Book Read Free

Break My Fall

Page 10

by Chloe Walsh

  He squeezed my fingers and I lifted my eyes to his. “What?” I asked.

  “You looked lost in thought,” he said.

  I nodded. “I guess I’m trying to figure you out. You are a mystery Kyle Carter. Every time I think I’ve figured you out, you reveal another layer.”

  He snorted and laced our fingers together once again. “Well, when you figure me out, could you tell me, because I’d love to know?” he asked quietly. I thought he was joking, but his face was serious. I just smiled in response. I had no reply for that.

  “Since we’re on the topic of sharing, you wanna tell me why you’re not in for college? You’re eighteen. You should be starting your freshman year, not bussing tables and cleaning toilets for minimum wage.” Whoa, where did that come from?

  “There is no law against not going to school Kyle.” I did not want to go into this.

  I felt inferior enough as it stood without Kyle, especially since I learned he was my boss as well as my landlord. I was so far down the ladder from him, I was invisible.

  Sensing my mood, he changed the subject. “When’s your birthday?”

  I looked at his smiling face and reddened. “October second. When’s yours?”

  He grinned, the sexy dimple causing havoc to my insides. “March eleventh. Yours is closer, we should celebrate. Maybe we could do a few shots?” I stared at him open-mouthed and he chuckled. I wasn’t used to this version of Kyle. I liked this Kyle… A lot.

  “Hey, I thought we were doing the friend's thing, no flirting,” I teased, even though I enjoyed his flirting almost as much as his kissing. Well almost…

  “You should be in college princess.”

  I clammed up inside, my body tensed as I pulled away from him. I slipped away from him and moved towards the door. “I’m pretty beat, I’m gonna go to bed. Night Kyle,” I mumbled. I thought I heard Kyle groan, as I closed the door behind me.


  Lee rushed out of the room so fast after I mentioned the college thing that I knew I must have touched a nerve. The kicked puppy look in her eyes made me want to kick myself in the balls. God I hated being the one to put that look in her eyes. I wanted to know why she didn’t finish school, there was more to this than she was saying. I was like a dog with a bone.

  I didn’t know her mom had died when she was a baby. Damn Rachel and her razor tongue for bringing that up. I couldn’t believe I told her about my mother. I didn’t talk about my mom, ever. It was too fucking painful…

  Touching her on the couch had been a bad idea, I was fucking riled up.

  I shifted off the couch in frustration and went upstairs. I couldn’t believe I had agreed to this friendship thing. The thoughts I had of her were far from ‘friendly.' I shook my head, fuck I was going to do this. I could be her friend. I needed to run, get out of this house for a while, or take a very cold shower.

  Lee was costing me sleep, every night I slept in the room next to hers.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Since Cam and Derek were a couple, I found myself spending a lot of time with Kyle when we were at home. I think I secretly used the couple card as an excuse to allow myself to be around Kyle so much. He made me feel alive and he was easy to be with. I had even gotten used to being around him without drooling…Well almost. He was still the most beautiful man I had ever seen in real life, I didn’t think that could ever be changed or altered.

  We had even started hanging out outside the house, purely platonically of course. He gave me a ride home from work most nights if he was free and I tagged along with him to the library where he was a member.

  It was heaven in that library. I loved reading and hadn’t had the opportunity to join a library since I arrived. I had always loved reading; it was my thing. Besides, I had never been in a library so well stocked; the library in my highschool was outdated, by about thirty years.

  To be fair to him, Kyle had said no more on the subject of college and bravely faced the tufting of the elderly librarian on several occasions to check out romance novels for me. Girly porn’ he called them, I preferred the term ‘romance novels.' He helped me set up my own membership. He was great and we had become friends, good friends. I spent most of my free time with Kyle and with every day that passed, I became more and more enthralled with him.

  Most days it felt like I had no balance in my life anymore. My plates had shifted and now focused entirely on Kyle. I lived for our private talks, when he sought me out at work, or when he touched me without realizing he was doing it. The one thing I struggled to deal was Kyle’s women. Every time I had a shift waitressing, he was there. He had a different woman at his table, every single time. It drove me crazy.

