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Protecting You (A McCord Family Novel Book 1)

Page 20

by Amanda Siegrist

  Austin turned around with that same devious grin. "Oh, I already had the tickets bought for New York. You were getting on the plane no matter what, whether I had to hog-tie you or not. This is so much easier, you agreeing to it. Let's go. I already have our bags packed and the truck ready to go."

  Zane still looked shocked, but moved slowly behind Austin. "I probably stink. I need a shower. Look presentable, at least, before I see her."

  "Na. She smelled your ugly body the whole time she was here. If it bothered her, she would've never gotten within ten feet of you. You look fine."

  "What about the farm if we're both gone? This is too quick. What about the animals?" Zane countered nervously.

  Austin turned around still grinning. "All taken care of, Zane. The farm will be looked after. I promise. That's what cousins are for. Quit freaking yourself out. You can do this."

  Zane muttered under his breath, jumped into the truck with Austin, and frowned. "How are you so sure this will end well?"

  "Trust me, Zane, I just know. You've always taken care of me and Jimmy since we were little. Let me take care of you for once."


  Zane watched his two brothers stand near the coffin with their hearts on their sleeves, the tears running down freely, looking alone and lost. He slowly walked up to them, getting right in the middle, grabbing a hand from each of them.

  "We'll get through this together, guys. I'll always be here for you. I promised Mom I'd take care of you both and I swear I will," Zane whispered as he squeezed their hands lightly.

  Austin glanced up at his big brother with tears glistening in his eyes, the pain strong and clear. "I'm scared, Zane. I miss Mom so much already. I want her back."

  "Me too, Austin. Me too. But sometimes things just happen and we can't control it. Just lean on me when it gets too hard. That's what I'm here for," Zane said with a reassuring smile, trying to keep his tears at bay.

  "I'm scared, too, Zane. Is she in pain? Does she know we're here?" Jimmy cried, sniffing his nose as he did.

  "She's not in pain. Not anymore, Jimmy. It's probably better this way. I'm sure she's looking down on us as an angel—guiding us in the right direction. If not, I'm here to help guide you in the right direction," Zane said strongly.

  He let go of their hands, putting his arms around both of them, squeezing tightly. "I will always be there for you. I swear it. When you need me, just call my name. I hurt right now, too, but I'll do anything to take your pain away. Just tell me what I need to do to help you guys. I love you both so much."

  Austin squeezed him back. "Just be with us right now. Let me lean on you right now. My knees are shaky and I just want to fall to the floor." Austin glanced over at their dad, who stood, accepting condolences from the arriving guests who came to show their support for the family. "I want to be strong for Dad and I don't think I can without your help, Zane."

  "You're strong, Austin. So is little Jimmy here. But when you think you're not, I'll be strong for the both of you. Just lean on me then," Zane said as he held them both tightly, glancing at his mom, who rested peacefully in the coffin.


  Ava stood in front of her dad's desk and handed him an envelope.

  Peter reached out with a grim expression. "What's this?"

  "Open it up," Ava said with a shrug.

  Peter slowly opened the envelope, pulled out a letter and read it quickly. He slapped it onto his desk and stood up. "You're resigning. Ava, let's think about this before we make any rash decisions now."

  Ava walked away from his desk and looked at the plaques on the wall. All her dad's accomplishments displayed proudly, just as hers had been. He worked hard, just as she had. She couldn't continue in this job, though. The amount of effort it took to come up to his office had been painful. She had yet to go back to her office, not sure she would be able to do it. Every corner around this place reminded her of Jimmy and it hurt. She had to leave.

  A hand touched her shoulder and gently turned her around. "What's going on in your mind? Talk to me, Ava," he said encouragingly.

  "I can't do it, Dad. It was hard coming up here just to deliver that letter. Trust me when I say my heart is pounding double time right now."

  He pulled her into a hug. "You're right, I can feel it. It's okay." He rubbed her back reassuringly for a minute and then pulled away from her, taking her hand and guided her to the couch to have a seat. "What are you going to do, sweetheart? You know I support anything you choose to do. I know how hard you worked to get where you are. I hate to see you lose it all."

