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Joe Football

Page 14

by Autumn Sand

  I push through the crowd as everyone laughs at him. I walk past Brice, not sure where I’m going at this point, but I need to get away from here.

  “Favor.” Brice yells. “Favor, wait up.”

  I stop and wait for him. He jogs over to me. “You belong to me and only me?” he asks with a smirk.

  The anger I felt towards Jameson leaves me instantly when I set eyes on Brice. “Out of everything I said to him, that’s all you got out of it?” I smirk back, folding my arms over my chest.

  “Was there anything else more important?” He pulls me into his hard chest.

  “No, I guess not,” I say, as my heart skips a beat.

  “Say it again.” He leans in close to kiss me.

  “I belong to you and only you.”

  “That’s the way I like it.” And he kisses me. With that kiss, I knew our relationship had just passed yet another hurdle.

  Chapter 16


  Today is the day the Cougars leave for their away game in North Carolina. This is a very important game on the road to the Championships. No classes today so students can have the opportunity to support the team. Brice says he isn’t worried about the game, but I know it must sit in the back of his head as they get closer and closer to the Championships. This game will have scouts sitting in the bleachers. Brice will be riding with the team, and I’ll be driving with Jana, following behind the team bus. Walking hand and hand, we are headed to the meeting place in the stadium parking lot.

  “Okay, baby. Drive carefully, and I will see you in North Carolina.” Brice tips my head for a kiss.

  “Get some rest on the bus. I know I kept you up last night,” I tease and clench my legs together as I remember our activities of the night before.

  “You can keep me up like that anytime.” He smiles and places another tender kiss on my lips. “You should let Jana drive though, because you didn’t get much sleep either.”

  “Jana is probably hungover. I’ll be okay.”

  “Walker, any day now.” Coach Vega yells.

  “On my way, Coach,” Brice calls out. “I love you, be safe. Text me when you check into your hotel.”

  “I will. I love you too.” I kiss him again, and watch him turn to board the bus with his team.

  God, I miss him already, as he gives me a final wave goodbye. Turning around to walk over to my car, I see Jana stumbling towards me with a group of her fellow cheerleaders. Most of the cheerleaders will be riding the bus with the team, but Jana opted to make the drive with me since Cal isn’t back from Virginia.

  “Oh, my God, I’m so hungover,” Jana complains as she walks towards me, with her Gatorade dangling in her hand. Her normally perky disposition is gone and replaced with pain and nausea. Knew it.

  “Why am I not surprised?” I say to her, my eyes focused on Regan standing next to her.

  “Can Regan catch a ride with us?” Jana begs, giving me a bashful look.

  “Why do you need a ride, Regan? What happened to your car?”

  “I have transmission problems.”

  “Is that so? You’re telling me you don’t have anyone else to go with?”

  “I told you she wouldn’t,” Regan speaks to Jana.

  “Sorry, Favor. It’s my fault. I told her I would ask you, when she said she had no way to get to the game. I would’ve taken her myself in my car, but I already said I would drive with you.”

  “Regan, you insult my boyfriend and me at every turn. A few weeks ago, you tried to leave me with the impression that you were with him by pretending to trip and fall into his arms. You can see why I’m a little wary of a four-hour trip with you.” I cross my arms over my chest.

  “Okay, I get it. You’re right. I apologize. But I really would like to go to the game to support our team. Can I please catch a ride with you?”

  I look at her and then at Jana. “Your idea, huh?”

  “Yes. I should’ve called you last night to ask. But I didn’t want to disturb you because you were with Brice,” Jana says, giving me an impish grin. I could never say no to Jana. She has done me countless favors without so much as a cross word.

  “Fine, but this is definitely against my better judgment. You do anything to piss me off or insult me, you’re out, and I don’t care if we are in the middle of nowhere. Got me?” I narrow my eyes at Regan.

  She smiles. “Got you. Your car, your rules.”

