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The Soul of a Vampire Book 2

Page 7

by Rachel E Rice

  He stepped outside and I closed the door before he turned around again. I took a long hard breath and closed my eyes and when I opened them, Terry was standing behind me.

  “Who was that?”

  “Don’t do that, Terry. You can’t sneak up on me. I almost screamed. “That was Detective Cole. Now there are more problems we can’t clean up. And if Robbie discovers that Ryan came by here he will tell you to go. But I don’t want you to go but you may have to. What will you do without me?” I said. I wanted her to tell me that she would be fine and I would have felt better but instead she said what I didn’t want to hear.


  “Don’t say that, Terry. You will do perfectly well without me. Where is the cat?”

  “I let him out. It will be better for him to learn how to hunt his own food. You know I know about cats. I’ve had a hard day and I’m going to bed,” she said. And she left me standing worrying about her and what to do next.

  Looking around in Ann and Robbie’s large spacious home I whispered, “Where are you Sebastian. Can’t you see that I need you? You’ve left me again when I want you so much. Come back to me if you can hear me.”

  Chapter Twelve-Zoey

  I was up about ten am because I had to drive into town to meet Ryan before he made a return trip to the house. I showered and wore a dress. I was up and out the door before Robbie and Ann came down stairs. I left them a note saying I was going into Seattle. I said I know they wouldn’t approve but it was important. I didn’t say anymore. It was enough getting them involved in my crazy life and they were looking for something quiet.

  Easing into my rental I took off. I didn’t want to wake Terry because she would insist on coming with me and who knows what she would have done. It was a good thing she slept late these days. A good thing indeed.

  Looking in the car mirror, I happened to admire the dress I had chosen. I had ordered the dress from a shop in the hotel.

  A black dress with a white collar and white cuffs. Sebastian would have approved of the black. It was cut low in front. Not that I had anything to put out there on display like Terry, but then Terry wasn’t Terry anymore, and it appeared I wasn’t me either because of the lies to cover up more lies.

  After leaving the gate to get to the two lane road, I drove for fifteen minutes and entered the traffic on the main highway. Now my thoughts centered on Ryan. That was a first. My existence lately was thinking and worrying about Sebastian. I should have been more focused on myself.

  The attention I’m getting from Ryan Cole made me feel better. The gloomy feeling of dread seemed to leave me, and I found myself smiling again. It was his warmth and concern for my safety when I was just a teen, which made a deep thoughtful impression on me. Being around him for a short time when he brought me back from England, I bonded with him. He was the father I didn’t have as a child, but Sebastian was the big brother I needed who took care of me. Where is he now? I wondered. Obviously he didn’t hear my plea for him to come and get me and save me from these nightmares.

  It was my miscalculations that we had some kind of connection where he would know I needed him and come for me. But that was just a silly childish notion I harbored when I was a child, and afraid of my own shadow. Afraid to go to sleep at night and afraid of the dark.

  But I loved Sebastian as a brother, and lover, and now I’ve discovered that he loved me too.

  “What difference does it make for me to love him if we can never be together as husband and wife?” I murmured to myself over the low sound of the music on the radio. I watched the skyline pass and the traffic slow to a crawl. It only gave me more time to think of Sebastian when I vowed not to think of him this time.

  But I gave in to my obsession of thinking about him.

  I never knew then why Sebastian behaved the way he did. Not really like a brother, but more like a protector. Most big brothers never take the time to ask about my hopes and dreams and play with me, but he did. When Aare teased me, it wasn’t to play with me, but something more sinister Aare had in mind. Fortunately Sebastian was there to shield me and hide me from him. He even let me sleep with him in the walls of the castle.

  Now it has all come back to me. I wanted to curl up with Sebastian as I became older and he told me no. That I was too old to sleep with him. I remember crying and shouting at him that I hated him, when in fact I loved him. I just didn’t understand and Sebastian wouldn’t reveal to me his true feeling, and that I wasn’t really his sister, and that he was a vampire, and that he was immortal and I wasn’t, and we could never have a future together.

