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The Last Apostle : Resurrection

Page 20

by William Hill

  After Jason saw the eagle he noticed two people sitting on the couch with strong but familiar mana cores.

  Seeing Greg´s parents, Jason immediately bowed slightly before saying

  "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Fler, nice meeting you again." Smiling while looking at them.

  Greg´s parents couldn't see any sadness or frustration inside Jason´s golden shining eyes which wondered them slightly, as they told Malia to relly their message word by word.

  Gabriella, Greg´s mother gave him the signal to sit down before greeting him with a `Hello Jason`

  The whole couch surrounded a small glass table while Malia and Greg sat at the site, Jason was sitting right in front of the Fler parents, looking around awkwardly, while the Fler´s looked at Jason intensively.

  Jason placed Artemis on his lap where she continued her nap.

  Mrs. Fler opened her mouth first

  "Jason, I think you already figured out why we called you here, didn't you?"

  She smiled apologetically but somehow there was something else in her eyes that was only noticed by him and Mr. Fler who knew about her feelings.

  `Is she sad or angry?` Jason wondered

  "Mr. and Mrs. Fler assume that I bought the five-star wild beast corpses. Following that scenario, this implies that I wanted to trick everyone here to get into a prosperous school in an A-grade city, right?" Jason guessed.

  He wasn't really sad about this, as it would be weird for him to kill five star wild beasts so easily without getting help or buying these carcasses but Jason was still disappointed.

  `Why are the Fler´s even bothering in giving me a mission, that is not possible in their opinion?`

  Nevertheless, the chances to enter a school inside an A-grade city just gave too many benefits, as Jason could faintly understand their suspicion but he still had some hope left about this matter and he wanted to try showing them his combat prowess if needed.

  Gabriella was astounded about Jason´s calmness which gave him some extra points but she was still unsure how she should handle this situation. Did he really kill them, even though he doesn´t have any great martial art techniques or a remarkable mana core rank. And his soulbond is also extremely weak`

  "That's true. I don't believe a 4th Novice rank can kill a five-star wild beast with such clean cuts even if you assassinated them. That should not be possible without getting professional training and please don't try to tell me your two-star wild beast soulbond was such great support that you were able to hunt them. That would make you even less credible in my eyes."

  Jason was still calm but he thought that Mrs. Fler was a little bit prejudiced... If someone with professional training could do something like that, why shouldn't he be able to?

  And what's wrong with his soulbond?

  Furrowing his brows, Gabriella thought her provocation made him angry which was her actual plan.

  It wasn't like she hated Jason, but she had to find out who he was before she could do anything.

  She still remembered the time when Greg's classmates befriended him only due to their parents' order which caused huge damage to Greg's mental health.

  As a mother, she didn't want her son to feel something like that ever again so she had to be strict and kinda evil.

  Sensing the presumable sadness in her eyes, Jason remembered Malia's concern and his gaze wandered to Greg.

  Tilting his head slightly as if he didn't understand something Jason looked at Greg who also looked at him with question marks in his eyes.

  Returning his gaze to Mrs. Fler he said with all the confidence he could bring out.

  "I don't think I need to explain myself, do I?

  If you don't believe me why was there even such a task to begin at?

  I don't need anyone´s charity and I don't even want anyone to think that the things I did at the soul-awakening were sophisticated plans.

  Nobody here owes me a favor and I did these things on my own accord.

  If you don't want me to follow you to Cyro-city just say so and don't try to find other excuses.

  I killed these five-star wild beats with the help of my soulbond and I don't really care about the opinions of others about this matter. "

  Ending his slightly furious monologue, Jason looked into Mrs. Fler's eyes which were still quite difficult for him to read but he couldn't back down.

  He changed the subject quickly before anyone could say anything.

  "I also came here for some business.

  Maybe Mr. and Mrs. Fler have already seen the beast cage Greg brought in.

  Today I was hunting inside the one-star plains wild zone and I found this two-star wild beast scaled wolf.

  I think many nobles, newly rich´s or merchants with weak soul energy would be interested in it."

  Forcing a smile Jason was still kinda angry but at least for business sake, he had to show a calm face.

  "Why should we be interested in a wild rank beast?"

  Mr. Fler said something for the first time and it was time for Jason to say something dumb to prevent his secret to get exposed.

  "My gut feeling says this beast´s potential is kinda good." Jason tried to show an innocent expression but it worked only partly as everyone looked at him a little bit weird.

  "Jason, are you fine? You don't look good" Greg asked worriedly.

  He began to sweat slightly but he remained calm and waited for their parents to say something.

  Unnoticed by Jason, Mrs. Fler had gestured Malia to look at the cage and she was already in front of it with her quantum bracelet projecting a realistic scaled wolf next to the sleeping one with all of its characteristics written down in detail.

  She exclaimed excitedly

  "This scaled wolf is larger than normal ones and its scales are shining brightly. They are definitely tougher than the ones from normally scaled wolves."

  Before she continued slightly dejected

  "But other than that I can't see anything special... I don't think that this scaled wolf can reach the awakened rank"

  Mr. Fler opened his mouth again.

