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Brett and Hannah (Soul Mates 101 Series)

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by Wolfe, Scarlet

  He almost lifted her off the ground as he swallowed her body beneath his strong arms. All Brett could think about was how warm her body felt against his and how he wanted to caress every dip and curve of it.

  He grabbed her ass and squeezed as the lust he was feeling overshadowed all rational thought. Their kiss was the hottest he could remember, and the next thing he felt was Hannah pressing her hips against the hard-on in his jeans.

  She barely took her lips off of his and gave him a lascivious look. “I want your hands all over me,” she whispered.

  He let out a growl. “Shit, Hannah, you’re so tempting.” Their bodies could have only been closer if they were naked as they grinded against each other.

  “Damn, Brett. Did she magically sober up?” Dylan asked sarcastically after he busted out the exit. He had a blonde in a short, black skirt hanging on his arm.

  Brett let Hannah go. He watched her swaying again as she went to sit on a bench. By that time all of their friends had piled out of the bar.

  “Brett, you ready?” Matt asked, walking to the car with the brunette.

  “I have to wait until her driver gets here. I’ll catch a ride with Cody.” Brett walked in a circle while running his hands through his hair.

  Why the hell can’t I stay away from her?

  He knew he wasn’t going to be able to make any decisions with that much alcohol in his system. Hudson pulled up, and Brett was surprised when he saw Austin making out with Chelsea before she got in the car.

  Hannah walked up to Brett and squeezed his hand as she gazed up at him. “In case you don’t speak to me again, I want you to know that was the best kiss I’ve ever experienced.”

  He only saw sadness in her eyes before she walked away. Hudson rolled down the window and waved him over.

  “Thanks again. You’re a good guy to make sure they made it home safely.”

  “I didn’t want anything to happen to them. Goodnight, Hudson.” Brett felt like a fraud. He was the one who violated Hannah, and he loved every minute of it, craving more of her—all of her.

  His friends waited on him. Cody drove and Brett rode up front with him. He noticed Dylan busy making out with the blonde in the back seat and hoped she’d be enough to make Dylan forget about Hannah.

  Chapter Ten

  Brett woke up on Sunday with a massive headache. He was supposed to work that day and be off the next, but he called Jay and told him he was going to switch the days.

  Also, his urge to see Hannah was strong, so he felt the need to put distance between them before it went any further. Matt was on the couch when he went into the family room.

  “Where’s your friend?” Brett asked.

  “I just took her to get her car, and damn she was hot in bed. I might have to see her again. So, what’s up with you and your friend?”

  “Nothing. We both had too much to drink,” Brett replied.


  “Nothing’s going to happen, Matt.”

  “Why? I don’t see what the big deal is other than it’ll piss Dylan off.”

  “First, have you forgotten who her mother is? I can’t imagine how dating someone like her works. Talk about growing up in different worlds.

  “Second, I can’t lose this contract for Jay. I’m afraid if her parents find out she’s messing with the hired help, they’ll drop us. This is a shit load of money for Jay, and I’m not screwing it up for him.”

  “I think you’re worrying for nothing. She’s an adult. Her parents are probably never home, anyway. I’ve known you forever, bro, and I’ve never seen you like this before—ever.

  “In a week you were willing to fight eight guys over her and almost your friend. When we came out of the bar last night, I thought you were about to do her right in the parking lot. You’re out of control and just need to admit it. You’ve got it bad for her.”

  “You’re right about me being out of control, and you know I can’t deal with that. I always know how things are going to go. That would never be the case with her.

  “When I said I wanted a girlfriend closer to my age, I still meant one older than me, not nineteen, and I’m not dating Lorna Ray Mason’s daughter.”


  On Monday, Hannah left early in the morning to go to acting classes she’d started for the summer. When she returned, she saw that Brett was working alone. She was dying to know if he felt different after their kiss, so she went to see him.