  I wouldn’t have understood anyway because I had been protected from the outside world. Tutors had been brought in and I was taught only what his mother and father deemed necessary at the time.

  Sebastian said that I should never be alone with Aare. I didn’t understand that either, but as a curious stubborn child, I could see no harm in it and didn’t heed Sebastian’s warnings.

  One night Aare convinced me to go into his room if ever I needed to when Sebastian was away. I made a mistake to go there one night when I was having a nightmare, and Sebastian stormed into the room and took me away to England, and never brought me back. I thought he had sent me away because he hated me, and because I wouldn’t listen to him, but it was to protect me from Aare.

  I wished I could remember Sebastian’s mother and father, but their faces are cloudy in my mind.

  Letting go of that thought after arriving in the heart of Seattle, it was time to concentrate on Ryan and what I would say to him.

  Driving around, finally I found the diner where Ryan asked me to meet him. Parking the car in the underground parking lot, I hurried out of the building into the rain. I had forgotten about the rain after being in Italy with the sun. I wished I had worn pants. Now my hair fell limp on my head. I was never like Terry, vain, so it didn’t bother me. After all it wasn’t like meeting Sebastian.

  When I entered the restaurant, I looked around. I saw a booths with men and women dressed in business suits. The women were dressed tastefully and the men were in dark suits with crisp white shirts. It was the lunch hour crowd, and not a place where you would see a detective because although the restaurant wasn’t that fancy, a quick look at the menu, it appeared to be upscale and expensive.

  “Looking for someone.” I jumped and turned and behind me stood Ryan.

  “You frightened me,” I said.

  “It was too noisy in here and I had to take a call in the hallway. Come.” And he took me by the hand and I sat near him in a booth. I love booths. “I ordered a bottle of wine,” he said.

  “A glass of red wine will do nicely. I don’t think I can be depended on to help you drink all of it, and I don’t want to waste your money.”

  “Don’t worry about money. My family has lots of it and I inherited a bundle from my grandfather.” He raised his hand and the waiter brought over the wine. “I hope this meets your satisfaction.”

  “Yes more than you know,” I said with a closed smile.

  “Are you ready to eat?”

  “Yes I’m famished. But I’d like to comb my hair. Please order a salad for me.” He called the waiter and he took my order as I headed for the ladies room. It took a few minutes and I headed back to him. I got a better look at him.

  Ryan had a handsome rugged face with a generous mouth. He appeared to be a man who liked to laugh because he had touches of laugh lines around his mouth. I found myself comparing him to my brooding and sullen Sebastian. His teeth even and sparkling white when he smiled at me as I approached the booth. His manners impeccable because he stood when I approached him and he waited until I sat.

  “Are you sure all you want is a salad. I can afford it if you’re worried.” If he said that one more time I thought I would scream. Why was he telling me that?”

  I put my wrist under my chin and turned to him. “Why did you invite me to lunch?”

  “Because I wanted to talk to you. Years ago I couldn’t ask you any
questions and I needed to tie up loose ends.” He paused and looked at me and smiled. His eyes bright suddenly brimmed with passion. I felt his heat. “And because you are beautiful, and I never thought I would see you again since you’re all grown up.”

  “Detective Cole...”

  “Call me Ryan. Please.”

  “Ryan, are you interested in me or the case.” I thought I would get that out.

  “Both,” he said gazing at me with a pair of exciting hopeful blue eyes. They seem to light up and he smiled when he said that. He had a wonderful smile the kind that makes you laugh and your body brightens up whenever you see him, and he was good looking too. Tall with wide shoulders and long legs.

  For some reason he reminded me of Sebastian. However, Sebastian had all those attributes except one. Sebastian didn’t have a ready smile. Sebastian was melancholy all the time. I guess being a vampire has its drawbacks.

