Book Read Free

In the Rough

Page 13

by Sara Brookes

  “No guessing.” Enver grabbed Marcus’s arm when he tried to sit up. “You did an excellent job. I think Kochran, and the rest of the members, are going to be clamoring for their chance once this is fully up and running. Certainly has my seal of approval. Now just relax. I’ll watch over you.”

  With the promise echoing in his head, Marcus closed his eyes and slept.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Enver woke to a loud pounding. He groaned, pulling the sheets over his head. The noise continued. For a moment, he thought the hammering was due to a hangover. But the uneven cadence was external and getting louder. He groaned again, debating between ignoring his persistent visitor in the hopes they’d go away or retrieving his handgun from the safe to add a peephole to the front door.

  Decisions, decisions.

  “All right, all right. Christ.” He tugged open the door and narrowed his gaze at Oz. “World better be fucking ending and you need a fresh supply of blades to fight off the zombies.”

  “You look like death warmed over.”

  “Feel like it.” Enver stretched as he led Oz to the kitchen, running his hands through his messy hair as he walked. Joints and muscles ached as though he’d completed a hard workout. In some ways he had, at least virtually. How in the hell was it possible that all he’d truly done was sit in a chair and wear some crazy headgear but physically felt as though he’d participated in a sexual marathon?

  “Don’t you ever clean?”

  “Just going to get dirty again.” Enver eyed a nearby mug, trying to remember the last time he’d used it. “Seems like a wasted effort.”

  Oz grimaced as he snatched the cup up. “And here I thought you were a grown up.” Before long, hot, soapy water filled the sink and Oz was methodically working his way through a pile. Then another. Another. Enver grew bored watching, his burning eyes drooping as he propped his chin up with his palms.

  He snapped awake when Oz slammed a cabinet. “Do you mind?”

  Oz slid a steaming cup of coffee toward Enver then sat at the small wood table across from him. “You still look like shit.” Oz sipped and winced. “Tastes like swill.”

  Enver didn’t much care how it tasted. It was hot and caffeinated. “Why are you here?”

  “Question really is—why are you dropping?”

  Enver rolled his eyes. “Yeah, right.”

  Oz set his mug down, folding his fingers around it as he leaned forward. “While you are your normal grouchy self, you’re also out of sorts and lethargic. I may have never seen it on you before, but I know the signs well enough. Even experienced them a time or two myself. You, my friend, are Domdropping.”

  Enver hadn’t dropped in years. As much as Enver wanted to deny the accusation, he knew Oz was right about the alteration in his emotional state. He didn’t want to admit the truth about the unease he couldn’t quite pin down because it meant Marcus’s damn program was just as effective as real life. After seeing Marcus lost in subspace for a few hours immediately after the session, he should have expected the drop.

  Fucking geeks and their toys.

  “Who’s the lucky sub?”

  Enver waved off Oz’s question, not interested in sharing the particulars. “Why are you bothering me again?”

  “Kochran has been trying to get ahold of you. When he called to see if I’d heard from you, I volunteered to check up on you since I was out this way.”

  “That plug you custom-ordered is up on the mountain. Not quite ready yet.” Enver refilled their mugs and the men fell silent as they drank.

  “Who is it?” Oz repeated after a few minutes.

  Enver rubbed at his temple. He wanted to believe the ache was due to his unfamiliarity with the programming, but he knew better. Just like he knew Oz would pester him until the end of days.

  “Marcus.” Enver buried his face in the mug so he didn’t have to face Oz’s scrutiny.

  “The new kid at the club with all the virtual reality stuff?”

  Enver winced at the “kid” comment. The disparity in their ages wasn’t huge, but it wasn’t close either. Yeah, he’d affectionately used the term toward Marcus a time or two, but hearing it from Oz exacerbated the issue. “Giving him a hand for a few days.”

  “Looks like you’re giving him more than that.”

  Enver caught the trace of a smile, the gleam of mischief in Oz’s gaze. “Fuck you.”

