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Break My Fall

Page 4

by Chloe Walsh

  “A truce?” I asked trying to sound nonchalant and not to let the nervousness I was feeling slip into my voice. “I hadn’t realized we had waged war?”

  He grinned even broader, his dimple deepened. Oh god… He moved away from the doorframe and strolled over to me. “Well, maybe not full on war, but we definitely had a little wrangling going on,” he chuckled. “So, let’s call it a truce for any foreseen battles that may develop into fully scaled war.”

  What? Kyle took the bowl I was holding, went and poured some cereals into it. “You’re weird,” I said. He laughed harder, the gentleness of his smile made the sharp angles of his handsome face soften. My stomach clenched as he poured some milk in the bowl and grabbed my unwashed spoon.

  Leaning against the counter, he scooped some up in his spoon. “You’re honesty wounds me princess,” he said before shoveling a spoon of cereal into his mouth.

  My heart rate spiked when he called me that. “I’m sorry,” I apologized. He was trying to be nice and I insulted him.

  “Don’t be,” he said in between bites. “You were honest.” He shifted off the counter, tossing his bowl in the sink after a few mouthfuls and walked across the room. What a waste of good food. “I was being weird,” he continued while opening the refrigerator door. “And I was an asshole to you.”

  Huh. I wasn’t sure what to say to that. He had been an asshole and it had taken him three days, but admitting it so honestly threw me. I didn’t know what to make of him. I stared at Kyle’s backside as he bent down rummaging inside the fridge. Oh, boy could he fill those jeans. Pulling out a bottle of water, he turned and caught me staring.


  He smirked and every ounce of blood in my body rushed to my cheeks. He flipped the lid and swallowed deeply; his eyes remained locked on mine. Tilting his head to one side he frowned. Oh wow, he looked so hot when he did that. “You look young. How old are you?”

  I was stumped by the seriousness in his voice. Why did he ask that? I was instantly wary. “What does my age matter?”

  Kyle groaned loudly. “Because I don’t particularly want to get arrested for harboring a miner in my house is why it matters.”

  I gaped at him. Kyle owned the house? I thought he was just renting like the rest of us. “I'm eighteen, which means I’m legally an adult.” He exhaled and the look of relief was as clear as day on his face. He nodded and turned to leave. “Wait?” I shouted my feet moved towards him, my hand snagged on his arm. “You said this was your house?”

  He turned slowly and nodded. “Yeah, why?” Now he was the one to look wary. His eyes rested on my hand on his arm.

  I stepped away quickly, removing my hand. “You don’t mind?” I stuttered. “I mean, are you okay with me being here? I got a job so it won’t be for too long I promise.” I prayed to god he didn’t mind. Please don’t let him mind.

  He scrunched his brow. “You got a job? Doing what?” He sounded surprised.

  “Cleaning, so I can start paying you rent as soon as I get my paycheck.”

  He had a contemplative look on his face for a moment before masking it with indifference. “I’m cool with you staying here. The room’s yours for as long as you want, but keep your money.” What was he saying?

  “Kyle I can’t stay here rent free. Why would you even say that?” He had thrown me.

  “You’re just a kid and it sounds like you need a break.” He shrugged and moved away from the counter he was leaning against and stood in front of me. “Well, I’m giving you one.”

  I looked up at his face. His corn flour blue eyes were so penetrating I felt like he could see inside my head. My body moved closer to him, an action I wasn’t entirely in control of.

  He seemed to draw me to him. “I’m eighteen Kyle, I’m not a child. You make it sound like you’re so much older than me,” I said trying to lighten the mood which was now tense.

  Kyle stroked his thumb against my chin, then jerked away from me. He ran a hand through his hair. “No Lee, you’re definitely not a child,” he muttered. What did that mean? I was totally dumbfounded.

  “I’m paying you, I can’t stay here otherwise.”

  He shrugged with indifference and walked to the door. “Fine, fifty bucks a week, take it or leave it,” he said and left the kitchen.

