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Porn Generation

Page 27

by Ben Shapiro

  McKellan, Ian

  McKenzie, Ben

  McQueen, Steve

  Mean Girls

  media: sex on TV and; traditional morality and

  The Medical Institute for Sexual Health

  Medved, Michael

  men: objectifying; pornography and; sex and

  Men in Black (Levin)

  Mencken, H. L.

  Mendes, Sam

  Mendoza, Riley

  Messec, Paige

  Messing, Debra

  Metamorphosis (Duff)

  Metcalfe, Jesse

  Miller Lite

  Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

  Minghella, Anthony

  Minow, Neil

  misogyny, rap music and

  Money, John


  Monster’s Ball

  Moonves, Leslie

  Moore, Julianne

  Moore, Michael

  Moore, Miquel

  morality: defining deviancy down and; family; “live and let live”; MPAA rating of; porn generation and; sex education and; sexual. See also traditional morality

  moral relativism: advertising and; Hollywood and; music and; porn generation and; rap music and; sex education and; traditional morality vs.; universities and

  Moran, Jeffrey P.

  Morrow, Prince

  Mos Def

  motherhood, single

  Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA)

  movies: censorship and; Hays Motion Picture Code and; homosexuality in; lesbianism in; masculinity in; pornography in; sex in

  Moynihan, Daniel Patrick

  MPAA. See Motion Picture Association of America

  MTV; drug use and; moral relativism and; rap music and; sex on TV and; Video Music Awards shows of

  MTV Cribs

  Muhammad, Askia

  Mullholland Drive


  Murphy Brown

  Murray, Chad Michael

  music: alternative rock; bisexuality and; censorship and; cleaning up; defining deviancy down and; heavy metal; hedonism and; homosexuality and; jadedness and; lesbianism and; moral relativism and; narcissism and; pop; porn generation and; pornography and; promiscuity and; rap; sex and; subjectivism and; traditional morality and. See also rap music


  My Super Sweet 16


  narcissism: loneliness of; music and; porn generation and; pornography and; sex and; sex education and; subjectivism and

  National Abortion Rights Act League. See NARAL

  National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy

  National Catholic Reporter

  National Center for Missing & Exploited Children

  National Research Council

  National Task Force on Minority High Achievement


  Neeson, Liam


  New Statesman

  New York Daily News

  New York Magazine

  New York Observer

  New York Post

  New York Times

  New York University (NYU)


  newspapers: advice columns in; pornography and


  Newton, Wayne

  Nicholson, Jack


  Nietzsche, Friedrich

  nihilism: alternative rock and; of porn generation; sex and; sex education and; subjectivism and

  Nine Inch Nails



  Nixon, Cynthia

  NKU. See Northern Kentucky University

  Nobile, Philip

  North American Man-Boy Love Association

  Northern Kentucky University (NKU)

  Northwestern University

  Notorious B.I.G. (Biggie Smalls)

  NYU. See New York University

  Oberlin College, Ohio

  O’Brien, Conan

  obscenity: Founding Fathers and; rap music and; as a right

  The O.C.

  Ofman, Ursula

  Old Spice

  Olson, Mary-Kate and Ashley

  O’Malley, Patrick

  One Night at McCool’s

  One Tree Hill

  Oops!...I Did It Again (Spears)

  oral sex: Clinton sex scandal and; defining deviancy down and; as “real sex”; rise of teen; sex education and; sexual morality and; STDs and; tolerance and; university life and; virginity and. See also sex

  Osbourne, Ozzy

  Osumare, Halifu

  Out magazine

  Overzat, Greg

  Ovitz, Michael

  The Parent Trap

  Pablo, Petey

  Paltrow, Gwyneth

  parents: as authority figures; children’s role models and; porn generation and; sex education and; teen magazines and; university life and

  Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays

  Parents Music Resource Center

  Parents Television Council

  Parker, Jake

  Parker, Sarah Jessica

  Paul, Elizabeth

  PC World

  Pearl Jam

  Penthouse magazine

  People for the American Way

  People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)

  People magazine

  The People vs. Larry Flynt


  Perry, Matthew

  Persecution (Limbaugh)