  She was wearing a short, strapless, pink sundress and had her hair pulled up into a messy bun when she approached him.

  “Hi, Brett,” she said softly. She watched him stand still for several seconds with his back to her before he turned around.

  “Hi, Hannah. How are you?” She saw the anxious look on his face.

  He doesn’t even want to see me.

  “OK, and you?”

  “Hot and tired,” he said tersely.

  “I’m going to go. I’m sorry I bothered you.” She began turning away.

  “What did you want, Hannah?”

  “I can see from the look on your face that you’re upset I’m even standing in front of you.”

  “Just say what you came to say.”

  “I was going to ask if your feelings changed at all after our kiss, but it’s obvious they haven’t.” She stared into his eyes, looking for something hopeful.

  “I told you I can’t spend time with you.”

  “How can you feel that way after ... after that kiss?”

  “I’m sorry I lost control. It won’t happen again.”

  Hannah held her finger up by her chest and pointed it at him, shaking it as she spoke. “You’re an asshole. You pulled me away from those two guys at the bar just so you could put your hands all over me.

  “I can’t believe I thought there was a chance I meant something more to you. You’re no better than all those other guys. Don’t worry. I won’t be back to pester you.” Hurt and furious, she turned to walk away.


  Guilt hit him hard. He didn’t want her to think he was just using her. She’d almost made it to the pool when he yelled for her. “Hannah, wait.” He took off his work gloves and watched her stop and hesitate before she turned around to walk back to him.

  He felt like shit when he saw the sorrow on her face as she approached him. He had no intentions of touching her, but without a thought, he held her face and ran his thumb across her bottom lip.

  “The kiss was amazing, and I can’t stop thinking about it,” he said, looking down at her radiant eyes and smooth complexion. He loved how her face was peppered with just a few, light freckles that matched the hint of color in her blonde hair.

  “Then let’s do it again,” she said with a seductive look.

  “I can’t date you, Hannah.”

  “I don’t understand. Why are you trying to fight it?”

  Seeing the yearning in her eyes, touching her and smelling her strawberry scent had him asking the same question. He sucked in a sharp breath when he felt her hand playing with the back of his hair.

  The tingling from her magic fingers spread through him, causing the intense craving he had for her to snake back into his veins. He grabbed her face and kissed her hard. In an instant, her hands were inside the back of his shirt, and she was pushing her body up against him.

  “I don’t want to get your dress dirty, Hannah,” he said, barely releasing her lips.

  “You can get me as dirty as you want.” She swiftly yanked his shirt over his head.

  He didn’t have time to stop her. His eyebrows raised and hunger surfaced.

  “Hannah, you can’t say shit like that. You’re making me want to do things to you right here in your yard.”

  She threw her arms around his neck and slipped her tongue into his mouth, invading it with her desire. Unable to resist her erotic advance, Brett wrapped his arms around her waist before he indulged in her invitation to taste her eager tongue.

  He kissed her fiercely as he ran his hands down her
back and over her backside, growling as he fought the urge to reach up under it to feel her panties and sultry skin.

  He was lost in his lust as the feel of her hands sliding along his sweat covered shoulders, and her warm body pressed against his throbbing ache fed the tingling pleasure cutting through him.

  The irrefutable passion between them was working him like a puppet, controlling his hands as they went from her ass to her breasts, cupping them, squeezing them until he felt her nipples harden against his palms.

  “I know you want me, so be with me,” Hannah said as she gasped between kisses. Hearing her words pulled him out of his erotic trance. He grabbed hold of her arms and pulled her off of him before he looked around the property.

  “Stop. Hudson told me how protective he is of you. He’ll have me fired for sure if he sees us right now.”

  “He loves you, Brett. He has nothing but nice things to say about you, especially since the other night.”

  “No. I’m not going any further with you, Hannah, so stop trying to seduce me,” he said angrily as he ran his hands through his messy hair.

