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Blue Moon Magic 4: Night of the Blue Moon

Page 12

by Lynn Crain

“This isn’t really biological.”

  “Then what is it, Cordy?”

  “It’s wolfbane grown with their specific chemistry in mind. That’s why it won’t kill us. It’ll just make us miserable.”

  Connor threw up his hands in exasperation. “Oh that’s a relief, Cordelia. Let’s just manipulate the most dangerous element known to wolfen kind and put it in our arsenal.”

  Cordy stopped then and swallowed hard. “I’m sorry, Connor. We need to use everything we have to get back my son.”

  “Not if it means we’re going to turn into them.” He took the woman he loved into his arms. “I don’t want to fight about this any more.”

  She shook her head. “Neither do I. I don’t have time to do what I really want to do.” She reached up and pulled his head down to hers.

  That one kiss held more information than anything previously could have done. In that kiss lay their future and Connor could feel it. Nipping at the side of her lips, he gently forced her mouth open and moved his tongue into war with hers. His hunger for her was nearly insatiable. This was the woman he wanted for the rest of all time. This was the one he wanted to have children with and build a family. He was sorry that his father had put it all so bluntly earlier. He could taste her honeyed warmth and if he died today, he would go knowing he was protecting her and all he loved.

  Pulling back from her luscious mouth, he gazed into her eyes. “Cordelia,” he began.

  She stopped him by placing a finger across his lips. “Don’t…Connor…don’t muck it up with thoughts about tomorrow. Let’s just get through now.”

  His tongue snaked out and gently drew her finger into his mouth before releasing it. “I can’t do that, Cordy. I need to let you know how I feel.”

  She searched his face. “Would it help if I told you I feel the same way?”

  He chuckled. “I suppose it would.”

  She kissed him fiercely then, pulling him tight against her. “I love you, Connor Langford. Now let’s go get the only other man I love besides my father.”

  “You’ve got a deal.” He went and opened the door to the weapons room and ushered her out.

  In the sparring room, they met the others who would be going with them. Not only was there a full contingent of the trained Elite guards but each of his brothers-in-law were there as well as his sister Clarity.

  “I thought we all agreed that Cordelia would be the only woman going.”

  Clarity glared at him. “You need me.”

  He closed his eyes. The fact that he was taking all his siblings’ spouses away weighed heavy on his heart. “Sis, if anything happens to you…”

  “I can take care of myself. You know I can dump people on their butts, too.”

  He chuckled mockingly. “I trust you couldn’t talk her out of it?”

  Tom threw his hands up in surrender. “I’ve given up trying. She’s right; there are things that we can do while you’re busy with the real fighting.”

  “Such as?” Lucas scowled at him.

  Connor could only imagine what the head of the Elite security forces could be thinking.

  “Holding open the portal, for one,” Tom shot back.

  “And making sure it closes after you,” Clarity added, turning to Connor. “You’ll be stretched too thin if you, Tom, and Cordelia try to do it by yourselves.”

  Connor grudgingly nodded his head in agreement. “You’re right. Cordy and I will be trying to find Iain. Our minds won’t be on keeping the portal clear. It’s my guess that Lucas, Justin, and the rest of the Elite forces will be keeping the rest of them at bay.”

  “That pretty much sums it up.” Justin slapped Connor on the back. “Nervous?”

  Connor’s eyes shifted to his face. “I’ve never been on this side of the fence. So I’m a little concerned. If they go berserker on us, we might be in trouble.”

  Clarity raised her hand. “I think I might be able to help on that.”

  “Clarity…” Tom warned.

  “What? I know I can do it.” She glared at her husband.

  “What is it that you think you can do, Clarity?”

  Tom stood looking at his wife. “My wife thinks that she can put out a subconscious mind blast that might neutralize the majority of the Betas.”

  Cordelia perked up. “Did you master it yet, Clarity?”

  “You knew I was working on this?”

  “Oops, sorry. Didn’t mean to pry. But those types of things always leak. I couldn’t help but know.”

  She blinked at Cordelia. “Can you help me augment the blast?”