  “Alright then, let’s go. The team’s bus is going to be pulling out soon, and I want to be directly behind it.” Spinning on my heel, I walk towards my car. As I open the door, I see Wayne staring at me from a distance, his car door already open for him to get in. He smiles slightly and gives me a wave. I haven’t seen him since the dedication ceremony. This is the first time I feel my heart is truly healing, as I lift my hand and give him a wave in return.

  Jana stares at me before entering the car. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I am.” I smile at her.

  Four and a half hours later, we arrive, and I drop Jana off at her hotel first, where she’s staying with her fellow cheerleaders. Regan and I check into our individual rooms at another hotel. A party atmosphere is evident in the hotel as students check in for the big game tomorrow evening. I still can’t believe that I am going to a football game that isn’t for my dad or my brother. Brice would’ve understood if I didn’t come, but I wanted to be here for him to offer my support.

  Inside my room, I flop down on my bed and shoot off a quick text to Brice, letting him know that I’ve checked in. As I am about to close my eyes for a nap, my phone beeps.

  Brice: God I miss you, baby. Think you can come over for a few hours? Got practice in another hour or so but you can stop by afterward.

  Me: Miss you too. I’ll stop by later. But I won’t stay that long. You have to keep your head on the game and not me.

  Brice: It’s always about you baby and don't you ever forget that.

  I smile at his words, pressing my phone to my chest. Oh, this man of mine.

  Me: It’s always about us. See you in a few hours. ☺

  While I wait, I’ve taken full advantage of the time. I slept and ate some lunch. Looking at the clock, I realize that Brice should be back in his room from practice, so I decide to drive over to his hotel. Walking through the lobby of the hotel where the team is staying, I see Wayne talking to some of his former teammates. Since my speech at the dedication ceremony, he is no longer as ostracized as before. It is good to see him smiling and looking better. Some cheerleaders are hanging around him and the players. I walk over to them because Jana is part of the group.

  “How did practice go?” I ask Jana, who is looking much better than she did a few hours ago.

  Shrugging her shoulders, she says, “It went well, I guess. One of the girls did puke on the field, though.” She scrunches up her nose at the memory.

  “Eww. Disgusting.” We both laugh.

  “Here to see Brice?” Jana gives me a knowing look.

  “Yes. I should be heading up now, actually.” I wave bye to everyone and walk over to the elevators. As I am waiting, I look over to see Jana leaning in closer to Wayne. An outsider looking in would say those two look quite intimate. The chime of the elevator interrupts me from my thoughts, and I step in.

  Getting off on the team's floor, I see Jameson talking with Kevin Shore in the hallway. Glaring at both of them, I walk past without a word. Jameson, of course, glares back at me and Kevin laughs out loud. I know we don’t have proof, but I feel it in my gut that Kevin is the reason Cal ended up in the hospital. Standing in front of Brice’s door, I knock and wait for him to answer. The door opens, and I can’t believe what I see before me.

  Regan answers the door. A naked Regan answers the door and gives me a look.

  “What are you doing here?” she asks me.

  Is this bitch for real? Did she really just ask me what am I doing in my boyfriend’s room? “Shouldn’t I be the one asking you?”

  She looks me up and down, a
s if sizing me up for competition. “I didn’t know Brice was into threesomes, but hey, I’m down if you are. Besides, I thought I wore him out already. Guess that stud has more energy than I anticipated.”

  What the fuck? As I step forward to slap her, I see Brice walking out of the bathroom with a towel hanging low on his hips, drying his face with another towel. He comes to a sudden stop and looks up, taking in the scene unfolding before him.

  “Regan? What the fuck are you doing in my room?” he snaps angrily.

  This bitch doesn’t flinch or bat an eyelash. I survey the room from the position where I’m standing. I take in the rumpled bedsheets, the empty condom wrappers around the floor, and a used condom discarded on a nightstand. My heart breaks in two. Backing my way to the door, I open it and run down the hallway to the elevators. I hear Brice yelling after me, screaming for me to wait. Damn elevator is going to take too long. Spotting the staircase, I make a run for it, passing Jameson and Kevin on the way.

