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Lucky 13: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants #13)

Page 4

by Flora Ferrari

  “No. She gave me Delaney and I’ll be forever grateful to her for that, but I don’t hold any grudges or anything towards her. We were simply too young to be doing what we were doing. I learned my lesson.”

  “If you learned that lesson then why do you want to jump into something with me so quickly?”

  “It’s not quick. I’ve been waiting on you my entire life.”

  “That’s a line.”

  “Not a line. I learned my lesson, remember.”

  “That doesn’t sound like any lesson.”

  “Maybe it’s not the lesson you were expecting. The lesson is if, and that if is a big if, you find the right one you go for it. Not before, and if you don’t ever find the one then it’s just not in the cards for you, as it probably isn’t for most people who settle on good enough. That’s not me. I don’t settle. Never have, never will. I wasn’t out looking for the one, and I don’t think you really can ever do that, but that’s another story. The point is that sometimes when you’re least expecting it that one person can walk right into your world and flip it upside down, and when that happens you’ll know. It will be crystal clear to you.”

  “And it’s clear to you?”

  “Like I said…crystal.”

  “What makes it so clear?”

  “The initial mind and body connection, but it was cemented when I got a chance to speak with you. To see you in the regular world. And when we touched…I know you felt it too. And look at us. Now we’re here, talking in this way. I bet it’s been a long time since you’ve talked this way, if ever.”

  I nodded.

  “It’s freeing isn’t it. Freeing in that you can just say what’s on your mind without fear of judgment and even more freeing that you finally found someone, even though you probably weren’t looking or didn’t consciously know you were looking, who can speak with you this way.

  I looked off to the side of the room. I needed to inhale. I needed to step away from this conversation for a moment. His words were so powerful. He was so powerful. He had nearly put me in a trance, but a participatory trance. As scary as it was, it was also the most liberating experience I can ever remember. He was right, about everything…so far.

  I retuned my gaze to meet his. He hadn’t taken his eyes off mine. “Now what?”

  “We go back to my place and do exactly what we both want to do more than anything we’ve ever wanted in our lives.”



  T here was no pretense. The second we walked through that door it was on.

  He lifted me from the ground, my legs wrapped around his waist, my hands exploring every inch of his body.

  I felt my back hit the wall just after his hand hit my ass. He held me there, suspended against the wall with one hand. His other hand was pressing against the wall as he leaned into me, his mouth taking exactly what it wanted.

  He grabbed my face and turned it to the side, squeezing it as firmly as he kissed me. He was rough, my moans encouraging him on.

  He picked me up and carried me towards the bedroom, turning at the last second towards the kitchen.

  He sat me down on the edge of his dining table and as he continued kissing me he shoved everything off the table in one motion. Books, some dishes, and a jug of water crashing to the floor. I heard the plates break, but didn’t care. From the way he was devouring me neither did he.

  I was on my back and his hands were at my waist, pulling me to the edge of the table. The way he carried me and threw me around like a rag doll made me feel weightless. I knew he could do whatever he wanted to me here, and there was nothing I could say or do about it. Fortunately the only word I had for him was yes.

  “You ready for me to put my tongue so far inside you when I pull it out your whole body will feel the emptiness?”


  He lifted my skirt up to my stomach.

  “You ready to start saving up for panties because every time you see me I’m going to rip them off you like a staved animal?”


  He grabbed my panties and tore them off like they were nothing, yanking the torn fabric to the side as I felt my bare bottom meet the wood finish of his handmade table.

  “Or even better you won’t need panties anymore, because every time you’re here I’m going to check. I’m going to reach my hand up under your skirt and make sure you’re wet for me. Always wet for me. You ready for that?”


  “Good, because I’m going to have you so wet and horny that even after I fill you up for hours, even after my fresh cum is dripping from your pussy while you’re at the grocery store, at your job, or doing anything, you’re going to be thinking of me. Knowing you’re addicted and I’m the only one who’s got the cure. Knocking on my door at all hours of the day like a fiend. A dick fiend needing just one more suck, just one more fuck…but one more is never enough, because you’re hooked. But you’re a shark. You’re the predator. You’re hunting not to eat, but to live. And in order to live you need me. Just like a shark has to keep swimming to stay alive, you’ll have to keep wanting. Needing me to stay alive, to stay sane. Is that what you want?”


  “Or is that what you need?”


  “Yes, what?”

  “I need it. I want it.”

  “Good because I’ve been saving it all for you and now that you’re here it’s time to make up for lost time,” he said as his head shot forward and his tongue licked straight up my slit.