  Feeling a warm touch to my hand, I looked down and then I turned to face him and he said, “You appear to be deep in thought. Anything I can help you with?”

  “No. I was thinking about my father. Do you have any leads?”

  “We got one last night. It had to do with the killing at the zoo. That’s why I was at Mr. Wolff’s door and imagine finding you there.”

  “What did that have to do with my father’s death?”

  “I found a small towel with the monogram on it and when we tracked it down there was only one place that had ordered those towels because they are very expensive, and looking at the house you can tell there is plenty of money. Ask me I know. I was raised in a place like that,” he said. I sat seething at Terry and just listened to him.

  When the waiter brought the wine and poured it in the glass I didn’t wait for Ryan, I took a gulp. He sat the salad in front of me and by that time I was no longer hunger.

  “I can’t see how that had anything to do with my father’s death.”

  “That zoo keeper was killed the same way your father was, but a baby bobcat was taken. Probably for a souvenir or pet. I think if we find the bobcat we will find the killer. You may think that I’m out of my mind, but your father may have been killed by the same type of people, I mean entity. Not necessary a human as we know.”

  “I don’t understand.” But I did understand. I just wanted to make sure he knew what he was dealing with.

  “As I said before, you might think I’m crazy but there are things you don’t comprehend and may never, but I believe there are vampire’s, werewolves, and maybe witches in Seattle, and possibly all over this country. And it could be our neighbors and we haven’t a clue.”

  I stared at him as he gazed around the room. He had this wide eyed look as if his thoughts were concentrated on more than me and the beings he described.

  He placed his hand over mine. “I don’t want to frighten you. That’s the last thing I want to do, but I want you to be aware of what’s out there. I’ve been concerned about you since you were a child. I read about your case and I wanted to be a detective to find you. My father pulled some strings and I entered college early and graduated early, and became got in the police academy and here I am with that beautiful little girl and teenager I wanted to see grow up.”

  It was the way he said that, which made my heart skip a beat. But who am I fooling? He was a handsome and sensitive man, but there is more to life, and how could I bring him into my world? I didn’t know if I would ever see Sebastian again.

  Maybe the day I die he would come and give me a kiss on the forehead when I’m eighty something and I have grey hair and waited for him a life time, or maybe he’ll come for me tomorrow. It was clear that Ryan was interested in me. I could see it in his eyes and I could do far worse. Maybe if I fell off the radar with Samantha, she would forget me.

  “Would you go to a movie with me tomorrow?” he asked bringing me back to reality.

  “When do you work?” I asked.

  “What about the next night?” he said.

  “Call me and let me know which night you will have off.” Whatever Ryan was trying to find out about the deaths, he didn’t appear interested in asking me any questions about it.

  After we spent a long afternoon together eating, and where I had only a glass of wine because I had to drive, he walked me to my car.

  He opened my car door and made an awkward move to kiss me, I sat and pulled the door and started the car. He waved goodbye to me as I backed out of the space, and then out of the rear view mirror, I thought I saw something. But it couldn’t be. It had to be my imagination.

  Chapter Thirteen-Sebastian

  I reached Zoey just in time, I thought. I have been drawn to her scent and to the heat her body gives off. I know now I can never be too far from her because everything about her will call me back.

  I watched as Zoey walked out of the back door of Robert and Ann’s home, and then get into the rental and drive out of the compound in the direction of Seattle. What is she doing there? I told her to find a remote place, and why is she leaving without Terry, I wondered? Just as stubborn as always. Never listens. She doesn’t know what she’s up against.

  The day, rainy, dark, and overcast served to give me cover from the harshness and deadly rays of the sun.

  But to be seen with Zoey would bring Samantha to her door steps. I had to warn her but I can’t call Zoey for fear Samantha would find some way to intercept her phone calls.

  Taking another form, that of a wolf, I raced through the forest without being notice.

