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Darkness into Dawn (The Unraveled Trilogy Book 2)

Page 25

by Theresa Sederholt

  “Well, it seems they will be ready ahead of schedule, especially when I told them I was going to personally come down to oversee the progress.”

  God, I love this woman. She could put fear in the Devil himself.

  “Is what happened in court today making you this way, or is it something you did that you got into trouble for?”

  I’m rubbing my temples and growling. “Both.”

  “Will you ever learn? Call your mum before you get into trouble with her, too.”

  “Samuel, it’s very nice to meet you.” And just like that, she’s out the door.

  “Wow, Jax, where did you find her?”

  “Max found her after the whole Duke thing. I wanted someone different, and boy is she ever.”

  “She’s different all right; kind of hard to understand.”

  “Yeah, you’ll get used to it. Sammy, I don’t pull punches and I don’t sugarcoat anything. I know you’re still MI6. I understand the government wants Gerhard protected, no matter what. What I don’t tolerate is secrets. No matter what, I need complete honesty. Jackie is staying here with Max, forever. He’s not going out in the field ever again. I can’t handle him out there, and right now, it’s all about me. Before you say anything about that,” I put my hand up. “Max is the one who suggested that he take more of a behind the scenes roll. I need a replacement for him, but to come on board here, you would have to give up your day job. Around here, it’s one-hundred percent or nothing. I’ll give you a tour, and then you think about it. Once the baby comes, I’m taking everyone to the island. We’re going in complete lock down, until this cluster fuck is over with.”

  “Are you done, Jax? Can I get a word in?”

  “Sorry, I know I bulldoze, as Raven calls it, but that’s me.”

  “I knew about the island, and I actually think it would be a great idea. It will give us some breathing space. I would like to see more of what goes on here behind the scenes.”

  “I’ll put you with Tony; he is Max’s right-hand man and knows everything. Let’s go, I’ll give you a quick tour and then introduce you before I have to call my mum. We are a very close family. If you decide to come on board, be aware my mum . . . She’s a lion in sheep’s clothing.”

  I drop Sammy off with Tony, and they seem to hit it off rather quickly. . I head back to my office to call mum and find my attorney, waiting. This can’t be good. Mrs. Osla is in a tizzy.

  “Mrs. Osla, it’s okay.”

  I lead him into my office. “Mathew, what’s going on?”

  “Who was that, Jax?”

  “My new secretary. Trust me, you don’t want to ever get on her bad side.” I shake my head.

  “Well, I met privately with Hage, after you left there today. They don’t take threats lightly. However, I did help them see the light.”

  “Look, Mathew, I’m not letting any of my family anywhere near these animals. We are all leaving right after the baby is born. I have an island off the coast of Belize where we’ll be staying for a few months. After that, if this is not under control, then who knows? I might start looking at other countries. Nothing and no one will stand in the way of my families’ safety.”

  “I get it, Jax, but you need to calm down. Let me be your voice, that’s what you’re paying me for. I will fight any deal they offer that we all don’t agree upon. They were surprised to find out you have a copy of the tape. They were trying to order you to surrender it, however, I squashed that. Make sure it’s locked up and not on the premises. Keep duplicate copies at different locations; but you never heard that from me.”

  “What about Rose? No one but us knows she’s alive, can we keep it that way?”

  “I buried her name change paperwork very deep. I’m surprised Joseph didn’t do it when he moved her to the clinic. I understand she was dead to the world, but that could have been a disaster for everyone.”

  “All answers died with him. I need to get going, Raven has a doctor appointment. If you need anything else, I can have Mrs. Osla help you.”

  “No thanks, Jax, I’m no fool.”

  As we head out to the elevators, Mrs. Osla is quick to remind me again to call my mum. “Mathew, stop laughing or I will have her work for you!”

  ON MY WAY HOME, I call mum to check in. “Hi, Mum, how are you?”

  “Jaxson, what do you mean how am I? I’m worried. You went to court today and never called me. I had to find out second hand what happened.”

