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Breaking Away [Smoky Mountain Motorcycles] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 2

by Grae McTavish

  Danny’s knees grew weak at the idea of being over his lap. Oh, she was twisted, but she loved every debauched moment of it. Still, couldn’t let it be too easy. “Oh, and you think you have what it takes to put my mouth to use?”

  Stroking the thick ridge of his cock through his jeans, Gabe just gave her a wicked smile. “You know it, baby.”

  * * * *

  Willa double-checked the locks and turned the last light out before heading up the stairs. Her apartment was on the third floor of the old Victorian. A sound caught her ear as she walked past the Romance Suite. No! I did not hear what I thought I heard? But there it was again, the distinct sound of flesh smacking flesh, followed by a throaty female moan. Her mouth fell open, and heat rose in her cheeks. Good Lord, she felt like a deviant for eavesdropping, but she couldn’t seem to make her feet work. She’d never be able to look Danny and Gabe in the eye again, but oh my, the sounds seeping from their room were so sexy. She’d never dreamed that people did such things until Danny had shared a few books with her.

  Her eyes widened as there was a slight shuffling sound, then the moan was deeper, distinctly male. Her hand flew to her mouth, to smother her own moan. Scared of the unfamiliar desire coursing through her, she ran, hoping they couldn’t hear the pounding of her heart. It sounded thunderously loud, even to her own ears.

  Safely tucked away in her own room, she dove beneath the old quilt, burying her head in her pillow as she tried to calm herself. What was wrong with her? Danny and Gabe were her friends. Listening to them make love should not excite her.

  But the images were coming. In her mind, a dark faceless man forced her to her knees before him. He’d be dangerous, unlike her late husband, the only lover she’d ever had. The only thing dangerous about Reggie had been his partying. Reggie would certainly never have forced her to suck his cock. He had a mistress for that.

  No, her faceless lover would grab a fistful of her hair and make her swallow him down her throat, but he wouldn’t come, not yet. When she was ready to beg for it, he’d toss her onto the bed and spread her legs wide. Would he bury his face in her pussy or just shove himself inside her, balls deep?

  Willa bit her lip as a whimper threatened to escape. The idea of a big, beastly man hovering over her, stretching her, fucking her was enough to make the juices coat her thighs. Unable to resist, she slid her hand inside her plain white panties, feeling the moisture soak her fingers. She found the throbbing knot of her clit, stroking it, sending electric desire shooting through her body. Closing her eyes, she pictured him, big, tattooed, and hovering over her. His weight would press her down into the mattress. He’d smell like leather and the wind after a rainstorm, all male. She’d feel deliciously helpless, completely taken. He’d ride her hard, making her scream.

  Turning, she pressed her face into her pillow as her orgasm slammed into her. Her body shook as she arched off the bed. The walls of her pussy convulsed on emptiness.

  Shivering, she came back down. Sweet Jesus! she silently cried. She’d never come like that before. Hell, she’d rarely come at all, usually only in the shower with her special showerhead. How could some faceless man give her more pleasure than her late husband had ever dreamed of?

  Chapter Two

  Jake’s leg ached as he shifted gears. At least he could ride. For a while there, that had been touch and go. They hadn’t been sure how much damage the bullet had done to his leg, and no one could say for sure if he’d even walk again. He wasn’t ready to run any races yet, but it sure as hell felt good to be back out on his bike.

  He took another corner, enjoying the feeling of being one with the powerful machine under him. The guilt was quickly there on the pleasure’s heals. Maggie had loved to ride, too. It wasn’t fair that he was able to hop on his bike and ride whenever he wanted when Maggie would never ride again. Maggie was in a pine box.

  Distracted, he nearly ran off the road. The bike wobbled under him, and he nearly laid it down. Fuck! He pulled to the side of the road and forced several deep breaths into his shaking body. Shit! Get your head together! He cursed silently. He knew logically he wasn’t responsible for what had happened to his partner, but the guilt was always there, just below the surface. He’d failed her. Shaking his head, he forced his attention back to the road.

  Where the hell was he going anyway? He’d memorized the directions, and he was familiar with the area. Taking another deep breath, he shifted the bike into first gear and eased back onto the road. The Mountain Escape Inn was just a few miles up the road.

  * * * *

  The bed-and-breakfast was picturesque, even to Jake’s cynical view. Tucked amongst a lush green backdrop of the Great Smoky Mountains, it was situated partially up the side of a hill. The view from the wraparound front porch must be astounding. As he drew closer, though, he could see what Gabe was talking about. The picturesque inn was showing its age.

  He brought his bike to a halt on the gravel drive. Stretching his big body, he set his helmet aside. He peeled off his leather jacket, and stretched his broad shoulders. Physically he was probably in the best shape of his life. He’d spent hours in the gym, working out until he was numb to the guilt, however, mentally, not so much. He knew everyone was worried about him. He wished they’d just leave him be. He’d work through things in his own time. He had jumped at this chance to help a sweet old widow. It got him away from his well-meaning but smothering friends.

