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BAD BOY ROMANCE: FAKE FIANCEE ROMANCE: Breaking Bad (Jealous Friend Alpha Male Temporary Counterfeit Romance Secret Love Thriller) (My Fake Fiancé Obsession Romance Bad Boy Love Collection Romance)

Page 18

by Dagny Rand

  I looked down at my once nice outfit and sighed. The pale pink blouse had gone transparent and my lacey bra was as clear as day through the thin material. The pencil skirt I wore was clinging to my body like a second skin. I’d dropped my shoes in the scuffle and I could feel that the bun I’d pulled my hair into was falling down.

  “Changing would be nice but I locked myself out of my apartment this morning.”

  He held out his hand to me. “It’s your lucky day. My name is Ramsey and locked doors have never been a problem for me.”

  I bit my lip and then blew out a big breath. I was thinking maybe I’d bitten off more than I could chew. Maybe my first time being a little crazy shouldn’t be with someone who said things like that. “That’s a little worrisome.”

  His laugh was unexpected and loud, coming from deep down in his gut. “So, what’s your name?”

  It was stupid not to tell him but a part of me felt like telling him made what we were going to do real. If he knew my name then maybe this wasn’t a crazy decision but something more… telling. I couldn’t make sense of what I was thinking, only that I didn’t want to tell him my real name.

  “Not going to tell me?”

  I opened my mouth to lie to him when someone called my real name from behind me. If anything was telling it was the fact that I didn’t recognize my boyfriend’s voice. When I turned and saw him coming I grimaced and turned quickly back to my new friend.

  “So, Ramsey, do you have a car? Think we can get out of here?”

  His eyes were over my head, in the direction of Paul. “No car. Why are you trying to avoid this schmuck, Kasey?”

  I stepped closer to him and grabbed his arm. My brain temporarily scrambled at the solid muscle under leather I felt there. I looked down and my fingers were moving over the solid material in a stroking motion. My cheeks burned when I realized he was also staring at my fingers.

  I shook my head to clear up my thoughts. “S-sorry.”

  Ramsey stepped even closer, the heavy tips of his boots stopping just short of being on top of my bare feet. His eyes were no longer crinkled in a smile when he stared at me. His tongue darted out to wet his lips and I bit my lower lip in response.

  “Jesus, Kasey! Did you not hear me calling you?” Paul grabbed my arm and pulled me around to face him.

  There was such a dramatic difference in the two men I’d been facing that I couldn’t speak for a second. As large and dark as Ramsey was Paul was small and light. What had I ever found attractive in him?

  While Ramsey’s face was all hard lines and sharp eyes Paul was soft. His cheeks were pink from running after me and his eyes were nervous as he looked behind me at the giant of a man who was still hovering at my back.

  “What are you doing? Who is that?”

  A flash of a vision hit me and I remembered the blonde. “Paul, you have to get out of my apartment.”

  He sucked in a big breath and stepped closer to me. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  Ramsey stepped closer to my back at the same time and let out a small growl of warning. I glanced up at him and saw him glaring at Paul. “Don’t get too close, pal.”

  Paul grew some nerve and scowled. “Who are you? Are you in trouble, Kasey? Is he threatening you?”

  I crossed my arms over my chest and shook my head. “Ramsey’s my hero. I was getting mugged and he saved me. That’s not your business anymore, though. I had to come home this morning to wash cement out of my clothes and hair, Paul. What do you think I saw when I was leaving our apartment?”

  His eyes kept dancing up to Ramsey. “I don’t know. What?”

  Ramsey’s deep laugh startled me and I half turned to him. “What’s so funny?”

  “How’d you get cement on your clothes and in your hair? You’ve had a hell of a morning, haven’t you?”

  I grinned before I could help it. His laugh was infectious. “Maybe I’ll show you.”

  “Hello! Are you serious? Are you seriously flirting with this giant right in front of me?! What the fuck is going on here?”

  “I wasn’t flirting.”

  “Don’t raise your voice at her again.”

