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Break My Fall

Page 5

by Chloe Walsh

  Where Mike was cute, Kyle was mind-blowing attractive. I had decided it was something to do with the way Kyle moved. He didn’t just walk; he prowled like a wild animal, cool and confident, but full of raw strength and vibrating intensity. There was an element of danger to him. He was just so…There were no words in my vocabulary extensive enough to describe him. He was rude and obnoxious and breathtakingly beautiful. He seemed to get a real thrill out of baiting me. And he kept calling me that stupid nickname. God he was so infuriating.

  I hated that I was so attracted to him. It was purely a physical attraction though; it couldn’t be any more than that, not when he was so mean to me. The fluttering in my chest when he was near was just biology. He was beautiful and any girl would feel the same when he spoke, or smiled or laughed…

  After many sleepless nights thinking about him, I had decided put my attraction towards Kyle Carter down to two things. The first, being the fact that he was my first consensual kiss and the second, I was not the only woman to feel like this; Kyle had plenty admirers. Women swooned over him. I’d seen enough of his admirers coming out of his bedroom in the mornings; Rachel being one of the most frequent visitors. Though it was clear they were not exclusive, there was definitely something strange going on with them.

  I watched them when they were together and it was…odd. Apart from the fact that Kyle didn’t seem to like her, when Rachel said jump, he said how high. He did everything she told him and it really irked me. He was a jerk to me, but it didn’t stop me hating the way she spoke to him. It was degrading.


  “Close your mouth dude, you’re drooling.”

  I looked away from Lee’s ass to see Derek grinning at me. “Screw you,” I muttered, lowering my head. I couldn’t help staring at her; I didn’t think any man could. She was distracting to say the least.

  “No, I’d say screw Lee, but you’re not allowed.” He loved this. Bastard.

  “What was that guys’?” Lee stood up from where she was bending in the refrigerator and looked over at us.

  “Oh, Kyle here was just enjoying the view,” Derek said grinning. I kicked him under the table. What the fuck was this, the sixth grade? “It’s a beautiful day after all,” he added, pointing towards the kitchen window. Smooth.

  “Nice one asshole,” I muttered just for his ears, as I kicked him again.

  “Dude, quit it,” he moaned.

  “Yeah, it’s a beautiful morning,” Lee agreed completely oblivious to the true meaning of Derek’s words. Thank god.

  “So what are your plans for the day? Any hot date lined up tonight?” God he was sadistic, fucking torture me some more.

  “Hardly,” Lee muttered and I breathed easily again. I didn’t realize I’d been holding my breath, waiting for her answer.

  “Really, why not? It’s Friday, you should be going out and having some fun. I can’t believe a guy hasn’t asked out yet?” I was going to kick his ass and enjoy doing it.

  Lee blushed and poured some milk into a glass. “Well you should,” she said quietly, “No one has.”

  “I could hook you up with on my friends. They all think you’re hot, especially Dixon.”

  Lee spluttered her coffee, as she looked at me briefly before focusing on Derek. “I’m not sure,” she replied quietly. He was baiting me out; it was working.

  “Ow dude what the hell?” Derek cried pushing back his chair.

  “Oh sorry man, did I step on your foot?” I stood up and walked over to where Lee was standing. I purposefully leaned too close to her to get a cup from the cupboard. She shivered when my chest rubbed against hers and my ego swelled. Yeah, fuck Dixon, she was aware of me. “Do you want to go out with Dixon princess?” I stared straight at her and she shook her head eagerly. “Hear that Derek? She doesn’t want to date any of your asshole friends. Leave her alone.” I had to leave then; getting too close to her was dangerous.


  I made my way down the stairway at the back of the hotel that eventually led to a private doorway outside. It was a much longer route than taking the elevator and cutting through the restaurant, but it was much safer than potentially facing Rachel in the restaurant, or Kyle. Work was going well. Linda gave me as many shifts as I wanted and Mike was the just the sweetest person. I was looking forward to my lunch hour so I could listen to him regale me with all the gossip on the ground floor.

