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First Day of School, a Manny Makes Seven short story

Page 2

by Sean Michael

  Soon they were rocking together strongly, all pain gone in favor or delightful pleasure. Adam dropped kisses over his face, teasing him, playing with him.

  He pulled with his legs, dragging Adam in harder. That stopped the playing, sent Hutch flying with pleasure. Moaning, he did it again and Adam picked up the rhythm, pushing into him with more strength. Adam’s cock drove into him, slamming hard into his body. He reached for his cock, pulling on it.

  “Yeah. Yeah, babe. More.” Adam thrust in again and again.

  Hutch jacked himself quickly, feeling the pleasure in his balls. Even better than that was the pleasure on Adam’s face.

  “Love you. Love you.” Adam groaned, muscles clenched.

  “Yes.” It was all he could get out.

  Adam grabbed his ass, pulled him in closer, catching his balls between them.

  “Oh God!” Hutch cried out, so close. “Please.”

  “Uh-huh. Love. Now.” Adam was going to fold him in half.

  He squeezed the head of his cock as Adam pushed in and that was all he needed. Crying out, he shot. He barely felt the pressure as Adam filled him up.

  Adam collapsed down onto him, and he held on.

  “Not bad, huh?” Adam’s smile was lazy, easy.

  “Not bad at all for bacon and ham.”

  Adam blinked slowly at him. “I can’t believe we missed the sausage joke.”

  “Oh God, that’s bad.” Hutch thought maybe it was good that they had failed to make that one.

  “I know, right?”

  Laughing, Hutch hugged Adam tight. “Thanks, huh?”

  “God, any time. Any time at all.”

  “I’ll meet you here, same time tomorrow.” He gave Adam a wink.

  “Don’t you mean same time after lunch, babe?”

  Hutch did like how Adam thought. “You got it.”

  He kissed his husband and lay back. They had all morning to relax.


  Hutch and Adam went out to meet the bus at three. They were early, but Hutch was anxious. He knew Adam was, too, even if Adam was hiding it better.

  “You think she was okay?” he asked, fretting about his baby girls.

  “Lizzie? Of course. She’ll be fine.” There was an edge of worry in Adam’s voice, though. “Hopefully Felicia didn’t scare anyone with her drawings...” That little was going through a fangs and claws stage.

  He chuckled, Adam helping him ease a little. “That’ll have brought the tiger out in Lizzie, though, so it wouldn’t be all bad.”

  “Yeah. I wish they were in the same class. It would be good for both of them.”

  “Supposedly splitting them up is ‘good for them’.” Hutch snorted. Every kid was different, and he’d be willing to bet every set of twins were too. Lizzie and Felicia were just more easy in their skin when the other was with them.

  The bus rounded the corner and Hutch grinned, so glad they were coming home. He missed their little faces. And he needed to hear all about Darla’s first day in second grade, too. He needed his hugs and those little voices jabbering at him. He couldn’t wait to sit around the big kitchen table, sharing a snack with them. Hearing about their days, planning supper with Lizzie.

  The bus pulled up, the door opening. The little McAlister boys came out, then Sally Wright, then his littles.

  Lizzie came right to him, bouncing and waving a huge piece of construction paper. “I made you a macamaroni card!”

  Adam already had Felicia, who had a very similar piece of red paper in her hand.

  “A macaroni card for me?” Hutch gathered her up, hugging her tight and settling her on one hip while he took the card and oohed and aahed over the artwork. “This is great, thank you!”

  She kissed his cheek. “We read a book about monkeys and we played on the swings.”

  “So you had fun?” He caught sight of Darla out of the corner of his eyes and turned to her. Giving Lizzie her card back, he held his now free hand out to Darla. Darla took it, squeezed it.

  “Uh-huh. Sister is next door and we can have lunch together and have playtime together.”

  “Recess,” Darla corrected.

  “That works out nicely, doesn’t it?” He smiled down at Darla as they all headed back to the house. “How was the first day of second grade?”

  “Good. I won the math relay.” His brilliant girl.

  “You’re so smart! Adam, did you hear? Darla won the math relay.” He leaned over and kissed Felicia’s cheek, as they arrived at the house and headed up the drive.

  The girls continued to chatter, vying to tell him and Adam all about their days and Hutch had never enjoyed the sound more.

  Catching Adam’s gaze, he grinned. They had the best family ever, and it only got better every single day.

  He and Adam set the girls down and followed them home.



  Often referred to as “Space Cowboy” and “Gangsta of Love” while still striving for the moniker of “Maurice,” Sean Michael spends his days surfing, smutting, organizing his immense gourd collection and fantasizing about one day retiring on a small secluded island peopled entirely by horseshoe crabs. While collecting vast amounts of vintage gay pulp novels and mood rings, Sean whiles away the hours between dropping the f-bomb and pursuing the kama sutra by channeling the long lost spirit of John Wayne and singing along with the soundtrack to “Chicago.”

  A long-time writer of complicated haiku, currently Sean is attempting to learn the advanced arts of plate spinning and soap carving sex toys.

  Barring any of that? He’ll stick with writing his stories, thanks, and rubbing pretty bodies together to see if they spark.





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  A Family of His Own by Sean Michael

  And Manny Makes Seven by Sean Michael




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