  Hannah picked his shirt up off the ground and threw it in his face.

  “You’re such an ass. Are you actually saying that was all my doing? Why did you say the kiss was amazing and do it again if you were just going to toss me away?”

  Brett glared at her. “Are you just wanting me to fuck you, Hannah because that’s the message you keep sending?” He jerked his t-shirt back over his head.

  “I tried to walk away from you, Brett. You’re the one who yelled at me to come back here. I never sleep around, and I don’t think having these feelings and urges for you and only you make me a slut.

  “If you’d have a mature conversation with me, I could tell you that I haven’t felt this way about anyone before. Instead, you want to play some kind of sick mind game with me!” Hannah stormed away.

  Brett felt as if his body was on fire from confusion, anger and sexual frustration. He launched his supplies in the back of his truck and left. He felt a need to bash his head in to stop thinking about her. To stop wanting her. To stop craving her. He needed her out of his system for good. When he arrived back home, he flung the front door open.

  “Brett, what’s up, man?” Dylan asked.

  “My dick, that’s what’s up.” He paced by the front door with his fingers entwined behind his head.

  “Dude that was more information than I needed. Who got your panties in a wad?” Dylan asked, smirking.


  “Is she being a tease? I can tell you straight up, if you’re going to date younger girls, you better be ready for some of that shit.”

  “No, she keeps throwing herself at me.”

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  “She’s too young for me, and she’s Lorna’s daughter. I can’t sleep with her.”

  “You’re not right in the head, Brett. Those are reasons you need to do her, not to mention that she’s fucking beautiful.”

  “You know the women I’ve slept with understood up front that we were only going to screw around. I can tell Hannah wants more. I can’t give her that, so she needs to leave me alone. I’m not going to use her for sex.”

  “Dude, I don’t think you’ve wanted to see it, but you get rid of a woman when you sense she’s starting to want more. I think you’re upset because you just met Hannah and already feel something for her.”

  Brett stood silent with his hands on his hips, considering what Dylan said.

  “Anyway, I’ll happily take her off your hands. There’s a good chance she would’ve ended up in mine if you hadn’t interfered.”

  Brett pointed to Dylan.

  “Don’t go there. I fucking mean it.”

  “I won’t say anything again about me having a chance with Hannah because it’s more than obvious you got it bad for her, but it pisses me off that you don’t want me near her, yet you aren’t jumping on the opportunity. You can’t have it both ways. I still can’t believe you’d fight me over a girl,” Dylan said, shaking his head.

  Chapter Eleven

  The day before Hannah’s parents were leaving to go on tour they had a dinner party for their closest friends and family. Lorna and Todd were going to be on the road for three months.

  Hannah became extremely lonely in the massive home when her parents were away. It was always bitter sweet. She missed them, but she also enjoyed feeling more like an adult. Hudson had his own wing of the home to watch over things, and the Masons added night security to the property when they were traveling.

  After dinner, everyone mingled on the large back patio. Hannah was enjoying the comfortable, breezy weather as she sat with her parents who were chatting with their friend Jim.

  “Lorna, the yard is looking great,” Jim said.

  “Thank you, we have a new landscaper working on the whole backyard. He’s doing a fine job, and we think Hannah has a crush on him,” Lorna said, smiling.


  “Well, sweetheart, it’s the truth.”

  Hannah felt the knots forming in her stomach. She’d tried to bury thoughts of Brett, but to no avail, and her mother speaking of him crushed her once again.

  She stared toward the back of the property and saw that it was coming to life with color from the work of Brett’s hands, and so was she. She imagined how every touch awakened her, a firework of colors exploding from her core, spreading outward and filling her completely.

  Tears filled her eyes, so she went inside and used the restroom in the hall. The lighting was dim when Hannah came out, so she was startled when she saw Jim standing in the hallway.

  “Jim, you scared me,” she said, holding her hand to her chest.

