn’t slim nor was she heavy either, I’d put her at a size 4 or 6.

  “You’re really pretty too.” I told her genuinely. She smiled a huge beautiful smile that revealed white straight teeth.

  She giggled, “now that we have that established have you chosen a room already? I prefer the right side. Please tell me that you’ve chosen otherwise?” she asked.

  I noticed I gravitated automatically to the left bedroom and she had automatically gone towards the right. I smiled and nodded, “sounds perfect. I’ll let you get yourself together.”

  She waved a hand, “get myself together? Girl I need to get my breath. That was the ulti
mate struggle let me tell you.” She plopped down on the sofa, “so what’s your major?” she asked.

  “Art and business. What about you?” I asked.

  “Track. I’m here to run, and you would think that I wouldn’t be out of breath right now being that I usually enjoy putting my legs to work.” She admitted.

  “Well you had extra weight so I think it’ll be ok this time.” I joked.

  She laughed, “I like you. I’m happy. I was afraid I would be stuck with some weirdo roommate all year this is a huge relief.”

  “Tell me about it. I was thinking all type of crazy stuff.”

  There was a knock on the door and I got up and swung it open. Ted was standing there and gave me a smile. He picked up a stack of three boxes and bought them into the room. When he dropped them by my door he gave me a wary smile. “Sorry Luce. I had to claim my side of the room so I figured I’d take up my stuff first and then come get yours.”

  I laughed, “Teddy its fine. You’re doing me a favor there was no rush.” I told him.

  He smiled. “Ok, I’ll be back.” He turned and left the room.

  I looked over to Naiyla to see her watching me with a raised eyebrow, “boyfriend?” she asked.

  I looked at her confused. “Huh?” I asked.

  She shook her head, “that huge guy that just brought up your stuff. He’s cute, a little intimidating because he’s so… large. He has to be on one of the sports teams to be built like that.”

  I laughed, “Ted? Oh no, we’re not dating. He’s just helping me out. I looked like a helpless thing out there trying to figure out how to get my things up here and he offered to help.” I explained.

  She puckered her lips in thought and then nodded, “we’re going to get on just fine.” She said.

  When Ted came back with the rest of my boxes, she excused herself to go shower. She admitted she felt gross from her travels and having to handle all her stuff.

  “Your roommate is ok?” Ted asked.

  I nodded, “so far so good. You?”

  He shrugged, “don’t know who I’m rooming with yet.” He told me.

  I nodded and walked over to him. I stood on my tiptoes and threw my arms around him in a hug. He tensed at first and when I didn’t let go he relaxed and put his arms awkwardly around me. I looked up at him, “thanks Ted. You really saved my ass just now.”

  He scoffed, “it’s nothing Lucy. You let me know if you need anything.” He looked around the room and found a sheet of paper where he wrote his number down on it. “You said you weren’t talking to Nick and Landon right now. I don’t know the details and it isn’t my business but you need someone or anything and you don’t have them, you call me. Don’t think about all this grateful shit you’re talking about. I mean it.” I started to shake my head and he put a hand up. “Lucy you’re a really attractive girl and you’re pretty much here on your own. I know you been through a lot of shit already. If you can’t or don’t feel comfortable calling Landon or Nick, you call me. I know you think I’m sweet as you call it… which I am. But that doesn’t mean that there isn’t a reason why I’m intimidating. Just… keep it available to you. I’ll help you however I can. Now get settled and I’ll be seeing you around, yea?”

  I nodded and grabbed his shoulders to pull him closer to me. I kissed him on the cheek and he blushed. “Thank you and I promise I’ll save your number and I’ll use it if I ever need to.” I told him honestly. It felt good to have some type of support here; I didn’t feel so alone anymore. He nodded and left.

  I sat down on my bed and stared at the boxes. I was not in the mood to unpack, so I threw myself back on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I put my arm behind my head and I felt my hair snag. Shit. I freed myself and pulled my arm up to see the swing bracelet that Landon bought me for Christmas. The memory flooded back to me and tears pricked my eyes. I could feel his thumb rubbing my wrist before he snapped it into place. I pressed my hand against my neck and felt my necklace there. From the way I was laying the swing charm was right in the base of my throat. I knew on the other side it said angel. I remembered the second and last time he placed them on me. How he snapped it on and then untucked my hair from underneath the chain. My fingers trailed softly over the diamonds on the charm. I could feel the kiss he placed on it after it was fastened. My fingers trailed softly from my shoulders down my arms like he had done that night. I closed my eyes and shivered pretending it was him. I felt the kiss to the inside of my wrist, my palm. I sighed. Then I remember cuddling with him that night because the intimacy of the moment was too much for me to let go of then and I needed more.

