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Lucky 13: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants #13)

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by Flora Ferrari

  And now he had a military pension, most likely, and it probably wasn’t much. Delaney’s mom had run away with some surgeon who worked out east at John Hopkins. Of course her mom sold the house before she left, which is why she was staying with her recently “retired” dad now, in his modest place on the outskirts of Vegas.

  Delaney didn’t work and wasn’t on scholarship. I knew she wasn’t talking to her mom much, as even though her parents had divorced long ago and she had spent all those years with her mom, now she was beyond bitter at how her mom had just dumped her after she met Mr. Richie Rich.

  That’s why Mr. Cox was stripping! He needed cash, and he needed it fast. It wasn’t for himself though. He was doing whatever it took to pay for his daughter’s education.

  I wanted to cry and hug him so big and so hard and so long at the same time.

  “I may not be a sommelier so I don’t know for sure, but the guy who looked barely old enough to vote at the grocery store said this was a good one,” he said, sitting the wine glasses down on the table.

  I laughed at his joke and leaned into him, hugging him tight.

  “Let me pull my arms out of your death grip, so I can hug you back,” he said.

  I loosened my grip and he did just that.

  This man was even more beautiful to me now, not that I would have thought that was possible as I already held him in such high regards.

  He was doing whatever it took to get his daughter through college, and he wasn’t asking for a pat on the back for it either. What an amazing and incredible man. It just further went to show this man would do whatever it took to take care of those in his life, to protect them and give them everything he ever could. And his words were never hollow, like the words he had shared with me at the coffee shop. I knew, without a doubt, that if this relationship continued this man would go to the far ends of the earth to honor, protect, and care for me. And then I giggled inside. Of course it was going to continue. He wanted me and I wanted him. He said he goes after what he wants, and I knew all I had to do was do the same.



  T he next few weekends were pure bliss. We hiked Red Rock, went jet skiing at Lake Mead, and simply just enjoyed each other’s company. It was so nice to get outside. I didn’t even realize how much time I was spending at work. It was the stress reliever I needed more than anything…more than anything except him.

  In the rare moments when we weren’t together I missed him just like the Mojave desert misses the rain. Luckily there weren’t many opportunities to miss each other. When I wasn’t working we were connected at the hip. And the best part was we were building a real connection. Dylan had suggested we hold off on my first time, even though I was nearing the point of begging him to bring the two of us together as one.

  A few weeks later was a long holiday weekend. Dylan called me that afternoon at my work to ask if I could be ready as soon as I got home. Ready for what, I had asked. He wouldn’t tell, but I knew it was going to be something special.

  When I arrived at my front door, he was already there. He was in his boots, jeans, and a white V-neck t-shirt. And of course his sexy smirk that he drove me wild.

  We were packed and on the road in twenty minutes. I had no clues and no idea where we were going, and the excitement was driving me wild for him.

  He inserted a CD into the drive, reminding me just how old school he was. It was so cute that he took the time to actually make a CD of songs that I like before our journey. I knew it took more time and energy than just loading them onto a phone or mp3 player.

  As we drove we played I Spy, Guess Who’s The Driver, and a whole host of other car games. We stopped for gas and snacks a time or two. At one stop he said to imagine when I came back from the toilet that he was a getaway car driver and we were Bonnie and Clyde…without the violence of course. I swear this man could make watching paint dry a blast.

  Before long I started noticing signs for the California state line. And not long after that I noticed we were getting closer to L.A. A crazy thought hit me, which he must have sensed, as he reached over and put his hand on my knee.

  “Don’t worry, we’re not heading to L.A. Our time is just about us.”

  I exhaled hard. Crisis averted. I wasn’t ready to tell Delaney yet, and technically we hadn’t consummated our relationship, although I was already head over heels for this guy and he did have near carnal knowledge of me.

  A couple hours later we were on PCH, driving the coast. Not long after that we pulled into a secluded driveway, where Dylan jumped out of the car and started turning over rocks. What in the world was going on?

  After the fifth or sixth rock he stood up straight and turned to me, jingling a set of keys. He pressed a button and a gate further up the driveway slid open, and we pulled the car inside.

  It was the kind of house you see in those fancy magazines. Multiple stories, decked out with everything, and built right into the side of the cliff. I had no idea what these kind of houses go for, but I knew it was a lot.

  He took me by the hand and led me to the rooftop. We looked down across the beach. There were skimboarders, families playing, and scuba divers. The slight ocean breeze tickled my skin as the burnt orange and pink sunset shined in my face.

