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BAD BOY ROMANCE: FAKE FIANCEE ROMANCE: Breaking Bad (Jealous Friend Alpha Male Temporary Counterfeit Romance Secret Love Thriller) (My Fake Fiancé Obsession Romance Bad Boy Love Collection Romance)

Page 17

by Dagny Rand

  He stammered. “I admit that there was some paperwork issues with this case. Your handler got transferred and it looks like he didn’t file any of the correct paperwork on you.”

  I ran a red light and had to jerk the car to the left at the last minute to avoid getting t-boned by another car. “Is that a fucking apology?”

  “Just drive. We’ll talk about your job later.”

  “There is no job. I fucking quit.”

  He remained silent for the rest of the ride and only gasped every so often. There were a line of police cars following us but they were pretty far back. I wanted to get there first and try to head off anything that was going to happen.

  I noticed Shooter’s bike as soon as I pulled into Stormy’s driveway. I had a flash of memory of putting her into bed, still naked, and cursed. If he’d touched her, I’d kill him. I barely had the car in park before I jumped out and took off at a dead sprint for her front door.

  “Come on in, O’Conner.” Shooter’s voice was higher than normal and I could tell he was in panic mode.

  I pushed open the door and left it open as I took in the room. Everything was a mess. Things were turned over and broken, Stormy’s cash was littering the floor. I didn’t see her at first. She was kneeling on the ground behind the turned over couch. Shooter had made a gag out of a scarf, it looked like. She was dressed, at least.

  “Stormy? You okay, baby?”

  She narrowed her eyes at me but nodded. I noticed that her right eye was quickly turning colors and swung around to Shooter. The sight of his gun didn’t bother me.

  “You fucking hit her?”

  He scoffed. “She’s nuts! She wouldn’t stop fighting. I had to hit her. Not that it matters. Bear’s going away. No more protection for his little girl.”

  I circled around him until I was closer to Stormy. When I reached for her, though, he cocked his gun.

  “Don’t touch her. She stays where she is for now. So far I just know that the clubhouse got raided. It’s unfortunate that you didn’t know shit about shit with the club. So, who told you? You spend so much time with little Miss Nuts here that I’d have to believe it was her.”

  I shook my head. “You fuckers hadn’t been hiding things as well lately. Why would Stormy know anything?”

  Shooter waved his gun back and forth, between us. “Bitches always find out shit. She probably got one of her little whore friends to go and sneak around. This can’t happen. You know we believe in retribution, Stormy. You were in that clubhouse until you were almost seventeen. You know what has to happen to the cop and to you.”

  Her eyes were pleading as she looked at me. I felt my chest throb painfully over and over again when the gun waived in her direction. I could tell she was terrified and I didn’t have an answer for her, yet.

  “She didn’t have anything to do with it, Shooter. There’s a girl in the club that helped me.”

  “Why would any of the club bitches help you? Everyone knew you were a fucking pig.”

  I smiled. “Sometimes even a pig can fuck the sense into a woman. She liked what she got and kept coming back. She was happy to help. Maybe you club guys aren’t as good as you think you are.”

  He jerked his head towards Stormy. “You want Stormy to find out just how good I am? I’ve always thought she was a sexy little thing.”

  I stepped closer to him. “You touch her and I’ll rip every limb from your body.”

  His grin told me he enjoyed riling me. “I think she likes you, too. I used to watch you for Bear. After a few months he realized you didn’t have the balls to touch her so I quit. During those months I saw how she looked at you, though. She wanted you. You were just too ignorant and limp to notice. Now I’ll make her watch you die. Slowly. Then, when you’re just about gone, I’ll fuc-”

  I heard the sound of breaking glass and then the thud of a bullet hitting a body. I watched as the front of Shooter’s shirt suddenly burst bright red. His mouth opened in a silent cry and then he fell to his knees. I stepped to the side as his body fell forward.

  I rushed over to Stormy and gathered her in my arms to hide the entry point of the bullet from her. I didn’t want her seeing it if I could help it. I reached around and untied her hands. “Are you okay? I’m so fucking sorry I left you. I made a mistake, Stormy.”

  She yanked the tape off of her mouth and gritted her teeth. “God, that hurts!”

  I pulled her into my lap and pressed my lips to the side of her head. I didn’t know what else to say so I just held her.

  Cops swarmed inside and stomped around Stormy’s house, making sure that Shooter was dead. When she looked at them with confusion in her eyes I told her what happened.

  “I didn’t see another way to avoid you getting involved. Turns out I was wrong. You almost got killed because of me.”

  She stood up and pulled me into her room with her. “I’m not mad at you. I understand why you took the book. Don’t ever leave me after sex again, though. Waking up with you gone and Shooter over me was like a horrible nightmare. I half convinced myself that I’d dreamed it all and instead actually slept with him. It was awful!”

  I frowned. “He didn’t touch you, did he?”

  “No. I kicked his ass, though.” She looked up at me and held onto my arms. “They’re going to jail?”

  I nodded. “For a very long time hopefully. And by the time they get out we will be long gone. I quit my job.”

  She held on tighter. “Really?”