  “Lucy?” I heard and sat up. Naiyla was standing in the doorway looking at me frowning, “are you okay?”

  I sighed, “not really, but it’s not a story for right now.”

  She nodded, “got it. How about we explore our new grounds? Get you out of your head and us away from unpacking.”

  I sat up fully, “that actually sounds great. Just know I have no sense of direction so if for any reason you’re banking on me knowing or remembering anything… well you’re shit out of luck.” I admitted.

  She laughed, “We’re two peas in a pod then. Let’s get fucking lost together!” she said with enough enthusiasm to bring me back to the present.

  It was really nice and warm out so I threw on a tank top with a pair of my Victoria Secret sweats. I topped it off with a pair of my most comfortable sneakers and pulled on a cap and pulled my curls through the back in a ponytail. When I was ready, we headed out. We walked around the campus going in a bunch of different directions. We made it back to our room when it began to get dark. We found a diner and grabbed some food to go. We stayed up a little while longer and chatted getting to know each other. When Naiyla went to bed I called Mel, and Max to check in. I couldn’t fall asleep because I had a million thoughts in my mind, all on Landon.


  I threw myself back against the bed. I only brought two bags with me and I’m having the rest of my stuff shipped. I just made it here and its 7pm. That was the longest most exhausting drive fucking ever. Nick and I had to drive separately so that we would both have our cars, which means I spent over eight hours in a car alone with nothing but my thoughts. That was hell. All I kept thinking about was hunting Lucy’s ass down and dragging her away by her hair for all of this shit but I had to keep reminding myself that I couldn’t do it. I can’t keep chasing her and forcing her into this, she told me she was all in but she lied. I sighed and looked over to my right. My roommate whoever it is had already been here. I guess I’ll be meeting him soon. He’ll be on the football team since that was the rule for freshmen on the teams… we all housed together. I shifted my body to try to get comfortable but it was fucking impossible. My arm reached out to the side and felt nothing but wall and I sighed, I’m not comfortable because of her. I just unconsciously reached out for her out of instinct… this is going to be a long fucking year. The door opened and my roommate stepped in. I propped myself up on my elbows to get a better look and grinned.

  “Holy shit this is awesome. What’s shaking Ted?” I asked sitting up completely.

  He grinned, “Dude I’m fucking happy. You know I don’t do well with people at least I know I’ll be comfortable in my own damn room. When did you get here?” he asked giving me a fist pump.

  “I’ve only been here for a few, just got out here. What about you?” I asked.

  “I got here early. My mom was freaking out and shit for me to get here.” He shrugged. “I did what she wanted or else she probably would’ve tried to drive me here herself. Last thing I need is eight damn hours in the car with her.”

  I laughed, “I hear you. How’s it look so far? I didn’t get a chance to check anything out. I figured I would hold out until tomorrow or something I’m drained from driving from Virginia.”

  He nodded then watched me for a second. I knew that look, he was thinking considering his words. One of the things I liked most about Ted is that he didn’t
talk just because he had lips, but the wariness on his face was a bit alarming. I lifted my eyebrows in question and he sighed.

  “I saw Lucy. She was looking around lost and shit and I helped carry her boxes up to her room...” He told me.

  My heartbeat picked up at the mention of her but I tried to contain it. “Oh.” Was all I said.

  “Ok, what’s going on here? She mentioned that you guys weren’t talking to her or something. I was wondering why she was there alone with all that shit to begin with.” He confessed.

  I sighed, “She fucked up bad then she fucking ditched us, ran for the hills. So we’re done.”

  He nodded, he didn’t need details. “Alright, but I didn’t really explore much I can walk around with you tomorrow though?” he offered.

  I nodded, “for sure.” I lay back down while I listened to him move around the room.

  I tried to take my mind off of her but it seemed impossible so I caved. “Where’s her room? You met her roommate?” I asked.

  His head swung to me and he had a barely there smile lingering on his face. “She’s in the Karma Hall, fourth floor in room 412. I saw her roommate briefly they seemed to hit it off.” He told me, I nodded and kept quiet. That would have to do for now.

  I hit up Nick to make sure he got here and was all settled. I told him that I was rooming with Ted, and we were going to head out on the grounds tomorrow. He agreed to join us but rushed me off the phone so he could facetime Mel. At least someone was trying to work on their relationships. When I clicked off I stared at my screensaver. It was a picture of me and Lucy kissing in Paris, one of my favorites. I scrolled through my pictures seeing that most of my gallery was made up with her face and I couldn’t bring myself to get rid of any of them. My finger hovered over the option to change my screensaver, I considered putting Max but I couldn’t do it. She’s held this spot since I snuck my first picture of her that day when she was cooking spaghetti.


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