  Arriving behind Zoey to see her drive into an underground parking garage, I stood back, and hid behind a car, and then I changed back.

  Traveling during the day had overtaxed my strength making me weak. I had spent days aboard a ship with little to eat. I didn’t want to provoke the suspicion of the captain who I employed to steer my yacht, so I stayed locked in my cabin.

  Traveling in the jet and the boat, I lost days. It is the middle of the day and the only thing that saves me is this god forsaken weather. The dreary cloudy days make me long for light. But that will never come again for me.

  In the garage, I found a car with a cover and dust and I knew it had been parked there for months. I opened the door and made myself comfortable in the trunk. And there I rested and I waited for Zoey.

  The drastic nature of my risking my existence, by doing this in the middle of the day, only made me more anxious to see her and talk to her. I missed Zoey’s snarky remarks and I even missed her cursing at me. But most of all I missed the ease to which I became accustomed to entering into the warmth of her body. I felt being in and with her reminded me that I was indeed no different from her.

  With Zoey I was human again and the thought of death and life being together wasn’t unnatural any more. You can’t have life without death and death without life. For that reason I find that I need to be with her and we need to have children.

  It was a laughable thought, but it was that thought which gave me the desire to continue this long existence.

  When I first proposed the idea to my mother she agreed, however, my father and Aare saw that as something that would threatened them and their kind. I speak as if I’m not like them and I see it that way. I have a soul. I can feel for others and that makes me different. But that was tested when Aare tried to prove to me that I wasn’t any different them him.

  Given the chance and the opportunity, I would feed on a human. That wasn’t my finest moment.

  I heard Zoey’s voice and with her the voice of a man. He appeared pleasant not a threat to her. It was then I realized that the voice was that of that Detective. I listened as they stood and talked not far from where I lay.

  “Zoey, would you consider another date with me?”

  “I’m not sure?” I’m pleading don’t go on a date with him, Zoey. But obviously she doesn’t hear me. If she loved me, she wouldn’t go.

  “I tell you what, if I cook for you then would you?” he said.

  “That all depends on what you’re cooking,” s
he said with a bashful laugh. It was her girlish laugh she used to give me when she became a teen. Especially when she wanted me to do something for her. She tried to convince me to be with her doing the day. Of course I never could.

  “I like Lasagna,” Zoey said with a soft voice. I had to control myself. I wanted to tear Ryan Cole’s heart out.

  She never mentioned to me that she enjoyed Lasagna. I felt betrayed. I guess one betrayal deserves another. How could I be so weak as to fall for Aare’s deception? I know now Zoey will not forgive me. But I need to see her one more time before I remove myself from her life. After what my family did to her, it’s only right that I walk away and let her have her dreams.

  I had to think about Samantha. She will never let Zoey rest until I become her slave where she can control me forever, but it would be worth it.

  Watching and listening to Ryan Cole stand in the daylight with Zoey, laughing and speaking to her, my base instincts said to kill him on the spot. Kill anyone who dares take Zoey away from me and that includes Samantha, but I’m conflicted because my instincts now said to try to get Zoey to forgive me and to go away with me.

  When Ryan Cole closed her car door and walked away and I saw him looking back, and I knew it wasn’t because she was someone he needed to question about the recent killings and her kidnapping.

  The look on his face told the whole story. Still a very young man, and not married, he had become enamored with Zoey the way I had. That teenage girl who would later become a beautiful woman had enchanted him, as well as had done with many others, but it was him she had agreed to go to dinner with at his apartment.

  Zoey drove out of the garage and headed for home. I would make it to the compound before she reached there and wait for her.

  She arrived at the gate and it was no longer open. Robert had made repairs. Zoey drove in and parked the rental and noticed that no one was around. She headed up the stairs and to her room. She opened the door, kicked off her shoes, walked to the bathroom and dropped her dress, returned in just her underwear to find me standing there waiting for her.


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