  I nodded. “I don’t want to do this anymore. I can’t. Being with the club for three years fucked with me. It doesn’t feel right being part of a team anymore. I figure I can open up a PI office or something like that when we get to wherever we want to go.”

  She had tears in her eyes. “I thought you wouldn’t want to be with me after I said what I said…”

  I kissed her then. I held her face in my hands and wiped the tears before gently kissing down her jaw. “I love you, too.”

  She threw her arms around me and hugged me tightly. “Can we leave tonight?”

  I shook my head. “We have to go back to my place tonight.”

  “Oh. So, you can clear stuff up?”

  I shook my head again. “No, so I can make love to you the right way. Our first time was a little more rushed than I meant for it to be. I’d like another chance to make it memorable.”

  A blush touched her cheeks. “We’d better go now.”

  It did something for me to know that she was just as ready as I was. Despite everything, I was going to have a happy ending with Stormy. Finally.

  As we were leaving a paramedic was wheeling Shooter’s body out and I almost felt bad about not being more respectful. Both Stormy and I had grown up around violence, though. Death wasn’t new.

  I pulled her out of the house and over to her car. My hands were sweaty and I felt all shaky. Telling her I loved her was harder than the decision to quit my job ever was. I knew I was making the right decision, though, when she looked up at me and smiled.

  Captain stepped in front of me and held up his hands. “Fraternizing on the job? That’s not allowed, O’Conner.”

  “I told you I fucking quit.”

  He forced a smile. “I know. If you’ll stop by my desk tomorrow I’ll have a recommendation typed up for you. I’m sorry about what happened.”

  I thanked him and then turned to go.

  “Oh, and O’Conner? Stay out of trouble.”

  I smirked back at him. We both knew I couldn’t make any promises.



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   Copyright 2015 by (Linda Wright) - All rights reserved.

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  Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.

  Free Souls

  Come on and set me free

  By: Linda Wright

  Free Souls

  I felt like I needed to join a support group for the day I was having. I would just stand in front of a room full of other people with the world’s worst luck and introduce myself. Hello, my name is Kacey Rhodes and I have worse luck than any of you. There would probably be an argument that followed but I wouldn’t participate because, with said luck, there was no way I could win it anyway.

  I was having a particularly bad day that day. I’d woken up late and then tripped on my way into work. Normal stuff for me. Only, instead of falling onto a solid patch of sidewalk like usual, I’d fallen into a patch of wet cement that a group of angry construction workers were working on. They’d been overjoyed to yell at me about what a mess I had made. As I stood there with hardening cement clinging to my hands and chest I’d looked down to notice a clear imprint of my breasts in the sidewalk.

  After going back home to wash off and change I had managed to lock myself out of my apartment and then it’d started to rain. Not just any rain. A spectacular, out of nowhere, torrential downpour that had soaked my casual business wear in less than five seconds. My heels flooded with water and my feet slid around in them until I had to take them off.

  There I was, drenched and holding my shoes, when I’d glanced up and watched my boyfriend come out of the building next door. It was strange because he lived with me and had no reason to be in the building he was exiting. What was stranger was that he was supposed to be out of town, visiting his sick mother. The thing that put the icing on the strange cake? He was lip locked with a girl that wasn’t me.

  I’d like to say that I reacted with fury or a crazed determination to rip his penis off. I didn’t, though. Instead I just stood there and watched as the girl locked her legs around Paul’s waist and then they disappeared back into her building. The only thought that was going through my head was that I should’ve asked him for his spare key so I could go inside our one bedroom apartment and call in sick for the day.

  I turned and began my trek to work without any sadness over the end of that relationship. Paul was a loser with a tendency to laugh at my ideas when I actually spoke them aloud. Seeing him and his oversized Star Wars poster go wouldn’t be heartbreaking, to say the least. It actually put a small pep in my step, despite the fact that I was having a horrible day. Even the fact that the construction workers had called it quits because of the rain and I could see my breast tracks still on the city sidewalk, quickly filling with water, didn’t bother me quite as much.

  I was just outside of work when the rain stopped. Perfect timing, as always. I glanced up and watched as a guy raced towards me. I tried to step out of his way, thinking he was just in a rush, but he just grabbed the strap of my purse and tried to yank it out of my hands as he raced past. Normally I would never think of fighting back against a mugger. I’m a quiet girl from a suburban home. I never even witnessed a fight until I was a senior in high school and two girls got into a slap fight over a guy named Billy.

  My day had been too awful already to let it keep going on that way. I braced myself and yanked back with all of my force. I wasn’t losing that purse without a fight. It had everything I needed in it, including a flash drive that held my newest ramblings that would hopefully become a popular blog post soon.

  The mugger wasn’t huge but he was bigger than my petite frame. My force was no match for the forward momentum he’d built up. My feet left the ground and I sailed through the air when he kept running after grabbing my purse. I refused to let go, though. I hit the ground hard and dragging my dead weight seemed to finally slow the mugger down. He spun around and yanked hard at the purse.

  “Let go, you crazy bitch!”

  I fought hard to pull the purse back to my chest and glared up at him. “You let go, you piece of crap!”