  “Sure I’m not too old for you?” Oz smirked as he stood, refilling both their mugs again. “He doesn’t seem like your type either.”

  “He’s not. Kochran volunteered me to help him set up the new virtual reality system at Noble House. They both thought I was a good candidate because I have the least amount of experience with technology. Why are you looking at me like that?”

  Oz shrugged. “You going to be able to pull yourself together enough to get to the club?”

  “What’s the rush?”

  “Dunno. Kochran was insistent you needed to be there. Told me to drag your ass in if I had to. Not really my thing, but...”

  Enver stood, taking care to wash the mug since Oz had cleaned up. “Fuck you and your damn smug-ass grin really hard, Oscar. Get out of my house before I charge you double for that plug just on principle.”

  * * *

  Two hours later, Enver strolled through the doorway of Kochran’s office. Given Kochran’s urgency, he expected a room full of people. Instead, he found Saint sprawled on the couch, his arms draped across the back.

  Saint tilted his head in greeting. “Calls us for a meeting and he doesn’t show.”

  “When have you ever known him to be early? Man’s going to be late to his own wedding.”

  Enver took the hand Saint offered. “Speaking of nuptials, how are the newlyweds?”

  “Grae’s pregnant,” Saint blurted.

  Enver stopped, hovering over the seat he’d been lowering himself into. “Judging by your panicked expression, I take it this is a surprise development.”

  “She just told us this morning. I’m still trying to process the news.” Saint ran a trembling hand over his face. “I don’t know the first damn thing about being a father.”

  Enver finally sat, crossing his ankles. “Looks like you’re going to get a crash course.” He held back a laugh when Saint glared at him, thinking about how annoyed he was with Oz earlier. “What does your husband think?”

  “Acting like he won the lottery.”

  In some way, Saint was right. Boyce was lucky to be alive thanks to an attack on his unit’s camp overseas, and had PTSD to deal with. Though Enver enjoyed seeing his normally even-keeled friend frazzled, Saint needed support. “Think he’s prepared for the additional stress?”

  Saint nodded. “He’s already making adjustments so he can be ready for the changes. Don’t think I’ve ever seen him so excited.”

  An expanding family was a gift. “I have no doubt the three of you will have it all figured out by delivery day.”

  “And if they don’t, they have an excellent support network.” Kochran stepped through his office door looking relaxed in slacks and a thin sweater. “Congratulations, Saint. Sorry for the short notice for this. We’re in a bit of a time crunch.”

  “Not sorry for sending your watchdog after me,” Enver said without humor. “What’s so damn important?”

  “A few things now that I have you both here.” Kochran tapped his lip a few times as he moved behind his desk. “I’m interested in knowing how each of you would feel about serving as witnesses for my coming out party. It’s a formality, really, but I’d like for my two best friends to be there to mark the occasion.”

  “Same thing I said to you when I found out you’re a switch—about damn time. I’d be honored,” Enver added. “I take it what else you have to talk to us isn’t as pleasant?”

  Kochran forced a grim smile. “No, it isn’t.
” He stood, pushing his hands into his pockets. “Noble House has experienced some hiccups the past few years that are more than growing pains. I’m trying to manage all this the best that I can, but I know my limits. I recognized that when Maddy forced her way through Ezra’s coding to illegally access the website. We’ve implemented new security software and I’ve been told our protocols have been strengthened to prevent incidents where members feel unsafe.”

  Saint snorted. “Careful, Kochran, your two lovers’ geek is rubbing off on you.”

  A genuine smile from Kochran this time. “I may not grasp their technology fetish, but I’m kinky enough to exploit the hell out of it.” He gestured to Enver. “Speaking of tech, how is it going with Marcus?”

  “You didn’t call me in here to talk about Marcus either.” Enver shifted forward in his seat, setting his elbows on his knees. “Get to the point, Kochran.”

  “Fair enough.” Kochran held up his hands. “I’m interested in hearing your thoughts about adding some new blood I think can help us further expand.”