  Do I even want to know how she found out? “Mum, whom have you been talking to?”

  “Never mind that; how is Raven?”

  “She’s trying to keep it together. I’m on my way now to pick her up for her doctor appointment.”

  “Okay, well, let me know what happens. Bella is making a family dinner tomorrow, make sure everyone shows.”

  “Mum, is everything okay? Am I in trouble?”

  “Everything is fine, and you’re not in trouble. We just need some normalcy. Bring Mick; I like him.”

  Well, at least someone else, other than Max and me, is on her radar. “Okay, Mum, will do. Love you.”

  She’s quiet for a minute. “Love you more, son.”

  We pull up to The Tower, and I see the woman that has been trying to get to my wife—Annabelle. I step out of the car and my detail surrounds me.

  “I want to talk to her.”

  “Sir, please do not engage her. Go inside. It’s for your own safety.”

  My guard presses something on my bracelet and within seconds, all hell breaks loose. Guns are drawn and pointed towards her and the two men with her. Max comes flying out of the building with his gun drawn, yelling for the detail to get me inside.

  “Max, I’m not leaving you here.”

  “Jax, for the love of God, do what you’re told and get inside now!”

  “Annabelle, I suggest you take your men and leave here now, and never come back. If you ever come back here, or anywhere near this family, it will not end peacefully. Leave now before your family has to decide on an open or closed casket!”

  In seconds, she’s gone and Max is back inside. Only then, I realize he’s barefoot and half dressed. “Max, what the hell? I wanted to talk to her.”

  “There is no reason to talk to her. Mathew issued a restraining order today. If you engage her then it opens a can of worms we don’t want opened.”

  “How the hell did you get down here so fast?”

  “Your bracelet was activated.”

  “That explains your state of attire.”

  “Don’t be a wise arse, I was having a wonderful time and you cut that short. I will get even with you, mate.”

  When we get upstairs, I realize no one is around. “Where is everyone?”

  “They’re in the panic room. I didn’t know what was going on, so I didn’t want them out here.”

  Max radios the guards to let them know we’re coming in. Will this nightmare ever end?

  Raven runs into my arms. “I’m okay, sweetheart.”

  “Jax, what the hell happened?”

  “Annabelle tried to pay a visit, nothing to worry about. Mathew got a restraining order issued today. We need to get going to the doctor.”

  “Jax, I would like to go with you to the doctor, but only if you think it’s safe,” Rose walks up to us.

  “Rose, I would like you too, but right now, I don’t think it’s a good idea. I hope you understand that I need to keep your presence unknown.”

  “I do. Remember to tell the doctor what I told you about quick deliveries.”

  WHEN WE GET CHECKED in, the nurse weighs me. Jax is excited to see I’ve gained weight. “So have you decided what type of birth you’re having?”

  Jax’s grip gets tighter, and I know the pressure is getting to him, Hell—it’s getting to all off us.

  “We are going for a natural birth, in the hospital.”

  I whisper, “Relax, Jax, please. Everything will be okay.”

  Doctor Leanne comes in, and Jax seems to relax a little.
“Raven, I hear congratulations are in order. The nurse will update your name change and marital status with the hospital for you. Have you scheduled Lamaze classes yet?”

  “Jax, will be scheduling someone to come to the house for the classes. I do have some new information about my family history. It seems my mother and grandmother both had quick, early deliveries.”

  “How quick and how early?”

  “Both a couple of weeks early. As far as quickly, apparently, my mom delivered me start to finish in an hour and a half.”

  “Okay, I think we are moving along schedule here, so I’m not concerned. You have put on weight, so I’m happy about that. Your blood pressure is a little high, but I know you’ve been under a lot of stress. I would like you to watch your caffeine and salt intake.

  The best thing you can do for the last trimester is to enjoy the change. Relax, prepare for the baby, and concentrate on you because once the baby gets here then everything changes.”

  Doctor Leanne is watching Jax, and I think she’s worried about him. “Jax, get those classes scheduled soon, so that you can both feel comfortable. The nurse will give you a list of everything you need to have done before your next appointment.”