  I picked up some food in the grocery store after my shift. The conversation I had with Kyle this morning was still running through my mind. I was disturbed at why he would offer to let me stay rent-free, just like that. I could not fathom him. I said as much to Cam as soon as I home.

  “Wait, Kyle said you can stay here for free. No conditions?” I nodded. “I don’t understand that dude,” she said.

  Well, neither did I.

  “You must have made quite an impression on him,” she mused.

  “I obviously said no Cam,” I said quickly. “I told him I couldn’t stay here if he didn’t accept my money. He told me he charges fifty dollars per week, is that that what you pay?” Cam’s eyes widened and she practically choked on the cookie she was nibbling. Oh great, Kyle felt sorry for me. And somehow, his pity was worse than Cam’s.

  She patted my arm. “Look, Lee, the guy is obviously trying to make up for being such a douche. I say let him. It’s not as if you can afford much more right now. And trust me, Kyle can.” Whether that was true or not, I didn’t want them to think of me as a charity case.

  “You should have warned me he owned this place Cam,” I said.

  Cam threw her hands up. “Kyle’s private about things. He doesn’t like people knowing how much he has.”

  I sighed deeply. “You still should have told me.”


  This was going to be harder than I thought.

  I avoided coming home for three days after Cam warned me off. I thought three days would be more than enough time to forget about her. It never took me longer than a couple of hours to forget about girls, usually less. I had a business trip in Kansas, but by ten, thirty last night I couldn’t stay in that hotel room another damn minute.

  I was not a coward. I didn’t run from anything and one pint-sized girl wasn’t going to make me start. No woman, no matter sexy she was, or how good she tasted was going to chase me out of my own house.

  I’d caught the next flight and jumped in a cold shower as soon as I got home. I needed to call a truce and put a stop to this intense thing we had going on. I’d heard her moving around when I was getting dressed, so I’d given it a few minutes before I followed her downstairs. And holy hell the look of her barefoot in my kitchen had made my chest ache. I don’t even remember half the bullshit that had come out of my mouth. My focus had been on Lee in that nightdress. I was actually proud of my self-control for not bending her over the table and taking her there and then. The look in her eyes assured me she would have let me, but damn she looked so young.

  She’d said she was eighteen; I had four years on her. Too old, I was too goddamn old to contemplate it. I was going to have to make sure she stayed away from me. She was a fucking temptation and the girl made me weak. I didn’t do weakness.

  My phone buzzed on my desk, alerting me to an incoming call from Rachel. “Hey.” I said flatly.

  “I need three hundred.”

  Christ, that girl went through money like it was going out of fashion. “I’ll have it transferred into your account by lunchtime.” I hoped that that was all she wanted. I needed a Rachel free day.

  “No need, I’m in the lobby. You can give it to me now.”

  Fuck my life. “I’m on my way.”

  I hung up and walked over to the bar in the corner of my office. Times like these were the reason Jack and I were such good pals. I poured myself a large glass of whiskey and chugged it back, before pouring another. If I needed a reminder of how devious women really were, then I need look no farther than the redhead waiting on me. It would serve me well to remember that. Women were only after one thing and it sure as hell wasn’t love.


  I lov
ed pizza. It was amazing. I tucked into my third slice of margarita as I listened to Derek and Cam chattering. Derek had looked at me like I was crazy when I told him it was my first time having pizza. Cam had changed the subject knowingly. They actually were quite comical together. I guessed Derek had more to do with it than Cam. He was a funny person.

  “So how’s the job going Lee?”

  I smiled at his question. “It’s going great. I really like it.”

  Derek nodded and took another sip of his beer. “Where’d you say it was again?”

  I swallowed the piece of cheesy crust before answering, “The Henderson Hotel, just off 11th street, do you know the place?” Derek's eyes bulged and Cam nudged him in the ribs. “What?” I asked warily.

  “Nothing, nothing,” Derek said a little too eagerly for my liking. “I’m just surprised you’re working there. I heard the owner has some issues with hiring young girls.” He directed the last bit towards Cam, who was shooting dagger-eyed glares at him.