  “Hey, you made it.” Mike smiled at me from the picnic bench where he was sitting.

  “Hey, sorry I’m late.” I sat on the opposite side of the bench. Mike preceded to hand me a plastic covered sandwich and a soda.

  “It’s just cold cuts of beef today I’m afraid. We’re fresh out of tuna.”

  I smiled gratefully, “Thanks Mike, beef is great.”

  He grinned, nodding. “Oh good, I wasn’t sure if you were one of those vegetarian girls. You always have fish in your sandwiches.”

  I snorted. “You’re the one who makes my sandwiches remember? I’m not fussy about my food, but truth be told I’m a red meat kind of girl.”

  We slipped into easy conversation and I actually snorted soda from my nose when Mike told me about the last big drama at the hotel. “No way? Are you for real?” I asked, through laughs as I patted my napkin to my face.

  “True story, Mindy was in housekeeping and I guess you could say she got too up close and personal cleaning his, uh, family jewels.”

  I gasped. “Isn’t he the guy in Washington? A senator of something?”

  Mike chuckled, “Not anymore. Their affair was leaked to the media. You wouldn’t believe the amount of journalists and pap’s around here at the time. It was huge news; a public figure having it off with the underage housekeeper. The boss was furious.” He paused, frowning. “I’m actually surprised he hired you. After the drama with Mindy, he doesn’t hire young girls. There was too much of a backlash for the hotel from the media, not to mention Mindy’s parents.”

  I took another swig of my soda, while I thought about what Mike said. I guessed that’s what Derek had been suggesting a few weeks back when he asked me where I worked. “What’s he like? Our boss I mean. Have you met him?”

  A vein twitched in the Mike’s neck. He seemed to ponder my question. “Yeah, I’ve met him,” he said flatly. When he noticed my worried look, he smiled. “When he’s here he’s a good boss. He’s usually jetting off around the country to the other hotels. Most of the staff seem to like him, though Linda is the one who really runs this place. ”

  I could hear the undertone in his words. “Most of the staff?”

  “You don’t miss much, do you?” He ran a hand across his forehead. “Let’s just say he and I have some personal issues and leave it at that.”

  “Okay, so are you doing much for the weekend?” I asked, trying to change the subject. Mike smiled and delved into all his plans for the upcoming weekend. I tried to appear interested, but my mind kept drifting back to what he had said. “He and I have some personal issues.” I wondered what they were.

  Chapter Six


  She was on her own. Her door was cracked open and she was lying on her bed reading. I knew I shouldn’t go in; Cam would have my balls for it. But I’d never had much willpower though and she zapped it to shit. “Whatcha reading?” I asked as I tapped on the doorframe.

  Lee scrambled up to a sitting position, pulling a set of earplugs from her ears. Her cheeks were glowing red, her curls a loosely tangled mess. She was fucking stunning. “I’m sorry; did you call me for something?”

  She looked so innocent I couldn’t stop myself; I walked over to the bed and sat down. “I asked you what you’re reading,” I said picking up the book Lee had dropped on the bed. I skimmed the page and holy fuck, “You’re reading porn?” No fucking way, innocent little Lee had a stash of girl porn.

  Lee blushed and pulled the book out of my hands. “It’s a romance novel.”

  “If you say so. Let’s see what style music you have.” I moved closer a
nd took the iPod from her lap. My fingers accidently brushed the bare skin of her thigh and she whimpered.

  I leaned forward to hide the massive erection I was getting. Jesus Christ this was a bad idea.

  “It’s Cam’s iPod,” she muttered, handing me an earplug. “This one’s my favorite,” she said, as she took the iPod from my hands and fiddled with the screen. “I feel like I can relate to the words.”

  I popped it in my ear and listened. Lee copied me and we sat silently. I was expecting some cheesy boy band to fill my ears. I was surprised to hear Kings of Leon’s song Closer. Lee had good taste in music. I leaned back on my elbows and listened to the words.