  I tried to be rational about the whole thing; Kyle owned the hotel and many of his lady friends were business clients, but that didn’t stop my skin from crawling or stop the acid burning my throat every damn time he came in. I had already snapped four pencils taking his orders. Of course, we were friends now, so he always sat in my section, but some days I wished he could read just my mind and see how he was hurting me; flaunting these girls in front of me. The worst days were the ones when he brought Rachel to the hotel. When she was with him, he sat in a different section and ignored me. Those days I cried in the bathroom, because being ignored by Kyle Carter was about the worst feeling in my world.

  “You with me princess?”

  I jumped, startled from my reverie. We were sitting in his truck and Kyle was looking at me curiously as he unbuckled his belt. “Are we at the library already? Sorry, I was miles away.” I fiddled with the buckle on my belt, but it didn’t budge.

  You would think, from the amount of time I spent in Kyle’s truck, I would have mastered unbuckling myself, but sadly no.

  “Yep, what were you thinking?”

  I pulled some more at my buckle, flustered and embarrassed. I was not telling Kyle that he was all I ever thought about. I was obsessed. “I was thinking that you should get a jeep with normal belts, not these baby harnesses.”

  Kyle burst out laughing, “Baby harnesses?” He leaned over and swiftly unbuckled me. “It’s an off road harness.”

  I snorted. “Off road? It’s a pretty jeep, but why don’t you have a nice little car, something girl-friendly?”

  Kyle leaned over and clasped my chin gently in his hand. “Truck, it’s a truck princess. Besides, you’re the only girl who rides in my baby.” His eyes twinkled, his dimple deepening as he grinned. His closeness thrilled me and I had to tell my body to calm down. He released my chin and hopped out, it was so much easier for those not vertically challenged. He walked over my door and opened it. “And please don’t call my truck pretty, you’ll hurt its feelings.”

  I giggled, heat swelling inside at his close proximity, “Oh I’m sorry sir. It is the prettiest, manliest truck I’ve ever seen.” He groaned in feigned frustration. Kyle clamped his hands around my waist and pulled me out of the truck, setting me down on the sidewalk in one swift movement.

  I held in the gasp was forcing its way up my throat. It did funny things to my insides when he did that. I should have been used to it by now; Kyle always helped me in and out of his truck, but every time was like the first for me. “Your sarcasm wounds me,” he joked, grabbing my hand. I looked twice at the casual gesture.

  ‘Be calm you idiot, this means nothing,’ I chanted to myself as I followed Kyle up the steps to the entrance of the library.

  I couldn’t contain my excitement when we got inside. I loved this place. I loved that Kyle was the one who brought me.


  “Oh, I love this place,” Lee squealed the minute we walked through the door. She squeezed my hand tighter. Goddammit, I was jealous of the library now. I wanted to get that kind of reaction from her. It was a major blow to my ego when she reacted indifferent with me, but squealed with pleasure over checking out some books. I realized quickly that Lee loved books. She quietened in crowds, was absent for parties, but the girl loved to read.<
br />
  I silently thanked baby Jesus that I asked her to check out the library that first time. I had to run into the office to sign some paperwork, one afternoon I was collecting her from her shift and had asked Lee if she wanted to check out the library down the street from the hotel, rather than sit wait around the hotel for an hour. She had been so excited, skipping down the street to the library. I had brought her half a dozen times since then and every time she was as excited as the first.

  I pulled on her hand, bringing her closer to me. “Calm down geek, you’ll get your word food soon enough.”

  She smiled up at me, her plush lips stretching to reveal those straight white teeth of hers.

  God bless her, she was the poster girl for orthodontists worldwide. Her gray eyes sparkled as she beamed at me. My breath caught in my throat; she was stunning. “Well, let’s hurry. I need to be filled right now.”

  My cock twitched the minute those words came out of her mouth. Lee, unaware of the suggestiveness of her words, let go of my hand and darted to the closest aisle, her ass swaying in those damn jeans, oblivious to my raging hard on.