  “How in the world did you…?”

  “I got friends in low places,” he hummed.

  “You do it just as good as Garth Brooks.”


  “But I don’t get it. Low places?”

  “When you go through hell with your brothers, they remember. And this one in particular said for all the weekends in hell we spent together, I was due at least one weekend in heaven.”

  “A Navy SEAL owns this?”

  “Our brains are as sharp as our bayonets.”

  “I never doubted that. Never in a million years,” I said, hugging him tight.

  I loved that he had friends from way back. Friends who loved him and thought enough to offer him something so spectacular. It just reminded me how committed he was to the people in his life and how committed they were to him. Once you were in his life, you were in it for good.

  “Stay here,” he said. “I’ll be back in a flash.”

  He darted down the staircase and not two minutes later I heard his footsteps coming back up.

  “Close your eyes,” he said. “And no peeking.”

  I squeezed my eyes tight and moments later heard the pop of a cork.

  “Ut ut uh…not yet!” he said.

  Seconds later I felt his hand over the top of mine, sending those familiar sparks shooting through. The ones I felt every time we touched. He slowly opened my hand and I could feel him putting something inside, against my palm. He wrapped my fingers around the stem. “Okay…now you can open.”

  “You thought of everything,” I said, as I raised my glass to meet his. “Cheers,” I said, as we clinked our glasses.

  He motioned with his head to a spot a few yards back. I turned and saw two old school lawn chairs.

  “Care to join me for our first California oceanfront sunset?”

  “There’s no place I’d rather be,” I said.

  We sat in the chairs up on the rooftop of the house watching the sun fade into the Pacific. It was so cute that we were on top of this amazing home, drinking champagne in a couple five-dollar chairs. We were keeping it simple, focusing on the important things. Just how I liked it.

  But the most important thing wasn’t what I liked. It was what I loved. Him. My feelings had always been very strong for him, and only growing stronger, but it was in that moment that my heart just fell into place right in his hands. I knew it was safe with him. He would honor it, protect it, and never ever break it. He was thoughtful and responsible in all things, just as he had been with me.

  I leaned towards him and we kissed just as the last ray of sunlight disappeared and mothers called their children in from the beach on the sands below us. I wanted nothing more than for that to be me one



  A fter sunset we took showers and made our way into town.

  Dylan had made reservations at a lovely restaurant on the sand. I had heard oysters were an aphrodisiac and now I could finally confirm that the saying was more than just an urban legend. Then again I was already so turned on for him that I don’t know if anything could have made me want him more.

  We finished up our meal and took a walk along the beach. In between talking we stopped to kiss and cuddle along the rocks. Hours seemed like minutes and before we knew it it was well past midnight.

  “Feeling adventurous?” he asked.

  “Always, when I’m with you,” I said.

  He reached up and pulled of my shirt, before sliding out of his own clothes.

  “Why not?” he said, just before running down to the water butt naked.

  This guy is crazy, I thought…and I couldn’t wait to be crazy with him.

  We were skinny dipping in the shallows, being careful not to get too far out and to avoid all the rocks. The water was cold, but the alcohol in my system and his touch had me forgetting about it almost instantly. I was just having too much fun to notice, or even care. And even though combining swimming and alcohol is almost always a bad idea, I gave myself a pass this time since I was with a Navy SEAL, we didn’t go out far, and the ocean was calm.

  Once we finished we grabbed our clothes, and tried to maneuver our way back into them. We were so wet it made for a funny game.

  Nearly fifteen minutes later we were back on PCH, flagging a cab, which dropped us off just outside our gate.

  We went in and took showers. Dylan first and then me. I came out wrapped in a white robe, just as he was.

  “It’s time,” he said. “Are you ready?”

  “I’ve been waiting for this moment more than you could ever imagine.”

  He walked over to me, kissing me on the head before taking my hand in his.

  He guided me hand in hand to the master bedroom and pulled open the curtains. We had an amazing panoramic view over the Pacific with the stars and the water right before our eyes. It was appropriate that the horizon caught my focus. It was where the sea ended and the sky began. It was natural. It was beautiful. It represented our journey here on earth, and the journeys are souls were about to take. Together.



  A s I stood there looking out the window I felt his hands on my shoulders. He took the tops of my robe in his hands and gently slid it from my back, hitting the ground.

  I turned to face him, uniting his robe and then standing on my tip toes and reaching up to remove it from his shoulders as he had done with me.

  He was hard as a rock, his cock pointing right at me.

