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Keeping Her (The Lexington Series Book 2)

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by Belle Winters


  I punched the video icon by Mel’s name in my phone and hit send. I sat impatiently while I waited for her to answer and she finally did on the third ring. When red hair and beautiful grey eyes filled my screen I scowled.

  “What the hell took you so long to answer?” I barked.

  She rolled her eyes, “Hi to you too Nick.”

  I smiled, “Hey sweet cheeks. How are things? Are you settled in yet?” I asked.

  She gave me a bright smile and nodded, “things are fine. Thankfully Erica helped me so it wasn’t bad at all. How about you? I’m surprised you did the drive.”

  I sighed, “never a fucking gain. Next time I’m renting a helicopter or something. Then to make it even worse I had no one to pick on.” I pouted, “I miss you babe.” I admitted.

  Her eyes warmed and I felt my heart skip a beat, “I miss you too. It’s not the same without you. I have no one to drive me crazy, it’s kind of boring.”

  “Well you run right? Run that ass over here tonight and you can cuddle with all of this.” I told her.

  She rolled her eyes again. One day I’m going to poke those shits out of her head if she keeps it up. “Right, you wait on that Nick.”

  “I’m going to pretend you weren’t being sarcastic.” I hesitated for a minute before I asked, “you speak to Lucy?”

  She sobered, “yea she called. She said Ted helped her get her stuff to her room and she likes her roommate. I think her name was Naiyla or something, but they hung out.”

  I nodded, “I wish things would go back to normal. Landon is fucking miserable and I’m starting to lose any hope that they’re going to get through this. They’re both stubborn, and you know I love Lucy and I know she’s your best friend… but this time I blame her.” I admitted.

  She sighed, “I know I get it. We tried to talk her into involving him but she was adamant. I know she truly believes she did what was best otherwise I wouldn’t have supported her. But she’s my best friend. I know he’s pissed at us but well… she needed support. She was scared shitless.”

  I nodded. “Ok enough with the sad talk. Strip for me so I can have something to think about in my shower.”

  “On that note, I’ll say goodnight and I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Google a picture.” She told me with a laugh. We said our goodbyes and hung up. I honestly couldn’t wait until I’ll be able to see her again.



  We got through orientation week and all the beginning of the semester crap. The first month of school is football boot camp full of extensive workouts. The coaches make us run a bunch of different plays filling different positions trying to weed out the strongest players and where they fit best. I bust my ass, I needed this. Also, it helped get my mind off Lucy. Classes and football kept me occupied, but whenever I had time to myself my mind was on Lucy wondering what she was doing, where she was, if she would ever come to me, it was exhausting and fucking depressing. I know Nick was worried about me but there was nothing we could do. I would either have to eventually get over us or have her. At night, I can smell her hair and her natural coconut scent. I could feel her curves lying next to me. I could even feel her breaths on my neck or chest as she slept with me. I was having thoughts of waking up to see her beautiful hazel eyes and wild curly hair. She truly looked like an exotic angel. She was sexy and soft and natural and just… everything. I missed her like all hell, but I refuse to bend on my decision.

  We finally reached the end of boot camp and it was time for final evaluations for spots on the team. I was nervous as fuck because I knew I wouldn’t be happy riding the bench. When I went out on the field I gave it everything I had. I imagined Nick, Mel, dad, Max, Erica… even Sam and James and Mel’s parents, most importantly Lucy there cheering me on expecting me to make them proud. I ended up securing a starting position as the wide receiver. When they made the announcements it wasn’t what I had expected. I didn’t get that ecstatic feeling that I should’ve had… it didn’t feel fulfilling. I sent out a mass text to everyone with the news when I got back to the room and even after the congratulatory calls and texts I still wasn’t feeling it and I knew it was because the one person I wanted to celebrate with I couldn’t. There was a fraternity having a party tonight trying to encourage new pledges. Everyone has been talking about it and the team wanted to go to celebrate the end of boot camp which they referred to as the new hell. I decided to go just so that I can try to get out of my own head. I showered and got ready and waited in the room with Ted for Nick to meet us since we decided earlier we would go together.

