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Porn Generation

Page 26

by Ben Shapiro


  54 “Jenna Jameson: World’s Most Famous Adult Star and CEO,”

  55 Edward Wyatt, “Sex, Sex, Sex: Up Front In Bookstores Near You,” New York Times, 24 August 2004

  56 Connie Cass, “Addiction to porn destroying lives, Senate told,” Associated Press, 18 November 2004

  57 Interview, 21 March 2005

  58 Amber Madison, “Porn and sexuality,” The Tufts Daily, 16 April 2003


  1 TBogg, “Getting all giggly about naked people,” 10:02 AM, 22 November 2002,

  2 The Rittenhouse Review, “AROUND THE HORN,” 4 January 2003,

  3 Hot Liberty, “New at!,” 6:14 PM, 7 March 2004,

  4 Radical Cowboys, “Sex Too Young: Ben’s Story,” 10:33 PM, 16 March 2004,

  5 TBogg, “I haven’t gotten laid yet, but it’s okay because I have a note from God . . . ,” 9:33 AM, 24 December 2003,

  6 Ben Shapiro, Brainwashed: How Universities Indoctrinate America’s Youth (Nashville, Tennessee: WND Books, 2004), 180

  7 Robert H. Bork, Slouching Towards Gomorrah (New York, New York: ReganBooks, 1997), 142-147

  8 Robert H. Bork, Slouching Towards Gomorrah (New York, New York: ReganBooks, 1997), 117

  9 Mark Levin, Men in Black: How The Supreme Court Is Destroying America (Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing, Inc., 2005), 201-202

  10 Linda Greenhouse, “How Long Is Too Long For Court’s Justices?,” The New York Times, 16 January 2005

  11 Rhoda Rabkin, “Children, entertainment, and marketing; How to rate the ratings,” Consumers’ Research Magazine, 1 June 2002


  Abby, Dear


  Abercrombie & Fitch (A&F)


  Abramowitz, Rachel

  Absolute Power (Limbaugh)

  abstinence: Left and; pledges of; sex education and; social liberals and. See also sex education

  ACLU. See American Civil Liberties Union

  Adult Video News

  advertising: boycotting; moral relativism and; porn generation and; sex in

  Advertising Age

  advice columns


  Affleck, Brad

  Aguilera, Christina

  Aiken, Clay

  Alan Guttmacher Institute


  All That

  Allen, Mary

  Altered States (Chayefsky)

  alternative rock

  American Beauty

  American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

  American Decency Association

  American Family Association

  American Pie 2

  American University

  Anderson, Pamela

  Anger Management

  Aniston, Jennifer


  Artists Management Group

  As Good As It Gets

  Ashcroft v. American Civil Liberties Union

  Askew, Ron

  Associated Press

  Atlanta Journal-Constitution


  “. . . Baby One More Time” (Spears)

  Bacon, Kevin

  Bad Boy Entertainment

  BAMPAC. See Black America’s Political Action Committee

  Barton, Mischa

  Basinger, Kim

  Bates, Kathy

  Bearman, Peter

  Beattie, Trevor


  Beavis and Butthead

  Beckerman, Marty

  Beeson, Ann

  Bergen, Candace

  Berry, Halle

  Besce, Deborah

  Beverly Hills, 90210


  Bill of Rights

  Bing, Jonathan

  The Birdcage

  birth control: sex education and; teen magazines and; universities and

  bisexuality: in movies; music and; sex education and. See also homosexuality

  Black America’s Political Action Committee (BAMPAC)

  Black Eyed Peas

  Black Sabbath

  Blair, Selma

  Bloom, Orlando

  The Body Project: An Intimate History of American Girls (Brumberg)

  Boehlert, Eric

  Bogart, Humphrey

  Bokram, Karen

  Bond, James

  Bork, Robert

  Bositis, David

  Boston Globe

  Boston Herald

  Bosworth, Kate

  Bozell, L. Brent

  Brainwashed: How Universities Indoctrinate America’s Youth

  Branded: The Buying and Selling of Teenagers (Quart)

  Brockner, Hanna

  Brody, Adam

  Brokeback Mountain

  Brumberg, Joan

  Buckley, William F., Jr.


  Buffalo News

  Buffy the Vampire Slayer


  Bundy, Ted

  Burger King

  Burnett, Leo

  Bush, George W.

  Bynes, Amanda

  Byrd, Cherie

  Byrd, Robert

  Calderone, Mary

  California, Berkeley, University of

  California, Los Angeles, University of (UCLA)

  California–Santa Cruz, University of

  Calvin Klein

  Campbell, Neve

  Campisi, Amber

  Campos, David

  Can’t Buy My Love (Kilbourne)

  Carl’s Jr.