  Just like that, she’s done, and we’re left alone. Jax is quiet, too quiet. “Jax, what’s the matter?”

  He pulls me into his arms so tightly. “I want to go home and be alone with you. I need you, Raven.”

  I pull away and look into his eyes. I can sense the pressure is getting to him and it breaks my heart. He helps me get dressed and we get everything we need from the nurse. I need to get him home and have some alone time with him.

  TONY SHOWED ME ALL around Raiders and it’s quite impressive. Jax is so much more then he lets on. Tony hedged on giving me any details, though; typical tech guy. I checked in with Jackie’s detail and she is in Max’s flat. I decide to head up to Jackie’s, flat where I will have some privacy.

  First order of business, I need to call Gerhard and bring him up to speed on Vincent. I might as well get this over with. I know he’s going to flip when I tell him, but better me than Jackie.

  “Sammy, what’s going on with my daughter?” His void loud, forcing me to pull the phone away from my ear a bit.

  “Sir, she is safe, and under tight guard right now. I think Maxwell is not going anywhere, anytime soon, sir.”

  “This is not the news I wanted to hear. Does she know about his past?”

  “Yes, she knows everything. He’s a good man, sir.”

  “So now you’re a champion for Maxwell?”

  “No, I’m a champion for Jackie.”

  “What is going on with Vincent?”

  “Sir, there is a good chance he will get a deal. There is a video of him killing Antonio.” I pause, giving him a chance to let the information sink in.

  “That should at least get him locked away for life. What happened in court today?”

  “Jax ripped the Feds apart. He made all kinds of threats, especially when they offered protection for Raven.”

  “I’m not leaving my daughter’s protection in the hands of the feds. Maxwell has put a huge target on my daughters back. So, what’s our next move?” His voice is getting louder and I’m not sure how he will react to the rest of the information.

  “Sir, Jax purchased an island off the coast of Belize. He thinks after the baby comes he can move everyone down there, Jackie included. Might not be such a bad idea. It will give us some breathing room.”

  “Sammy, Vincent needs to be dealt with, and a message sent to all the families.”

  “I understand, sir, I do. Timing is everything right now.”

  “How is Raven holding up through all of this?”

  “You know Raven, she’s a survivor; tough and strong.”

  “Any chance I can get everyone to come back here? There is plenty of room at the compound.”

  “Sir, Jackie would never go for it.”

  “Yeah, I know. Why did my daughter have to be so much like me?”

  “Sir, before you go, there’s something else I need to discuss with you. Maxwell is thinking of semi-retirement, more of a behind the scenes role. Jax asked me to take over for Maxwell.”

  Gerhard is really quiet, almost too quiet. “Sir, you there?”

  “Yes, Sammy, I heard you. He’s awfully young to retire.”

  “Well, he owns a percentage of Raiders, and from what I saw today, money is not a problem. Jax doesn’t want Max out in the field anymore. This could be good for Jackie. Jax is also starting a private school for the employees at Raiders. He wants Raven and Jackie to head it up.”

  “Sounds like Jax is trying to tighten his ring around everyone. If my daughter is going to stay in New York, then I want you there. If you need to work for him, so be it. Make sure he is aware that where Jackie goes, you go; that’s non-negotiable. Let me know when the Vincent situation is handled.”

  I hang up and now I need to figure out what direction I should go with Vincent. He has political pull and street muscle behind him. It would have been so much easier if Max had killed the bastard. First things first, I need to check in with the guard I have on Annabelle. Then, put a few more key pieces in place.

  I KEEP WATCHING THIS video over and over. I know that no matter which way I go with this, someone will be on the losing end of the stick. If I cut the bastard the deal he wants, I will get some top-level scum off the streets, but at what price? What a cluster fuck this is becoming. It would have been a lot easier if Maxwell had killed Vincent. Maybe leaking the tape and letting the world see the animal he really is would be the best way to handle this. As I hit play again, my intercom buzzes.