  When we arrived the place was a total zoo. This was my type of party, exactly what I needed. Hopefully I could find me a girl here just so I can get off tonight. It’s been a fucking while and that might be why I’m strung so fucking tight there is no way that Lucy is the cause of everything I’ve been feeling and going through. As we walked up to the house I began feeling like my old self. Word had gotten around about Nick and I and well I’d be lying if I said the girls hadn’t taken notice. As we walked through, they were watching with those infamous come hither looks. I took note of some of the girls but now wasn’t the time I needed a few drinks and to relax. We headed inside the party and it was packed. The music was blaring and people were everywhere. They were handing out drinks, but I’m still conscious about that. Ever since that night that bitch Delilah slipped me the date rape drug just to breakup me and Lucy, I never take or leave a drink around people I don’t trust and the list of people I trust is pretty fucking short. We made our way to the kitchen and took a few shots before pouring drinks and scouring the place. We found other guys from the team in a section of the house and joined them. Nick grabbed a chair and I leaned back against the wall getting comfortable taking in my surroundings.

  We were there talking and laughing for a few when Ted nudged me. I looked over and he nodded to a pretty brown skin girl a few feet away, “that’s Lucy’s roommate.” He told me. I looked at her closer trying to get a feel of her. This chick was basically living with my girl. Fuck Landon. She is not your girl anymore fucking get it through your head. I growled in frustration and left to get another drink. When I was making my way back I saw some black blue curls close up ahead. My heartbeat started to race. That had to be Lucy no one else looked like her. I tried to get closer to get a better look but by the time I pushed my way through the crowd to get there the girl was gone. I blew out a breath in frustration. I made it back to my spot and there were a bunch of girls over there now. I saw a girl saunter up to Nick and shook my head. She didn’t have a snowballs chance. His headshake proved me right. The girl pouted and retreated while I made my way to Nick’s side and started up a conversation with him. There was a tap on my shoulder and I turned.

  “You’re Landon right?” she asked.

  I stared at her, she was Lucy’s roommate. Had she sent her to me? “Yes.”

  “Oh, I heard a lot about you. I’m Naiyla by the way so you’re like the next big thing in football supposedly is that right?” she asked.

  I frowned. I knew a come-on when I heard one and this was definitely it. It dawned on me then that she came on her own. Did Lucy know and was ok with this? That instantly pissed me off. “Depends who you ask, what’s it to you?” I asked her and gave her a cocky smile.

  She smiled back and gave me a flirtatious look. “I’m just curious. But I’m more curious on other… things.” She said.

  My eyebrows rose, “Like?” I prodded.

  She shrugged, “Dinner… a movie maybe?” she asked.

  Nick coughed and I looked down. He was staring in his cup but was wearing a scowl. His cup was half full so I could only assume he was reacting to this conversation. I don’t even think he knows this is Lucy’s roommate. “You’re asking me out?” I asked her.

  She shrugged and then nodded. “What the hell. Sure why not. You want to go out with me? Say… Saturday?” she asked.

  I’ve got to give it to her the girl had bal
ls. “Sure, when you picking me up?” I asked.

  She laughed and threw her hands on her hips, “well I’ll take you out but I still expect a gentleman. You can still pick me up and provide the ride.”

  I skimmed her body up and down. She was good looking, really good looking. But she didn’t do anything for me. Back in the day a hot chick like this and knowing I could get her in my room would make my cock twitch. Right now he’s fucking sleeping I don’t even feel an ounce of excitement. “Alright, I guess I can do that much. Give me your phone and I’ll put in my number. You text me when and where and I’ll be there how’s that?” I offered.

  She nodded and I took her phone to put in my number. When she asked for mine to swap I clammed up. Normally it wouldn’t bother me, but I knew that she’d see Lucy as my screensaver. I’m not sure what Lucy told her but I’ll play this fucking game of hers shame on her if I end up getting laid out of this. Naiyla walked away with a smile. Nick cleared his throat and I looked at him. His eyebrows were at his hairline.