  “Kyle, are you coming?” she called after me. Damn.

  “Yeah, I think I might.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  I had always dreaded Saturday mornings in Montgomery. After four months of living in Boulder, I could safely say I still did, for less painful, but far more embarrassing reasons.

  We were in Deacon; Cam’s favorite department store. The very store she dragged me to on my first day off work every weekend. I hated shopping, but Cam coveted her customary Saturday splurges and always dragged me along with her.

  The boys had come with us today but had gone off in the direction of the liquor store.

  There was a party tonight at Dixon’s and Derek and Kyle had decided that the case of beer at home wasn’t enough and they were low on supplies, even though our refrigerator was crammed with beer. I partially guessed it was an excuse to evade Cam. I wished I had gone with them, but my arms were Cam’s shopping basket and were currently holding more bras and panties than I owned. I hoped the other shoppers didn’t think they were for me. I could never be as saucy as miss agent provocateur in front of me.

  I held up a pair of the panties for closer inspection and blushed immediately. “Crotch-less panties? Really Cam?”

  She smirked, as her eyes glided over the rails of dresses. “What? Derek may get hungry.” Uh, I thought I might vomit. I made a gagging noise. “Seriously babe, you would look fierce in this dress. Try it on for me?”

  I paled when I saw the dress Cam was suggesting. “No way, put it back.” Calling that scrap of material a dress, was pushing it; it looked more like underwear. It was a short sparkly little number, red in color, with a deep plunge line.

  “Oh, come on Lee, it’s fabulous and you’ll look smoking hot wearing it tonight.” That was never going to happen.

  “If my daddy thought I was wearing clothes like that, he’d whoop me from here back to Louisiana, Camryn Frey.”

  Cam grinned wickedly. “It’s a good thing your daddy isn’t here then isn’t it.” She walked towards the counter and I practically tackled her.

  “No, Cam, please put it back, besides I’m not going to the party so buying me something to wear is pointless.” I tried to grab the dress from her hands, but the damn giant held it up out of my reach.

  “Chill Lee, don’t be so square,” Cam laughed, as she handed the dress to the girl behind the counter. “Oh and FYI, you so are going to be at the party tonight. I am tired of watching you hide away from life. It’s high time you got off the side-lines and jumped into the game.” I reddened and huffed loudly. That was not going to happen. I liked the side-lines.

  “Hell will freeze over before I wear that Cam. Put it back. Please.” She ignored my pleas, as I stood there pouting.

  “Easy princess.” Kyle’s voice came from behind me. I automatically jumped.

  “Who rattled your cage?” Derek asked glancing from me to Cam, with an amused expression. Great the guys arrived to witness my shame. I winced.

  “Oh guys, maybe you can tell Lee to loosen up.” Cam handed her card over to the cashier, who swiped it through the machine, then bagged the dress. “She’s having a coronary over a little dress shopping for the party tonight.”

  I glared at Cam. “Little, being the operative word. And I told you I’m not going.”

  Kyle raised his brow in surprise. “Whatcha buy?” I could hear the humor in his tone.

  “Nothing, I didn’t buy anything and I won’t be wearing anything,” I grumbled.

  “Whoa, Lee it’s not that kind of party,” Derek joked, covering his eyes with one hand and pretending to beat me away with the other. I grabbed the bag from Cam before she could embarrass me any further by showing them. “I can’t believe you actually got the ice queen to buy something other than jeans. I’m shocked,” Derek joked as he slung his arm around Cam’s shoulder. They both laughed.

  “Are you guys done?” I snapped, storming off in the direction of the exit.

  “Awh come on ice queen, we were joking. Come back.” I heard Derek call out, but I was too upset to stop. I walked out straight out of the store and made my way to the entrance of the shopping mall.

  “Hold up.” An arm swooped around my waist and I stopped, my heart beat soaring from his familiar touch. Kyle pulled me closer, speaking into my ear. “They’re only trying to get a reaction out of you baby.” Baby… My heart jumped clean off the rector scale.