  “That should be pretty easy. We could send it through the moment we open the portal, wait a few seconds then take out any remaining people that are still standing once we get through.”

  “I’m glad someone believes me.”

  Cordelia shot a quick glance at Connor. “There’s only one thing.”

  “And that is?” Clarity’s voice shot with angst.

  “If the blast is too forceful, you can kill everyone instead of incapacitating them. I’ll try and help you monitor it.”

  “I’ll help.”

  All turned in surprise to see Joanna at the door.

  “Mother, are you sure?”

  “Of course, I’m sure. I’ve done some similar things in my time.”

  “I’ll help too.” Charles Langford stood behind his wife. “We may be too old to go on missions anymore but our psychic abilities aren’t gone yet. You didn’t think you got everything from your mother now, did you?” He smiled at his wife and squeezed her hand.

  Connor went up and grabbed his father’s other hand. “Thank you, sir.”

  “Just shut up and open the damn portal.”

  Lucas tore open the portal. It shimmered and glowed with power as each member boosted it with their own special psychic energy. “It’s stable,” he yelled. “Send your signal now.”

  Clarity nodded and began to concentrate on the forest seen through the portal. Soon, blood ran from her nose and she grabbed her head. “Something’s blocking me,” she said.

  “Let me try,” Cordelia said, sensing an urgency for her help. Reaching for Clarity’s hand, she allowed her energy to flow through the young woman and into the portal. After a few moments, she rubbed her head. “She’s right. But I’ve tempered it enough that she’s managed to do some of what we need. I think most everyone’s down. I can’t be sure though. I need to save something for when we get there.”

  Connor nodded his head. “Time to go to my past life,” he said and walked through the portal, immediately on the defensive. Crouching down, he was amazed that no one was there. Looking around, he moved the gun from side to side. The rest of the team followed him through.

  “Where is everybody?” Cordelia whispered. “I expected some people to be here.”

  Connor shrugged his shoulders. Where were they?

  Protector, I’m here.

  He could barely hear the child’s voice in his head.

  They have most everyone in the main area, next to the old man’s cave.

  Are you all right?


  “I think they’re in the clearing over by Rowan’s den. That’s the only place big enough to hold all those people.”

  With their guards up, they tiptoed through the forest, wary of what might be there. Soon, they started seeing bodies. Lots of bodies. So many that Connor finally reached down to check a pulse. “They’re still alive, at least. If I know Rowan, these were his token sacrificial lambs. The worst is yet to come.” He rubbed his head a little. “Besides, Iain has already contacted me and told me they are in the clearing near Rowan’s place. We need to get there quickly.”

  Connor, Cordelia, and the rest of the team proceeded cautiously toward the clearing next to Rowan’s lair. Coming into the large meeting place, he had to stop and look. The whole place shimmered with energy. He didn’t know what to think. He walked through the barrier and felt it crackle as he entered. He could hear shouts behind him and realized
that no one followed him. Turning, he could see that they were all pounding the shimmering shield. Suddenly, he heard someone clapping.

  “Well done, boy, well done.” Rowan stood there mocking him.

  Trying not to look so stunned, he slowly backed up and put a hand behind him, indicating for whoever was behind him to grab it. They might be able to get through if he pulled them in.

  “Yes, you’ll be able to pull them through with you if you’re touching them. But the boy will be dead before you can bring them all in. But I do want the bitch inside.”

  Connor glanced to whom he indicated, knowing before he even saw her that it was Cordy. Swallowing hard, he reached back a hand to her all the while keeping one eye on Rowan. Once she was through, he shook his head slightly, indicating to her not to make any sudden moves. He slowly walked around the perimeter, gun at the ready, trying to assess the situation.

  Kill held Iain tightly with a knife to his throat.

  “I wouldn’t get too close if I were you, brother,” he spat. “You know how I like to kill children.”

  “No!” Cordelia cried and tried to surge forward. Connor held her back.

  “Easy now. Don’t do that,” he whispered to her. “Kill’s the most unstable of the lot.”

  Clarity, can you hear me?

  Already on it, Connor.