  “What?” I asked him.

  “Really?” was all he said and I knew everything he meant in that word.

  I shrugged, “she told her roommate I was fair game so fuck this.”

  His mouth dropped open, “that was her roommate?” he asked.

  I nodded, “and I saw Lucy here. So what the fuck is the reason to hold back now?” I asked. He shook his head and sighed but he didn’t respond.

  We were approached by quite a few more girls that night but I was too pissed to care. All I wanted to do was drink. She was really over us how fucking dare she! She’s lucky, so fucking lucky that I’m trying here. This is not in my nature to hold back and I’m about ready to fucking strangle her ass at this party in front of everyone. She fucking gets pregnant with my kid. All of the shit we went through and she could pass me off to her fucking roommate? Fucking bitch.

  It was about an hour later and I was drunk when I saw her. This time I knew it was her. She was dancing with Naiyla and she was facing to the side but I could still see her face clearly. My hands clenched and the liquor in my cup spilled out from me crushing the cup. I dropped it and started to move forward when a hand grabbed me. I swung around to find Nick.

  He shook his head, “Dude. No. Not like this, and not right now.”

  I growled and his grip tightened. I let out a frustrated sigh and dropped my head in defeat. This girl was making me fucking crazy seriously. I looked up and caught Dylan’s eyes; he was one of the guys on the team. He was watching confused and at the same time curious. His gaze swung to Lucy then back at me and then he relaxed against the wall and continued his conversation. I was too drunk for this shit. I turned to Nick.

  “I’m leaving I can’t deal with this.” Was all I said and he understood. He nodded and tapped Ted with his responding nod they both stood and we made our way out of the party to our rooms. I was thankful for all of the liquor I consumed because it helped me fall out right away and Lucy for once was a distant memory.

  I was lying down in bed staring at my phone. Naiyla texted me last night and asked that I pick her up at 7 tonight to go out. I wanted to say no, I still fucking do but I’m going through with this. This girl is driving me out of my goddamn mind. I sighed and got up to get ready. I decided to wear a black t-shirt that Lucy bought for me. She loved me in black and it fit me tight enough to showcase my chest. She was crazy about that shit, and I would wear stuff like this on purpose just to make her hot. Shit, her being turned on was a turn on for me. It drove me crazy when she would check me out, most of the time it seems like an instinctual thing. I threw on some jeans and sneakers and grabbed my leather and headed over to their dorm.

  When I got there I hesitated. I really didn’t want to fucking go out with this girl. The thing about me is that I don’t do dates or the getting to know you shit. All I need to know is if you’re clean and if you’re down. I was using a rubber regardless but I still want to make sure your shit is right. Lucy is the only exception. I liked going out with her, showing her off. The girl drove me crazy for years. When we were kids, loving her was simple. She was beautiful and she was mine but as we got older that shit changed… when she came into school in the 7th grade she already had chest and ass and all the boys were looking at her. That pissed me off, and I’m not going to lie I didn’t want anyone else to have her. Ever. Even when I was being an asshole, in my head she was mine. Little did she know I didn’t always approve of the extents of some of the shit the other people did to her. Sure I said she was fair game, but that was just so people would keep their distance. When they took it too far I caught up with their asses. Like that time when I freaked the fuck out because she was going to kiss that bastard Kenneth. I was ready to break his fucking face. If she would’ve kissed him I would had ripped her lips off. I heard how that dick Paul tripped her after the incident and said some shit about him wanting her on her knees. Needless to say, I caught his ass going to his car after school and punched him in the mouth. I doubt he came out his face like that again. When they questioned me about it, I shrugged because I didn’t need to explain myself. The thing is I’m pretty sure everyone knew I had a thing for her with all the fucking attention I gave her. I didn’t give the girl I was fucking that day even a quarter of it. But no one dared say anything about it, and I knew that’s why they also didn’t try hooking up with her or anything. I don’t play with what’s mine and she had my name stamped all over her and she didn’t even know it.