  Ava sighed. "I'm not losing anything, Dad. That would mean I wasn't leaving on my own esteem. I thought hard about this. I'm not sure what I'm going to do. Be honest. Did you think I was coming back after I've been gone almost four months?"

  Peter sighed solemnly. "No, I guess not. I was just hoping you were taking your time to come back. You're an asset here. You'll be missed."

  Ava grinned. "Not by everyone, though. I could be harsh."

  Peter grinned back. "True, but you were still respected. You have no idea what you want to do now? You know I'll give you money if you need it to hold you over until you find something."

  "Thanks, Dad. I'm fine for now. I've been thinking things through. I'm not positive if I made a decision yet, but I was offered a job somewhere else."

  Peter looked surprised. "Really? Where? Who offered it to you?"

  "Chief Tanner with the St. Joseph's Police Department…in Minnesota."

  "Wait, the same chief who you threatened? The same one who threatened to lock you up?" Peter laughed.

  "Yeah. Apparently, I made a good impression on him. I just have that kind of way with people," Ava joked.

  Peter chuckled. "You sure do, sweetheart. Does this decision have anything to do with one of those McCord men?"

  Ava shied away from her dad's knowing look. "Maybe."

  "Ava, look at me. What happened at the farm?"

  Ava looked at her dad and saw his encouraging smile. "They helped me heal. I felt better and a little more whole inside. Then I got on a plane and felt broken again."

  Peter grabbed her hand. "Why would you feel that way? Because they're Jimmy's brothers? Is the only way you'll feel better is to be with his family?"

  "No, Dad. Surprisingly, it's not." Ava paused for a moment, trying to gain strength inside. "It's because I fell in love with one of them and can't seem to move on. I just miss him so much."

  Peter raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Can't say I expected that to happen. Which one? Austin? Why did you leave in the first place? I wouldn’t have been mad."

  Ava smiled. "I know you wouldn’t have been. It's complicated. Didn't you ever struggle with Mom?"

  "Yeah, she was a firecracker. I guess you get that from her," Peter mused. "You didn't answer my first question."


  Peter looked taken aback. "What? Now I never expected that one. How does he feel about you?"

  Ava shrugged. "Not sure. I think he has feelings, just not how deep they are." She grinned at him. "I'm still thinking about my choices here. But fear not, I'll be going back to at least tango with him."

  "Tango, as in asking him to dance? Or tango, as in probably argue?" Peter said with a laugh.

  "Maybe a little of both. I've never danced with him. I imagine it would be nice."

  "Hmm. My daughter's in love finally. I feel like an old man and thinking I need to clean my guns out," Peter jested.

  Ava laughed and stood up. "Dad, keep your guns locked up if you ever come face-to-face with Zane. I can just imagine how that conversation will go. I should let you get back to work now that I've poured my heart out to you."

  Peter hugged his daughter again and whispered, "I'm always here for you. Don't forget that even when you're all the way in Minnesota."

  Ava pulled away from him and sighed. "I never said I was actually moving there."

  "No, but for some reason I see it soon. How about some sushi tonight? Care to hang
out with your old man a little before you leave me for good?" Peter asked with a mock hand over his heart.

  Ava rolled her eyes. "Dad, please stop. If I do move, it's not like I'll never see you. I would love sushi tonight. Is this some devious plan you and everyone else has planned to keep me busy every single day so I don't fall back into despair?"

  Peter shrugged. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

  "Sure you don't. Well, I'm going to go grab a coffee from the Java House down the road and—" Ava looked at her watch. "Meet you at the sushi place we always go to in about two hours."

  "Sounds good. See you soon," Peter said as he opened the door. Ava kissed him goodbye on the cheek and headed for the elevators.


  "This is an extremely bad idea, Austin. We don't need to do this," Zane said as he sat, shaking his leg like crazy.

  "Calm down, Zane. Geez, I've never seen you like this," Austin said laughing.

  "Yeah, well, I never had to talk to the dad of the woman I love before so..."

  Zane sighed and leaned back in his chair to watch the activity run wild around them. People, most in uniform, some in professional suits, walked back and forth through the hallway. Some had folders tucked under their arms, others carried nothing. They all looked to be on a mission, oblivious to his turmoil.