  "Without reaching the awakened rank at the least it's almost useless to catch this scaled wolf even if it's somewhat stronger as its brethren. Can you prove your gut feeling? There is no way for us to tell our clients that our gut feeling is enough reason that a certain beasts potential is good"

  Jason felt somewhat annoyed...why should he explain everything?

  He was about to get really angry as he noticed Mrs. Flers eyes and he hesitated for a moment

  'Why is she looking at me like that, when she was the one provoking me? She is surely not concerned about me… '

  "Why don't you take a test about its potential with the basic equipment you have here? Greg told me that here is everything one needed to make simple tests about potential. It would be easier for everyone if we finish it that way, wouldn't it?"

  The Fler parents heard Jason´s reasoning and glared at Greg that be looked innocently at his parents

  `Our son betrayed us????`

  It was getting more and more difficult for them to hold up their show and both sighed before nodding their head.

  They suddenly changed their attitude by almost 180 degrees and Gabriella Fler smiled at Jason apologetically.

  "We can do that for sure… and sorry for provoking you.. I hope you didn't take it to your heart"

  Chapter 42: Lie-detecting ability

  Jason was slightly confused until he gathered his thoughts and concluded that he underwent a test.

  Greg was still looking innocently around not knowing what's going on while Mr Fler stood up and went to the cage while saying.

  "My wife would have accepted you even if you weren't able to defeat five-star wild beasts because of Greg.

  Figuring out your attitude and the possibility of you trying to exploit us was more important for us because we don´t want our son to get hurt!

  To be honest, we still can't figure out what you really want or if you really want to befr
iend Greg but at least I know that you didn't directly lie to us.

  I also hope that you don't mind us testing you because we had already a few youths who befriended Greg and even Malia because of our wealth.

  Both Greg and Malia have excellent soul awakening and even high nobles and big family heirs try to sugar coat them but we haven't seen a single sincere one

  At least you are telling the truth!

  They weren't sincere and hurt our children's feelings after betraying them.

  We don't want to see our kids suffer if we can prevent it, maybe you can understand us to a certain degree.

  If you really killed five-star wild beasts with the help of your soulbond, then your combat prowess and teamwork should be pretty good considering the short amount of time both of you are together."

  Turning the subject, Mr. Fler continued

  "And seeing this scaled wolf, it should be a leader of a slightly bigger pack as they instinctively follow the strong.

  We can also make a test about the scaled wolves' potential right now. It shouldn't take too long"

  Finishing speaking Mr. Fler opened the small cage and took out the sleeping scaled wolf.

  After taking out a syringe to take some of its blood, he vanished from their sights.

  Jason´s eyes widened in shock as Mr Fler just disappeared from his sight, even his exceptional eyes could only see a blur where he stood before nothing was left behind.

  'Did they accept me or not?' he was still confused but asking would be a little bit too much and Jason decided to wait with his jaw open as Mr. Fleer's speed was extremely fast

  Greg and Malia were accustomed to their father's speed but Jason was still sitting there lost in thoughts.

  The whole situation was over so quickly and Jason was more than confused when he remembered something Mr. Fler said a moment ago.

  "Why does he know I didn't lie?" Jason mumbled.

  Greg heard him and said proudly

  "My father has formed a contract with a mutated miniature Jade bat which is an extremely weak magical beast.

  Nevertheless, it´s hearing is exceptional and he probably listened to your heartbeat to detect if you lied"

  While Greg said that his mother looked dumbfounded at her son….

  Shaking her head in disbelief she wondered where this naive stupidy came from.

  Was he really their child?

  Jason was also astonished that Greg revealed his father's secrets and was slightly ashamed.

  Clearing his throat he wanted to explain Greg's mistake to him as a small fist hit Greg on the back of his head, causing him to fall from the couch.

  "Ouchh... Why Malia?" Greg looked at his sister with sad eyes causing Malia to throw another fist that he evaded by rolling around on the ground

  "How can you be so stupid? You know that one shouldn't reveal soulbonds and their characteristics including what the soulbond shared. And to add on its not even your own soulbond but your dad's"

  Mrs. Fler looked at her daughter still dumbfounded but now it was because of Malia's violence.

  She didn't know how such a beautiful and delicate young girl could change so fast once her brother annoys her.

  'Will she find a boyfriend' thinking further she was shocked

  'She wouldn't beat her boyfriend up, right???' Gabriella furrowed her brows, thinking about that.

  Meanwhile, Jason was smiling seeing both of them engaging in a small skirmish with each other and Artemis who had remained silently on Jason's lap opened her eyes before she flapped her wings to soar into the air.

  Seeing the sibling pair engaged in a small battle, Artemis cried out and circled above then cheering them up.

  She liked both of them as Jason transmitted a comfortable feeling for both of them.

  Looking at Jason's soulbond circling above them, crying out sometimes which seems to be laughter, Mrs. Fler smiled lightly before averting her gaze to Jason, who looked at her kids with a gentle smile.

  Now she finally understood that Jason didn't want any benefits from them and it would be a shame to leave him here while they left for good.

