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The Last Apostle : Resurrection

Page 21

by William Hill

  And if we didn't catch this greater storm eagle a different one would be caught by other captors but that shouldn't be an excuse"

  Listening to Mrs. Fler´s explanation not only Jason was shocked, upset, and also slightly disgusted …even Malia and Greg heard something like this for the first time.

  Their shock could perfectly be seen from their facial expression and Malia jumped up from the couch before looking at her mother disgustingly, before rushing out of the room.

  Greg didn´t know what to say but he still decided to stay up, before he also left the room without looking at Jason or his mother.

  And Jason sat there looking at Mrs. Fler and scratched his head in awkwardness:

  He was still able to remain relatively calm, even thought he found it disgusting.

  But this disgust wasn´t directed at Mrs. Fler, rather than that it was concentrated on the oblivious behavior the noble´s displayed, playing with lives as if it was nothing.

  "Was it okay to say something like that in front of Greg and Malia?"

  He was slightly worried if he had destroyed their relationship but Gabriella only shook her head before replying with a sigh

  "That's okay, It was time for them to face reality. To be honest we don't like doing something like that and we prefer capturing beasts with high potential to see our client forming a contract with sincere feelings which makes us proud but sometimes situations like this can't be prevented.

  I don't want to make excuses but we wouldn't do something like that if we weren't forced to do it.

  Unfortunately, however, the reality is different and we can't afford to upset any of the bigger clans and families, as we are too weak and probably only one of thousands of chess figures in front of them.

  Our rank is high without question but there are so many big families with huge amounts of resources on Astrix alone, that it isn't uncommon for many individuals to reach our rank.

  I can understand if you're disgusted by us or you don't want to have to do anything with us anymore. You can decide that on your own."

  She said, sighing deeply and Jason could feel her being frustrated about the whole situation.

  Jason was thinking carefully.. He was still disgusted but since the beginning, Jason was more disgusted with the minds of most nobles and big clans.

  The strong rule the weak and this was even the case with Greg´s parents who Jason considered as extremely strong.

  He wasn't sure which rank they were but he measured that they had to be at least at the Magus rank to catch a matured greater storm eagle without any issues and the liquefied mana drops inside their mana cores were also a fact, that spoke for this thought.

  Astrix wasn´t especially rich in resources, high-ranked rifts, or even many mana density region compared to other bigger islands and the mainland of humanity, but it was also not the worst, and reaching the magus rank at the age of Greg´s parents could already be considered quite good.

  Jason thought about their situation and remembered his mother getting murdered by a mysterious heir without getting punished.

  Maybe he wasn't even scolded and rage began to burn inside his heart against these filthy nobles that didn't care about the victims and weaker humans, only because their life was easy without any obstacles.

  Mrs.Fler saw Jason´s anger in his face and didn't know why he was like that before Jason´s facial expression eased up slightly.

  Looking into each other´s eyes, Gabriella saw tears on Jason´s cheek, while he opened his mouth.

  Agony and grief, filled his voice that trembled.

  "I can understand you...but why is this world so unfair?... The strong can do whatever they want to do, without getting punished and the weak ones have to suffer, only to please others...The strong can throw a fit whenever they want and murder to their heart's content…and nobody does anything against them...even my mother couldn't avoid getting dragged into their business…"

  Tears streamed down his cheeks and Jason wanted to stand up leave the mansion as soon as possible to avoid the embarrassing situation, he dragged himself into.

  He looked down and covered his eyes before standing up.

  "I´m sorry, I´ll go n…." before he could finish his sentence he felt two slender arms embraced him from the front.

  "It's okay… you can cry if you want..there is no need to suppress your feelings, all the time.

  You´ll only hurt yourself like that.."

  Jason was only 13 years old and he had to shoulder a big burden with him being blind and the loss of his mother who he had relied on for his whole lifetime.

  Living alone in a dangerous world without a single person he could rely on was too much for him to handle and Jason let completely loose, crying bitterly.

  Mrs.Fler had already done a background check on Jason but she only knew that his mother died, because of an accident and obviously, the information she got was wrong and the truth kept a secret.

  His mother was killed by some noble and Gabrielly immediately understood Jason´s grief.

  The strong could do whatever they want without caring for anyone except the stronger and it was suffocating for the ones who had to endure the pain.

  Jason´s eyes got blurry and he continued to wail, while Artemis landed on Jason´s head, trying to console him with thick tears pouring down her plumage.

  Being connected to each other's soul wasn't always pleasing and Artemis felt Jason´s rage and agony, turning her field of emotions extremely chaotic.

  While Jason cried for a long time Mr.Fler was already back with the scaled wolf thrown over his shoulder and he stood behind a pillar with Greg and Malia who came back after calming down.

  They didn´t know what happened but seeing Jason cry in their mother's embrace, they were more than a little bit confused.