  "It's going to be fine. He's a nice guy."

  Zane sat back up. "Yeah, well, I wasn't exactly cordial the last time I met the guy. If you can even consider that meeting him."

  "Just take a few breaths and calm down," Austin whispered fiercely as Peter opened his door and stepped out.

  Austin stood up, Zane tentatively as well. Austin met Peter's outstretched hand.

  "Austin, good to see you again," Peter said, smiling warmly. He turned to Zane and held out his hand. "Zane, it's good to see you, too."

  Zane shook his hand. "Yes, sir. It's nice to meet you."

  Peter gave him a look he didn't understand and then turned toward his secretary. "Diane, hold all my calls and visitors. Nothing is more important than these two men in front of me. Understood?"

  Diane nodded. "Understood, Commissioner."

  Peter stepped back and gestured them in his office. "Come on in, boys." Peter shut the door after they entered and continued, "I have to say I'm surprised to see you two. Everything alright?"

  "Everything's fine, Commissioner. Just happened to miss Ava is all. Is she doing okay?" Austin asked with ease.

  Peter raised an eyebrow at Zane and grinned slyly, then looked at Austin. "She's doing well. Thanks to you two. You lost a great man. I couldn't be more grateful that he spared my baby girl."

  "We've come to realize why Jimmy did what he did. Ava's truly one of a kind," Austin said seriously as he glanced at Zane to pipe in at anytime.

  Zane glared at him, but turned to Peter. "I'm sorry, sir, for the way I treated you—"

  Peter put a hand up. "Please, Zane. No apologies necessary. You were going through a deep loss and I wasn't offended. I still wouldn't be offended if you didn't like me."

  "It has nothing to do with liking you or not, I just…I hate this place." He took a deep breath. "That came out wrong. That's not what I meant. Well, no…I do actually mean that. What I meant to say is—"

  "What my brother is trying to say, he struggles coming to New York because the death of Jimmy is still raw and painful in his heart. It has nothing to do with you, sir, but I guess the world of police here. Or maybe the city in general. Trust me when I say it was difficult to get him to walk on the plane." Austin cleared his throat. "We've been trying to reach Ava and we can't. She's not at her apartment and she's not answering her phone."

  Peter grinned and looked at Zane. "Why are you in New York if you hate it so much?"

  "I came to ask…well, I would like her to come back to Minnesota with us…me." Zane hesitated, then took a deep breath. "Look. I'm not good at this, but I'll lay it out for you if that's what you want. I love your daughter. I've been miserable since she left. Just ask Austin. Last time I came here, I demanded Jimmy come home with me where he belonged and he refused. I can be stubborn as hell, and well, I regret being that way with him because he died with tension between us. I came here to ask your daughter to marry me and come home with me. I'd like your blessing in the matter, but frankly, if I don't get it, I'll still ask her anyway. I'm not going to demand she come back, even as much as I want to. I'm going to ask nicely and hope she agrees. That's why we're here. It was a long flight. I just want to know if you know where she is."

  Zane took a deep breath, standing more calmly than before he walked in.

  Peter started bawling in laughter. Zane frown in confusion, Austin right along with him. "That, my son, was priceless. I couldn't ask for a better son-in-law than you. Of course, you have my blessing. Jimmy was a fine young man and I can see where he learned it from. You'll have your hands full with Ava. Just warning you. My late wife was a firecracker and Ava learned every bit from her. Good luck."

  Zane sighed in relief and grinned slightly. "Thank you, sir. I wouldn't have her any other way."

  "They can both be stubborn and it strangely makes them perfect for each other. You had me going there for a second, Commissioner. I was a little worried," Austin said, grinning.

  "I couldn't help myself. Zane went from timid to forceful within the space of seconds and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Just take care of my daughter or I will destroy you," Peter said seriously.

  "You have my word, sir. If she'll have me, that is," Zane replied.

  "I have faith things will go well," Peter said with a twinkle in his eye. "You just missed her about thirty minutes ago. She was here in my office visiting me. She went to the Java House, a little coffee shop down the street. She tends to forget her phone these days, so that's why she didn’t answer. Meeting her in about an hour and a half for sushi, if you want to join us."

