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Darkness into Dawn (The Unraveled Trilogy Book 2)

Page 24

by Theresa Sederholt

  “I love you, wife.”

  “I love you more, husband.”

  Jax loves to be needed, and taking care of me fulfills that for him. “I am jumping in that wonderful shower, and then I want oatmeal made with almond milk, with a poached egg on top, please.”

  “Raven, that’s disgusting.”

  “Don’t knock it till you try it.”

  I SLIP ON MY sweats and walk towards the kitchen, all the while muttering to my cock about how lucky he is. When I round the corner I see Max, pacing.

  “Hey, mate, is there a problem, or are you just nervous about today?” I walk up to him.

  “I’m having a problem leaving Jackie here.” His hands are balled up; I know he’s on the edge.

  “Max, she will be totally safe here. The guards will be here, and Mick is staying here, too. Don’t forget we also have the panic room. Would it help if I made them stay in there?”

  “No, Jax, the only thing that would help is if I was here with her, and that’s not going to happen. That fucking island is sounding better and better.”

  “Good, I’m glad you feel that way. I decided as soon as the baby is born, we are all going there for a couple of months,” I inform him. Of course, right at that moment, Raven chooses to enter the room.

  “Where exactly are we going, Jax?”

  I jump, “I’m not keeping secrets, Raven, I swear I just came to the conclusion that it would be good to go away after the baby comes. The homes on the island will be done, and I think we could all use some relaxation.” God, I hope she’s buying this bullshit.

  “I’m hungry, Jax.”

  She’s not saying anything, so maybe I’m not totally screwed here. “I’m on it, sweetheart.”

  WHILE JAX ATTEMPTS TO make my breakfast, and get himself out of the doghouse, I walk up to Max. He is frozen in place, not knowing what to do with his raging fear, it seems. “Look at me, Max, please.” His eyes shoot up to mine. “I understand your fear and I have an idea that might help you. You and Jax have every gadget under the sun. I know there is probably a camera in the panic room. You can watch her from your phone while Jackie and my mom sit in the room with the door open. I’m sure they can play poker with Mick and Sammy to pass the time. You will be able to keep your eyes on them without even being here, would that help?”

  He throws his arms around me, and holds me tightly. “Raven, the best thing my brother ever did was marrying you. He really is a lucky bastard.”

  “Language, Max. Remember, the baby is up, right now.”

  Max laughs, then releases me so he can go next door to get Jackie.

  I head over to the counter and sit down to eat. “Jax, this is wonderful,” I say after my first few bites.

  He makes a face of disgust at my oatmeal, and then shakes his head. “Are we going to talk about it, or are you going to let me squirm all day?”

  “This is what you get when you don’t talk to me. You can’t just decide what we’re doing without even giving me a vote. If you would have asked me, you would have known that it was my intention all along to go to the island, after the baby is born. I need a break, and so does everyone around us. My only concern is timing as it is hurricane season that time of year. Let’s table this discussion for now. Right now, I just want to get to the courthouse; the sooner we get this over, the better.”

  I walk up to him and pull him into my arms. “I love you, Jax, and we will get to the other side of this together.”

  “Max is right, I really am a lucky bastard.” He squeezes back.

  WE GET TO THE courthouse without incident, and we’re ushered through the back. Jax has an iron grip on me, and Max is glued to my other side. Security is tight and Bo is on high alert. We are led into a room where a well-dressed man is waiting for us, along with four federal agents and Jax’s team of attorneys.

  “Miss Anderson, please, have a seat.”

  Jax squeezes my hand tighter, “It’s, Mrs. Phillips,” I correct him. “Let’s get this over with.”

  “I’m Leo Hage, Federal Prosecutor. I have watched the tape and I’ve spoken with your attorneys. Before anyone say’s anything, I will not subject Mrs. Phillips to viewing it.”

  I let out the breath I didn’t even realize I was holding, my voice barely a whisper. “Thank you, sir.”

