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Brett and Hannah (Soul Mates 101 Series)

Page 4

by Wolfe, Scarlet

  “I shouldn’t have said that. I came to ask you to dance.”

  Whoa, I didn’t see that coming.

  “Thanks, but I don’t think so.”

  “What’s wrong? Am I not good enough for you, or should I say old enough? I saw you talking to that older woman.”

  “I work for your family, Hannah. I don’t think it’s a good idea. I also don’t want to see my picture in a magazine.”

  Hannah placed her hands on her hips. “The damn paparazzi aren’t following me around. Just forget it. I see which category you fall into.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “There are men who want to get close to me because of who my mother is, or they want nothing to do with me because of it. Like I said, I see which one you fall into.” Hannah turned and walked away.

  “Hey, shortcake,” Brett yelled.

  Hannah stopped and turned around.

  “So, are you telling me you’d rather me fall into the other category?”

  She stomped back to him.

  “You know what I meant. I just wanted to dance with you. I didn’t ask for this other shit.”

  Brett heard a new slow song come on right then. He hoped it was the alcohol making his decision and not something more when he slammed his bottle down on the table and grabbed Hannah’s hand.

  He pulled her behind him to the dance floor. Her anger turned him on, so he wanted an excuse to put his hands on her. Grabbing hold of her waist, he pulled her in close before wrapping his arms around her. She put her arms around his neck and gazed up at him.

  “I’ve never seen this before,” Austin said.

  “Seen what?” Chelsea asked.

  “Brett ... he doesn’t socialize with younger women. Period. He’s only dated older women. He doesn’t dance, either.”

  Austin turned and looked at her.

  “I’m Austin by the way. Would you like to dance?”

  She smiled. “Sure, I’m Chelsea.”

  Brett gazed down at Hannah’s turquoise eyes. Even though he was lightheaded from the beers, he still had enough sense to know he was going to regret dancing with her. As she stood below him, he admired her silky hair and smelled her arousing scent.

  “You’re very good looking, Brett.”

  “You’re gorgeous, so I guess that makes us even.”

  She smiled up at him.

  “No, we’re not even. You have no idea how hot you look when sweat’s dripping off your tan, muscular body.”

  Brett grabbed the back of her head and pulled her closer to his chest, so she wouldn’t see him trying to hold in his laugh. He knew the alcohol was doing her talking.

  She got him more turned on by what she said, and once he had her that close, all he wanted to do was kiss her. He tilted up her chin and smiled.

  “Hannah, listen. You’re cute, but you should stop talking like that. I’m sure you’ll be embarrassed tomorrow like you probably were last Sunday, and I don’t want you sitting on my truck apologizing again.”

  “I don’t want you to just find me cute,” she said as she jerked away from him and scowled. “If you haven’t noticed, I like you, but it sounds as if you think I’m still a child. I’m nineteen, and I’m guessing you’re only two years older than me, so I don’t get it. Just forget this. I don’t want you dancing with me out of pity.” Hannah turned to walk away.

  Brett pulled her back into his arms. “I don’t just find you cute, Hannah. You’re sexy as hell.”

  She quickly leaned up and kissed him. Once he felt her plump, warm lips on his, he couldn’t resist her. Brett kissed her back as he grabbed the back of her hair, pulling her in toward his body that was burning with desire.

  He was becoming aroused from tasting her sweet tongue. Feeling it swirling around his mouth, and feeling her fingers traveling through his silky blonde hair caused a craving he’d never felt before.

  Hannah pulled her lips away and tiptoed, layering his neck with kisses.

  “I want you, Brett.”

  Her words were electricity, shocking his core. He stared down at her with piercing eyes full of lust.

  “You’re so damn hot, Hannah.” The words came out, and then reality sunk in as Brett let out a loud groan. He snapped out of her seductive take over but not before some of his friends witnessed their smoldering kiss. He grabbed her arms and pulled back from her.

