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Lucky 13: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants #13)

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by Flora Ferrari

  I needed all of her. I’d never met a girl who set me off like she did that night in the club, and I definitely never met one who consumed my thoughts. Even when I was dancing last night, I was thinking of her. Thinking of the dance I would be giving her. I lost focus so bad I nearly handcuffed myself to the chair during my cop routine.

  I stepped into the shower and felt the warm water hit my skin. I looked at the knob. If I turned it to all the way to the coldest cold, maybe I could get rid of this raging boner and serious case of blue balls. I turned the knob and felt the freezing water hit my skin. Damn! It was freezing, but it wasn’t working. I counted out a full minute and my cock still wouldn’t comply. Even if I could trick him into calming down I’d still have this need in my mind. There was only one thing to do.

  I turned the water back to the warm setting and lathered up some shampoo in my hand. I reached down with my hand and made a small, tight hole with my fist imagining it was her tight pussy. I pushed it down on my cock, imagining I was penetrating her. I added a second hand to try and create the fantasy.

  I imagined her hands on my chest as she sat on top of me, riding me telling me to fuck her…telling me to fill her with my cum.

  Seconds later my load covered the tiles like a Jackson Pollock, before sliding down to the base and spinning in a circle before disappearing down the drain.

  It reminded me of my situation with Addison. I was spiraling out of control headed for a black hole where I’d be completely lost in her. As much as it scared someone like me, someone who swore off ever being in a relationship again, I couldn’t deny it was exactly what I wanted. And I wanted it now and I was going to get it.

  I was going to make her mine no matter what.



  I opened the front door and headed right for the shower. I had to get a release after what just happened.

  I took care of my need, and as I toweled off I heard my phone ring from the other room. A minute later I was checking the missed call. It had to be him.

  What should I do? If I call him right back it might come across as desperate. If I wait too long there’s no telling what might happen.

  I sat down in a chair and thought through the possibilities. It wasn’t just a matter of when to call, it was a matter of if I should even call. Was I really going to help him look for a job when I already knew he had employment, a job which probably paid a lot more than I made. And was I being honest with myself in that if I called him was I really doing so for professional reasons, or personal?

  I leaned back in the chair and shut my eyes. And my biggest dilemma…he’s my best friend’s dad.

  How f'ed up can this be?

  And then it hit me. He’s older. He’s former military. He’s used to making split second decision which can determine life or death, probably even in the furthest, craziest corners of the globe. Here I am sitting on a comfy chair in an apartment with indoor plumbing, hundreds of channels on TV, and I can’t even decide whether or not to call this guy back?

  I giggled that the thought of it made me feel so insecure. And I thought of the most obvious thing. As an older guy he doesn’t have time for games. He predates text messaging, which is exactly why he called. He’s pursuing me the old-fashioned way.

  I’m a young woman who prides herself on professionalism and equality. Of course I’ll call him back, and I’ll do it now. I hit the icon for missed calls and before I could hit the green button to call, my screen lit up with an incoming call.

  Yep, he’s old-fashioned. He wants to pursue. It made me feel good inside that this guy who obviously had a lot of choices when it came to women, was determined to chase me.

  And it made me even happier when I heard his gravelly voice. That kind of deep bass some men get where it sounds like they just woke up after a night of drinking whiskey, but that was some men and this was him. His voice had those masculine qualities, but had its own uniqueness to it.

  “Hey there,” he said, in that calm soothing voice that put my ears on alert and sent fire straight to my panties.

  “Hey there,” I said.

  “There’s a little coffee shop two blocks down from my house. It’s called—”

  “Brew-hoo-hoo,” I said. “I love that spot.”

  “Meet you there tomorrow at seven o’clock?”

  I paused, looking up at the clock on the wall watching the second hand tick by.

  “Addison,” he began. “It’s just coffee.”

  “See you then,” I said.

  “See you then,” he replied, followed by a dial tone.

  It was just coffee, but we both knew it had the potential to be a lot, lot more than that.



  I hardly slept the night before and couldn’t stay focused at all at work.

  I wore a professional skirt and white blouse with heels. I put my hair up and tried my stay calm. It wasn’t working.

  I finished work at six and made my way to the coffee shop. With traffic I’d get there ten to fifteen minutes early. My business instincts were kicking in, and also my obsession with never being late, especially in this case where I was meeting a military man.

  I pulled up in the lot and realized I had no idea what he drove, or if he would even drive two short blocks to meet me here. So much for a stakeout.