  I turned back to Paul before Ramsey could see my red face. “What I saw, Paul, was you making out with some tall blonde woman. See, I thought you were home with your sick mother. In Dallas. So, imagine my surprise when I saw your lips very present and so close to our apartment.”

  Paul started a very unflattering stuttering and a redness started at his neck and worked its way up his face. “I… That wasn’t me.”

  Ramsey snorted and I laughed. “Paul, it’s over. Don’t worry, I’m not angry. I just want you to get out of my apartment. You can have the rest of the day to move out. Minus the next half hour. I have to go change.”

  He suddenly found words. “What? I’m not leaving! I love you, Kase. Let me explain about Meghan. She’s not important. I just needed to get that out of my system.”

  “I don’t care. Honestly. I’m not upset.”

  “What the fuck is wrong with you, Kasey?! We’ve been together for almost a whole year. How can you just end it without feeling anything?”

  I shrugged. “I just can, I guess. Leave your key on the kitchen table when you leave.”

  “You’re being a giant bitch!”

  Ramsey cleared his throat and rested both hands on my shoulders. I sucked in a breath at the feeling and looked down to see his large fingers resting dangerously low on my chest. I found myself wishing he’d lower them another couple of inches and touch me. I felt my nipples harden and blew out the same large, shaky breath.

  “Talk to the lady like that again and I’ll break all of your fingers before anyone can get here to help you. Get your shit and get out of her apartment. I’ll be back there tomorrow and if I happen to see so much as one short sleeve button down I’ll find you and I’ll teach you a thing or two about being a bitch.”

  Paul gasped and moved back. He tore his eyes away from Ramsey and looked at me with accusation glowing on his face. “You’re sick!”

  Ramsey stepped closer, his chest brushing my back, and growled once more. That did the job. Paul back away and then turned and took off at a jog towards the apartment.

  I sighed. “He’s going straight to the apartment. I don’t want to face him again right now. I’ll just make due in these clothes, I guess.”

  “I’m sure I can find you something to wear when we get to where we’re going. Come on. Let’s go.”

  I turned to face him and frowned. “I thought you didn’t have a car.”

  A boyish grin touched his mouth. “I don’t. I have something much better.”

  He led the way to a large black motorcycle and climbed on. “You’ll have to wear my helmet.”

  My eyes widened. “No, no. I can’t ride that thing. It’s huge!”

  His eyes brightened. “You’d be surprised what you can do.”

  I caught his wink and nearly fell over. I rested my hand over my heart and shook my head. “No, thank you. That’s not going to work.”


  I lifted my eyes from the bike and met his gaze. “Yeah?”

  “Get on.”

  I groaned and stepped closer. “I’m wearing a skirt, though.”

  His twisted and his large hands were suddenly at the bottom of my tight pencil shirt. “That isn’t a problem.”

  I gasped when he slowly worked the material up until I was wearing a modified mini-skirt. I thanked everything good in the world that I’d shaved above the knee that morning. His fingers felt like they were everywhere on my thighs and I squeezed my legs shut to stop the sensations washing over me.

  Ramsey’s fingers pushed the skirt up a bit more, his hands resting on my hips. “There. Now, get up here.”

  I was about to shake my head but the look of heat in his eyes stopped me. It was one day. One crazy day. I had to say yes. I awkwardly lifted my leg and climbed on behind him, leaving a gap between our bodies. I looked up and saw
a woman covering her kid’s eyes and glaring at me.

  I lightly punched Ramsey’s shoulder. “You made me flash those poor children!”

  He reached back and gripped my thighs before yanking me forward so that our bodies were tightly molded together. “Lucky little bastards.”


  “I said hold on tight.”

  I laughed and rested my hands on his sides. He started the motorcycle and the sensation of it vibrating between my legs had me holding onto him tighter. I sighed into his leather covered back when he grabbed my arms and pulled them tighter around his stomach. I had no choice but to press my hands against all of the muscles I felt working in his lower stomach. At least that’s what I told myself.

  I pressed my helmet covered face into his back when he started moving and held on even tighter. I’d never been on a bike before and it was equally scary and exhilarating. He moved the big thing with ease through traffic. It gave me confidence that he wouldn’t kill me.