  Taking him with them shouldn´t be much of a problem.

  Even if his talent was bad, Greg and even her daughter who seems to be a cold-hearted girl in public could be themselves while Jason was there.

  They didn't have to adjust their behavior to please Jason in any way.

  Jason looked at the siblings for some time before he looked at the big cage with the eagle inside.

  He wasn't sure if he was allowed to ask about this but Jason didn't think there would be much harm in it.

  "Was this eagle caught by Mr. and Mrs. Fler during the last few days?"

  Jason was curious about some things and Mrs. Fler noticed that and she averted her gaze to him.

  "This greater storm eagle is a magical beast and was caught by us two days ago and it will be our client's next soulbond."

  Looking at the greater storm eagle, Jason wondered if forming a contract with a matured magical beast without future potential would be that good.

  If the client was only searching for a normal magical beast to get a combatant, the shared amount of strength and mana, it would be fine but there wouldn't be any increase in the client's soul energy and the chances that a wild magical beast would rampage without forming a deep connection through their soul was also not small.

  It was dangerous to form a contract with a matured magical beast and not worthwhile if the beast had no potential left.

  If a magical beast was a cub it would take some time to mature and with this time it would probably form a deeper connection with its master which would in most times be strong enough to prevent a rampage.

  That was added to the fact that cubs were easier to tame and raise.

  Trying to tame a mature wild magical beast? Good luck and have fun.:: Not only is the soul energy needed extraordinary large, but there is also the problem with the temper of matured beasts.

  Jason's facial expressions were somehow complicated and he wasn't sure if he should say something or not as it was not his business if the client wanted to form a dangerous matured magical beast that didn't have the chance to improve in the future.

  Greg and Malia had stopped their brawl some time ago and they looked at Jason as his expression seemed to be uncomfortable.

  Gabriella noticed the same and she wasn't sure why but she somehow wanted to ask what was wrong with this magical beast to make Jason change his expression like this.

  She knew that Jasons' 'gut feeling' he mentioned earlier was something else and grew curious about his opinion as Greg got a very strong first soulbond and apparently Jason's first bond also seemed somewhat unique.

  Now if the scaled wolf he brought to them also had some potential, it would mean that it couldn't be a coincidence anymore.

  She smiled lightly at Jason to encourage him while saying

  "It's fine, just say whatever is on your mind"

  Jason pondered how to put it simple before replying

  "This magical beast's potential is already completely used up. There is no potential left for it to reach the next rank. Contracting it, won't give many benefits, rather it should be quite dangerous, right? Why should someone contract this beast?"

  Chapter 43: Grief and Agony

  [Spoiler/Author note: There is a lot of hypocrisy in this chapter for character-growth. Either bear with it or skip it :3]

  Mr. Fler looked calmly at Jason who once again looked at the big beast cage in the back.

  "Is this greater storm eagle really not used for breeding? Wouldn't it be dangerous to form a contract with a wild magical-beast without getting any real benefits from it except a small share of strength and mana? It is way too dangerous, even after considering the benefits. Waiting for a hatchling should be much easier. The only thing needed is time.

  The only real benefit I can really tell is that some nobles want to use this greater storm eagle for other purposes instead of forming a
sincere soul contract.."

  It was silent for a short moment before Mrs. Fler Broke the silence

  Sighing, Mrs. Fler began her explanation.. She didn't really like the kind of situation they were now in and that Jason found out about the greater storm eagle´s real purpose, but it was almost exposed, so she could explain it at the least.

  "You´re smart Jason and It's true that this magical beast won't be used as a normal soulbond, but we didn´t lie that it will be used as a soulbond for our client.

  However, the reason is different than one would think."

  Gabriella hesitated for a moment before she continued.

  "To be honest it´s a pity, because our client is a noble who involved himself with someone he shouldn't have.

  Putting it simply, our client has accepted a soulbond life or death battle which is in a few days, because he was provoked or something like that... We don't really know the exact reason our client caused to accept it but our client wasn't aware what kind of beast his opponent formed a contract with recently, which was his first big mistake.

  This client already has a greater storm eagle but its potential is infinitely close to reaching the next rank while his opponent has bound a beast that is already on a higher rank from Canir or some other island.

  We were only employed to catch a greater storm eagle as a `sacrifice` and it doesn't matter how high its potential is…

  It's cheaper to sacrifice a part of one's soul that can regenerate over time with a non-potential wild greater storm eagle than sacrificing a high potential greater storm eagle that has already been tamed..."

  Her eyes turned slightly wet and Jason felt that she was agitated.

  "We really hate this situation and despise everyone who uses beasts as if they are objects but unfortunately we cannot afford to displease our clients' clan as they have many high-ranked individuals and wide connections, that could completely destroy our reputation within minutes, if not worse.

  Our only worth is that we are profound in catching beasts and our strength is decent, but unfortunately, we are only two and it's easier to please big families than upsetting them.

  Both of us are ashamed about the situation and we are sorry for the greater storm eagle but we couldn't find another way to please our client.


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