  I checked my makeup in the mirror, making sure my red lipstick wasn’t too red. I wanted to look sexy, not desperate or cheap.

  I took a big breath in and blew it out.

  “Okay girl, it’s now or never,” I said out loud.

  I pushed open the door and stepped out of my car.

  I could feel the butterflies fluttering around in my stomach as I walked, and it only got worse when I opened the door to the coffee shop.

  I bee-lined it for the bathroom, spotting him sitting in the back out of the corner of my eye. He was calm, laid back, and seemed to be enjoying watching me act like a total wreck…or was he checking me out?

  Either way, he saw me. I went to the ladies room and ran cold water over my hands. I was embarrassed. I sit in high-level meetings every week with powerful executives, heavy hitters, and absolute Type A personalities, and I can handle them all…but this guy was turning me into a nervous little girl. And being the older man that he was, the last thing I wanted him to see me as was a little girl.

  I straightened myself out and stepped back out into the cafe. As I approached his table he greeted me with a kiss on each cheek, and quickly pulled out a chair for me. I guess chivalry isn’t dead after all. Then again this is a guy who’s traveled the world, and has the casual elegance and charm to match.

  “Good to see you again,” he said as he slid in my chair behind me.

  “Pleasure to see you as well.” It’s not a business meeting, Addison.

  For the first fifteen minutes or so we just joked about things around town, current events, and I may have even thrown in a little celebrity news in there somewhere. It was fun. I appreciated that he was keeping it light and giving me a chance to loosen up.

  When our coffees came, we took turns trying each other’s.

  He joked, asking if mine actually had any coffee underneath all the whipped cream, caramel syrup, and toppings. And I asked him if he was a dancer or secretly a late night truck driver, since I imagined only they drank their coffee black without sugar or creamer.

  “About that,” he began. “I just want you to know that’s a temporary thing.”

  “It’s okay,” I said, but of course it wasn’t.

  “Not really, and I know everyone says those kind of choices are temporary and they become anything but, but in my case it really is.”

  I just nodded.

  “I’m looking for something new at the moment.”

  “Any leads?” I asked, trying to keep it positive, and not wanting to sound judgmental. I didn’t judge him at all, but I could imagine how some people would so I definitely didn’t want to come across that way.
  “Not really,” he said.

  “Anything I can do to help you out?”

  He put his coffee on the table and just stared at me. It was sexy, powerful, and even a bit frightening all-in-one.

  “Thank you, and maybe there is, but I want to make it clear that’s not the reason I wanted to meet with you. I’m here for you and you only.”

  I swallowed hard at his directness. When I do find the time to go out I’m used to guys who can’t decide whether or not to go with the spicy chicken wings or the extra spicy chicken wings…sometimes taking five minutes and asking the waiter fifty thousand questions before the waiter finally decides for them. Here I was with a guy who not only made decisions, but had already made one about me. It was a shock compared to what I was used to, but a huge turn-on as well.

  “Thank you,” I said. That was dumb. “I mean, it’s nice to meet someone who’s so honest and…”

  “Straightforward. I know. Sometimes it’s too much for people.”

  I paused before answering. “Yes, I can see how that might not work for a lot of people,” I said, pausing to take a sip of my coffee. “But for some people it is a huge breath of fresh air.”

  “I’m glad you see it that way.”

  “I do.”

  “I know.”

  Game on. “How do you know?”

  “I can see by the way you’re sitting. Your body language. Your legs are turned at a forty-five degree angle from me, but your feet are pointing right at me. The feet never lie.”

  “Is that so?”

  “It is.”

  “Okay, then. What else is my body saying?”

  “Your feet are tapping so you’re a little nervous and excited at the same time. You’re still trying to figure out just what to make of me, although deep down you already know. The thing you’re trying to process is you’ve never met anyone like me so it’s exciting and it turns you on at the same time. The directness seems off-putting at first, but then you realize you’re just not used to the honesty. You’re not used to being talked to in an authentic way.”

  “Is that all?”

  “No. Of course there are the unspoken things that don’t have anything to do with body language.”

  “Such as?”

  “The age difference of course. And the eight-hundred-pound gorilla in the room?”

  “I thought it was a six-hundred-pound gorilla?”

  “Not this one.”

  I laughed. “Everything does seem to be bigger when it comes to you. What is the eight-hundred-pound gorilla doing in the room?”

  “Standing over your shoulder reminding you that I’m your best friend’s dad.”

  Damn. That hit me right in the gut. This guy read me like his favorite book, and right now I was definitely one book you could judge by its cover.