  “We’re not doing this,” he said. He felt the surge of heat and lust racing through his blood, wanting her in a way he’d never experienced with any woman.

  She gazed up at him seductively.

  “Fuck, I want you,” he said with a groan, running both his hands through his hair. “Go find your friends, Hannah. We can’t do this.” He left her and went straight for the bathroom. Pacing around, he tried to get his self-control back.

  She was new, dangerous territory. Hooking up with older women was less complicated. He knew he was going to hang out with them and have sex—nothing more. He never felt for them what he was feeling for Hannah. Brett was questioning his idea of wanting a relationship. If he was going to feel confused and out of control, then he wanted no part of it.


  Dylan and Cody were on the dance floor with two blondes. Dylan was normally happy go lucky but was having a hard time shaking the fact that Brett was telling him to stay away from Hannah.

  He and Brett got along the least of the guys, and he was starting to think it could be a bad thing if Brett was going to start wanting younger women, the same younger women he was interested in. None of the roommates had ever went after the same chick before.

  He was laying his charm on thick to the girl he was dancing with when he looked up and saw Brett making out with Hannah on the dance floor. He felt anger and jealousy course through him. He’d enjoyed dancing with her and thought she was one of the first girls he’d talked to at The Stables who wasn’t at least borderline trashy.

  Dylan couldn’t stay focused on the blonde in his arms with all the anger he was feeling toward Brett, so when he saw Brett walking toward the bathroom, he made an excuse to get away from her for a minute.

  About the time he made it to the bathroom door, Brett was coming out.

  “I see how it is. You wanted her for yourself. I didn’t go back and ask her to dance after you gave me hell because you acted like you were a saint looking out for her.

  “Had I known you were just saying all that shit so you could put your hands all over her, I wouldn’t have hesitated to go after her, and I would’ve told you to fuck off!” Dylan yelled.

  “Listen to me. She came and asked me to dance, and she kissed me.”

  “I saw your tongue had no issue with it.” Dylan lifted his ball cap and pulled it back down on his head.

  “I didn’t plan on this happening when I said something to you. No matter what happens tonight, unlike you, I don’t plan on sleeping with her while she’s trashed, so just leave us the hell alone,” Brett said angrily.

  “That’s not what I planned on doing with her.”

  “Since when, Dylan? You do it every chance you get.”

  “I’m sick of you thinking that picking up an older woman, sleeping with her for a few months until you toss her away for a new one is somehow more commendable,” Dylan replied.

  Brett stuck his finger out in front of Dylan’s face.

  “Just stay the hell away from Hannah. You’re not touching her!” he shouted before storming away.

  Dylan growled loudly as he headed back to the dance floor to find Cody and the girls they’d been dancing with.


  After buying another beer at the bar, Brett went back to the table. Austin was there talking to Chelsea.

  “Have you seen Matt?” Brett asked.

  “He’s still over there talking to that brunette. I have a hunch she’ll be going back to our place tonight.”

  Chelsea looked at Brett.

  “Where’s Hannah?”

  Brett swallowed hard and looked away. “I told her
to find her friends.”

  “I better look for her,” Chelsea said with irritation in her voice. “I’ll hopefully talk to you later, Austin.” She smiled faintly before she walked away.

  He scoped the dance floor and saw Dylan and Cody dancing with a couple of blondes. He hoped Dylan would find a girl to take home, so he wouldn’t give him more grief over Hannah. He turned his back to the dance floor.

  “Damn, Brett. Hannah’s friend is hot. Don’t piss Hannah off. I’d really like to see Chelsea again.”

  “Too late, but don’t let that stop you. Just get her damn number.”

  “It appears Hannah has no business drinking. I’m surprised she survived her freshman year without ending up dead in a ditch,” Austin said.

  “I know. She’s completely different sober.”

  Austin pointed to the dance floor.

  “Dude, look. She may end up in a ditch yet.”