  I reached for something to grab, but there was nothing. Broken ceramic covered the floor while I ground my fingernails into my palms like a knife as he painted my pussy like his tongue was the fucking Pussy Picasso. He hit every angle and every turn with precision, force, and depth. And after he finished his modern art masterpiece he destroyed it like crazy artists do. He was licking, sucking, and face fucking me uncontrollably.

  “Ahhh!” I yelled as I came all over his face, listening to the sound of his inhales as he sucked up every last drop of my juices.

  “I could live on the taste of you and nothing else,” he said.

  He pulled his head back and stood, hovering over me. He balled his hands into fists and flexed his muscles as he gritted his teeth. It was a show of hunger, rage, and passion, not a juvenile brag.

  I had invigorated him, fueled him, incited a riot within him. And I could see from the fire in his eyes I was about to feel the destruction.



  H e leaned forward and grabbed me by the waist, picking me up like Zeus would pick up a five pound sack of potatoes.

  He carried me to the bedroom and tossed me on the bed, as he unbuckled his belt. He pulled his belt from the loops and grabbed it by each end, pulling it tight making a lashing sound.

  He came to the side of the bed and grabbed my feet flipping me over onto my stomach as he pulled me onto his lap with one hand.

  He slowly teased me by rubbing the belt over my ass in circles and figure eights. The light touch and scent of the leather showing me who was in control in his masculine domicile.

  His hand came down hard on my ass and squeezed. He kneaded my cheek before removing his hand.

  And then I felt.

  Oh my god. His brown leather belt came down hard across both ass cheeks causing me to shake, clench, and need. To need it again, just like he had said I would. He hadn’t even put a single inch of his monstrous cock inside me and I was already hooked.

  And my need was temporarily satiated, as he said it would be, as his belt came down a second time…this time even harder than the first. And there it was again…that hole that needed filling.

  “You want more, don’t you you naughty little girl?”


  “You dirty little bird who came to my show and watched me take off all my clothes. The little ornery devil who got me all fired up and left me with nothing but a set of the biggest blue balls in the world. Well,
that’s not going to happen tonight, you hear me?”

  “Yes,” I said, as I heard the belt crack across my ass, and felt that warming sensation return.

  He spanked me again, before I heard the buckle hit the ground. His hand came down across my ass, replacing his belt.

  “I need to be the one. I need to feel you for myself. I need my addiction filled too,” he said, as he continued spanking me harder and harder, picking up the pace which I matched with my moans.

  Less than a minute later he was spanking me uncontrollably and I was doing everything I could to delay my orgasm.

  Then he cracked me across the ass what seemed like the fiftieth time, and quickly his finger slid right inside my opening…and didn’t move.

  He had filled me. And just like his tongue had, it sent me into orgasmic bliss. I wrapped my arms around his knees as I squeezed. As my pussy released, so did my arms, my body dangling off the side of him as a tidal wave of my juices left my body and ran across his leg.

  I could feel the strength of his finger as my walls clenched his digit, locking it in place.

  Suddenly my eyes shot open wide and my mouth opened as I felt a second wave coming, crashing all over him again. I had totally lost control and noticed I was drooling on his hard wood floor. I had never exerted myself so much physically and I wasn’t even the one doing the work. How would I have the stamina to ride him, which is what I wanted the most.

  He helped me back onto the bed and laid me out across it.

  “You ready to be adventurous?” he asked.

  “For you, yes.”

  “Good,” he said, going to his drawer and reaching inside.

  “I picked these up this morning, just for you,” he said.

  I had no idea what they were called but I knew exactly what they were used.

  He slid under the bed on his back and seconds later he back was up, strapping in my right wrist, followed by my left. Then both ankles.

  He had me tied down, but it was he who was the wild animal as he stood there just looking at me.

  “You are a work of art, beautiful.”

  It was a beautiful and tender thing to say, especially when I felt like such a dirty little whore…and was loving it.

  He finally pulled off his boxers, and I was quickly reminded why he was the star of the entire town.

  I swallowed hard, and he said, “Don’t worry…this is going to last a long, long time. I’m going to be gentle, to work you up to it. You won’t be able to take it all tonight…but we sure can play. And you’ll be able to take some of it.”

  “Okay,” I said.

  He looked at me like he knew I was holding out. “Is everything okay? The look in your eyes has changed.”

  “It’s just,” I started, but couldn’t finish.