  This song always made me shiver; there was something haunting about the intro. ‘She took my heart; I think she took my soul,’ ‘Far from the carnage of the fiery sun,’ ‘I see your storm buckling up from the sea.’

  How the fuck was Lee relating to those lyrics? I was relating to the lyrics, shit I was reacting to the lyrics. This song was the epitome of sex songs and I had an embarrassing bulge in my jeans. She flopped onto her back and I had to follow or lose the earplug.

  This was too close. I lay down beside her, closing my eyes to block the view of tits rising when she breathed.

  “Do you ever wish when someone listens to a song, they are thinking the words about you?”

  “What do you mean?” I asked, turning my face to look at hers.

  “I wonder what it would feel like to have a man want me the way these singers want the women who inspire their songs.” She turned her face to mine, her gray eyes burning a hole in mine.

  Hot- damn.

  “Men want you Lee. You don’t need a song to know that,” I muttered.

  “I’m sorry, that was a weird thing to ask you.”

  Her cheeks reddened, fuck, I didn’t want her to get skittish again. “Sometimes I do that,” I said. Like right now, right now I was imaging her, “Do you?” I asked.

  Lee exhaled heavily and looked up at the ceiling, “All the time.” If it weren’t for the fact that she was so naïve, I’d think she was hitting on me. Shit, was she hitting on me? I couldn’t tell. I tried to gauge her expression, but her eyes were closed as she listened to the music. “Who do you think of when you listen to this song princess?”

  She sighed deeply and turned to look at me. “I don’t think you want to know the answer to that.” The hell if I didn’t. I was going to kill Derek for putting notions in her head.

  “Is it Dixon? Do you like him?” She laughed and that only irritated me more. “Is there something funny?” I asked pulling the earplug and standing. “Are you already with him or something?”

  She laughed harder and shook her head. I was going out of my mind with jealousy and Lee thought it was a joke. “You don’t get it do you?” she said, her voice suddenly serious.

  No, I didn’t get it and I didn’t want to hear anymore. “Fuck this,” I hissed and stormed out of the room.

  Chapter Seven


  I slept in this morning. I figured since I had worked double shifts all week at work that I deserved a rest. I decided to have breakfast before showering. I made a cup of coffee and sat down at the table. I heard the doorbell ring. A few moments later Rachel’s high-pitched voice was drumming in my ears.

  “Why the hell didn’t come over last night when I told you to? When I ask you to do something Kyle, do it.” She stormed into the kitchen and threw her bag on the table. She didn’t seem to notice me. I guessed Kyle was back from his latest excursion, he hadn’t been home when I went to bed last night and wherever he was; Rachel wasn’t too far behind.

  He had been so angry last night when I laughed at him. I couldn’t help laughing though. How he could think I was interested in Dixon was ridiculous. My lame attempt of flirting had seriously backfired. I wasn’t going to try it again. The angry redhead stamping around the kitchen was a reality check; Kyle was unavailable.

  I hated to admit it, but Rachel was gorgeous. She had on tanned slacks with skyscraper heels and a pink cashmere sweater. She had her red mane scraped into a sophisticated bun and her makeup was flawless, exenterating her green eyes and high cheekbones. The only thing about Rachel that was less than perfect was the smallness of her thin lips. However, she looked like the type of person who could afford to have that corrected if desired. I lowered my pajama-assed self further down in my chair.

  Kyle strolled in and made his way to the refrigerator. I thanked god he was fully this morning in his black pants and a soft blue shirt. I doubted my blush would go unnoticed by Rachel. He pulled out a bottle of water and walked over to the sink. He didn’t acknowledge me either. Lord, I was truly invisible to these people.

  “I didn’t get around to it, I was late home. You know I’m busy.” He sounded tired. I worried that his job was taking it out of him. Then I tucked that worry away. He wasn’t mine to worry about. I kept my head down and pretended to ignore them, but the way she spoke to him got to me and I couldn’t help, but peek at Kyle.

  He wasn’t looking at her; he wasn’t even facing her. He was standing poker straight with his back to her, looking out the window.

