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Joe Football

Page 15

by Autumn Sand

  We stand in front of the locker room as he pulls out his cell. Moments later, a Cougars player walks out of the locker room.

  “Favor, this is my friend Joel. He has something he has to tell you.” Wayne steps back as Joel looks me over quickly.

  “Listen, I wouldn’t be doing this if it wasn’t for the fact that the game might be riding on it,” Joel a tall, somewhat handsome man, says. “Jameson and Kevin put Regan up to setting up Brice. Jameson has been gunning for Brice ever since he took his spot on the team. Things escalated when you started dating him.” He looks down at his feet as he tells the story.

  I gasp. “Jameson and Kevin? But how did they get Regan inside of his room?”

  “They were able to swipe the extra keycard from the coach. Coach has the second key card for all our rooms. We get mandatory checks now and then. Drugs and shit, you know?”

  My head feels as if it is spinning. He didn’t cheat after all. I was such a fool to fall for the trick.

  “Yo. Is that all? Can you two, like, kiss and makeup or something? We’re getting our asses handed to us out there.”

  “What? Oh yes. Can you please send Brice out?”

  Joel and Wayne bump fists as he turns and heads into the locker room.

  “How were you able to do that?” I question.

  “I asked a few of my buddies on the team. They weren’t willing to talk at first. But I think the game helped change their minds. You know how football players are. They’re like a wolf pack. They might fight each other, but will protect one another from outsiders. Since I’m an outsider now, they weren’t willing to tell me at first.” He pushes his hands into his front pockets and looks at the floor.

  “Favor?” I hear Brice’s voice, and I look away from Wayne and over to him. I mouth my thanks to Wayne, and walk over to Brice. He takes me into his arms and kisses my forehead. “Baby, I would never do anything like that to you. Please believe me.”

  “I do. I’m sorry for not giving you the chance to explain. I was just so hurt by everything that I saw.” Tears fall down my cheeks, and he wipes them away. “I, unfortunately, must ask you once again to forgive me. Looks like I’m starting a trend.” I try to smile.

  “None needed, baby. I love you. Let’s promise to find out all the facts before jumping to conclusions for now on.” He holds my face in his hands.

  “I promise. Now I need you to do something for me.”

  “What’s that?”

  I hear Egon’s band playing in the background. He is playing the song Brice and I danced to that night in the club when we watched his band play. “For God’s sake, man, I need you to win this game. Please don’t tell me that I wasted a trip, for the team to lose,” I joke around, pushing him lightly.

  He smiles at me and picks me up in his arms, kissing me. His kiss leaves me dizzy and wanting more. “I have to go back. Looks like I have a game to win.” He winks at me and jogs into the locker room.

  Relief washes over me as I stare at his retreating figure. Wayne walks over to me. “Listen, we should be getting back to our seats. I had to call in some favors to even get us back here.”

  Nodding my head, I follow Wayne back towards the seating areas. He walks me to my seat, and I turn and give him a hug. “Thank you so much.”

  “No problem, little sis.” He smiles and turns to leave. Little sis? I guess he is like an older brother. We were close at one time. He could never take the place of Trevor, but it is good to know that I can count on him.

  I take my seat just in time for the second half to begin. Brice leads his team out onto the field, an air of confidence to him I didn’t see during the first half. In Joe Namath fashion, he points his pointer finger in the air, declaring he is going to win this game. The stadium erupts in applause and cheers. I stare at the jumbotron as he and his teammate's huddle.

  “Oh, my God, he is so cute,” a very drunk girl slurs in front of me.

  I sit back and listen to the smashed girls talk about Brice. My Brice. At first, I bristle at their words as they describe in detail what they would like to do with him. But I remember, the things they would like to do with him, he will be doing with me later tonight. A smile of satisfaction spreads across my face.

  The team wins the game, crushing their opponents in an 8-point lead. I stand and cheer the team as they shake hands with the opposing team. Brice did a great job on the field and rallied his team down to the last minute. He showed true leadership skills on the field. I’m almost positive his play in the second half of the game has more than fixed the play from the first half in the eyes of the scouts.