  He looked incredulous but that didn’t stop him from reaching down and slapping me. My mouth fell open and I blinked back tears from the stinging pain. He’d slapped me. I fought to my feet and pulled even harder for the purse. Mr. Mugger gave up being nice and I watched as he closed his fist and pulled it back.

  I braced for the impact but instead a leather clad hand appeared out of nowhere and caught the guy’s fist before it connected to my face. I peeked up and followed a leather covered forearm up to a leather covered shoulder and finally to an angry face that made something south of my belt heat.

  My hero was sex-on-two-feet sexy and I couldn’t help but blush. His hair was covered by a wet bandana but it looked dark. His eyes, currently menacing, were bright green and surrounded my thick, dark lashes. His mouth was one hundred percent stern, only broken up by a thin white line that cut through his upper lip.

  I had to tip my head back to see all of him and I was not disappointed. He was tall and broad, that much I could tell, but I found myself curious to know if his body was as strong and dangerous as his face.

  My cheeks heated even more because I was being an idiot. I had no business checking out this stranger in the middle of a mugging. I brought my attention back to what was happening and winced for the would-be mugger. My hero still had his hand wrapped around the other guy’s fist and if the look of pain on the guy’s face was any indication my hero was squeezing.

  “Let go of the fucking purse.” His voice was deep and gravely but it felt like velvet soothing over my tense body.

  The mugger let go and finally got his fist free so he could back up. “Next time mind your own business, man!”

  I watched as he ran away and pulled my purse tight to my body. My blog was saved for the moment. I turned to my hero and opened my mouth to thank him, only being faced head on with all of his sex appeal was too much for my tired brain. I felt my mouth flapping around like words were trying to form only no sounds came out.

  “What the hell were you thinking?” His voice was even angrier than when he’d spoken to the mugger. His eyes narrowed into slits and the muscles at the sides of his jaws worked like he was grinding his teeth.

  I squeaked out my first sound since he appeared on the scene but it wasn’t coherent. I snapped my mouth closed and looked at a spot right over his left shoulder in hopes of distracting myself from how hot he was. “Why are you yelling at me?”

  He stepped closer to me and the smell of leather and something spicy filled my space. It wreaked havoc on my sensibility and I had an instant image of grabbing his face and kissing him like there was no tomorrow.

  “I’m yelling at you because you could’ve just gotten yourself killed! You tried to fight a man who was twice your size.”

  I glanced in the direction the mugger had run. “I don’t think he was twice my size. That’s being a little dramatic. I couldn’t lose my purse. I have important stuff in here.”

  His scoff brought my gaze to his face and I watched as he actually rolled his eyes. “I’m sure you could replace whatever lipstick he would’ve gotten away with. If he’d knocked your lights out and then dragged you into an alley, however, I’m not sure you could replace what he stole from you then.”

  I shivered. I hadn’t thought about that. It hadn’t happened, though, so that’s what I had to focus on. “He didn’t. I’m fine and I still have my purse. Thank you for your help. I have to go now.”

  He reached out and wrapped his big hand around my upper arm to stop me from leaving. “You need to learn to protect yourself if you’re going to try to fight off muggers.”

  I stared up at him in shock and nearly laughed as his face transformed with more shock than I was experiencing. “Look, you did your job. You saved me. You don’t have to feel obligated to help me past that. Clearly that’s not something you’re used to doing, if the shock on your face is any indicator.”

  His mouth turned down and his fingers tightened slightly around my arm. “I can’t let you go without at least
trying to help you learn how to protect yourself. It wouldn’t be right.”

  Another shiver moved down my body but it wasn’t a completely unpleasant one. I stared into his bright eyes and felt my body responding to him in ways that it never had for Paul. At the thought of my boyfriend I had a vision of him kissing the leggy blonde.

  I never did anything crazy. I’d graduated high school with a perfect grade point average and I’d finished college a year earlier than all of my friends with a still perfect grade point average. I’d immediately gotten a job in my field and at the ripe old age of twenty-two I was on my way to a boring marriage with a boring man who couldn’t keep his dick in his pants. We’d probably have boring children who went to boring schools and ate boring dinner at our boring dining room table every single boring night. Normally that didn’t feel as claustrophobic as it did in the light of Mr. Tall, Dark, and Dangerously Handsome.

  I’d never done anything crazy and I was going to wake up some boring day and realize that I’d never lived. I’d let fear of failing my parents keep me in a clean little box and it was time to make at least one stupid decision.

  I’d let the sexy stranger teach me some self-defense moves and maybe that would be enough to get me through all the lonely nights coming up after I dumped Paul onto his cheating ass. One crazy day and then back to my normal life. Maybe something unexpected would give my luck a revitalization. It couldn’t hurt it.

  With my mind still on the imprint of my breasts drying in cement a few blocks away I met the stranger’s forceful gaze and nodded. “Okay. You can teach me some self-defense moves.”

  His mouth slid into a lazy grin and the corners of his eyes crinkled slightly. His teeth were perfectly white and at such odds with the dark stubble covering the lower half of his face. “You want to change first?”


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