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First Day of School, a Manny Makes Seven short story

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by Sean Michael

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of either the author or the publisher.

  Torquere Press Publishers

  P.O. Box 37, Waldo, AR 71770.

  First Day of School, a Manny Makes Seven short by Sean Michael Copyright 2015

  Cover illustration by BSClay

  Published with permission

  All rights reserved, which includes the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever except as provided by the U.S. Copyright Law. For information address Torquere Press. LLC, P.O. Box 37, Waldo, AR 71770

  First Torquere Press Printing: June 2015

  Printed in the USA

  First Day of School, a And Manny Makes Seven short

  by Sean Michael

  Will the twins survive their first day of school? Better yet, will Hutch and Adam?


  Lizzie stared at Hutch with huge, tear-filled eyes. “Please. Please, Hut. Don’t make me go away. I’ll be the best cooker ever. I promise.”

  God, she was breaking his heart. Hutch managed to find a warm smile for her, though, as he crouched to give her a hug. “You’ll be home by three thirty. And I bet you find you like school. There’s so many fun things to do.” He’d known it would be hard to send the twins off to school every day, leaving the house empty until afternoon, but he hadn’t expected it to be this hard.

  She shook her head, the tears beginning to fall. Felicia was desperate to be big, to go to school like Darla, but this one had been opposed to the whole idea and finding out she wasn’t in the same Kindergarten class as her twin hadn’t helped. The school claimed they split twins up to let them develop their own individuality.

  Well, Hutch knew damn well his girls were plenty individual, each with their own unique personality despite being together since birth.

  “When you get home you can help me make supper,” he promised. “That won’t change just because you’re going to school.”

  “Please? You can tell Addie-Lou it’s okay. I know you can,” she insisted.

  “No, little. He can’t.” Adam shook his head. “School is important.”

  “Is not!” She stamped her little foot, glaring at Adam. “I want to stay with Hut!”

  “Okay, Lizzie, that’s enough.” Hutch gave her his most firm voice. “School is important and you’re going to make friends and find really fun things to do. Addie-Lou and I will be here when you get home.”

  He wanted so badly to tell her she could stay home, but he knew she needed to do this. It was his job to make sure she didn’t need him and Adam anymore and this was how it started. Even if it was the hardest thing ever.

  “I hate school!” She turned to run and Adam caught her up, hugged her tight.

  Darla stood with her first day of school outfit on and Felicia had her thumb in her mouth, eyes wide.

  “Come on, dork,” Charlie said. “School’s okay. You’ll get to, like, play with colors and check out books.”

  Hutch blinked, more than a little surprised that the first of the teenaged nation was heard from and it wasn’t a grumble. Charlie was a good kid, and he proved it all the time, but still, teenager -- enough said. He so owed Charlie his favorite dinner for that.

  “Are we ready to go to the bus?” Hutch asked, torn between letting Charlie and Darla get the girls on the bus and taking them himself. It hadn’t been this hard with Darla, but he’d only just been with them a short while when she’d started her first day. Now all five of them were wound and twisted into his heart.

  Felicia stared at her twin sister, who was still wailing, and shook her head.

  “Oh, for god’s sake!” Bri came zipping down the stairs, and grabbed Lizzie from Adam. “Stop it. Right now. You’re getting on the damn bus. I’ll even come with you. This once.”

  Adam’s eyes went wide and Bri poked Adam in the chest. “Once. I mean it. I’m driving myself starting tomorrow and I’m going to catch a ride with Wendy on the way home today.”

  Hutch was damn proud of her. She’d come a long damn way.

  “All right everyone. Who still needs their lunch?” He still had two bags on the table in the foyer.

  “Lizzie and... Charlie?” Adam suggested.

  “Yeah.” Charlie grabbed his. “Thanks, Hutch. Don’t forget I have robotics today, so I’ll catch a ride home with Mark’s dad.”

  Lizzie wouldn’t look at him when she took her lunch, but Darla came to give him a kiss. “I’ll be home soon and we wanted cinnamon toasts for snack, ‘kay?”