  “I will tell you, up until we got that tape, there really wasn’t a strong case against him. Now that his attorney has been given a copy, he is requesting a deal. No matter which way this goes, it will be ugly. He’s claiming self-defense in the shooting of Mr. Fleming. He is also claiming that Duke was responsible for your kidnapping, and that he knew nothing about it. I, of course, don’t believe any of it, however, it is a he said, she said situation. Duke is not saying a word, even after we made him aware that Vincent is blaming him for everything.”

  “Mr. Hage.”

  “Please, call me Leo.”

  “Leo, Duke shot Marco and Erica; I witnessed that. I also witnessed Vincent, pushing Duke, egging him on. I believe his exact words were, ‘You gonna do her, son, or should I?’

  I think justice would be better served if Duke was institutionalized.”

  “I understand he is your half-brother?”

  I hold my hand up, stopping him before he goes any further. “I only found that out right before he murdered two people. I assure you, I have no emotional connection to the man. Clearly, anyone could tell he snapped.”

  “Well, Mrs. Phillips, I have to look at everything and decide how I’m going to get the most out of this. If Vincent is willing to give up key figures in his drug cartel, then honestly, I might cut a deal.”

  Jax has my hand in a death grip. “What about my wife’s safety, or is that not a concern of yours?”

  “Mr. Phillips, we will do all that we can to protect, Mrs. Phillips. I’m not opposed to the Witness Protection Program.”

  That’s the straw that snaps Jax. I see the exact second when the curtain comes crashing down. He jumps up and slams his fist on the table so hard, even Bo jumps.

  Jax’s attorneys are on him, trying to hold him back. The men in the back of the room come running towards us, and Max, instinctively, throws himself over me. I can’t see him; I can only hear him.

  “Do you even know what the fuck you’re talking about? Do you realize she was in witness protection, and your bureau couldn’t protect her? The Fucking Director of the FBI couldn’t even protect her. We came here today in good faith. I won’t tolerate your bullshit, Hage. I didn’t get to where I am today by being some kind of fucking pansy arse follower. This is how this is going to play out, and trust me, you’ll listen. You’ve got the fucking tape; use it to put that fucker away. If you don’t use it, and you make some sort of deal, I will release it to the media. I will break apart Vincent’s business, brick by brick, and anyone associated with him will feel my wrath. I have billions of dollars at my disposal and nothing but time. Time to protect my family. And if you think I won’t do everything and anything to protect them, then you better go back and research me again. For all intents and purposes, this fucking meeting is over. My wife and Mr. Fleming will not be coming back here, again. Any other contact will be done through my team of attorneys, whom could keep you tied up for years.”

  Before anyone can say another word, Jax is ushering us towards the door. Hage reaches out his hand to try and stop us and Bo nearly rips it off. Max whispers something to Bo and just like that, we’re heading out the door, never looking back.

  The ride back to The Tower is long and quiet. I look over to Max, watching his phone and smiling. “Max, why are you smiling?”

  “I’m watching Jackie beat everyone at poker.”

  I laugh. “Max, she’s a math teacher. She’s probably counting cards. I’m surprised Sammy is even playing with her. He’s never beat her at cards in all the years I’ve known them.”

  Max doesn’t say a word, he only stares at his phone, smiling.

  JAX IS QUIET—TOO quiet. A quiet Jax is not good; it c
an only mean trouble. I witnessed fierce Jax, for the first time, today. I’ve seen so many sides to this man, and every side of him brings a different element that I love. It’s when he’s quiet that I worry the most. .

  When the elevator doors open, Jackie flies into Max’s arms. His whole body visibly relaxes as he scoops her up and carries her towards his place.

  We head into the kitchen, and my mom is making tea. “Raven, come sit down and tell me what happened in court today.”

  Jax pulls me towards him and kisses my forehead. “I have to go to the office for a little bit. I will be back to pick you up for our doctor appointment. Please stay here and wait for me.”

  It’s not a demand or a request, it’s a plea, and it breaks my heart. “I will not leave the house today.”

  He’s holding me tightly and whispers, “I love you, wife of mine.”