  “Did I go to far? You know me, I’m a straight shooter. If I did, just tell me and I’ll stop this right now. You may not feel like it, but you’re the one who’s in total control. Totally control at all times. I promise.”

  “It’s just I’m not sure how I’m going to handle it,” I said, staring at his baker’s dozen of a dick.

  “Slowly. That’s the only way you can. And not all of it tonight.”

  “But I’m not sure how my body will respond.”

  “I’m prepared to feed off your signals.”

  “What if I don’t know what my signals are?”

  He looked confused before repeating what I said under his breath.

  “Wait! Are you meaning to tell me…?”

  I winced and shook my head. “I’m sorry.”

  “No. I’m sorry. This is totally my fault,” he said, hurriedly moving to my side and uniting me.

  “I’m sorry, I feel so embarrassed,” I said.

  “I’m the one who should be, and is, embarrassed,” he said. “Plus, it’s a good thing.”

  “A good thing? How?”

  “I was just so overtaken by my desire for you that I went too far. It’s sexier that that you’ve been saving yourself, and I promise I’m not just saying that.”


  “Absolutely. Now that we’re both back on the same page, just imagine how special we can make it? It will be a million times better that way. Better for both of us.”

  I held out my arms for a hug and he obliged, sliding into me.

  I was so thankful that he was understanding and patient. He was committed to turning what could have been a very awkward situation into something we could both remember for a long, long time….dare I say….forever.



  H ow old was she in that one?”

  “Four. Four and already the world traveler,” he said.

  “So she’s seen quite a bit of the world,” I said.

  “Yeah, but unfortunately not enough of me.”

  “I’m sure it’s not that bad.”

  “I did what I had to do at the time, but now I sure do wish I had more time with her back then.”

  “But you’re making up for it now.”

  “I’m trying.”

  “Well, I know she appreciates it. She talks about you all the time.”

  He smiled. “She does?”

  “Yeah, no lie. I know she’s really proud of you and what you’ve done for the country.”

  “I’m glad she sees it that way…that she doesn’t harbor any negative emotions about anything.”

  “Are you kidding? She said you were paying for her education. That in an of itself is incredible, especially on a military salary.”

  He pursed his lips.

  “Sorry, I overstepped my bounds. Your financial position is none of my business.”

  “It’s okay, and actually it kind of is.”

  “We don’t have to talk about it.”

  “It’s okay, really, but can I get you something to drink? Water, wine, soda?”

  “I mean, if you’re up for wine then who am I to argue?”

  “Truer words were never spoken. Sit tight and I’ll be right back.”

  “Deal,” I said.

  He stood up and rubbed his hand through my hair as he walked towards the kitchen.

  I always loved looking at old family pictures, they were something I wish I had. I had never known my parents, but refused to be a victim or feel sorry for myself. There were a lot of people here in Vegas that were way worse off than I was. If anything I was glad I had survived, and in a few years I wanted to give back.

  I had been fortunate to get a job as a headhunter at such a young age. I guess it was my people skills which I honed growing up. There were three different shifts at the home where I lived so I learned quickly that I had to understand everyone’s personality just as much as they were trying to understand mine. Matching up people to something that might interest them, or that they would be good at, came naturally to me after years of working with the staff and assigning responsibilities to the other kids each week. And as crazy as it sounds I figured out which games each of the other kids were good at and would play them in that game. I knew going in the odds were stacked against me, and I often lost, but in the end I won. It took their mind off our situation for an hour or two and helped me learn how to build stronger relationships with people, young and old.

  Working in a career where I matched people’s skills up with employer requests was a natural fit and something I enjoyed. I caught myself reminiscing in my head, remembering how we made the best of a potentially bad situation. It made me smile and allowed my mind to refocus on the album in front of me.

  These pictures were really something special. Delaney’s entire life history was right here in these photographs. Her dad’s history too. Pictures of him in all kinds of crazy places with his SEAL buddies. It was really cool to see the inner workings of a true American hero’s life.

  And then it hit me. Delaney had said she wasn’t entirely sure if she was going to go back to UCLA this last semester. She was thinking about dropping out and moving back to Vegas and finding a job
. She loved UCLA so much, and it made no sense. Why would she do such a thing and why so out of the blue, only to reconsider at the last second? Now I knew why, and it explained everything.

  Dylan hadn’t made much money while he was in the SEALs, but what he did make he sent to Delaney. She used to tell me about getting little envelopes of cash from him and things like that. Random FedEx letters arriving from all corners of the globe, which she’d sign for and open to find a beautiful note to her, a picture of her dad, and a pile of cash.


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