  “What are you doing? Talking to the other bitches?” Rowan questioned harshly.

  “I’m concentrating, assessing the situation. Something you wouldn’t know about, old man.” Connor knew he was taunting him, trying to get him to make a mistake.

  “Actually, I want you to turn and kill the bitch behind you. Choking her would be nice.”

  “What?” Connor felt a wave of nausea and found himself slowly turning, his hands coming up of their own accord. What the hell was happening?

  Morph, protector, morph. They can’t play mind games if you’re in your primal form.

  Connor’s gaze shifted to the little boy who stood ramrod stiff and knew what he said was the truth. Mind games could only affect his human form. Nothing could touch him in his wolfen body. Before he turned completely around, he began to shift, his coat turning into the long, luxurious white fur of his primal form. Flipping around, he barred his teeth.

  “Damn it!” Rowan cried. “We can’t hold them this way! We’re going to have to shift!”

  Connor saw everyone begin to shift. He glanced at his side when a darker wolf stood by him, knowing it would be Cordy. She was beautiful in her wolfen body.

  Try to get to Iain, he whispered into her mind.

  Not on your life. I can’t leave you here alone.

  The shield should be down soon. Clarity’s working on it. If nothing else, shove Iain through it to Lucas.

  Maybe… she cocked her head at him… maybe they can get through it if they shift.


  Momma! Iain cried.

  Cordy and Conner turned as one to see that Kill was prepared to pounce on the boy in wolf form. Faster than the humans could see, they both were there, snapping and snarling. Cordy got between Iain and Kill while Connor began circling them both. She kept pushing the boy toward the boundary of the shield but was soon thwarted by Rowan snapping at her heels. Turning to meet him, she bared her teeth, growling deep within her throat.

  But Connor, seeing his intentions, snapped at his tail and brought him down from behind. Rowan snarled and bit hard on his mouth, so hard he could taste blood. Connor knew that they wouldn’t be able to hold out for long.

  Clarity…we could use this shield down now!

  Something is interfering! she practically screamed back.

  We’re not going to last.

  I think it has something to do with Iain…toss him out now…I think they are using him to sustain it!

  What? He turned to look at the boy who stood ramrod stiff and rigid. Iain?

  Protector! I can’t move! came the feeble answer. It appeared that Clarity was correct in her assessment.

  Okay…I’ll grab him and toss him out…he’s going to be hurt because I’m going to have to bite down hard. Cordy, get him ready.

  Rowan and Kill continued to circle and snap and snarl. This was not going to be pretty.

  Now…Connor…now! cried Cordy as she made a corridor for him to slip through.

  He ran straight for the boy and bit down as gently as he could. Sorry, buddy, but we’ve got to get you out of here. Iain nodded his head slightly as if he agreed with what he was saying. Connor pulled and tugged the boy, clearing him of all the snapping jaws. Once beyond their reach, he spun once, then twice and tossed the small boy outside the shield. As if the off button was switched, the shield shimmered and winked out of existence.

  Connor could see that Clarity grabbed the boy and ran in the opposite direction. Lucas’s forces were beginning to shift quickly. Soon they had the Betas surrounded with what appeared to be minimal damage. They would know more as soon as everyone was safely back home and checked. He looked around and saw that Cordy was standing over Kill, holding him down. No one had ever taught him not to come between a she-wolf and her pup. Seeing that the danger was on its way to being neutralized, he decided to morph and stand in front of Rowan.

  Naked, he stood there in all his glory and reached up to touch the dry blood at the corner of his mouth. “I want to know how you knew all this and why you thought you could get away with it.”

  Rowan, still in wolf form, snarled at him. Pacing restlessly, Connor could see that he was going to try one more thing and prepared himself. Launching himself, the wolf snapped at his throat and his hands went around the animal’s neck, slowly choking him.

  “Connor, Connor…don’t be like them…it’s over.” Breathless, Cordy put her hands on his. “Please…let it go…let him go.”

  Connor turned and stared at her, hands tight around the beast’s throat. “Let him go…after what he did to me? To you? To my family?”