  “More, Jax. I love you more. Now go.”

  I watch as he and Sammy leave, and then my walls come crashing down. My mom is on me in a New York minute. We sit on the couch and she rocks me in her arms. I can’t stop crying; I’m overwhelmed. This emotional roller coaster can’t be good for the baby.

  “Raven, please tell me what happened.”

  “Oh, Mom, I don’t see an end to all of this.” I’m about to tell her everything and then it hits me like a ton of bricks. I don’t really know how much she knows about everything. Thank, God, for once in my life, my brain-to-mouth filter was working.

  “What are you not telling me? Don’t even think of lying. You, my dear, are someone who should never play poker. I’m strong, and I can handle whatever it is you’re hiding from me.”

  “Mom, how about you tell me what you know and then I can sort of fill in the blanks?”

  She is stroking my arm and I don’t know if it’s to sooth her or me. “Well, you know I watched that tape everyday that Vincent held me captive. He raped me, sometimes two or three times a day. I didn’t fight him, Raven; I thought he still had you.” Her tears fall and my heart is breaking. We’re both holding each other; a lifeline in this raging storm. “Finally, Joseph found me. He told me that you were safe. He wanted to go after Vincent, but he realized, right away, how physically and mentally abused I was. He knew I needed medical attention, so he stayed with me. Upon examination and tests, they informed me that was pregnant. I knew it wasn’t Antonio’s baby, and I didn’t know what to do. I knew that I could have had an abortion, however, that’s a personal choice. I decided to have the baby, and give it up for adoption. You have a half-brother, Raven. I’m sorry, but I couldn’t keep him. Looking at him only brought up such rage within me. Joseph found him a nice home, and I prayed for him every day in hopes that he would never turn out like Vincent.

  “I was overwhelmed by everything, and tried to commit suicide. Joseph found me in time. He made me realize that I needed help, and you needed to be safe. Your safety was everything to me.

  “Joseph, found your adoptive family through a friend of his at the bureau. It was all done privately. He had the records sealed and marked classified. He staged the accident in California. And just like that, we were gone. I know that Vincent kidnapped you, Max and Jax rescued you, and Vincent and Max shot each other. I don’t know much of anything else, but I figured, when you’re ready, you will tell me. And if you don’t, it won’t change anything for me. You’re my daughter, and I would do anything to protect you. You need to tell me what you’re holding inside you that’s making you so upset. Think of your child, this can’t be good for the baby.”

  “Oh, Mom, I wish it was that easy. Life has been crazy, and I don’t see any light at the end of the tunnel.”

  “Nonsense, there is always hope. Your father always told me that I was the strongest person he’d ever met. Quiet tenacity is what he would always say, and I see so much of that in you.”

  “Do you really think knowing everything will help? For all intents and purposes, Mom, you’re like a prisoner, just released from a twenty-year jail term. Life has gone on and left you behind. The world’s moral compass has changed, and not always for the better.” I take in a deep breath then bring up something I’ve been curious about. “You stopped talking for twenty years, why?”

  “Raven, dear, the world will always have both good and bad. It’s about finding a balance we can live with. If we make positive changes in our own little circle, then it becomes like a splinter in a glass. I kept up with the changes in the world. I read the papers daily, and I know a lot of bad things have happened. I stopped talking because my heart was broken. I lost the love of my life. I gave both my children away to save them, one I never knew. I know you have so many questions and so many years to make up for. I promise you I won’t break. Please, tell me what has you walking on egg shells around me.”

  I take a deep breath and tell her everything. I leave nothing out from my first meeting with Jax, to all the craziness that got us here today. I tell her about my life with my adoptive parents, and all about Marco. I even tell her about Duke. She sits in silence as if she’s absorbing every word I say, until I tell her about the tape that my father made. She gasps, and then she begins to cry. I pull her into my arms and rock her like a mom cradling a child.

  “Raven, have you watched the tape?”

  “No, I don’t think I’m ready to do that yet.”

  “Why not?”