  Once in the hotel lobby, I don’t bother to break stride as I head towards the exit, my vision blurred from the tears. Jana calls out to me, but I don’t stop.

  “Favor, wait.” Brice yells after me.

  I turn and glare at him. He is still wearing nothing but a towel. His muscles bulge as he lifts his arms, almost like he is approaching a wild animal. Perhaps he is. I’m feeling quite wild at this moment. Wild with anger.

  “Favor, I don’t know how she got in my room. You have to believe me,” he says, as he walks over to me slowly.

  A crowd begins to form around the two of us. Jana is now standing at my side, along with Wayne. Jana instantly places herself in front of me. “She doesn’t want to talk to you. Give her a moment,” Jana says to him.

  Brice looks crushed. “Favor, please baby, you have to believe me.”

  I shake my head as fury builds inside of me. “I can’t do this.” I turn and walk outside. Brice doesn’t come after me, but Jana and Wayne follow behind. When I get to my car, I fumble with my key and feel Wayne’s hand touch mine, removing the keys from my fingers.

  “I’ll drive you back to your hotel,” he says to me. Unable to speak, I just nod and get into the backseat with Jana. Instantly, I lay my head on her shoulders and cry.

  You ever had that friend that knows when to talk and when not to? Jana is that friend right now. She doesn’t bother asking me questions I’m too emotionally spent to answer. She only saw her friend who was in need, and she was there. No questions or answers are needed. I’ll always be thankful to her for that moment.

  Chapter 17


  Bang, bang, bang. “Favor, I know you’re in there. It’s Egon. Open up.”

  I shake my head at Jana and Wayne, and bury my head in my pillow. The two of them stayed up with me last night as I cried and explained what I saw. Jana, ever the cheerleader, said I should talk to Brice. She doesn’t believe he slept with Regan. Wayne said he doesn’t know Brice, but he will follow my lead on how to handle this. Brice has called several times throughout the night all the way into this morning. Looks like I’m not the only one who lost sleep over this. Of course, I refused to answer any of his calls or text messages.

  “He isn’t going to stop knocking. I’ll answer it, okay?” Wayne says as he stands, walking towards the door.

  “I don’t want to talk to him,” I cry into my pillow.

  “No worries. If you don’t want to talk to him, you don’t have to. Wayne will do the talking,” Jana responds.

  Wayne opens the door, and Egon tries to push past him. Wayne holds his hand to Egon’s chest. “Listen, it’s been a rough night for her. She doesn’t want to talk. If you need to say something, just say it to me, and I’ll give her the message.”

  I hear Egon exhale deeply. “Favor, he didn’t do anything. You have to believe him. He hates Regan, and always has. As his best friend, I know him, and he would never do this to you.”

  I don’t respond; I just cry harder into my pillow as Jana strokes my head.

  “I think you should leave now,” Wayne warns.

  “Today is a very important game for his career. His head is not in the right place. They need to sort this out before the game.” Egon stresses his last words.

  “I understand. But she isn’t ready to talk to him,” Wayne says.

  “Favor. I’ve come to think of you as my friend. As your friend, I’m asking you to please believe me when I say Brice would not do this to you. I’ve never seen him so hung up on a girl before in all the years I’ve known him. Don’t throw it all away. Give him a chance to explain.” Egon makes a last-ditch effort.

  I sit up on my bed, and turn to face Egon standing in the doorway. “How did she get in his room without him knowing?” I ask.

  Egon closes his eyes and shakes his head. “We don’t know.”

  “Just leave, Egon. Please. Just leave.” I turn back around and throw myself onto my pillow again.

  Egon lets out a breath. “Okay, I’ll leave. But promise me you’ll talk to him.”

  I don’t say a word, and I hear the door close.

  “I think you should talk to Brice,” Jana confides, stroking the back of my head.

  “I can’t. It hurts too much.”

  Jana sighs. “Listen, I have to get to the stadium and change clothes. Are you going to the game, at least?”


  “Not for him, but for me. Please go to the game and support me, at least. I’ll be cheering, and it would mean a lot to me. Besides, it will cheer you up.”