  “We can always benefit from a growing membership pool,” Saint said carefully, his caution about the topic obvious.

  “I was thinking more in the terms of venturing into areas none of us are proficient with. To do that, I believe we’ll need someone invested in the club as much as we are.”

  Kochran’s news hammered Enver in the center of his chest even though he’d known this sort of thing would be coming eventually. “Expansion isn’t unheard of and certainly warranted to keep things fresh. But do you think bringing in a new partner is how it should be done?”

  “I’m not equipped to handle the technology parts of this business, which are growing faster than I can keep up. I’m not interested in learning it either, but I like the direction we’re heading. I think we should keep going, but I don’t believe I’m the right man for that job. Are either of you willing to lead this?”

  “I doubt either of us want that level of responsibility.” Enver glanced at Saint who confirmed the statement with a shrug.

  “I would never ask either of you to jeopardize your current workload, or your lives for the sake of the club. But I needed to extend the opportunity.”

  “You have someone in mind already,” Enver stated, picking up on Kochran’s tone and the way he kept dancing around the issue. That wasn’t characteristic for him.

  “I do.” Kochran sighed. “And that’s what I really brought you here to discuss.” He crossed the office, shutting the door. Heavy silence settled in the air. “You both know my current situation.”

  Saint narrowed his eyes. “You’re not doing this because you still think the members can’t handle the news that you submit to Ezra, are you? We keep telling you the members aren’t going to care if you suck dick while you’re on your knees. Or spank a sub’s ass while she’s on hers.”

  “No.” Kochran dismissed the suggestion with a wave. “But I ran into someone from my past recently who fully understands my precarious situation as well.”

  “Someone from your—please tell me you’re not about to suggest who I think you are.” Enver’s blood heated as Kochran nodded. His tone of voice meant only one man. “You can’t seriously be suggesting that you want to make that asshole a partner in the club.”

  “I am,” Kochran said evenly. “On a personal level, I don’t hold anything against Miles. What I did with him in my twenties, I did consensually. He only took advantage of the opportunity offered to him. From a business aspect, he has taken several companies into new territory with astounding results. I’m looking to tap in to that expertise.”

  “You’ve already spoken to him about it.” The accusation in Saint’s tone rang loud. Enver was glad to know he wasn’t the only one bothered by the idea of inviting Kochran’s former Master into the fold.

  “No, I haven’t,” Kochran said carefully. “We ran into one another quite unexpectedly last week while Ezra, Maddy and I were out to dinner in Los Angeles. He was in town from New York on business.” A shadow crossed Kochran’s face, a signal that the meeting hadn’t been easy. Facing your past rarely was, especially when it slapped you unexpectedly and forced you to deal with it. “I can’t speak to his personal life, but as far as professionally, he has an astounding resume, one I think the club can benefit from. I wanted to discuss it with you both first before I went to him. And I want you both to be there when I present the offer.”

  “Good, we won’t have to pretend to have a conversation where Saint and I accompanying you is up for debate.” Enver knew little about Kochran’s past with Miles since it wasn’t something he talked about, but given Kochran’s caution about taking his place as Ezra’s slave, it wasn’t too difficult to connect the dots. Enver had his own secrets to bear, knew the weight of them could be crushing. But sometimes...confronting the issue head on was the best medicine.

  “I can’t say I fully agree with this, but if you feel the club, and the members, can benefit, I’m at least willing to hear what he has to say. I have a stipulation that isn’t up for debate—either one of you disagree with what I’m about to say, we table this and figure out something else. I’m sure between the three of us we could come up with some other way to expand.” Enver paused as he waited for confirmation from his business partners. “Miles may own a stake of the club, but he doesn’t play here, or anywhere the Noble House name is present. No negotiation. No compromise. Hard. Fucking. Limit.”

  “I knew there was a reason we’re in business together. I have the same stipulation.” Kochran turned. “Saint?”

  Saint’s knuckles were white where he’d gripped the arms of the chair. “First sign this guy is still a raging asshole, I put my fist through his pie-hole.”