  "Thank you for the offer, sir. I would like to try the coffee shop first, and if we still can't get her there, then perhaps we'll join you," Zane said, hopeful for the first time.

  "Fair enough. Just head right out of this building. About three blocks down, hang a left and you'll see it on your right. Why don't you boys call me Peter or Pete? Formalities aren't necessary," Peter said warmly.

  "Thank you, sir…Peter. She was doing well when she stopped by? Just wondering her mood for the day," Austin asked.

  "She was. She had a lot on her mind. Handed me her resignation," Peter said as he walked them to the door.

  "What?" Zane exclaimed.

  "Yep. Seems she doesn't want to work here anymore. Got a job offer somewhere else, actually," Peter said with a sly grin.

  "Where?" Zane asked.

  "I can't remember what she said. You'll have to ask her." Peter opened the door. "Have Ava call me if plans change for tonight."

  Austin nodded and pushed a concerned Zane out of the office. They headed for the elevator. "That went well. He was happy to hear about everything."

  "Yeah, but what's this job offer? I think he was setting me up for a huge downfall." Zane groaned.

  "I don't think so. He was grinning when he said it. He knows something. He's withholding it from us for the sheer amusement of it. Let's hope for the best at the coffee shop or you'll be doing all that again in front of him."

  Zane grimaced at the thought and stepped into the elevator with Austin.


  Ava took another sip of her coffee and laughed at Pablo. "You are too much. I missed you and your delicious coffees you make me."

  "I missed you, too, Ava. I'm glad you finally stopped in to see me. I love hearing about the farm. You'll have to tell me more another time," Pablo replied warmly. He glanced behind the counter and grimaced. "Uh, oh, Susanne looks like she could grind me in the coffeemaker for such a long break. I better get behind the counter and start working again."

  Ava stood up and grabbed a hug from him. "Thanks for spending your break with me. It was nice talking to you. Want me to have
a word with Susanne?" Ava teased with a sassy hand on her hip.

  Pablo laughed. "Oh, no. Let's keep the peace here. I will see you soon then, or no, by the sounds of our talk?"

  "I'll say I will see you tomorrow, and after that, I'm not sure."

  "I can handle that. Enjoy sushi with your dad," Pablo said as he tied his apron back on and walked around the counter.

  "Thanks, Pablo. See you tomorrow." Ava waved good-bye, sending a small polite wave to Susanne, who nodded, but still had a harsh expression on her face.

  Ava lightly laughed as she went right out of the coffee shop and made her way down the block to the subway station that was around the corner. She almost reached the corner when a young woman stepped out in front of her. With jerky movements, she removed a small gun from her purse and pointed it at Ava.

  "Are you Ava Rainer?" the woman asked unsteadily.

  Ava took a step back, stunned by the woman.

  "Don't move. Are you her?" she screamed, oblivious of the people who suddenly stopped to stare in horror. A few stood frozen, unsure of what to do. Others grabbed their phones to call the police.

  Ava's mind disjointed, an eerie flashback swiftly entering, making her body freeze in place. Tremors flooded as she stared at the woman who looked erratic. Glazed eyes. Messy hair piled high onto her head in a chaotic ponytail. Ratty and dirty clothes from several days use. And the track marks on her arm made it easy to determine the woman was under the influence of drugs.

  "Answer me, damn it," the woman screamed. "You look like her."

  "We can talk about this. There's no need to point a gun at me," Ava said quietly.

  "Talk? You wanna talk. Let's talk about how you killed my boyfriend. You killed him in cold blood, you bitch."

  Ava tried to step back, but the woman advanced at her screaming, "I said don't move. I'll shoot you."

  "I'm sorry," Ava murmured. Heart pounding, legs wobbly, it started to sink in. She might die today. "I don't know what you're talking about. Who's your boyfriend?"

  "How dare you act innocent. You and that dumb cop killed him. He went to get his money he was owed by that whore and she tried attacking him. He had to defend himself with a knife. Then you and that cop killed him."


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