  I dropped to my knees and grabbed his shaft with both hands only to be stopped when I felt him bend over and lift me up.

  “We can save that for later,” he said, sweeping me off my feet and carrying me to the bed.

  He laid me down gently, lying next to me. His fingertips traced the outline of my body, back and forth. He just stared at my naked skin under the moonlight. I felt like I was in the best dream ever and I didn’t want to wake up. But this was real, as his touch reminded me.

  His hand continued traveling up and down my side a few more times until the last pass it continued up past my shoulders and into my hair. I rolled towards him, feeling his cock pushing against me as he gently kissed me on the cheek, slowly covering me with soft little kisses until his lips met mine.

  He was so gentle and so caring, and I knew this meant as much to him as it did to me. This wasn’t about sex at all. This was about love, connection, and togetherness.

  He kissed my mouth, before slowly continuing his gentle kisses down my neck from top to bottom. He didn’t stop when he reached my shoulders, continuing down my entire arms, kissing the back of my arms and even stopping to playfully suck on my elbow before continuing down my forearm. When he arrived at my fingers, he looked at them for a moment.

  “Even your fingers are beautiful,” he said.

  “Thank you,” I said, just before he placed the tip of my index finger against his lips, kissing it ever so softly.

  His passionate foreplay continued for well over an hour. He kissed me, massaged muscles I didn’t even know I had, and showed me what real devotion feels like.

  After he had kissed, massaged, and teased every part of my being he gently slid my legs apart and mounted me.

  He bent over one last time, kissing me on the mouth. He leaned back and put the tip of his cock at my entrance. I was so wet and ready for him that when he gently pressed at my opening his cock slid right in.

  All the days and nights of waiting were so worth it. To feel his girth fill me…the head of his dick spreading my walls…it was incredible. And he only had a few inches in.

  He rocked back gently and then forward again. His hands found my hips and held me tight, but gently as he controlled my body and his depth with each stroke.

  My head fell back, but I still managed to catch glimpses of his cock sliding in and out of me. I could see I was taking a lot, but there was still a lot more to go.

  It gave me something to look forward to, not that I needed it. I was so lost in the moment, so connected to the here and now that there was nothing on my mind but him…and the way he made me feel.

  I felt my orgasm coming, but couldn’t open my mouth to say the words.

  I heard him breath out hard when my walls began clenching his dick for dear life and then I felt it. A warm sensation filled me as his thrusts stopped and his body shook uncontrollably. It may have been my first time, but I had satisfied him…and he had definitely satisfied me.

  He laid out next to me on the bed, staring into my eyes.

  “That was amazing,” I said.

  “You’re amazing,” he said.

  I pulled my body in closer to his. I fit perfectly, just like we were made for each other, and we were. Our shared climax together was just another reminder of how perfect we were for each other.



  T he rest of the early morning hours we spent making love in that bedroom. We didn’t even leave to eat, preferring to devour each other instead.

  Finally around dinner time we ordered delivery, putting the money in the mailbox and asking the delivery guy to buzz when he arrived. We couldn’t even be bothered to put on proper clothes.

  What started the night before continued into this night and into the morning, before we passed out from exhaustion.

  We awoke a few hours later, just in time to catch a mimosa brunch at Las Brisas. We took an outside table, and stayed until the brunch finished at three. After brunch we walked along the beach holding hands as professional volleyball players practiced in the sand next to families taking in the weekend.

  “I love how there is so much diversity and harmony here.” I said.

  “We have more diversity planned for tonight,” he replied.

  “Do tell.”

  “A couple art galleries are having special Sunday showings. We’ll see everything from local artists to the biggest names in European history.”

  “Tonight?” I asked emphatically.

  “”Not long from now,” he said.

  How this man continued to make our already amazing weekend even more incredible, I had no idea.

  We continued walking along the beach until the galleries opened.

  We checked out the first two or three, enjoying complimentary champagne and appetizers and even chatting with a few of the artists.

  “One more, or shall we make some art of our own?” he winked.

  “Never know when we’ll have this opportunity again…let’s check out a few more.”

  “Good idea.”

  We walked further down PCH and popped our heads into what looked like a really upscale gallery just a block from the beach.

  “Is that what I think it is?” I said. />
  “What’s that?”

  “Wow. It’s a Monet. An original.”

  I tried to keep my voice hushed but it was difficult. I enjoyed art, and was really excited to see such a famous piece. There was a girl standing in front of it blocking our view slightly, so we moved closer, pulling even with her.


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