  Chapter Nine

  Brett swung around to look for Hannah on the dance floor.

  Dammit. Why can’t she stay away from assholes?

  She was stuck between two guys who were pressing themselves up against her, basically making a sandwich out of her. He could see on her face that she wanted out from between them, and they weren’t budging.

  Brett slammed his beer bottle down on the table.

  “I can’t keep saving her ass.”

  “Man, I think you need to ask yourself why you keep wanting to.”

  Those words hit him hard. He knew Austin was right. He scanned around for Hannah’s friends and saw they weren’t paying attention to her as they danced.

  The more he watched her with the two guys, the more he felt his anger building. He wasn’t about to let it continue. His fists were clenched, and he felt the tightening of his jaw. He wasn’t thinking anymore as rage took over.

  “Man, get control. I’ve never seen you this way over a woman. Dylan and Cody will kick your ass if we get into a fight and get banned from this place,” Austin said.

  Brett took off and headed straight for the two men. He grabbed Hannah’s arm and pulled her out from between them, putting her almost completely behind him. He got within inches of their faces and started yelling as he pointed his finger at them.

  “Don’t either of you even think about putting a hand on her again, or you’re going to have my fist in your face! Do you understand?”

  The men were bigger than the six he’d rescued her from the time before. He knew they were his age or older, but due to Brett’s size and the intimidating vibe he exhibited, they looked scared.

  He’d only ever lost one fight. In high school, he attempted to protect his boss, Lauren, from her boyfriend who he thought was treating her badly. He ended up taking two solid punches to the face for her and swore it would be the last time he lost a fight.

  The two men put their hands up near their chest before one of them spoke. “Hey, we didn’t know she had a boyfriend.” They turned and walked away.

  He’d never been referred to as a boyfriend and was stunned by the word. There was a crowd of onlookers including his friends, and he saw Dylan shaking his head, looking bewildered. Brett turned around to Hannah. She was staring at him, her large eyes magnified by the colored lighting in the bar.

  He anxiously grabbed her shoulders. “Did I hurt you?”

  “No, but I don’t need your help. We’re not doing this, remember? Those were your words,” she said snippy.

  Brett could hardly take the adrenaline and sexual tension rushing through him.

  “Give me your damn phone, Hannah.”

  “Stop ordering me around. Why do I—”

  “Give me the phone, now,” he said sharply.

  She pulled it out of her clutch purse. He grabbed her hand and led her to her friends.

  “Do you all think you’re capable of keeping her out of trouble for five seconds? I’ll be right back, and don’t let her out of your sight.”

  Hannah rolled her eyes at him.

  “What is his deal with you? I don’t know if we should be grateful or find it creepy,” Chelsea said after Brett walked away.

  “I don’t know. All I do know is I have it bad for him.”

  “It appears he feels the same about you,” Jasmine said.

  “I hope so.” Hannah chewed on her thumbnail.

  Brett went outside and started swiping through the contacts in her phone. He wanted her home but didn’t want the responsibility of getting her there.

  He knew he could end up with a death sentence if something happened to her on his time. She wasn’t any ordinary girl. He finally found the name “Hudson” in her phone and hit the dial button.

  Hudson answered.

  “Hannah, it’s late. Are you OK?”

  “Um, sir, this is Brett. I’m the landscaper that’s working for the Masons.”

  “Why do you have Hannah’s phone? Is she OK?”

  “She’s intoxicated. My friends and I came out to The Stables, and she’s been here for hours drinking. Her friends are just as bad, so I thought I’d call to see if you could pick them up and get them home safely.”

  “Absolutely, thanks for calling me. It’ll take me about forty minutes to get there. I was already in bed.”

  “I’ll have them out front when you get here.”

  Brett went back inside and found the girls standing off to the side of the dance floor. “I called Hudson, and he’ll be here in forty minutes. If you don’t want him to take you home that’s your choice, but I’m making sure Hannah gets in that car.”