  “Yes,” she stated quietly. “He’s an old man bent on vengeance. We’ll banish him or something. Somehow, we’ll find a way.” She blinked rapidly, tears starting to form.

  He understood what she felt. She didn’t want to lose him to the darkness like the Betas had been lost. This war needed to be won another way and that way had to start with him. He let go and allowed the wolf to slip to the ground where it morphed into a wrinkled old man, gasping for breath.

  “Lucas, what do you want to do with them?”

  “Do? I was kinda with you on this one, buddy,” he looked at Cordelia pointedly, “but maybe she has something here. We have a prison for wolfen that are criminal in nature from the Elite clan. I’m sure we can accommodate Betas too. Let me call ahead.”

  “Okay. I’m going home.” He turned and reached for Cordelia’s hand. “We’re going home.”

  “First, I’m hoping that Clarity thought to bring us all some clothes. I don’t think we should be naked around each other too long.”

  Looking down, he laughed. “I see what you mean.”

  As if on cue, Clarity ran up with some overalls. “Not the prettiest, but you two definitely need to get dressed. And for future reference, Lucas could have put clothes on you. I’ve seen him do it.”

  “You think?” He eyed his sister and laughed. “Lucas could really put clothes on us?”

  “Yeah. But right now, I have something for you.” Reaching behind her, she slowly brought Iain forward.

  Relief washed over Connor like a downpour. The future was intact, life would go on. Quickly donning the suit, he swept the boy up into his arms. Cordelia surrounded them both in her loving embrace.

  “Lucas, can you finish cleaning up here and open the portal?”

  The new family unit stood locked in each other’s arms.

  “Sure, no problem.” Ripping open a portal, he stood to one side. “After you.”

  Connor smiled and nodded slightly. Clasping Iain to him tightly and holding Cordy’s hand, he stepped through to his future.


  The day had dawned bright and clear and beautiful. It was every bride’s perfect moment yet Clarity was still fluttering around nervously.

  “Are you sure you remembered everything?”

  Conner looked at his sister, exasperated. Thank God, only one of them was in here. “I remember what I’m supposed to do.”

  She nodded her head absently, a single tear rolling down her cheek. “I know. I’m sorry if I’m being pushy.”

  “What is this?” Connor lifted a finger to brush the liquid from his sister’s face.

  “I just love you, that’s all,” she whispered.

  “I love you too, sis.” Connor playfully tugged on her hair. “I thank every day that I took that step out of the shadows.”

  She lifted tear-filled eyes to his. “Me, too. I better get out there before they all start looking for me.”

  “Oh…heavens…please. I don’t want them all in my head today.”

  I heard that! The teasing lilt of his closest sibling, Chastity, reverberated in his head.

  You were listening in the whole time.

  Not until you got sarcastic I wasn’t.

  Connor could feel the chuckle in the link. Look, I’m nervous enough as it is.


  You’re only getting married, dear brother. His middle sister, Charity let him know that she was also there.

  Please, girls, you could drive a man to drink! Leave the poor boy alone.

  He could feel the soothing tones of his Aunt Joanna’s voice. He was glad the woman had become his stepmother. He wasn’t surprised by her appearance at the door. Smiling, she came over and looked over his tie, making sure all was in place.

  “I just wanted to say that your mother would be proud.” Her eyes shimmered too.

  “What is it with all you guys? Why are you crying? Isn’t this supposed to be a happy day?”

  “That’s why we are crying, son.” She patted his arm. “Don’t take too long. We can’t start without you. I’ll make sure the girls behave.”

  Connor shook his head and looked once more in the mirror. He knew that he looked good. He wanted to look good for Cordelia. She meant everything to him and the rest of the family. He sighed when he heard the door open once more. “Ladies, I told you --” He was stopped short in mid-sentence. “Dad.” He looked at the man in surprise. They really hadn’t talked much since the raid on Rowan’s compound. A part of him had dreaded what the man would say once they were alone. He had known that he would kill Rowan when given the chance but once he actually had the chance, it was a different matter. He only hoped that his father understood.


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