  “Yes, ma’am. You have a good day, huh?” Hutch looked at Felicia and Lizzie. “We’ll be waiting at the bus stop when you come home.”

  “It’s gonna be fun, right?” Felicia looked worried now, and Hutch wanted to just bash his head against the wall.

  “Oh, gosh yes. It’s going to be great. So many friends.” Adam started herding them and Bri mouthed at her oldest brother, “you totally owe me, man”.

  She was going to make Adam pay, too, Hutch had no doubt. Which meant he was going to pay, too. He thought it was worth it, though, because it looked like the girls were going to be at the stop on time to catch the bus for their first day. He just hoped they all survived it.

  Hutch watched through the window in the front door and Adam joined him, pressing a cup of coffee in his hand. “Lord have mercy.”

  He chuckled, though his heart wasn’t in it. Taking Adam’s hand with his free one, he leaned his head on Adam’s shoulder. “I can’t believe we have the house to ourselves until three.”

  The dogs barked, as if to remind him that wasn’t strictly true, but they settled on their own again.

  “I know. Weird, huh?” Adam sipped his coffee. “I bet Bri has them settled immediately.”

  “I hope so.” He grinned wryly. “I was okay until Lizzie started fussing as badly as she did.”

  “She’s scared and she was sure you’d rescue her from the scary school.”

  “Breaks my heart that I couldn’t be her hero in this.” Hutch sighed and tried not to feel bad.

  “You are her hero, love.” Adam’s arms wrapped around him, held him close. “Heroes do what’s best.”

  He leaned back against his lover with a sigh. “Yeah, I know.” Hutch loved having someone to share all this with, someone special not just to the kids, but to him as well.

  Adam kissed his shoulder, the curve of his neck. “Do you want breakfast, love? I can put some bacon on.”

  He did love that Adam had two weeks between when the kiddos went to school and his professor lover started teaching. Hell, three-quarters of Adam’s classes were online this semester anyway.

  “I could definitely go for something tasty and salty.” Bacon wasn’t his first choice, though.

  “Tasty and salty?” Adam was on his wavelength, he could tell. His tall, blond husband was grinning, warm eyes glinting. “Ham?”

  “Yeah, what I’m thinking of can be a ham now and then.” He loved the teasing, the way they suddenly weren’t in a hurry to catch a bit of furtive time.

  “Oh ho!” Adam grabbed him, kissing him playfully.

  He held his coffee cup out, but held onto Adam with his other arm, sucking on Adam’s tongue. Adam cuddled right in, one hand dropping to cup
his ass and squeeze.

  His groan came from deep in his belly. “Coffee,” he muttered, not finding the words to actually say what he wanted to.

  “Uh-huh. Good stuff.” Adam knelt in front of him. “We’ve never done this here.”

  “Oh God!” Hutch flailed, nearly spilling the coffee, and then finally put it down on the bookcase next to the window.

  It felt naughty, wicked, to have his cock coming out of his jeans right here in the living room.

  “What if someone comes up the walk?” he whispered.

  “The door’s locked. They can’t see me.”

  “You think I’ll be able to keep my face straight?” Hutch didn’t think he was that good of an actor, even when he wasn’t getting a blow job.

  “I trust you.” Adam sucked his cock in, not teasing even a little. That suction made Hutch’s eyes cross, made him widen his stance. No way he was going to be able to hold his face to “nothing going on here”. No way. Adam was just too good at this.

  Making himself open his eyes again, he looked down at the top of Adam’s head. Hutch loved the way Adam looked, the way the care never faltered, how he never had to doubt. The ring on his finger proved it.

  He stroked Adam’s head, fingers carding through Adam’s hair. When Adam took him deep and swallowed, his fingers curled, the sensation making him clutch instead of stroke.

  God. God. “Please don’t stop.”

  Adam shook his head, swallowed again. Hutch’s balls ached, his cock so hard and he knew he was leaking onto Adam’s tongue. Adam’s hands slid up his thighs, fingers digging in.

