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Blue Moon Magic 4: Night of the Blue Moon

Page 13

by Lynn Crain

  “Son, I have something I need to say to you.” The old man stood there, practically fidgeting, which was highly unusual.

  “All right.” Connor didn’t know what else to say. If the man hated him for what he hadn’t done, so be it.

  “Son, I just needed to say…I just needed to say…I’m proud of you. You did something in a situation I could not have done.”

  Connor was taken aback. This wasn’t what he thought was going to happen at all. “Thank you, Dad.”

  He nodded his head. “You showed a restraint that’s indicative of a leader…a true leader.”

  “Whoa…I don’t think I like the sound of this…so don’t. Chastity and Justin are the ones meant for the corporate office, Dad.”

  “I know. I was thinking on you as more of the spiritual leader of this group. You have an insight on life that I could only hope to have.” He studied his hands for a moment. “You must have gotten that from your mother.”

  “Thank you, Dad.”

  “There’s only one promise I want from you, son.”

  “On my wedding day, Dad?”

  “Especially on your wedding day.”

  “What is it?”

  “Promise me to keep this family as safe as you can. Promise me that you’ll give Cordelia the love and respect I know she deserves. Promise me that you’ll never leave us.” Then he did something unexpected, he kissed him on the cheek and pulled Connor into a rough embrace.

  “Thanks, Dad. I promise.”

  Charles released the young man. “We’ve got to go. I was sent in to bring you out.”

  “I guess this is it.” He followed his father out into the elaborately decorated courtyard and up the center aisle. He had scorned tradition and had Clarity as his best man followed by Tom. Cordelia had done something similar with Lucas as her matron and his sister, Charity next. His oldest sister, Chastity, had to sit this one out as she was expecting his first little niece or nephew. Her place was in the front row as were the rest of their immediate family.

  Connor gently squeezed Clarity’s hand when he arrived and turned to await his bride, hand on Iain’s shoulder as the boy held their rings on a small pillow. And he didn’t have long to wait. Turning when the traditional wedding song started, Connor was stunned by the vision that seemed to float down the aisle toward him. Her gown was a vision of silk and embroidery and sewn pearls and was exactly right. He smiled at her father when he handed him her hand. Before he knew it the vows were next.

  “I, Conner Logan Langford, take you, Cordelia Angela Sinclair, as my lifemate. Until the day of my death, I will love you and make certain the mating mark never fades from your beautiful skin.”

  “I, Cordelia Angela Sinclair, take you, Connor Logan Langford, to be my mate for life. Until the day of my death I will love you and will wear your mating mark with love and pride.”

  The chaplain beamed down at them. “By the power vested in me I pronounce you lifemates and man and wife. What has been brought together let no creature put asunder. Let me present you with Mr. and Mrs. Connor Langford.”

  The proud couple beamed at their audience. They had decided they would start their reception and mingle a little before completing the more private portion of the ceremony.

  Making sure that Iain was with Cordelia’s parents, they slowly made their way to the tent in the middle of the gathering and waited until the very moment of the rise of the Blue Moon. Finally, Connor turned to his bride and swept her up into his arms before proceeding toward the tent. Kissing her deeply, he set her down once inside.

  “I need to get this off you quickly,” he whispered hoarsely.

  Cordy chuckled at him. “You never could wait. You’ll have to unbutton me.” She turned her back to him.

  Grasping one button, he made each undoing an adventure in eroticism, kissing her down the length of her body. He stood and her dress fell. Gingerly, Cordy stepped out of it and her shoes.

  “My turn,” she whispered. She wasn’t as gentle as him, biting off the first two buttons and ripping the shirt the rest of the way open. “Sorry. I just need to touch you.” She ran her hand up his chest and tweaked his nipples before reaching down for his pants. Hesitating, she stopped and looked into her husband’s eyes. “I just want you to know, this is forever.”

  He smiled down at her. “I know.”

  Pushing down his pants, she lavished him with kisses briefly and then stood, allowing him to lead her to the bed. Looking up at him, love clearly written on her face, she spread her legs for him and began the time honored ceremony. “Take me my husband and lifemate.”

  Connor settled between her legs. “I can tell you are ready for me.”

  “You have no idea,” she whispered.

  ‘Here goes.” Looking deeply into her eyes, he intoned the words of total commitment. “Our hands our bound, our bodies joined as one. I take you, Cordelia, as my one true mate.”

  Swallowing hard, Cordelia pulled him even closer to her. “Our hands are bound, our bodies are joined.” She wrapped her legs completely around him, pulling him into her even further. “Connor, I take you as my one mate, for now and for always.”

  They paid no attention to the cheer that went up from the crowd in the courtyard. They knew that their binding symbol, the sign of a protector, now glowed in the night sky. They were too interested in each other to care about anyone but each other.

  “Mine,” he whispered feverishly, his strokes becoming longer and deeper.

  “Yours. Now and forever.”

  * * * * *

  Ever since he could remember he had wanted to belong. Now looking around at everyone present, he knew that each of them had taken a special place in his heart.

  Charles and Joanna Langford were the parents he had always wanted but never had. Clarity, who knew him the moment she saw him; Charity, who was willing to defy her mate to make sure he had a place within the clan; and Chastity, who even though she was the oldest and her mate was totally against it, was willing to give up that prestigious place to a brother she barely knew.

  Then there was dear, dear Cordy. How could anyone describe his mate with any accuracy? No one knew of her generous nature and fierce protectiveness of the clan. She was one of the reasons they were all able to have this celebration. Her love for him was unbounded and his love for her and her child, Iain, fathomless.

  He didn’t care if the boy was his or not. It didn’t matter anymore. He forbade his father to run genetic tests on them. He was the boy’s protector now. It was up to him to make sure the young man grew up and knew what was right. Gazing down at his daughter in his arms, he realized that the circle was complete and was starting again. He chuckled when Chastity’s daughter, Clarissa, came to stare at the baby.

  As he looked around, it struck him. His. A family. Forever.

  “I finally made it home.” He looked around and smiled at everyone gathered, tears misting his eyes. This was the only place he wanted to be. Looking over the heads of everyone, he caught his wife’s eye.

  Well, maybe there was just one other place he’d rather be. She blew a kiss to him.

  Yes…he had made it home.

  Lynn Crain

  Lynn Crain has published three novellas with eXtasy Books. Her first novella, Captive Illusions: Book 1 Iain and Kelsey, received Five Angels with a recommended read from Fallen Angels review and a four heart review from The Romance Studio. Both reviewers stated this book was hot, hot, hot. Her second novella, The View from Santa’s Sleigh, was billed as the sweetest erotic romance ever seen by every reviewer, many giving it their top scores. She lives in the hot Southwest with her lifemate of twenty-five years, her son, three cats, one dog, and a snake. Other clan members live nearby.





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