  “Well, if you kept it in your pants a little more, then maybe you wouldn’t be so busy. You can be such a bastard sometimes.” Kyle shrugged off what Rachel said as if he heard it every day. It made my blood boil. What was her problem? She didn’t own him.

  “Don’t make a big deal out of this Rachel. I have to work. You have no complaints when you’re spending my money.” Why was she spending his money? Did she not have her own job? I wished he would make a big deal of it. I wished he would kick her sorry butt to the curb.

  “Don’t make a big deal of it? I don’t ask you for much Kyle, just a little of your time. It’s the least you could do considering what you did. You owe me.”

  “Leave him alone,” I snapped, unable to listen to anymore. “So what if he doesn’t call you, big deal. He doesn’t owe you for that.” The look on Rachel’s face was actually scary.

  Kyle swung around and stared at me. He looked genuinely surprised that I was in the room.

  I guess he hadn’t been ignoring me; I was just invisible to him. A small smile crept across his face, causing me to blush. I shrugged and returned his smile. What the heck, Rachel didn’t like me anyway; I wasn’t losing any fans.

  “Oh, look who it is Kyle, your little friend from Cam’s party. Ah and she’s defending you as well as warming your bed. How cute,” she hissed, as she walked towards me. I was proud of myself for not shrinking away from her, even though every instinct in my body told me to. She was a mean ole bully. I hated bullies. I couldn’t stop the blood from rushing to my face though. My cheeks were burning.

  She rested her hands on the table and leaned over me. “Keep your nose out of my business little girl and keep your eyes off my man. He doesn’t need you to defend him. He doesn’t need you to do shit for him. He’s mine.”

  I snorted and stood up. My legs were rattling, but I couldn’t let her know she was intimidating me. That was what she wanted. “Your man? Oh, I’m sorry; I didn’t realize you owned him. Maybe you should have brought his slave papers with you.”

  Kyle chuckled loudly, which had only made Rachel angrier. “Don’t you dare laugh,” she snapped, turning her glare on Kyle. I used her momentary distraction as a means to escape.


  I hated being here. I wasn’t a fucking prostitute, although since I was the one handing out all the cash that remark was futile. If I hadn’t come over Rachel would have gone bat shit crazy on Lee. In my own sick way, I was trying to protect her.

  “I want you to stay away from that girl,” Rachel said as she straddled me. I wanted to peel my skin off. I wanted to throw her off me and get the fuck out of her bed and as far away from her as I could.

  “What girl?” I leaned back on my elbows, forcing myself not to recoil. I didn’t want her to fucking touch me. I didn’t want to breathe the same air as her. I was a poor e
xcuse for a man.

  Rachel glared at me as she unbuttoned my shirt. “Don’t act stupid Kyle. You know exactly who I mean.”

  I did know, but I didn’t understand why she had such an issue with her. “What’s your problem with Lee? She’s a roommate, just like Cam.” Rachel grimaced at the mention of Cam’s name. Cam gave her a hard time at every opportunity and I loved her for it, since I couldn’t do it myself.

  “You have shitty taste in friends.” No, I had shitty taste in women; her being the shittiest. Rachel finished with my buttons and then pulled her top over her head. She was braless, her plastic tits fell into my face and I didn’t even stir.

  “I see the way you look at little miss southern belle. I’m not blind.” She moved for my belt. “You’re different with her. Why is that?”

  I was treading dangerous waters. I needed to be careful. Rachel was testing me. “I don’t look at her any differently than I look at Cam,” I lied. I unzipped my jeans and pushed them down. The only fucking reason I was even semi hard was because she brought up Lee. I focused on the mental image of Lee in that hot little nightdress giving Rachel shit.

  “Liar,” she hissed, glaring at me.

  “She’s too much of a mouse to look twice at. I don’t fuck hillbillies Rachel.” Rachel grinned and I wanted to die.

  “Just so long as remember that. You made me a deal two years ago.” She sheathed my cock and lowered herself onto me, “And I plan to make you keep it.” I closed my eyes and thought of Lee.


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