  No matter how many times Adam blew him, he was still amazed that he had this beautiful man’s mouth around his cock. That element of newness, of naughtiness just added to the pleasure. He was doing this in the foyer. In the foyer.

  A shiver went up his spine and he watched Adam pull almost off his cock before sucking him back in again. Damn. When his cock appeared again it was wet with Adam’s spit, hard and full.

  “Oh my God.”

  Adam glanced up at him and whispered, “I love you.”

  Adam’s grin was happy and wanton and... perfect.

  God, he loved this man. Adam had given him everything in life, and blow jobs.

  Adam rolled his balls, pushing just a little hard. Grunting, he pressed his hips forward, his cock moving into Adam’s throat. Adam swallowed, over and over, taking him, so he did it again. He kept doing it, fucking Adam’s mouth as his balls drew up against his body.

  When Adam’s fingers gripped his ass, drew him in deep, that was all she wrote. He shot hard, crying out into the room loud enough that he was thankful no one was at the door. Sweet aftershocks went through him every time Adam swallowed. Shuddering, he grabbed onto Adam’s shoulders, using them to stay upright.

  “Mmm. Yum.” Adam kissed the tip of his cock, playing with him.

  That made him laugh softly. “I thought I was getting the tasty and salty? You ate my bacon!”

  Adam snorted, then fell back on his butt, laughing harder, just rocking with it. His own laughter increased and he tugged up his jeans and sat next to Adam, his fingers sliding on his lover.

  Adam landed, head on his lap. “Hey you.”

  “Hey.” Curling over Adam, he took a sloppy, upside down kiss. Adam tasted like him. Moaning, he pressed his tongue deeper, wanting more.

  He slid his hand along Adam’s chest, from nipples to waistband and back up again. Adam rolled over, moved to straddle him, and press close.

  “Mmm. What do you want?” He dragged his hands along Adam’s back to cup his ass.

  “You. All of you.”

  “You wanna go back to bed?” They didn’t have any lube here and he wasn’t sure he wanted to actually make love on the floor of the foyer.

  “Eventually, yes. Actually, my knees are going to start protesting any minute...”

  “Hey, you’re the young pup in this relationship; your knees should be fine.” He couldn’t help teasing.

  “This floor is what isn’t fine. Damn, it’s like concrete.”

  “If we’re going to make a habit of this, we should consider carpeting.” He managed to say it straight-faced, too.

  “Maybe when the littles are grown.” Adam stood, held one hand out to him.

  He took it and pulled himself up. “They’re off to school -- they’re going to be grown before you know it.”

  “I know. Right now I want to be just us, lovers. Not Addie-Lou and Hut.”

  “I can do that, Adam. I promise. Not another word about anyone under twenty-five until three. I swear.”

  “Excellent. By three o’clock we can both be walking like old men.”

  He laughed, tugging on Adam’s hand, hurrying him along. “I do like the way you think.”

  “Like a world-class horn dog?”

  “Uh-huh.” Like his world-class horn dog.

  They headed into the big bedroom they shared, the sheets still mussed and cozy from last night.

  “I love how it smells like us in here.” He turned to Adam and started undressing him.

  “Uh-huh.” Adam toed off his slippers, and reached to open Hutch’s jeans. Again. God, he was a lucky man.

  He got Adam’s t-shirt off and pushed at his lover’s sweats to get to the hard cock tenting them out.

  “Mmm. Yeah, lover.”

  He wrapped his hand around Adam’s cock. It was such a great handful. He measured it from base to tip, stroking Adam, letting him feel it. He loved the little sounds Adam made, his lover letting him know his touches were appreciated. Adam made everything easier, better. Right.

  Hutch pressed their lips together, taking a sudden, hard kiss. “I love you.” He spoke the words into Adam’s lips.

  “God, yeah.” Adam rubbed them together, moving them hard.

  “This would be better horizontal and we do have the bed right there,” Hutch noted.