  Carney, Hampton

  Carrington, Paul



  Catholic Legion of Decency

  Cattrall, Kim


  Cedric the Entertainer

  celebrities: gossip about; teen magazines and

  censorship: Constitution, U.S. and; governmental; movies and; music and; pornography and; rap music and

  Center for Media and Public Affairs

  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

  Chaiken, Ilene

  Chantrel, Come

  Chaplin, Charlie

  Chapman University

  Chayefsky, Paddy

  Chicago Sun-Times

  Chicago Tribune

  Child Online Protection Act

  child pornography. See pornography

  children: Internet pornography and; rap music and; sexuality and

  Christian Action Network

  Christianity Today

  Chuck D

  Chura, Hillary

  Clift, Eleanor

  Clinton, Bill

  Clinton, Hillary


  Cobain, Kurt


  Cochran, Johnny

  Colorado, Boulder, University of

  Columbia University

  Combs, Sean “Puffy”

  Comedy Central

  Concerned Women for America

  Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen

  Connecticut College

  Connelly, Tim

  Connolly, Jennifer

  Constitution, U.S.: Bill of Rights; censorship and; First Amendment; pornography and; privacy and

  contraception. See birth control

  Cooper, Anderson


  Cornell, April

  Cornell Review

  Cornell University

  Cosmo Girl!


  Coulter, Ann

  Couric, Katie

  Cowell, Simon

; Cox, Courteney

  Craig, Chris

  Cramton, Roger

  Creative Artists Agency

  Crimmins, Cathy

  Crouch, Stanley

  Crowe, Russell

  Crudup, Billy

  Cruel Intentions

  Crystal, Billy

  Cuomo, Chris

  Curtis, Jamie Lee

  Daily Variety

  Dallas Morning News

  Dargis, Manohla

  David, Denise

  Davis, Elliott

  Davis, Gray

  Davis, Kristin

  Dawson’s Creek

  Death Row Records

  DeGeneres, Ellen

  Déjà Vu


  DeLuca, Dan

  Democratic Party, Democrats

  Dench, Judy

  De Palma, Brian


  Desperate Housewives

  Details magazine

  deviancy: defining down; music and; oral sex and; tolerance of

  DiCaprio, Leonardo

  Dietz, Park

  DiFranco, Ani

  Diggs, Taye

  Diller, Barry

  Dillon, Matt

  “Dirrty” (Aguilera)

  Disney Channel

  Disney Corp.

  Ditka, Mike

  Dobson, James

  Douglas, William O.

  Dr. Dre


  Dreher, Rod

  Dreisinger, Baz

  drug use; escapism and

  Duff, Hillary

  Duhamel, Josh

  Dunst, Kirsten

  eating disorders

  Eberstadt, Mary

  Ebert, Roger

  Edmonton Sun

  education: dress codes and; home schooling and; school vouchers and. See also sex education

  Eisner, Michael

  Elders, Jocelyn

  Elle Girl



  Entertainment Weekly


  Esquire magazine


  Esterhaz, Joe


  faith-based initiatives

  Falwell, Jerry

  Family Guy

  Family Planning Perspectives

  Farber, Jim

  Faris, Sean

  Farrell, Colin

  FCC. See Federal Communications Commission

  FCUK (French Connection, United Kingdom)

  FDA. See Food and Drug Administration

  Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

  Federal Family Planning Program

  feminism: pornography and; radical; sex and music and; sex on TV and

  Femme Fatale


  Fernandez-Kelly, Patricia

  50 Cent

  First Amendment

  Flanigan, Kathy

  Flynn, Daniel

  Flynt, Larry

  Focus on Kids

  Focus on the Family

  Fonda, Jane

  Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

  Foot Cone & Belding

  Foote, Susan

  Ford, Harrison

  Foster, Jodie

  Founding Fathers


  FOX Files

  FOX News

  Francis, Consuela

  Franklin, Benjamin

  Fraser, Brendan

  Freaky Friday

  “Freek-A-Leek” (Petey Pablo)

  French Connection, United Kingdom (FCUK)

  Frey, Jennifer

  Frielander, W. A.


  The Full Monty

  Gabriele, Rick

  Ganahl, Jane

  Gandara, Ricardo

  Garner, Ana

  Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD)

  Geffen, David

  Geller, Sarah Michelle

  Genesis House

  “Genie in a Bottle” (Aguilera)

  George Lopez


  The Gilmore Girls

  Girls’ Life Magazine

  GLAAD. See Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation


  Gods and Monsters

  Goldstein, Al

  Golphin, Vincent

  Gone With the Wind

  government: censorship of music by; parental authority and; porn generation and

  Grant, Mary Ellen

  Greer, Germaine

  Griswold v. Connecticut


  “Guidelines for Comprehensive Sex Education”

  Gunter, Barry

  Guthmann, Edward

  Guy, Andrew, Jr.

  Gyllenhaal, Jake

  Hackman, Gene

  Haffner, Debra

  Haley, Nancy

  Hanks, Tom


  Harris, Chanda

  Hartnett, Josh

  Harvard University

  Harvard University School of Public Health (HSPH)

  Hathaway, Anne

  Haverford College, Pa.