  “Mr. Hage, Vincent’s sister is here with their lawyer, Mr. Deveno, demanding to see her brother.”

  Can this day get any worse? “Send them in.”

  Annabelle Giaconna steps into my office with Mr. Deveno. I can’t stop myself from staring at her; she is beautiful. I quickly remind myself she is a Giaconna, and as ruthless as her brother.

  She places her hands on my desk and leans towards me. “I want to see my brother, and I’m not leaving until I do,” she demands.

  “Which brother do you want to see, Ms. Giaconna? Your brother Vincent, in prison, or your brother Antonio, being murdered?”

  “Do you think you can scare me, Mr. Hage? I don’t believe that tape is real. Family is everything to Vincent. He would have never killed Antonio.”

  “Mr. Deveno, how about telling your client the truth. The tape has been authenticated, Ms. Giaconna.” I flip my screen around and hit play. “Enjoy the show, ma’am.”

  I watch as she stares at the screen in silence. It has to have some effect on her. Watching her niece being scared and brutalized by that animal, and seeing Vincent gun down Antonio, all the while laughing about it.

  “Hage, that’s enough. You made your point, but it won’t change. We’re here to see Vincent and Duke.” Deveno snaps.

  Everyone has rights, even that piece of shit Vincent. “Fine, now that he’s awake. Vincent has been moved to isolation. You have thirty minutes, so make it good. He’s being held at Attica. One of New York’s toughest maximum security prisons, so I hope you enjoy your ride upstate.”

  They leave just as quickly as the information shoots out of my mouth. And now, I’m back to figuring out what to do with this giant cluster fuck that’s been dropped in my lap.

  ATTICA: WHAT A GOD forsaken place this is. “Deveno, where is Duke being held?”

  “He is being held at Sing Sing. The Feds wanted them kept separately.”

  I haven’t seen my brother since they transferred him here. I have not been allowed to meet my nephew. After watching that tape, I hope Vincent has a plan.

  “Annabelle, we only have thirty minutes. We have to see him together. I have stuff to discuss with him about the case. You know how crazy he can be, so don’t push him. I’m also trying to get permission for you to see Duke.” Deveno’s jabbering pulls me out of my fog.

  This whole process has been a giant hurry up and wait. If I ran my business like this, I’d get nowhere. Finally, he walks in. Jesus, what the fuck are they doing to him in here?

  “Vincent, if you’ve got to be in here, the least you can do is take care of yourself. You look like shit.”

  “Well, hello to you too, Deveno. I’m in a tiny room for twenty-three hours a day, maybe you should shut the fuck up and try it.”

  I can’t believe how much he’s aged in the past few months. “Vincent, I saw the tape.”


  “You killed Antonio. You swore to me that you didn’t. It’s all there, in black and white. How could you lie to me, of all people? Do you have a plan? What about Duke . . . have you figured out what to do about him?”

  “Anna, you need to get Duke to go along with everything I told the Feds. If he’s a true Giaconna, he will do this for his father.”

  “I haven’t been allowed to see him, so how am I supposed to do that? I tried a couple of times to talk to Cara, but Jax’s men were all over me. Then today, I was served with a restraining order. That guy is over the top crazy, Vincent.”

  “Deveno, what the fuck am I paying you for if you can’t even get her in to see Duke?”

  “Vince, I’m working on it. Once the Feds got the tape, everything went into lockdown. I should be able to get her in today or tomorrow, at the latest. Have you thought about a deal?”

  “I’m not sure what I want to do yet. Why did this tape surface now? Why was that prick, Joseph, hiding the tape? I mean he had it and could have put the screws to me twenty years ago. What was he trying to hide? Anna, did you get a look at Cara?”

  “Only from a distance. I told you, Jax’s men were all over me. She looks just like Antonio, except for her eyes.”

  “She acts like him, too. She kept trying to help Duke the whole time we were in Sicily; filling his head with nonsense. If Duke had grown up under my roof, he wouldn’t be a fucking pansy-ass pussy. Just another thing to thank that bastard, Joseph, for.”


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