  PETA. See People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals


  Philadelphia Daily News

  Philadelphia Inquirer

  Phillippe, Ryan

  Phillips, Bijou

  Pimp My Ride


  Pinsky, Drew

  Pitt, Brad

  Planned Parenthood



  porn generation: advertising and; authority figures of; emptiness of; government and; jadedness of; morality and; moral relativism and; music and; narcissism and; nihilism of; parents and; pop culture and; rap music and; sex and; sex education and; solving problem of; Supreme Court, U.S. and; teen magazines and; TV and; university life and

  pornography: addiction to; adult entertainment business and; advice columns and; Bundy, Ted and; censorship and; child; Constitution, U.S. and; courses on; desensitization and; feminism and; Internet; morality and; in movies; narcissism and; in newspapers; in public square; sex in advertising and; Supreme Court, U.S. and; traditional morality and; universities and

  Portlock, Sarah

  Powell, Michael

  Prager, Brad


  Presley, Elvis

  Price, Lori

  Primary Colors

  Princeton University

  Public Enemy

  public square: pornography in; sexual deviancy in

  Publishers Weekly

  Puzder, Andy

  Quaid, Dennis

  Quart, Alissa

  Quayle, Dan

  Queer as Folk

  Queer Eye for the Straight Guy


  Radicati Group

  Rahner, Mark

  Raleigh News and Observer


  Random House

  rap music: black community and; censorship and; children and; crime and; criticism of; defining deviancy down and; gangsta culture and; Kerry, John and; misogyny and; moral relativism and; multiculturalism and; obscenity and; politically correct view of; porn generation and; record labels for; sex and; wiggers and; women and. See also music

  Ready or Not: What Happens When We Treat Children as Small Adults (Hymowitz)

  Reagan, Ronald

  The Real World

  Recording Industry of America

  Recording Industry Association of America

  Reed, Nikki

  Reilly, Molly

  religion: hatred for; rock music and; teen magazines and

  The Ren a
nd Stimpy Show

  Republican Party, Republicans

  A Return to Modesty: Discovering the Lost Virtue (Shalit)

  Revolver magazine

  Reynolds, Burt

  Richards, Denise

  Richardson, Cameron

  Rob Zombie

  Roberts, Emma

  Roberts, Julia

  rock music. See also music

  Rolling Stone magazine


  Rosenberg, Howard

  Rosenthal, Andrew

  Rosenthal, Phil

  Rubenstein, Atoosa

  Ryan, Meg

  Sabia, Joseph

  Sailer, Steve

  Salamon, Julie

  San Antonio Express-News

  San Francisco Chronicle

  San Francisco State University

  Sandler, Adam

  Sarsgaard, Peter

  Saturday Evening Post

  Saturday Night Live

  Savage, Ann

  Savage, Dan

  Schakowsky, Jan

  Schiffer, Lisa

  Schlessinger, Laura

  Schneider, Adam

  Schwimmer, David

  Scott, A. O.


  Seattle Times


  Seventeen magazine

  Sevigny, Chloe

  sex: in advertising; advice columns and; alcohol and; anonymous; “body-part”; defining deviancy down and; desensitization and; emotional consequences of; jadedness and; morality and; in movies; music and; narcissism and; nihilism and; porn generation and; pornography and; rap music and; STDs and; teen magazines and; traditional morality and; on TV; universities and; without consequences. See also oral sex; sex education

  Sex and the City

  sex education: abstinence and; birth control and; bisexuality and; chastity and; Clinton sex scandal and; defining deviancy down and; goals of; history of; homosexuality and; moral relativism and; narcissism and; nihilism and; parents and; porn generation and; premarital sex and; scare tactics in; social liberals and; STDs and; subjectivism and; tolerance and; traditional morality and; universities and. See also sex

  Sex (Madonna)

  Sex, Youth, and Sex Education: A Reference Handbook (Campos)

  Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (Kinsey)

  Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (Kinsey)

  Sexual Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS)

  sexuality. See sex

  sexually transmitted diseases (STDs); oral sex and; sex education and; teenagers and

  sexual morality. See sex

  Shakur, Tupac

  Shales, Tom

  Shalit, Wendy

  Shane Enterprises

  Shannon, Mark

  Shapiro, Joan

  Shapovalov, Ivan

  Sharpton, Al

  Shelton, Elizabeth Avery

  Shepard, Thomas

  Shields, Brooke



  SIECUS. See Sexual Information and Education Council of the United States

  Signorile, Michelangelo

  Simmons, Charlotte

  Simmons, Richard

  Simon, Jeff

  Simpson, Ashlee

  Simpson, Jessica

  The Simpsons

  single motherhood

  Sivulka, Juliann


  Smith, Gregory

  Smith, William


  Snoop Dogg

  social liberals: abstinence and; parents as authority figures and; sex education and; sexuality and; teen magazines and; tolerance and; traditional morality and. See also Left