  “Fear, I think. My whole life, I put my father on a pedestal, my knight in shining armor. I don’t want anything to happen that would make him fall off that pedestal.”

  “Oh, Raven, nothing ever will. When you’re ready, if you want, I will watch it with you.”

  “There is also one that he left for you.”

  She begins to shake, “Oh, I need to see it right now, please.”

  “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

  “I’ve existed for twenty years without hearing my beautiful Antonio’s voice, I don’t want to wait a second longer. The only images I’ve had playing over and over again were Antonio getting shot, and you, terrified. This could erase all of that. Of course, I’m ready.”

  I take her into Jax’s office and sit her down with the laptop. “Jax’s, tech guy, Tony, put them on a drive for us. I’ll leave you alone, just click play.”

  I close the door and head towards the kitchen. I realize I’m really hungry. Damn I wish I knew how to cook. I promised Jax I wouldn’t leave, and I don’t know if ordering a pizza is a safe thing to do. What if someone tries to poison us, or the delivery person works for Vincent. Oh God, now I’m getting paranoid. I’m not about to bother Jackie and Max, not after they finally have some alone time. I’m just about ready to scream when the elevator doors open, and in walks Mick with pizza.

  “Mick, how did you know I was hungry?”

  “I didn’t, but Jax said you should be hungry right about now. I figured I would stop and get your favorite pizza.”

  “Mick, do you know how wonderful you are?”

  “Raven, its just pizza.”

  “No, Mick, it’s more than that. Come and join me.”

  “Where’s your mom? Jax said she was here.”

  “Don’t panic, she’s in the office watching something on the computer.” His whole body relaxes. Everyone is on high alert, and I feel so bad about it.

  “I’m just going to check on her, I’ll be right back.”

  When I open the office door my mom is crying and hugging the laptop. “Mom, what can I do to help you?”

  “Oh, Raven, you don’t even realize what you’ve done for me. For the last twenty years, the last image I have of my Antonio was of him getting shot, and Vincent laughing. You have replaced that for me with my beautiful loving husband. I could never thank you enough for that.”

  “Mick brought pizza, would you like to join us?”

  “No, I need some time alone. Can you make my apologies, please.”

  “Of course.”

  I head back inside to eat and I think, maybe it was a good thing that I showed her the recor

  “Raven, please sit and eat something. Is Rose okay?”

  “Yes, Mick, she’s is going to have a nap before we have to leave for the doctor. It’s been a very emotional day for all of us.”

  We sit, eating our pizza and enjoying the rare quiet moment.

  RAVEN GIVING ME THIS video is a gift that I will treasure for the rest of my life. I want to watch it over and over again. Maybe I can erase Vincent from my head, once and for all. I stare at Antonio’s face on the screen and press play again.

  “Gabriella, I’m so sorry, baby. The evil that I tried to shield you and Cara from has finally caught up to us. None of this was your fault, baby. He was too far-gone for you to save. I’m sorry that Cara had to witness any of this. I will love you beyond this world. My life may be short, but I’ve found what some men never do. You’re my happily ever after, Gabby. Take good care of our Cara. I know it will be hard for you, but Joseph will always be there for you both. I love you, heart and soul, my beautiful angel.”

  I pause it, I can’t breathe. Oh Antonio, how could things have gotten so messed up? His voice after all these years is still too raw for my heart to handle. I take a few breaths and hit play again.

  “Cara will need you close after all of this. Hold her tight, and love her with all you’ve got. I will watch over you both. Always remember what I told you that day on the beach, when I asked you to marry me. My heart, my soul, my life is yours.

  I love you, Gabby.”

  I love you Antonio, and I will be strong for our Cara.

  SAMMY AND I GET to the office. I’m in a foul mood. I’m not here five minutes and Mrs. Osla is on me for not properly introducing her to Sammy. I swear she is my mum on steroids. “I would be more than happy to introduce you, if you could give me a second, please.” I realize I snapped at her and I quickly apologize, and move on to more important matters.

  “First order of business, what is going on with the buildings on the island?”


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