  “And what about you?”

  “I’m easy.”

  “Because you’re working at an all male review?”

  “Not that kind of easy. Not at all, even though you may think that and I’d have no right to tell you that’s not the case, although you’d just have to take my word for it.”

  “What kind of easy are you then?”

  “I’m easy to read because I don’t pussyfoot around. I know what I want and I go for it. That’s why we’re here after all. I want you and I’m showing you exactly what you get when it comes to me. Take it or leave it, but this is who I am. I’m older and I’m not experimenting, or figuring things out, or whatever it is that kids say these days. I am what I am, and it’s my strong belief that what I am is exactly what you need, and more importantly what you want.”

  “Do you want to tell me what you really think?” I said deadpan.

  He smirked. “You’re right. I’m actually holding back, because we haven’t spent a lot of time together.”

  My eyes narrowed as I smiled slightly thinking he was joking…until he realized…”You’re serious?”


  I couldn’t get over how fascinating it was to have a straightforward talk with a man who knew what he wanted and was very direct about it. It was so refreshing, but what was definitely going to need some refreshing soon was my panties. I was getting so turned on by his machismo that I could feel them staring to get wet. But it wasn’t exaggerated masculinity he was feeding me. This was the real deal. He was the real deal. This is the thing girls talk about, waiting their whole lives to find but never quite being able to. Not only had I found it, but he was sitting right in front of me and wanted nothing more than to have me.

  How lucky can a girl get? In Vegas apparently she can hit the ultimate jackpot.

  “Okay, I’m ready. Let me have it.”

  “You sure you’re ready? There’s no going back.”

  I paused to truly process the weight of his words and to give them the consideration they deserved. I thought about what he said regarding body language. I decided to give it a shot for myself. It was all the buzz in corporate America anyways.

  He was leaning back in his chair slightly, showing he was indeed relaxed and in a power position. He wasn’t so far back that he wasn’t engaged though, and he wasn’t so far forward where he appeared too eager. His eyes were narrowed showing he was completely into our conversation. His focus never wavered, not one bit from mine. That was definitely a first on a date.

  And his legs were spread. It was a natural thing for guys to do, but in his case it really made sense. That snake of his needed air, and by the looks of things his pants were losing their battle to keep it caged.

  In cards they call those micro expressions tells. Tells being little things that give away your hand. Whether you’re playing from a position of strength or bluffing.

  Well he was sending me a tell alright, loud and clear. That python in his pants was twitching trying to get free and if he did he would have been pointing straight at me. His compass was on North and the adventure was me.

  “I’m ready,” I said.

  “I saw you checking me out, before I came to your table that night.”

  “Oh you did, did you?”

  “I did, but that’s not the whole story.”

  “What’s the whole story? Please indulge me.”

  “I was checking you out first. From the moment you walked into that place. I saw you and I knew you were going to be mine and mine only. I called you.”

  “You called me?”

  “Told the other guys to stay away. I traded acts so I could go first, so I could go straight to your table. It wasn’t by chance. It wasn’t a coincidence. I chose you.”

  “Out of all the girls there you chose me?”

  “That’s right.”

  “Why did you do that?”

  “Instincts. My mind and my body told me to, and when they’re both telling me what to do I know it’s right, without question.”

  “But there were a lot of other girls in there that night.”

  “Didn’t notice them.”

  “Come on! You had to have noticed them. I noticed them. There were some really beautiful girls in there.”

  “Didn’t notice them.”

  “Some of the women were practically falling out of their dresses, trying to just lay a single finger on you as you walked by. I saw some drop dead gorgeous women trying that. Girls who looked like models throwing themselves at you as you walked back up on stage. You’re telling me you didn’t go home with one of those girls that night?”


  “And you never have?”


  “Now I don’t believe you. You’re a guy, how can you resist?”

  “I don’t go chasing after fool’s gold. I have no interest in those women. I’m there to work, get my money, and go home and do what I can to help out my daughter. That’s it. I’m not some kid running around like a lost puppy looking for something to stick my pecker into for a quick thrill. I got all the shots of adrenaline and dopamine fixes I needed being in the SEALs, and believe me, I don’t need anymore. Not
only that, they’re not half what they’re cracked up to be. If you have to get your kicks risking your life then something’s a little off. I’m happy being alive, and that’s not just about fighting bad guys…that’s about bad women as well. They can be worse than anything you face on the battlefield, believe it or not. I’ve heard stories. They can wreck a guy’s life. I don’t want any part of that.”

  “Is that what your ex-wife did?”


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