  Keeping the job at hand in mind, he looked over the inn with a critical eye. The shutter on the far left window was loose, hanging slightly crooked. The driveway could use a good edging, but otherwise, the landscaping was beautiful. The flower beds were well kept and overflowing with blossoms. The tin roof could use a fresh coat of paint. Continuing around the side of the house, he eyed the small barn to the left of the main house. It appeared pretty solid, but could use a fresh coat of paint as well.

  As he came around the back of the house, the deep rhythmic thump of music reached his ears. ZZ Top’s “Tush” blared out of a tiny pair of pink speakers attached to an equally pink iPod. It took him a moment to notice the figure kneeling in the flower bed, but when he did, he stopped dead in his tracks. The most gorgeous round ass he’d ever had the pleasure of seeing bobbed back and forth to the deep sexy beat of the music. Fuck! Who was that? This was not a sweet little old lady as he’d been led to believe. He was going to kick Gabe’s ass.

  She was on her hands and knees, weeding the lush flower bed, wearing a worn pair of cut-off jeans and pink tank top. She had hair as rich a shade of red as the roses she was carefully tending. He stood transfixed for a long moment just drinking in the sight. As ZZ Top sang about looking for some “Tush,” Jake wanted to tell them that he’d found a perfect example right here.

  Something must have finally alerted her to his presence. Maybe the big shadow he cast? She froze and then spun, letting out a startled screech as she caught sight of him. Her deep-green eyes grew wide, and she tumbled back into the flower bed with a soft “umf.” Her breath heaved in fright, causing her breasts to juggle. His eyes glued to them for several seconds before returning to her face. He was a man, after all, and her nipples had hardened right before his eyes. He had the insane urge to suck those hard little points into his mouth, though that would have undoubtedly gotten him slapped, if not arrested. Still, something else flared in her eyes, and he noted the lush red of her hair set off her eyes to perfection. The fear was still there, but underneath he saw something else. Interest? No way!

  “Uhh…” she bleated, as if not sure what to say. It flashed through his mind how he must look to her. At six feet six, he towered over nearly everyone, and from this position, he must look like a giant. On top of that, he’d dressed for riding, not impressing. His jeans were faded and ripped at the knees. His heavy black boots were scuffed, and heavy chains circled both ankles, to protect the joints. It was a warm day, so he’d opted for a button-up shirt with the sleeves ripped out, unintentionally showing off his bulging biceps. His dark
-auburn hair was held out of his face with a do-rag complete with sculls. Damn, he must look like the Second Coming of the Hell’s Angels. At least she couldn’t see the Glock 9mm he kept tucked in an ankle holster at all times. It wasn’t his officially issued ordinance, but his concealed weapon permit allowed him to carry it. He’d made too many enemies over the years not to, and he never went out without it.

  Putting his hands out in a calming gesture, he blurted the first thing that came to his mind. “Gabe sent me.”

  A smile broke over her beautiful face. “You must be Jake.”

  He nodded, feeling suddenly tongue-tied. Maybe he’d been undercover too long. He didn’t have a clue what to say to a decent woman. His manners kicked in though, and he extended his hand to help her to her feet. His mama would have his hide for acting anything less than a gentleman.

  She shucked her dirty gardening gloves and accepted his hand. Electricity sizzled through them at the contact. Her eyes flared, and he definitely saw something other than fear this time. Well, hot damn! Down, boy! This kind of classy lady isn’t going to dirty her hands with the likes of you. Still, there was no way to miss the interest she didn’t seem to know how to hide. He was pleased to note, though, that she actually came up to his shoulder, making her at least five feet ten. Some women made him feel like a Neanderthal. He’d actually gone out with one lady that had come just above his belly button. Raunchy jokes aside, he’d felt like a dirty old man taking out a little girl. He wanted a real woman that fit in his arms, not someone he felt the urge to buy candy for.

  “Um, Gabe said you needed help.” Way to go, Lawson, impress her with your quick wit, telling her what you’ve already established.

  Smiling, she nodded, not seeming to notice his tongue-tied state. “Yes. I’m Willa Montgomery, and I am so glad to see you. The list of things that need fixing keeps growing, but I have to say, you don’t seem to be getting the best end of this deal. I mean, I’m going to be fixing meals regardless, and I’ve got the empty room. Are you sure I can’t pay you a little something?”

  Jake shook his head. He knew she couldn’t afford to pay anything, and it wasn’t like he needed it. He’d put his cousin Bo in charge of his money while he was undercover, and the little shit had had the audacity to make him a fortune. Who’d have thought one year’s crappy salary could be made into several million in such a slack economy. “No, ma’am. You’re doing me a favor. I need a place to crash for a while, and fixing a few things seems like a pretty small price to pay. You throw in meals, and I think I’m getting the better end of the deal, especially if you’re as good of a cook as my friends keep bragging.”

  A blush spread across her cheeks. “Well, I don’t know that it’s all that, but it will fill your belly.” Apparently eager to get the subject off of herself, she turned toward the house. “If you’ll follow me, I’ll show you where your room is.”