  I relaxed slightly and smiled as the reality of what I was doing washed over me. I was on the back of a stranger’s motorcycle with no clue as to where we were going. Instead of the panic I expected to feel I felt great. My body was alive on the bike and curling around Ramsey felt so natural.

  My hair tie flew out of my hair and suddenly my hair was whipping behind us in the wind. I laughed into Ramsey’s back before relaxing even more. I sat up and lifted one arm to let it sail through the breeze rushing past us. Suddenly everything felt amazing. My worst day had turned into the best day.

  I tightened my thighs around Ramsey and moved my hand up his chest. “Pull over!”

  He heard me over the noise and did as I asked. After he was parked he looked back at me and raised his eyebrows. “What’s wrong?”

  I yanked the helmet off of my head. “I don’t want to wear this. I want to feel the wind in all of my hair.”

  His eyes crinkled. “You can leave it off until we get to the highway. Then you’re putting it back on.”

  I nodded just to get us moving again.

  “Is that what I think it is?”

  I followed Ramsey’s finger and groaned. He was pointing to a group surrounding a chunk of sidewalk. There was a big enough gap that we could both see that people were pointing and laughing at the clear impression of two medium size breasts in the cement.

  Ramsey’s sudden bark of laughter shocked me. He looked back at me and laughed again. “You had an interesting morning, didn’t you?”

  I frowned and nodded. “It would be better if we got away from that before people recognize me as the artist of that special piece of sidewalk.”

  He slipped the helmet over his own head and started us moving again. The sensations were heightened without the helmet. My hair whipped around us and I laughed at the freedom I was feeling. He was just driving me away from the city but it felt like he was driving me away from my holding cell. My heart was pounding against his back and I wondered if he could feel it.

  Ramsey rested his larger hand over the spot where my smaller one rested on his stomach. He stroked his finger over my knuckles until I ached at my core. He yelled something but I couldn’t hear it.


  He pulled over again and took the helmet off before handing it to me. His eyes were wild as he looked back at me. “I said if you don’t stop shifting against me like that we aren’t going to make it to the clubhouse.”

  None of my other blushes could ever compare to the heat that ravished my face in that moment. I bit my lip hard and shoved my head into the helmet.

  Ramsey ran his hand over my bare thigh and groaned. “You’re too sexy for your own good.”

  The rest of the ride was made in silence. I watched as we left the city and moved out towards the more rural area that surrounded it. My head was full of thoughts of Ramsey calling me sexy but I still noticed our surroundings. After a little while longer he turned onto a nearly hidden road that was shadowed my trees on both sides.

  He drove a little while longer down that side road until he pulled to a stop at a large fence that was guarded by another big guy in leather. “Any excitement today?”

  The guard shook his head and nodded to me. “You?”

  Ramsey patted my thigh. “Plenty.”

  We pulled through after the gate was opened and Ramsey navigated the bike just a little farther down the road until a large building popped into view. There were a few houses surrounding the metal building but all of the activity seemed to be centered at the building.

  I looked around and frowned. Where was this place? Ramsey parked his motorcycle next to a small white house and turned it off. He helped me off the bike and then sat on the bike seat facing me.

  I just stood there so he reached up and took the helmet off of my head. I looked around and frowned. “Where are we?”

  There were lots of other motorcycles and I could already hear the rambunctious laughter coming from the large group of people pretty far away from us. There was a sign on the side of the metal building and I started at it until the words made sense in my head.

  “Night Rider’s MC?”

  He grabbed my hips again and pulled me closer. “Yeah. It’s a motorcycle club.”

  My mind filled with images of gang rapes and men drugged up on every pill imaginable. I’d never heard anything good about motorcycle gangs. I looked around and tried to find evidence of anything awful happening.

  Instead of bad things I just saw people having fun. They were all standing around, talking and goofing off. The men were all dressed similar to Ramsey and the women were dressed in a lot less. That still didn’t make it wrong, though.

  “You going to give it a chance?”