  I turn and look at her. “For you, I will.” Jana smiles and gives me a hug.

  “I’ll drive you to the stadium, and come back to pick up Favor later,” Wayne offers.

  Jana beams at him. She gives me another quick hug, and they both leave. Sitting up on my bed, I see my reflection in the mirror. Oh my goodness, I look like hell. I shower and change clothes, finishing just as Wayne arrives. In his car, we drive towards the stadium.

  “Listen, I don’t know Brice. But from what I hear, he is a really good guy. Do you believe he would do that to you?” Wayne asks me.

  “I don’t know what to believe anymore. It’s hard not to believe it, with all of the evidence in the room, staring me in my face.”

  “Listen, some buddies of mine on the team are stressed about this also. This game is riding on Brice’s shoulders. They all said his head isn’t in the right frame of mind. As a former player, trust me, I know what that is like. He could make a mistake on the field that could not only cost the team the game, but he could get injured.”

  “I know. You know I, of all people, would know that.” I’m slightly stunned I’m sitting in Wayne’s car having this conversation at all.

  “Like I said, I’ll back your play, no matter what. But to tell you the truth, I’m starting to believe he got set up.”

  “Set up? By who?”

  “Jameson, perhaps. He has it out for Brice. He knows how important this game is, with all of the scouts watching. If he could get Brice to the point where he doesn’t perform well, it could damage his career.”

  “Jameson is a lot of things, but he wouldn’t sink that low.” Would he? As soon as the words leave my mouth, I begin to question them.

  “Wouldn’t he? Brice took his spot on the team. How does that look regarding his career? Besides, trust me, there is a lot more to Jameson than you are fully aware of.”

  Sitting back in my seat, I close my eyes to contemplate what Wayne has just shared with me. Would Jameson sink so low? He has always been arrogant, obnoxious at times, and self-absorbed. But would he do something like this?

  Arriving at the stadium, Wayne helps me find my seat.

  “Do you miss it? Football. Do you miss it?” I ask him, genuinely interested.

  “I do. There isn’t a day that doesn’t go by that I don’t think about all that I have lost. But I’m making the best of it. Thanks to you,” he says and offers me a warm smile.

  “Thanks to me?”

nbsp; “Yes. When you rejected me initially, I spun out of control. But once you were able to accept my apology, it was as if a weight was lifted. I felt that I was able to begin to live again. It still hurts and bothers me what I’ve done, but each day, I’m trying to do the right thing and prove that I’m worthy of your forgiveness. I hope to be a better man for it.” Tears are in his eyes as he says those words, and I hug him.

  “Wayne, I can already tell you are a better man. You didn’t have to sit with Jana and me last night. The way I treated you before, you had every right not to want to get wrapped up in my drama. But you placed yourself at the heart of it, and I thank you for that. Trevor would be so proud of you.”

  “He would be proud of both of us. I miss him. He is the only best friend I’ve ever had.”

  We both stare at each other, caught in our memories of my brother. I settle in my seat and Wayne leaves to find his own. We both make plans to meet in front of the ticket office after the game, so he can give me a ride back to my hotel.


  It’s almost halftime, and the team is struggling. Brice’s throws are off, and he is not connecting with his receiver. From the times I’ve seen Brice at practice compared to now, I know his game is not what it usually is. Brice has always thrown with a confidence that he doesn’t seem to have at this moment. The halftime bell rings and the teams head to their locker rooms. Egon’s band begins their setup to play.

  “Favor. Come with me.” Wayne motions to me.

  I turn to see him standing on the steps of my row. I stand and walk over to him. “What’s going on?”

  “I found someone who can help.” He grabs my hand, and we walk past the concession stands and take the stairs down, walking towards the teams’ locker rooms. “What is going on?” I ask, partly because I’m confused but mostly because I am stalling, not wanting to run into Brice. That is a meeting I’m not ready to have.

  “Trust me, okay?” He looks at me and gives me a reassuring smile.


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