  “I’m not like that.” I shivered and turned to face him. “I can’t wear things like that. Like what Cam wears.”

  Kyle knitted his brow, “Come on, I’m taking you out of here.” He clutched my hand and led me outside.

  “Wait. What about Cam and Derek?” We all drove here together in Kyle’s truck. We couldn’t leave Cam and Derek behind.

  Kyle pulled his phone out and fiddled with it for a few seconds, before putting it back in his pocket. “They can get a bus, or walk, I don’t give a shit. I’m taking you for food.”

  We got to his truck and he opened the passenger door for me. “I texted Derek, so don’t worry about them.” He lifted me up without a second thought and I sank into the passenger seat, my heart continuing to somersault around in my chest. Walking around the truck Kyle climbed in beside me. “You okay?” he asked, as he buckled me in. It was routine for us now.

  “Yeah,” I breathed completely mortified at my reaction in the store. “I’m sorry for being dramatic. I don’t know why I reacted like that. I just hate when Derek calls me that. I know he’s only joking, but it hurts…” I ducked my head and let my hair cover my burning cheeks. I blinked back the tears that were threatening to spill.

  Kyle’s fingers pressed my chin up gently. Those baby blues penetrated me. “He was an asshole to you. He won’t be again. You’re not used to being on show like that. Cam should know better.”

  I sighed leaning slightly into his touch. I felt so comfortable in his presence. It felt so good when he touched me. “She was trying to be nice, buying me a dress, I behaved like a lunatic.”

  He unbuckled my belt and yanked me into his arms. He smelled so good. I felt secure in his arms. “I could kill them for upsetting you.”

  I giggled nervously. “Please don’t. I’m fond of them, minus the assholeness.”

  He exhaled dramatically. “Okay, for you I’ll let it go.” Kyle sat back and re-buckled our belts. “So, there’s no chance I’m gonna see you in this dress is there?”

  He was trying to lighten the mood. Chuckling, I held the bag closer to my chest. “Not in a million years.”


  Lee was unusually quiet while during dinner. She had barely taken a bite of her burger. “Penny for your thoughts?” I asked.

  She jerked her head up with an alarmed expression, before her lips curved into that killer smile of hers. “Sorry, I’m not great company for you, am I?”

  Whether she w
as loud, quiet, drunk, sober, asleep or awake; her company was the only kind I wanted. It disturbed me that Lee was so skittish sometimes. “What’s on your mind princess?” I figured that a safer thing to ask, instead of freaking her out by admitting how badly I craved being with her.

  I didn’t want to screw up the friendship thing we had going. I was enjoying it, tortured, but still enjoying every minute I spent with her. She was the first female I was actually friends with besides Cam. I didn’t count Linda in that, since she was more like a parent. In my life women were divided into two categories; girls I fucked and girls like Cam, whom I had no desire to fuck whatsoever. That might make me an asshole, but I had good reasons the build barriers, but with Lee, it was different.

  I didn’t just want to fuck her; I wanted to be around her. I wanted to do things with her, go places with her and make plans with her. She had crept under my walls and blown my defenses to dust. She was so goddamn adorable. If someone had told me four months ago that Lee and I could be in room together without arguing or trying to rip each other’s clothes off, I would have laughed. Well, I still wanted to rip her clothes off, but I was refraining, barely.

  I was hit the sad reality that my best friend was the sexiest girl I’d ever laid eyes on and worse; I was in the fucking friend zone. I wanted to kick myself in the nut sac. It was unsettling how much I liked being around her, she was innocent and fresh and so goddamn honest, different from any other girl I had ever met. She was nothing like Rachel.

  Thinking about Rachel was what kept my ass firmly in my chair, instead of leaning over the table and showing Lee just how much I wanted her. Thinking of Rachel chilled me to the bone. I often thought about how different my life would be if I were free to make my own choice. In a perfect world, it would be Lee every time. But this wasn’t a perfect world…


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