  “Okay, what’s going on guys?” I asked. They were freaking me out. First Linda, now Cam and Derek… Was there something weird about the owner?

  “Nothing at all babe,” Cam said smiling. “Derek here just doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut. Do you Derek?” He smiled bashfully at Cam.

  “Keep his mouth shut about what?” Neither one answered and I got the feeling I was missing something.

  Chapter Four


  “Do you want to do something today? I heard there’s a good band playing in The Avenue?”

  I shook my head as I zipped up my pants. I had a killer headache and that skin crawling morning after itch to get her out of my house. “I can’t Candice. I have plans.” I picked her dress up off the floor and tossed it to her.

  She pouted and sat up on my bed, twisting her black hair around her fingers. “I’m Gemma,” she snapped.

  “Good for you.” How the fuck was I supposed to remember her name? I’d been wasted last night and she had been more interested in sucking my dick than having a conversation, which was fine by me. She was willing and I needed a release. That might make me an asshole, but it was either I fuck her or burst into the room next to mine and take my frustrations out on the tiny brunette who put them there.

  I pulled my shirt on and bent down to tie my shoelaces. “Yeah, I’m going need you to take off Gemma. I've got a lot on today.” I noticed her lace thong under my bed and cringed.

  “What the fuck Kyle?” she growled, jumping off the bed and moving towards me. She stood in front of me, butt naked with her hands on her hips. In the cool light of day, she wasn’t as hot as I had thought last night at the bar. Jesus Christ, why did every woman think it was sexy to see hipbones and ribs? It was about as sexy as fucking a skeleton.

  She stroked me arm. “I thought last night meant more than sex?”

  Where did she get that from? It never meant more than sex.

  I walked over to the door. “It was great sex,” I lied. Truth be told I couldn’t remember fucking her, but she smiled, appeased so I continued. “That’s all it was. I’ll let you get dressed.” I closed out the door before she could reply. I was a fucking douche to sleep with her. I knew the clingy ones by now. How had I missed the signs?

  Cam, Lee and Derek were all in the kitchen when I walked in. I went straight over to the drawer where I kept the painkillers.

  “Good morning sunshine,” Derek said with a stupid smug grin on his face.

  “What’s good about it?” I replied, as I popped two Advil from the packet and poured a glass of water

  “Rough night last night was it?” Cam asked.

  I nodded, forcing the pills down. “You could say that.” I slumped against the counter, as Cam and Derek continued whatever they were talking about before I came in. “Sleep well?” I asked Lee, who was sitting quietly at the table.

  She shifted her gaze to me. “No, not really,” she mumbled blushing.

  I moved towards her. I couldn’t help myself. “Oh yeah, why’s that?” I asked as I eased into the chair across from hers. Looking at her closer, I could see the dark shadows under her eyes.

  “I didn’t get much sleep.”

  I felt a strange swell of concern for her, “Why not? Are you okay?” Was Lee not sleeping well every night? Was she finding it hard to settle in here? She had only been here a week, maybe she was homesick. Was she going to leave? All these niggling doubts and worries started to build in my chest.

  Fuck, what was that about?

  Lee blushed and ducked her head, so I couldn’t see those big gray eyes of hers. It was just as well because her rosy plump lips were calling to me. I shifted in my chair.

  “No, I’m fine,” she assured me. I relaxed. “It’s just…” She paused and looked up at me. Dragging her lower lip into her mouth, she whispered. “You’re kind of loud.”

  Loud? What was she talking about?

  “I’m gonna take off Kyle,” a voice said from behind me. I turned around, just as Gemma welded her mouth to mine. I tensed understanding the meaning of Lee’s words.

  Fuck. She’d been awake all night from the sounds of me having sex. How many nights had that happened? I’d brought three girls back this week alone. I’d had to. Lee was tempting the shit out of me. A man had only so much will power. Gemma stuck her tongue down my throat and I felt like gagging.

  I heard the sound of a chair scraping and pulled my face away. Lee was leaving. I moved to go after her, but stopped myself. This was the way it had to be, it was better in the long run.