  It took Jason some time until he stopped crying and Mrs.Fler let him out of her embrace, after reassuring, that Jason was fine

  Mr.Fler used this chance to intercept them without causing his wife to beat him up later.

  Clearing his throat he said out loud

  "I have the results of the scaled wolves basic potential test. It's quite fascinating. "

  while trying to turn the situation normal once again

  Chapter 44: Gaining a Fortune

  Jason wiped away the tears on his cheek, before turning to Mr. Fler.

  Forcing a smile he said "That's nice. I hope my gut feeling was correct"

  Mark wasn´t exactly sure what to say, as the situation was still awkward, as such he just did what he was supposed to do.

  "Indeed this scaled wolf is quite special among but I wonder how you figured it out. This scaled wolf is really special."

  As he put the sleeping scaled wolf back into the smaller cage.

  Sitting down next to Gabriella who also sat back on the couch he continued saying.

  "This scaled wolf underwent a mutation strengthening its mana core slightly compared to its brethren increasing its limitation to a five-star wild beast which is already good enough to sell it to a breeder but that's not all because there is something else special about this scaled wolf.

  It's not entirely sure but the scaled wolf is also in the development phase of its second mutation already and a fire ability seed is unexpectedly forming inside its mana core, creating a fire affinity.

  Following that, the potential test, scales, and measurements are also indicating that this scaled wolf has the potential to reach at least the mid-awakened stage, probably higher but we have to make some deeper tests to figure out more.

  This will at least take a few days. "

  Mark Fler was managing the whole beast trading and seeking out how to detect a beast's potential while his wife was good at catching beasts and scheduling everything.

  Mrs. Fler began deciding their schedule for the next two weeks.

  "The holidays are over in two weeks and school will start right after.

  Jason, your application won't take long but some time to adjust to an A
-grade city is important for both you and Greg.

  We want to depart in five days and the trip will take around three days.

  If the profound test of the scaled wolf is finished before our departure, we can sell it through our connections for a good price.

  Otherwise we can take it with us as our vehicle is large enough to take a few larger beast cages with us.

  But we can already estimate a price for the scaled wolf as its potential is quite promising and pay you the amount.."

  Jason listened carefully nodding all the time until the talk about credits began.

  "Oh.. is it really okay to pay me before the beast is even sold? And am I allowed to know how the price is calculated?"

  Thinking for a second she nodded her head before replying:

  "Well, I can obviously tell you how the price is calculated because it is not a secret and everyone can research it online but this includes only the price range provided by the government and not the price nobles would pay to get a better soulbond to supply their descendantss.

  One would rather form a contract with a beast which naturally provides soul energy and still grows in strength than a beast with an already used up potential."

  Thinking for a moment, Gabriella continued

  "Some nobles have weak soul energy like you and they would rather form a contract with a matured two-star wild beast which has the high chance to grow into an awakened or maybe even evolved beast.

  Adding on the fact that it was already known which ability the scaled wolf would definitely get, the price would only soar higher. as this is one of the most important things one would have to reconsider when forming a soulbond with a high potential wild beast."

  There weren't many problems with a beast awakening an elemental ability but once the contractor doesn´t have the compatible affinities from ones to it, their connections would go off the rails and only worsen.

  It wouldn't completely destroy the connection between each other but even the amplification provided by this beast would worsen slightly.

  Sometimes there are beasts with multiple elements after evolving but only one of these abilities has to be in sync with the contractor which was in the scaled wolf´s case a fire soul affinity.

  "As for the payment, you can look at it like we purchase the scaled wolf from you with with a little higher price, than the government would provide and we continue to sell it through our channels.

  This would benefit both of us and we could maintain it like this for the future if you like it.

  If you don't like it this way, you can sell the scaled wolf yourself to someone but I think my solution is more efficient for everyone. "

  Jason thought this was more than fair for both of them and he was expectant about the scaled wolf´s price. He had already suppressed his sadness from before and was totally focused on the situation in front of him.

  "I think that would be the best for both of us….this might sound greedy but can we maybe calculate the price for a wild beast with the potential to reach the evolved rank? I´m pretty sure the test will tell the same. If I´m wrong, I will compensate Mr. and Mrs. Fler with everything you paid me"

  He was somehow in need of money as he couldn't even compare slightly to his future classmates and right now his whole fortune was only around 1000 Credits which was nothing in comparison to each and everyone in an A-grade city but he was confident in the ability of his eyes and trusted them completely.

  Mr. and Mrs. Fler were astonished but there was no need to reject his proposal as the test results would be out in a few days and after that Jason would need to come back to them for their trip to the A-grade city, even if Jason´s gut-feeling was wrong.

  If he wanted to run away, nobody would hinder him as attending a prestigious school was much more valuable than some credits, one could gain by selling a wild best with an evolved rank potential.

  Mrs. Fler answered with a gentle smile as she saw Jason´s impatience and small sweat pearls running down his temples.