  Chapter 18


  Coach gave Jameson and Kevin each a two-game suspension. Regan, on the other hand, received an academic probation. The team, for the most part, backed me because, no matter how Jameson feels about me, he affected the game. I had to convince Favor not to hit Regan. It seems the lady in my life has a temper. Favor walking out on me that day almost broke me. Never have I felt so lost in my life. I owe Wayne a huge favor for having both of our backs and bringing us together again.

  Leaving Favor’s dorm, I walk towards my car. “Brice, do you have a minute?”

  I look up and see Wayne jogging over to me. “Yeah sure, bro. What’s up?”

  “I know this is a huge thing to ask. But, I miss the game. Was thinking about giving it another try.”

  “Have you been practicing?”

  “No. Was hoping you could practice with me a few days a week. If I can get myself back up to par, I’ll then speak to the coach. I know all the spots are taken, but maybe I can get a temporary spot.”

  I look at him for a moment, and remember hearing about him and Favor’s brother playing. They were called the dream team at that time. Wayne has a reputation for being a really good receiver. “Yeah sure, bro. I can help you. For me, it’s just more practices. I’m always down for that. But yeah, you’re going to have an upward battle to get on the team. We are mid-season. If you want, I can speak to the coach with you.”

  “You would?”

  “Yeah, of course. I still owe you for uncovering the truth, so hell yeah, I got you, bro.”

  “Thanks, man. Truly appreciated.” We shake hands.

  “I thought you were heading to your dorm?” Favor says, as she walks over to the two of us talking. Even though I just left her moments ago, I’m excited to see her. She comes over to me, giving me a kiss.

  “Hey, baby. Yeah, Wayne just needed a favor from me.” I tilt my head in Wayne’s direction.

  “What kind of favor?” she asks.

  “Brice is going to help me train to get back on the team.”

  A look of surprise forms on her face. “Wow. So, you’re going to go for it?”

  “Yeah.” He looks down, rubbing the back of his neck. On some level, I understand why this would be hard to talk to her about.

  She places her hand on his shoulders, giving him reassurance. “It’s okay. It was both of your dreams. No reason why you can’t pursue it. I’m happy for you.” She smiles and gives him a quick peck on the cheek.

  “Thanks. It means a lot that I have your blessing,” he admits.

  “Is this a private party or can anyone join?” Jana calls out as she walks towards us.

  “Anyone can join,” I respond, squeezing Favor to my side, and she giggles.

  “What’s everyone up to?” Jana asks.

  “Wayne and I are going to toss the old pigskin around. You ladies care to watch and drool over the magnificentness of the two of us?” I say, as Favor slaps my chest lightly.

  “Yeah sure. Count me in,” Jana chimes.

  Favor shrugs her shoulders. “Sure, why not.”

  “Alright, kids. I’ll drive us to the stadium. It should be free right now,” I reply, as I turn to open my car door, and everyone piles in.

  Wayne and I don’t bother with changing clothes, since we are just tossing the ball around a little. We can work on some other stuff later, and I’ll see if I can get
some of my teammates to help with training him. Favor and Jana sit on the astro turf but, in true Jana fashion, it’s no time before she is jumping up and down, rooting for us.

  Wayne falls right back into the groove of the game. It’s like he is a natural at receiving. I sure could have used him a few weeks ago. Taking a quick water break as we stand with Favor and Jana, I hear a voice that I have learned to hate.

  “What are you doing here, Wayne?” Jameson accuses.

  Wayne turns around to look at Jameson. I place a hand on Wayne’s arm and walk forward. “What’s it to you?” I ask.

  “He is a disgrace to this sport. What is he doing on the Cougars’ field?” Jameson spits out.

  “No, you’re the disgrace to this sport. Don’t think that I forgot your little antics from a few weeks ago,” I respond in anger.

  “Favor, you, of all people, should be ashamed of yourself.” Jameson directs his attention to my girl.

  “Don’t you talk to her. You lost that privilege, you son of a bitch.” I roar, about to lunge for him.