  I met his eyes and forgot all about what was happening around us. I was supposed to be having a crazy day. What could be crazier than a day with a motorcycle gang? I nodded and moved away from him. “I need to change clothes, though.”

  He stood up and nodded his head toward the house. “My sister’s place. She’s about your size. Give me a second and I’ll grab a few things.”

  I watched him go into the house and crossed my arms over my chest. A couple of women walking by looked me up and down and frowned like they’d just seen something terrible. I pressed my lips together firmly and stared at my bare toes, realizing for the first time that I’d left my heels on the sidewalk.

  “I grabbed shorts and some shoes she had around. Her shirts didn’t seem like your style so I’ll just grab one of mine for you.” Ramsey grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the house next door.

  I climbed the steps and followed him in. The house was clean and quiet. The décor was minimalist and the walls were bare but it was a nice house. “You live here?”

  “Yeah. I used to stay in the clubhouse but it got to be annoying. When you move up in the ranks and don’t have an old lady the groupies tend to flock. I kept waking up to random women crawling into my bed.”

  I snorted. “Oh, the woes. Most men wouldn’t complain.”

  His eyes were serious as they met mine. “I’m not most men. I don’t want people I don’t trust crawling around my shit when I’m sleeping.”

  I clutched the clothing tighter to my stomach. “Yet you brought me into your house.”

  He disappeared into a room off the living room for a second and reappeared with a piece of dark material in his hands. A Night Rider’s t-shirt. “You’re trust inspiring. What can I say?”

  Something fluttered in my stomach and I grinned at him. “Or maybe you’re just a big softy.”

  Ramsey pressed the shirt into my hands and leaned down so we were eye to eye. “I’ve never been accused of that before. And I can promise you. There’s nothing soft about me.”

  I swallowed so loud I knew he’d heard it. Thankfully he moved away and nodded to another door to my left.

  “Bathroom. Get changed and I’ll take you to the clubhouse for some lunch before I show you some moves.”

  My body moved on autopilot th
ankfully. Otherwise I’d have still been standing in his living room, staring at him. I stripped out of my clothing and dressed quickly. If my hands moved fast enough maybe my brain wouldn’t have time to kick in again.

  His sister had to be the size of a small child. Her shorts were barely there on me. They were cut off jean shorts and stopped just short of showing my ass cheeks. They didn’t leave much to the imagination, that was for sure. My bra was still wet so I left it off and pulled his large t-shirt on over my head.

  It smelled like him and instantly my core tightened. My nipples were rock hard against the soft cotton and I had to spend a few minutes just standing there, breathing, to get myself under control.

  I slipped my feet into his sister’s flip flops, which thankfully fit, and then stared at myself in the mirror. I’d rolled the shirt sleeves up and held them there with a few bobby pins I found in the bottom of my purse. Then I’d taken the excess material at the bottom and tied it in a knot at my back. It left an inch of skin exposed at my waist but I didn’t figure it mattered much after the shorts revealed everything else.

  My long dark hair was wildly curling down my back and my blue eyes were bright as they stared back at me. I had color in my face that I hadn’t seen in a while. I looked excited and ready to take on the world. I took out my lipstick and dabbed it on, making my full lips shiny and pink, before opening the door and going back out to face Ramsey.

  He was standing by the couch when I came out. He’d taken his leather jacket off, revealing a shirt much like mine, only the sleeves were ripped and there were a few holes in it. His gloves had been lost, too.

  The visual effect of Ramsey was enough to take my breath away. I just stood there, staring at him, taking in the large arms and tan skin I could see through the holes in his shirt. He was a work of art.

  “You look good enough to eat.” His deep voice was deeper then. His eyes settled on the bare skin at my waist and flashed hot. “Come here.”

  My feet moved without any input from my brain. Before I knew it I was standing right in front of Ramsey with my arms hanging loosely at my sides. I looked up at him and bit my lip hard.

  “You’re going to chew a hole through your lip if you keep that up.” His thumb came up to tug my lip out from between my teeth. “It’d be a shame.”


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