  She needed to hate me.

  Chapter Five


  I settled into a comfortable living routine at the house. On weekdays I got up, went to work, came home and went to bed. On weekends, I did pretty much the same thing; except I replaced work with hanging out with Cam and more often than not Derek joined us. We took turns with the cleaning and cooking dinner, with Derek usually taking over the kitchen and smothering out whoever’s turn it was to cook. He was working in a kitchen for the summer and had decided he was the new Gordon Ramsey. He was the best cook out of the four of us though so I didn’t tease him about it. The man made a mean lasagna and I‘d even began to enjoy his witty retorts and jokes and Cam was fun to live with. We had fallen back into our old friendship easily.

  But Kyle was a jerk.

  The man flaunted himself around the place like ‘he was king of the hill,' prancing around the kitchen in his just his jeans, or worse his boxer shorts. I dutifully ignored him every time he was around or at least, I pretended to. Cam told me Kyle’s job required him to travel a lot which explained the sporadic hours of the day and night he came home. But when he was here he was distracting and a smart-mouth and had zero modesty. So much for the truce… He also had no filter on his tongue. The man had a real bad potty mouth.

  I decided Kyle was tormenting me on purpose. He had to be doing it on purpose. If he wasn’t banging on our bathroom door when I was showering hollering at me to hurry up, he was blocking my way to the kettle, giving me one his ‘you want it come and get it’ looks. I had gone without coffee most mornings this week, because avoiding Kyle’s half-naked body was much safer than pressing past him. He would love that, to know that he was getting to me.

  The sad fact of the matter was that he was getting to me, in a big way. I had to pull my thoughts out of the gutter whenever I saw him in his boxer shorts. Never in a million years would I have dreamt he had a job that required a suit and tie. It just didn’t seem like the usual attire one wore for a college summer job. He looked beautiful in a suit, but there was the element of a caged animal when he wore one. I had thought up a dozen different potential jobs he might do, all of which involved physical work. He didn’t have the body of a man stuck in an office. He had the hard toned build of an athlete. He was all broad shoulders, ribbed muscles and narrow hips.

  Another thing I realized about Kyle was that he was guarded. He chatted openly about mundane things like college
and football and I’d learned he was finishing his degree in Business Management in the fall. But he closed up the minute anything more personal was brought up. I didn’t understand why, but was too intimidated by him to ask. He had even started showing up at the hotel. There was a restaurant on the ground floor and in the past three weeks I had seen him in there on no less than three occasions. Thankfully, he hadn’t noticed me. I always managed to hide behind a pillar in the lobby before he saw me. On all three occasions, he’d been having lunch with a woman-all of them different- which also made it easier for me to escape unnoticed. I had started to skip eating in the restaurant and ate outside at the picnic tables, rather than face the obnoxious jerk and his evil companion. It drove me crazy that he ate at the hotel. There were dozens of places he could go to eat, but no he had to choose the building I worked in.

  On a positive note, I had actually made a couple of friends at work; Linda being one.

  She was fabulous and hilarious at times. She’d showed me the ropes in work and had a fantastic sense of humor. She certainly didn’t behave like a woman in her fifties. I also liked talking with Mike. He was one of the bartenders and only a few years older than I was. We had met briefly on my first day and I had bumped into him again at the picnic tables out back. He had invited me to sit with him. I had figured it would be rude to say no, so I sat with Mike. He had been witty and down to earth and I had actually found him easy to talk with.

  The next day I went to the beer garden, Mike had brought an extra sandwich for me and we fell into to a comfortable lunch pattern. He always seemed to get his break the time as I did, so we ate together. It was real nice to be friends with a man and not worry about him blowing hot and cold. That was the way it felt being around Mike; real easy. He didn’t flirt or make me feel uncomfortable. He was just plain nice. Mike was attractive in an all-American wholesome kind of way. He was all blonde hair, brown eyes and sun kissed golden skin, but he didn’t hold an ounce of the raw sexual magnetism Kyle did.


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