  Wayne holds my shoulder. “He isn’t worth the suspension, man. Let it go. He is just sounding off.”

  “Jameson, go away. This is none of your business.” Favor walks over and stands next to me.

  “The hell it isn’t. All of those nights you cried in my arms after what he did.”

  “Oh, stop it, Jameson. Not like you didn’t enjoy taking advantage of the situation,” Favor responds.

  Jameson flinches at her words. “It wasn’t like that,” he says slowly.

  “It wasn’t? From my point of view, it was.” she throws back at him.

  “Fine. Let’s see how your parents like the fact that you’re hanging with the enemy.” He turns to walk off the field.

  At that very moment, I feel as if a Pandora’s box of sorts has just been opened. Favor places her hand on my chest. “Are you okay?” she asks with a look of concern.

  “Yeah. I just had a feeling that someone just walked over my grave,” I say, shaking the reverie out of my head.

  “Let’s call it a day with practice. My treat for pizza, if there are any takers,” Wayne interrupts.

  “I’m down.” Jana bounces up and down.

  Favor and I both nod and we head out of the stadium.


  A few days later, the four of us, plus Egon this time, head to Favor’s dorm to drop her and Jana off, after dinner and a movie. Walking towards the girl’s dorm, we see a tall male figure pacing in front of the dorm building. Favor looks at me because we both know exactly who it is. Kyne Hollister.


  “Where have you been? I’ve been waiting out here for nearly two hours,” Kyne snaps at his daughter.

  “Why didn’t you just call my cell? I wasn’t expecting you,” she retorts in a snarky tone.

  She wasn’t expecting him but somehow, I knew he would come. I knew it the day Jameson spotted me practicing with Wayne.

  Kyne’s eyes move over to where Wayne stands with Jana next to him. “So, it’s true. Jameson wasn’t mistaken. You are hanging out with the trash.” His tone is thick, and his arms hang to the side.

  “Dad, he is…” Her voice sounds like a little girl’s.

  “Enough. You have a choice.” He points a finger in Wayne’s direction. “You stop hanging out with this piece of shit that killed my son, or I cut you off. You’ll be no daughter of mine.”

  Her eyes widen, and her mouth is agape. “Dad? We need to forgive and move on.”

  “To hell, we will. He killed my son. My only son. You expect me to forgive that? And you stand here,” - he points his finger in my direction now - “and let him influence you into accepting him?” He points a shaky finger back to Wayne.

  “No one influenced me. I made that decision on my own.”

  “You would date a man that has no regard to your brother’s memory?”

  “Mr. Hollister. Please don’t blame Favor or Brice. If you want to blame someone, then let it fall at my feet, and mine alone,” Wayne pleads.

  “I blame all three of you. Your mother is beside herself. I need an answer now, Favor. These two, or your family?”

  Without any hesitation, Favor responds. “Then I choose them, Dad. They’ve been more of a family to me than you or mom.”

  Spittle builds up on the corners of his mouth. “Then you are no daughter of mine. Starting now, all of your accounts will be closed. You will have to figure out your way to pay for all of this,” he says, as he stretches his arms out. Giving us all a final look, he walks away.

  “Oh, my God, Favor. How are you going to pay for school?” Jana cries.

  “Babe, we will figure this out,” I say, holding her to me.

  “It’s…it’s okay. It has been a long time coming. Looks like I just expedited it, that’s all.” She gives a slight laugh. Looking at all of our concerned faces, she continues, “Listen guys, it will be okay. I’ll see if I can get financial aid, or student loans. I can also get a job.”

  Today, I learned my girl was Superwoman. Here she is, her world crumbling around her, and she is reassuring us that things would be okay.

  “I can get a job also, to help,” I tell her.

  She shakes her head. “I want to do this on my own. Don’t worry about me. I would’ve had to learn to do things by myself eventually.”

  “Favor, I’m so sorry. If I thought, for a moment, this would’ve happened, I would’ve stayed out of your life,” Wayne sympathizes.