  "Of course, we can pay you the price for a wild beast with the potential of two rank ups including its mutation and the shaping of a fire seed inside its mana core. If its potential turns out to be worse you can pay us back the difference later on.

  But more importantly...You can call me Gabriella. I don't like getting called Mrs. Fler. It sounds so distant and you're a friend of my children."

  She knew he was short of money through the background check and that Greg had already explained Jason about the average strength of his future classmates.

  Furthermore, she also knew something about Jason´s eyes as Greg told her what Jason said during the soul-awakening.

  She was aware that it should be a secret but Greg told her everything and he couldn't keep a secret from her.

  Mr.Fler next to his wife also replied calm but also somehow emotionless.

  "If you want you can also call me Mark. There is no need to be overly polite."

  Jason began to smile and thanked both of them for their generosity to pay him without seeing the final result.

  He wasn't sure if he could call both of them by their first name but he would try later on.

  Malia and Greg came out from behind the pillar and sat back down to the couch next to Jason with daggers in their eyes, piercing their parents.

  Mark didn´t know what happened but he had a faint premonition, while Gabriella tried talking to them with guilt in her voice.

  Jason took down Artemis from his head and put her down on his lap where she snuggled up against his hands.

  In front of Mark appeared a holographic screen and it looked like he tried to avoid getting stabbed with his children `glare of death` and tapped around a few times until a satisfying number appeared.

  "If we consider the scaled wolf as a matured two-star beast with the potential to reach the evolved rank, two rank ups, adding the price for a pre establishment of a fire affinity....the price for this scaled wolf would be around 800.000 Credits if the government bought them.

  It's extremely rare to see a wild beast with potential which is why the price is this high, high nobles would pay much more and my wife already said that we will offer more than the government.

  I think 1.000.000 Credits should be more than satisfying, won't it?"

  Chapter 45: Shopping spree

  "WHAT?!?" Jason exclaimed and he was shocked about the number, as it was more than he had expected.

  "But don´t be fooled. 1.000.000 Credits might look like much but after considering the price for most resources, you will notice that it's only a long number."

  Still, for Jason this number was double the amount he had previously and if he continued catching beasts with potential, maybe he could be comparable to his future classmates at least in context to their wealth.

  But this would take much of his time, Jason could also use in other ways.. as such he could only disregard this thought.

  After business was done, all of them talked for a few hours about their trip to Cyro City, until it was night and Jason declined their offer to eat dinner with them and decided to go home.

  Arriving at home deep at night, Jason didn't forget to practice his Heaven's Hell technique.

  He noticed that the replenishing process was going smoother and smoother and according to its stability and pureness, Jason was already able to meet the requirements of the second level but the amount of his soul energy was still not enough.

  Apparently, he had reached a soul energy of three units which was already decent if he considered how much he had in the beginning.

  All that was thanks to his unique soul, and both Artemis and Jason fell asleep happily with a big 1.000.000 written on his bank account.


  Waking up due to Artemis jumped around on his belly, Jason straightened his back slowly and Artemis flapped happily with her wings.

  Jason always wondered if Artemis would just continue to grow stronger or if she should evolve as he noticed her mana core almost reaching the str
ength between a two-star and a three-star wild beast.

  The paper-thin mana flow in her body continued to thicken slowly but she didn't grow anymore. Or that was at least what Jason thought, for the moment.

  Jason had many things to do and with his newly acquired fortune, he could begin his shopping.

  But before he would do that, Jason canceled his leasing contract for his apartment as it would be useless once he moved into an A-grade city.

  After that Jason got half of his already deposited money back which was more than he expected.

  With slightly more than one million credits Jason wanted to purchase quite a few things.

  Jason liked fighting with his dagger but he found out that once his only dagger was blown away by his opponent or thrown away by himself, he would be completely unarmed.

  He looked at quite a few websites and his luck didn't betray him as he found a pair of tempered Jade Iron daggers at the mid-grade-1 from the same User he purchased his first untempered Jade Iron dagger from.

  Their price was more than reasonable with 160.000 Credits and Jason could even pierce through a late awakened beast hide with them.

  He also remembered the time he threw his dagger and he wanted to learn knife-throwing as it was easier to combine it with his dagger orientated combat style than a bow.

  After thinking for a moment Jason bought a hundred low-grade 1 Coranit throwing knives.

  Their length was around 15 centimeters and the blade was 6 centimeters long, extremely thin but because of the innate characteristic of coranit it was still quite endurable.

  Coranit was one of the most common ores and comparable to iron 300 years ago but it had slightly superior durability and mana conductivity.

  With enough mana injected these throwing knives would pierce through the hide of late-awakened beasts, but that wasn´t their purpose.

  One would more likely throw these knives in small openings or vital spots rather than good defended spots.

  Their price was 1.500 credits per throwing knife so another 150.000 credits were deducted from his decreasing fortune.


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