  Hannah threw her hands on her hips. “You’re not making me do anything.”

  Brett closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. He was losing his patience. He looked at her friends. “If you’re going to ride with him, then be outside in about thirty minutes. I’m taking Hannah to sit down.”

  Brett took Hannah’s hand and went to find Matt. He saw him making out with the brunette in a booth.

  “Matt, can we leave in about forty minutes?”

  “Sure.” Matt glanced down at Hannah’s hand entwined with Brett’s. “Is she going home with you?” he asked, smiling. Brett saw the amusement all over his face.

  “No,” he said, glaring at him. “Just meet me outside later.”

  “Can do,” Matt said before turning around and plunging his tongue back into the brunette’s mouth.

  Brett had Hannah sit next to him at a table. Without even a thought he held her hand in his lap. “Hannah, if you don’t want guys treating you like shit, you probably shouldn’t drink so much.”

  Hannah’s expression softened. “I know, and I’m sorry.” She pulled her hand away from his and reached behind his ear, twisting her fingers in his soft hair.

  Brett flinched but didn’t move her hand.

  “My boss doesn’t have millions of dollars, Hannah. This account is very important for his livelihood, and I’m the only employee trained to do this job the way we were asked to do it. I can’t risk him losing this contract or me losing my job.”

  Hannah moved her fingers to his ear and stroked his earlobe between her fingertips.

  “Do you like me?”

  Brett closed his eyes for a second, trying to get his ragged breathing under control. “Yes, I like you. I think I made that obvious, but nothing’s going to come from it. Once Hudson picks you up, we need to stop speaking other than a ‘hello’. I’m explaining so you understand why.” Brett saw her anger return.

  “My parents are not going to fire the company just because you talk to me. I’m an adult. They don’t tell me what to do, and you’re making way too big a deal out of this.”

  “It’s a risk I can’t afford to take. If it wasn’t for my job, I’d talk to you.”

  “That’s the excuse you’re feeding yourself. I’m outta here.” Hannah got up and took off toward the doors.

  He watched her sway from the alcohol when she stood up. “Hannah, stop.” He got up and went after her, following her out the exit.

  It w
as dark besides a couple of streets lights, and he only noticed a few people hanging out in the parking lot. Brett grabbed hold of her arm, but she immediately jerked away.

  “If that’s what you want, then why are you following me out here?”

  “Since I called Hudson, I’m not taking a chance on something happening to you between now and when he gets here, so I’m not going anywhere. I’m honestly wondering with your behavior how you’ve managed to get through a whole year of college without getting hurt.”

  Hannah clenched her fists.

  “Stop treating me like a child!”

  “Then stop acting like one.”

  “Oh, like you’ve been mature tonight!”

  “I’m trying to keep you safe, Hannah.”

  “You don’t even know me. I’ll always be grateful to you for protecting me from those losers last weekend, but you need to quit hovering over me, and go away.”

  “I’m not going anywhere until your cute little ass is parked in the seat of your car, so you might as well drop it.”

  “Don’t talk about my cute little ass unless you plan on touching it!”

  He was turned on again by her frustration toward him. The temptation to kiss her and touch her was leading the race.

  “Ugh! You’re so infuriating. You tell me not to talk to you again, but then you call my ass cute. You know, you kissed me back earlier. I don’t know what you want from—”

  Brett’s lips attacked hers. He ran both hands up behind her neck into her hair and thrust his tongue into her mouth. She was irresistible to him as she yelled from her curvy, petite body.

  He found her sexy in her red, button up shirt, tight jeans and cowboy boots. The beers had caught up with him, and he couldn’t keep his hands and mouth off of her a second more.

  She wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him in closer to her, pressing herself against his body. Grabbing his bottom lip with her teeth, she slowly sucked it into her mouth before letting go.

  He let out a moan and seized her red lips again. His experience was shining through from the way he maneuvered his tongue in her mouth, sweeping every inch of it with precision.


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