  “A bed? We have a bed?”

  He gave Adam’s cock a squeeze. “Butthead.”

  “Babe, that’s not my butt...”

  “How are you awake enough to be making all these really bad jokes?”

  Adam was not usually a morning person. That honor belonged to Lizzie and Hutch himself. They were probably the only ones in the family. Ever.

  “I snuck an extra shot of espresso in my brew.”

  Hutch shook his head. “Not good for you.” Then he pressed their mouths together, to keep Adam from retorting.

  He tugged Adam to the bed as they kissed. His lover still hadn’t gotten to come and that wasn’t fair. Adam eased them into the bed, drawing his hand back to the needy prick.

  “Gonna do me?” Hutch asked, stroking slowly.

  “You want me?”

  In answer, he let go of Adam’s cock and lay back, grabbing his legs behind his knees, and opening himself up.

  “Uhn.” That was the perfect response. Adam’s eyes lit up, tongue flicking out to taste.

  His cock went from mildly interested to fully hard in mere seconds, like it was trying to get Adam’s attention.

  “Mmm. All mine.”

  “Every inch.”

  When Adam had settled between his legs, Hutch let his knees go, cradling Adam with his body.

  “God, I love you.” Adam leaned down, lips brushing Hutch’s jaw.

  “You too.” He slid his hands on Adam’s shoulders, and moved them down Adam’s spine along the long skinny body. When he reached Adam’s ass, he squeezed it.

  Adam arched, cock nudging his crack. “Lube.”

  Hutch reached over to the side table, opening the drawer and feeling around until he found the tube. Grabbing it, he offered it to Adam.

  “Thank you.” Adam kissed his fingers, took the tube and slicked up those long, oddly delicate fingers.

grabbed the backs of his knees again and tilted his hips, totally exposing himself to his lover.

  They’d been busy the last couple of weeks, getting the kids ready for school and packing in all the family time they could before school swallowed the days up, so it had been a while since they’d had time to do this. Hutch was ready; no he was eager for it.

  Adam circled his hole, fingertips tracing lazy circles before pushing in and Hutch groaned, taking deep breaths and making himself relax, take Adam in.

  Adam finger fucked him lazily, like they had time. He guessed they did and he smiled up at Adam. Maybe this all the kids in school thing had some serious perks after all. Not to mention, Adam had promised to make him walk bowlegged. Hutch was looking damn forward to it.

  Smiling, he squeezed as tight as he could around Adam’s finger. That made Adam grin, add another finger, easy as pie.

  He reached for nipples -- one of his own and one of Adam’s -- stroking them softly.

  “Mmm. Don’t stop. Like that.”

  “This?” Hutch moved his hand to Adam’s other nipple and teased it as well, adding soft pinches.

  Adam’s fingers worked him, pushing in, driving in and out, nudging his gland. He jerked, twisting Adam’s nipple without even thinking about it. Adam pushed closer, arching hard. Licking his lips, Hutch kept playing with Adam’s nipples and his own, letting the pleasure merge with what Adam’s fingers were making him feel.

  It was Adam who made the next move. “’s good. Want inside now, love.”

  Hutch nodded, hands moving down to pull his legs back even farther. “I’m all yours.” All of him.

  Adam lined up, carefully pressing inside of him. Hutch groaned, making himself relax. As it had been a while, there was a little burn, but he welcomed it, welcomed the feeling of fullness.

  “You say if it’s too much,” Adam ordered.

  “Don’t you dare stop.” The burn was already fading.

  “Right. On it.” Adam pulled out a little, pushing back into him.

  Groaning, he wrapped his legs around Adam’s waist and tugged in, hard. Adam slammed in, moaning deep in his chest.

  “Damn.” Hutch grunted and brought their mouths together, kissing Adam hard.

  Adam opened up wide, tongue sliding alongside his. Their kisses matched Adam’s thrusts, slow and long, like they were basking in it. Adam spread him, filling him inch by inch, stretching him wide.


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