  “Wayne, I stand by my decision. I don’t feel that I have done anything wrong. It’s fine.”

  I hold her to me and kiss the top of her head. At this moment, I know things will be okay because I won’t allow for anything else.

  Chapter 19


  The days following my father disowning me have been a whirlwind. Lucky for me, I am fully paid up for the school year. I will have to receive financial aid and student loans for next year, though. Next on my list of things to do is to find a job, since I still need money for day-to-day living expenses. Unfortunately, I do not have many skills since I have never had a job before. Lucky for me, Egon’s band needs someone to handle their expenses. It doesn’t pay much, but at least it gives me some spending money for gas and things.

  Brice and Wayne have repeatedly apologized to me. Thing is, I feel that by my father forcing my hand, I have a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. Finally, I feel free and more like the real me. Or should I say, I’ve rediscovered myself?

  Brice stayed true to his word and went with Wayne to visit the coach. Coach Vega was surprised by this request, but said Wayne would have to go through tryouts, just like everyone else. If he gets in, then he will be playing next year, for his senior year. He most likely will not be offered a spot in the pros, but at least it’s something for him to strive for.

  Jana has been very mum on the question of her and Wayne. Brice and I both have our suspicions about the two of them being a couple. If they are, then I am happy for them. Wayne has changed so much from that person he used to be when my brother was alive. He used to believe he sat on top of the world. Now he is humbled by it all, and you can see his personal journey. It feels great to be able to let go of all the animosity I held towards him at one time. I never knew how tiring holding on to anger could be.

  Winter break is coming up, and I’m not sure what I’ll be doing. For obvious reasons, I will not be going to my parents’ house. Brice offered for me to come home with him to Philadelphia, and Jana asked if I would like to join her and her parents in Georgia. I haven’t made up my mind yet. I have been in touch with Cal, and I was thinking about spending Winter break with him and his family. He should be back to school after the break. Cal still refused to say who beat him up that night and I have stopped pressing him for the information.

  Walking hand in hand with Brice on campus, we are enjoying the unusually warm weather we are having. Our relationship has survived so much turmoil in such a short period of time. We are
just enjoying each other and being together as we take a walk. Goofing off, he chases me around the campus quad. Of course, since most of what he does in football is run, he catches me with ease, throwing me over his shoulder as I screech with surprise. I love days like today with him. Young and without a care in the world. It feels great.

  “So, lunch?” Brice asks, as he steals a chip from my bag.

  “Sure. Town or campus?” I nuzzle into his shoulder.

  “How about town. Tired of campus food.”

  “How about that Italian restaurant?”

  “Okay, now you’re talking.” He pulls my hand as we walk in the direction of his car. My cell phone rings, and I see it is my mother. I have to take the call, and Brice steps away to give me some privacy.

  I hesitate before answering. “Hey, Mom.”

  “Oh great, you picked up. I thought I’d be leaving a message.”

  “I was cut out of the family, not the other way around.” My fingers begin to cramp from the death grip I have on the phone.

  She’s silent for a moment before she speaks. “About that. I’m in town. I’d like to talk to you.”

  I look over at Brice, standing a few feet away from me. Some people are gathering around him, chatting, and I don’t know how he stands it. He never gets a break from people wanting to talk to him. “Umm well, I’m on my way to have lunch with Brice. We’re going to that Italian restaurant in town. I guess you can meet us there.”

  Again, she is silent for a moment. I begin to think I lost our connection and I look at my phone to check for a signal. Nope, full signal. “Mom?”

  “Oh, yes. Well, I was hoping to talk with you alone.”

  “Look, Mom, I’m with Brice, whether you agree with it or not. Whatever you have to say can be said in front of him because he’s a major part of my life. But I’m really hungry, and I’d really like to see you.” I say with all honesty. Brice smiles and gives me a wave. I blow a quick kiss to him. God, he holds my heart in his hand.

  “Alright. Fine. I will meet you there in, let’s say twenty minutes.”

  “Okay. See you in twenty.” I hang up and stare at my phone. Brice walks over to me.


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