  “Sorry, Hannah, I was just waiting to use the restroom.”

  She saw an intense darkness in Jim’s eyes she’d never seen before.

  “You know there are plenty of them in this house if you ever don’t want to wait,” she said before walking away.

  Jim grabbed her by the arm and pulled her up against him, putting his mouth to her ear. “I have to tell you, Hannah that you look stunning tonight in that little black dress. I think you take pleasure in teasing me with your sexy outfits.”

  She felt her body start to tremble with fear. His menacing voice gripped her while his greasy, dark hair and whiskey breath made her shiver, chilling her to her core.

  “Let go of me now,” she said with an aggressive whisper. “I won’t tell my father about this, but you better never touch me again. You need to find someone your own age. I’m not interested.”

  She yanked her arm from Jim and hurried down the hall, staying close to her mother the rest of the party. The incident with Jim only caused more memories of Brett to come rushing back to her, and she knew from his previous behavior that he would’ve broken Jim’s arm off if he’d witnessed him grabbing her.

  Hannah missed him. She’d never missed anyone the way she missed Brett.

  Chapter Twelve

  It was the beginning of June, and with the mild temperatures Nashville was receiving, the pool was warm enough to swim in.

  Hannah’s parents left early that morning, so she decided to host a pool party, inviting all of her closest friends. It was three weeks to the day since she’d been at the bar with Brett, and she was sick of moping over him.

  She put on a shiny, teal bikini with a cover and walked outside. Her girlfriends arrived soon after to help her set up. Hannah grabbed her stomach and froze when she saw Brett working.

  “Hannah, when are you going to talk to me about you and Brett?” Chelsea asked.

  “I don’t need to talk about it, he’s a jerk.” Hannah was so hurt that she’d shared few details about their interactions.

  “When you went to dance with him at the bar, Austin told me you’re the first girl Brett’s ever liked who was younger than him,” Chelsea said.

  “Maybe that’s why he rejected me.” Hannah gazed his way.

  By one o’c
lock, at least fifteen of Hannah’s friends had arrived. Nick was Hannah’s closest male friend and had just returned from a month long visit with family.

  “Hannah!” Nick yelled in a deep voice.

  “Nick, I’m so glad you’re back.” She gave him a tight hug. He picked her up and spun her around.

  “My folks are gone, so it’s party time,” she said as he lowered her back to the ground.

  “Chelsea, Jasmine, Morgan, how are my girls? Have I missed anything exciting the last few weeks?”

  “Um … how was your trip, Nick?” Chelsea asked.

  “It was great, but I know you’re holding out on me. I’ll let you by right now because it’s time to jump in this pool.” He ran and did a cannon ball, splashing them in their chairs.

  “Nick!” Chelsea yelled.

  “He’s going to flip when he finds out about Brett. I know he’s going to be jealous. He’s been trying to get with Hannah for almost a year.” Morgan said.


  After the pool party was in full swing, Brett went up to use the restroom. Hannah was on Nick’s shoulders playing volleyball with her back to Brett. He wanted to punch something seeing her that close to another man.

  He wondered if this jealous part of him was always there buried just waiting to come out, or if it was only brought on due to how bad he wanted Hannah. When he reached the pool, he could see that Chelsea, Morgan and Jasmine were watching him from their chairs.

  “Hi, Brett,” Jasmine yelled as she smiled and waved.

  Brett glanced over to the pool and saw Hannah whip her upper body around to see him, only to end up underwater when the guy she was sitting on dropped her.

  He went on to the bathroom finding the event quite satisfying. Hannah came up out of the water coughing.

  “What were you doing, Hannah? I think you ripped half the skin off my shoulders.”

  “Sorry, Nick. I have to get out for a minute.” Hannah grabbed a towel and went inside the house.

  Brett exited the bathroom and couldn’t spot Hannah. He figured she went inside, not wanting to be anywhere near him. He walked back by her friends.


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