  Solomon, Rick



  South Florida Sun-Sentinel

  Spacey, Kevin

  Spade, David

  Spears, Britney

  Spears, Jamie Lynn

  Spike TV

  Stage Beauty

  Star (Anderson)

  Starsky and Hutch

  STDs. See sexually transmitted diseases

  Stepp, Laura Sessions

  Stern, Howard

  Stevenson, Seth

  Steyn, Mark

  Still Standing

  Stone, Oliver

  Streicher, Lauren

  Stripped (Aguilera)

  subjectivism; hedonism and; Left and; loneliness of; music and; narcissism and; nihilism and; sex education and


  Sumpter, Jeremy

  Supreme Court, U.S.: porn generation and; pornography and; privacy and; reining in

  Swank, Hillary

  Sword fish

  Syracuse Post-Standard




  teen magazines: birth control and; celebrity worship and; Cosmo Girl!; Elle Girl; Girls’ Life Magazine; gossip and; J-14; liberal social values and; parents and; porn generation and; readership of; Seventeen; sex in; social activism and; Teen; Teen People; Teen Vogue; YM

  Teen People

  Teen Vogue


  television (TV): cable; monitoring; porn generation and; sex on; sitcom; teen angst on; traditional morality and

  Terror Squad

  That 70’s Show


  Thiruvengadam, Meena

  Thomas, Clarence

  Thompson, Kimberly

  Thurer, Shari

  Timberlake, Justin

  Time magazine

  Today’s Christian Woman

  tolerance: of deviancy; oral sex and; sex and; sex education and; sexual morality and; social liberals and; speech codes and; university life and


  traditional morality: adherence to; destruction of; Hollywood and; liberal crusade against; media and; moral relativism vs.; music and; pornography and; sex and; sex education and; social liberals and; TV and; universities and; university objections to


  Tupac: Resurrection

  TV Land

  Two and a Half Men

  Tyler, Liv

  UCLA. See California, Los Angeles, University of

  Udovitch, Mim

  UK Observer


  The United States of America vs. Sex (Nobile)

  universities: alumni funding for; birth control and; dorm life in; “live and let live” morality at; moral relativism and; parents as authority figures and; porn generation and; pornography and; sex courses in; sex in; speech codes and; traditional morality and

  USA Today


  Valenti, Jack

  Vanderkam, Laura

  Vanity Fair


  Vedder, Eddie

  Verhoeven, Paul


  VIBE magazine

  Victoria’s Secret

  Vidal, Gore

  Villaneuva, Chevon



  Vogel, David

  Wall Street Journal

  Wallace, Elizabeth


  Walsh, Jim

  Wanna Come In?

  Warren, Wayne

  Washington Informer

  Washington Post

  Washington Square News

  Waxman, Shari

  Weaver, James B.

  Weber, Bruce

  Weigel, George

  Weinraub, Bernard

  Weinstein, Harvey

  Wenner, Jann

  Wesleyan University

  West, Cornel

  West, Mae

  Westfeldt, Jennifer

  Whale, James

  What I Like About You

  When Harry Met Sally

  Whipp, Glenn

  Whitehead, Alfred North

  Why White Kids Love Hip-Hop (Kitwana)


  Wild Things

  Will & Grace

  Williams, Robin

ilson, Jerry

  Wimsatt, Billy

  Winslet, Kate

  Winthrop, John

  Woldermariam, Phillip

  Wolfe, Tom

  women: pornography and; rap music and; sex in advertising and; as sex objects

  Wood, Corinne

  Wood, Evan Rachel

  Woodell, Deb

  Woodward, Kenneth

  Yago, Gideon

  Yale University

  Yes, Dear


  Young, Steve

  Zamichow, Nora

  Zide, Warren


  Copyright © 2005 by Ben Shapiro

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review written for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper, or broadcast.

  eISBN : 978-1-621-57105-6

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