  Hayes, Dade

  Haynes, Jim

  Hays Motion Picture Code


  Hecht, Albie


  Hefner, Hugh

  Hemmer, Bill

  Herbal Essences

  Heritage Foundation

  Hilton, Nikki

  Hilton, Paris

  Hinds, Selwyn

  hip-hop music. See rap music

  Hitchcock, James


  Hollowell, Kelly

  Hollywood: gay mafia in; moral relativism and; traditional morality and. See also movies

  “Hollywood” (Madonna)

  Hollywood Reporter

  homosexuality: advice columns and; defining deviancy down and; in movies; music and; sex education and; sex on TV and; sexual morality and

  Hoover Institution

  Hopkins, Anthony

  “Hotel” (Cassidy and R. Kelly)

  Houston Chronicle

  Howard, Ron

  How the Homosexuals Saved Civilization (Crimmins)

  How to Make Love Like a Porn Star (Jameson)

  HSPH. See Harvard University School of Public Health

  Hunt, Helen

  Hunter, Holly


  Hymowitz, Kay

  In & Out

  In Defense of Internment (Malkin)

  Independent (UK)

  Independent Women’s Forum

  Indiana University

  Intellectual Morons (Flynn)

  International Journal of Eating Disorders

  Internet, pornography on

  Internet Filter Review

  Invasion (Malkin)


  Jackson, Janet

  Jackson, Michael

  Jameson, Jenna

  Jamieson, Sara

  Jeremy, Ron

  Jessup, Eddie

  Joe’s Jeans


  John, Elton

  John Paul II

  Johnson, Bill

  Johnson, Justin

  Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies

  Jolie, Angelina

  Jones, Kyle

  Journal of the American Medical Association

  “Justify My Love” (Madonna)


  Kaiser Family Foundation

  Kansas State University

  Keillor, Garrison

  Kelly, R.

  Kennedy, Teddy

  Kermode, Mark

  Kerry, John, rap music and

  Kidman, Nicole

  Kids Risk Project

  Kilbourne, Jean

  Kim, Anne

  King, Michael Patrick

  Kinnear, Greg


  Kinsey, Alfred

  Kinsey Institute

  Kissing Jessica Stein

  Kissing School: Seven Lessons on Love, Lips, and L
ife Force (Byrd)

  Kitwana, Bakari

  Kline, Kevin


  Knight Ridder

  Knight, Robert

  Knight, Suge

  Kobler, John


  Krane, Jonathan

  Krauthammer, Charles

  Kressley, Carson

  Kristof, Nicholas

  Kudrow, Lisa

  Kunkel, Dale

  Kutcher, Ashton

  The L Word

  L.A. Weekly

  LaBelle, Patti

  “Lady Marmalade” (LaBelle)

  Laguna Beach

  Landers, Ann

  Lane, Nathan

  Law, Jude

  Layden, Mary Anne

  “Lean Back” (Terror Squad)

  Lear, Norman

  LeBlanc, Matt

  Ledger, Heath

  Lee, Ang

  Lee, Hyapatia

  Left: abstinence and; rap music and; sexual morality and; subjectivism and. See also social liberals

  Lenz, Nicole

  Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) studies

  lesbianism: in movies; music and; sex on TV and. See also homosexuality

  Less Than Perfect

  Letterman, David

  Levin, Mark

  Levin, Richard

  Levine, Adam

  Levine, Lena

  Levy-Warren, Marsha

  Lewinsky, Monica

  Lewis. S.

  Lewis, Patti and Kate

  LGBT. See Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender studies

  liberals. See social liberals

  “Like a Prayer” (Madonna)

  “Like a Virgin” (Madonna)

  Lil’ Kim

  Limbaugh, David

  Limbaugh, Rush

  Linney, Laura

  Locke, John

  Lohan, Lindsey

  London Daily Mail

  London Times

  Look magazine

  Los Angeles Daily News

  Los Angeles Times

  Lovett, Richard


  Lundberg, George

  Luscombe, Richard

  Lynch, David

  Lyttle, John

  MacCurdy, Jean

  Madison, Amber

  Madonna, sex in music and

  magazines. See teen magazines

  Mailer, Norman

  Malcolm in the Middle

  Malkin, Michelle

  Manson, Marilyn

  Markey, Edward

  Marmor, Judd

  Maroon 5

  Marquardt, Elizabeth

  marriage: gay; pornography and

  Massachusetts–Amherst, University of

  Massachusetts Department of Public Health


  “Material Girl” (Madonna)

  McCartney, Jesse

  McCaughey, Michelle

  McCloskey, C. John

  McCormack, Eric


  McGruder, Aaron

  McIlhaney, Joe, Jr.

  McKay, Jaz, pornography and


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