  I stared at the door and shrugged. Fuck it, now or never right? I stood there for about a minute before the door swung open. I clenched my jaw and my dick twitched the fucking traitor. Lucy stood standing in the doorway in some sleep shorts and a tank showcasing all her tan looking skin. I balled my hands into fists to fight the urge to reach out to touch her. Her eyes widened when she saw me. She let her gaze trail over me slowly and I could see the flush creeping up her neck. Fuck I didn’t need this, she was getting hot looking at me and my cock was responding. I was having a hard enough time as it was looking at her. I cleared my throat and lifted my eyebrow.

  “Landon?” she breathed out. God I missed her fucking voice. “Wh… what are you doing here?” she asked.

  I smirked, “looking for Naiyla.” I told her and studied her for her reaction. Boy did I get one. Her mouth dropped open and she stared in shock. Hmm, so it would seem she wasn’t aware of this. I’m not going to lie to myself and say that didn’t make me real fucking happy. She seemed to gather herself after a minute and stepped back to let me in. she kept her eyes on me as I walked into their living room area and looked around. I saw a door opened to my left and knew it was Lucy’s room. I could see a bit of her painting equipment put up to the side. I could see colors on the page and I had to fight the urge to go look. I don’t like this shit. I usually take or do what I want and this holding back is not something I’m used to. I don’t see how people could constantly live their lives this way. I looked back at Lucy and she was standing in the same spot pale as a ghost. I watched her waiting and I’m not sure exactly what for but anything. Hit me, kick me out, kiss me, fucking acknowledge me.

  She cleared her throat, “So you’re her date?” she croaked out.

  I nodded, “something wrong with your throat?” I asked egging her on. Come on Lucy, show me your hand. I need to see how you feel baby don’t fucking let me down. I knew that if I could see that this is really affecting her there’s still a chance for us.

  She closed her eyes and dropped her head. She gave me a small headshake and walked to the kitchen and poured a glass of water. I walked that way and took a seat on one of the stools. Her digs were definitely better than mine it was like an apartment. It was still small as hell but they got a bit more privacy. She put down her half drank glass of water and peered at me.

  “You’re going out with Naiyla tonight?” she asked again.

  I nodded, “You going to tell her I’m here?” I asked her.

  She tried to fight her scowl but I st
ill saw it. Oh yea, I knew she had a bite to her and I was going to poke the bear. When Lucy is pissed she doesn’t hold any punches. That’s what I need, for her to start talking. She tried to smile but it looked more like she was baring her teeth.

  “You don’t look handicap, get your own date.” She threw at me and drained her glass before refilling. She placed it down on the counter harder than necessary.

  “I don’t live here. I wouldn’t want to be rude and get kicked out.” I said with a shrug, and reached for her glass of water. She tried to snatch it but I was faster. I drank half the cup and put it back down. I didn’t really want the water but I took it because it was hers.

  She gritted her teeth and hissed at me, “stop taking my shit.”

  I rolled my eyes, “would you be a good hostess and get my date so we can get going I’m hungry.”

  She shrugged and turned to go to the fridge. She wasn’t going to tell her I was there and that was just fine with me. I’d prefer to sit here and watch her pissed off for the next few days. She pulled out some tuber ware from the fridge and threw it into the microwave. She pulled out a bottle of lemonade and stood with her back to me while she waited for the food to heat up. I propped my elbow up on the counter and placed my head into my hand and just stared at her. I know she could feel my gaze burning a hole in her because her ears were turning bright red. The microwave pinged and she removed the container and took off the lid. The smell hit me instantly and my stomach rumbled, loudly. This evil bitch.

  She walked back and plopped the food down on the counter with her lemonade. She turned to get a fork and added an extra sway in her hips. She knew I wouldn’t miss it because my eyes are always on her. I checked out her ass and my jeans became uncomfortable. I haven’t had sex in a long damn time, and it seems like she’s the only one that can get my boy excited. It appears I’m not the only one that misses her. I debated whether I should just stick my hand in her food and snag some. The bitch had spaghetti and meatballs my fucking favorite, and she cooked the shit out of it.


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