  “Deal.” When the men rose, Kochran spoke again. “Enver, do you have a few minutes to talk?”

  Enver already had an idea what Kochran wanted to discuss. “Yeah.”

  “Catch you guys later, I’m going to help Ezra and Maddy with a patch they’re installing so the system can handle the new virtual reality implementation.” Saint left, closing the door behind him to close Enver and Kochran off from the rest of the club again.

  As Enver was trying to decide what to say to head him off, Kochran broke the silence. “How is the work with Marcus going?”

  “Sure you should be asking me? I’m useless when it comes to the tech. Or don’t you remember telling him to use me because I didn’t know shit?”

  “He’d give me a ten-minute diatribe I would need Maddy or Ezra to decipher. I want an honest, non-technical opinion. The members aren’t going to care about the stuff the geek side of Noble House looks after. They do care about how it will benefit them during a scene. It’s exactly why I’m asking your opinion.”

  “An unbiased one.”

  “I think we both know that isn’t possible. I’ve seen how much time you’ve been spending with him.”

  And now the real reason for Kochran’s urgency. “Is that a problem?”

  “Of course not. But if I’ve noticed, so have others.”

  “Really sounds like this is an issue.”

  “Stop being so damn defensive, Enver.” Kochran rubbed his forehead. “All I’m trying to point out is that you’re spending a lot of time with him. I’m not worried. In fact, I think it’s good for you.”

  Enver narrowed his eyes. “You’re meddling.”

  Kochran’s eyebrows rose. “There’s something wrong with wanting to see my friend happy?”

  “You worry about Maddy and Ezra and I’ll make sure Marcus has the system ready to go by the promised date. How are you?”

  The abrupt subject change stalled the conversation as the mask Kochran wore for the rest of the world slipped away to expose a man beneath. He looked beaten and bruised despite the crisp press of his suit. “Better. Eight months since Tory died and it still feels like there’s a big hole in the center of my chest w
hen I think about her.”

  “She’s not hurting anymore.”

  “I know. Ezra and Maddy have helped a lot. Keep my mind occupied when I get buried under it all.” The edges of his mouth turned up slightly, a sign he was thinking about something private. “Been there when I needed to talk.”

  “Got yourself a pair of keepers. About damn time.” Enver remembered saying that exact same thing shortly after Kochran’s sister Tory’s death. It had been the first time he’d seen the three of them together, and he’d known Kochran had discovered the happily ever after he didn’t feel he deserved.

  “I’ve finally stopped questioning why they love me.” Kochran absently spun the silver band Maddy and Ezra had given him during their collaring ceremony in a secluded area of the building.

  “All about steps, man.” Enver had walked similar steps himself. Though the struggle had become more acute since he’d met Marcus. Made him feel as though he needed to backtrack and revisit every one of those teachings to reinforce his strength. “Back to your original question. The system is going fine. Based on what I know, the members are going to love it. Marcus is a hard worker. It’s clear he’s poured his heart and soul into the project. I’m not aware of the terms of his contract, but is there some kind of incentive bonus involved?”

  “No, but based on the reports Ezra, Maddy and you have been giving me, I’ll make sure he receives proper compensation.”

  “Good.” Enver was pleased that Kochran was willing to reward hard work. “He’s more than competent to run the virtual leg of the club once it’s up and running.”

  Kochran gave him an odd look. “He won’t.”

  Enver wondered if he’d heard him wrong. “What?”

  Kochran turned to his desk, rifling through a drawer full of files before he pulled out an unmarked file. He set it on the desk, flipping it open and scanning down a page until he found what he was looking for. “Here. Marcus is only contracted to set up the system. According to this, once it’s running he’ll then turn it over. In this case, Maddy and Ezra will take over the day-to-day operations and Marcus will only provide support if it’s something they can’t resolve. Ezra has already expressed concerns about the staff being able to handle the workload and wants to hire a few more geeks to his arsenal.”


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