  Jake felt his cock twitch with interest at the seductive sway of her cute little ass. Down, boy! he told himself again. He was pretty sure she wasn’t even aware she was doing it. Turning his attention to the rear of the house, Jake noted several other fixes he needed to see to. The old barbeque pit looked to have a few stones coming loose. He flexed his shoulders, eager to get started and feel useful again.

  He followed her into the house. Stopping in the mudroom, she pointed to an ancient toolbox sitting on one of the shelves. “That’s all the tools I have, so hopefully you’ll find everything you need there. If not, let me know and we can make a trip into town and pick up whatever you need. We’ll probably need some things anyway. My truck’s in the barn, and the keys are hanging on a hook just inside the kitchen. Take it whenever you need. You can park your bike there, too, keep it out of the weather.”

  “Thanks. I’ll take a look around and see what I need. I’m sure I can borrow a lot of what I need from friends.” If he couldn’t, he’d slip off and buy it. He didn’t want to put her out any more than he had to.

  She nodded, accepting this. Leading him on, they entered the kitchen. This room, at least, was state of the art. “I had the kitchen completely redone right after I moved in. I probably spent far more than I should have, but I figured a bed-and-breakfast survives on its reputation for good food. Unfortunately, it took most of my savings.”

  “I guess I can see that as a good investment though.” Jake nodded, not sure what else to say. He liked how her face had seemed to light up when she entered this room though. He knew right away cooking was her passion. He wondered if she would be as passionate in bed. God, he hoped so. He wasn’t sure when he’d made up his mind she was going to end up in his bed, but he knew it was a forgone conclusion. He wanted those long, gorgeous legs wrapped around his waist, or those plump, pink lips wrapped around his dick, or both. He wanted that sweet pink blush on her cheeks to be a flush of desire, his name ringing out in her soft breathless voice. He’d bet she was a screamer. The quiet ones were. He liked that image, so prim and proper to the outside world, but a wildcat behind closed doors. She would be his little wildcat. He wasn’t as kinky as some of his friends, but his size and personality made him naturally dominant. Their bed play wouldn’t be boring, that was for sure.

  “Um….” She cleared her throat, pulling him out of his lecherous ponderings. He realized he’d followed her up two flights of stairs. She was staring at him with a confused look on her face.

  “Sorry,” he mumbled, and it was his turn to blush. He was pretty sure every deviant thought was written all over his face, but thankfully, she didn’t seem to realize it despite the fact that he’d just been staring at her ass. He wondered briefly just how innocent she was. Gabe had said she was a widow, but damned if she didn’t blush as much as any virgin he’d ever met. Not that he had a lot of experience with those. They tended to run in the opposite direction from him. No surprise there. He was big and scary all over.

  “Anyway, um, as I was saying, the third floor is the residents’ and staff quarters. My room is at the end of the hall.” She pointed before turning to the doorway next to where they stood. “Here’s your room.” She opened the door then paused. “Oh man, I’m sorry, I’m not sure if this will work.” She stepped back, and he saw what she was talking about. The bed was a narrow twin that didn’t look nearly big enough to fit his large frame.

  Laughing, he shrugged. “I’ve fit in smaller.” A crappy hospital bed came to mind. “I’ll be fine, really.”

  “If you’re sure.” She shrugged, unconvinced. The room was big enough to hold a larger bed if he changed his mind. She crossed the room to open a door on the far wall. “This is the bathroom, but there’s no telling how long it’s been since it was used. You might want to make that one of your first projects. In the meantime, you can use mine. Just give a knock, or if I’m not there, go on in.”

  “I’m sure I’ll be fine,” he replied, though if he had his way, he’d be moving his things into her room soon. He’d always been fairly choosy when it came to his bed partners, but when he knew, he knew. And with Willa, he knew.

  * * * *

  Willa tried to force a deep breath into her lungs as she stirred the heavy sweet cream into the mushroom soup she was preparing. Tonight’s menu consisted of cream of mushroom soup with sautéed pine nuts, broiled fresh rainbow trout, and green beans almandine, with jasmine rice. Thankfully, she had been blessedly alone for the last two hours so she could concentrate on the meal or they’d be eating a frozen pizza. How could one man put her world so completely off-center? And she was fairly certain he had no clue he was doing it. Her mind had been working overtime. The fantasies had been rolling through her like a twenty-four-hour-a-day subscription to some porn channel.

  From the moment she’d looked up at him from her ungraceful sprawl in the flower bed, it was as if the dark dangerous lover from her dreams had been brought to life. She had actually had to go to her room and change her panties after leaving him to bring his things into his room. She’d been so wet it had even coated her thighs. How pathetic w
as that? As if a man like that would be interested in a little wallflower like her. At least she didn’t feel like she towered over him. That was a nice change. She’d been able to look her late husband in the eye even in her sock feet, and on more than one occasion, she’d actually had to look down at her date. With Jake, she could wear the indecently high heels hidden in the back of her closet and not have to worry about feeling like an Amazon.

  That didn’t mean being so close to him was going to be any easier, just the opposite. The fact that they would match up physically so well would just make her burn all the hotter. A man like that was probably used to sexy, confident women. She wouldn’t know what to do with him if she could manage to attract him. Well, okay, thanks to the books she’d been reading lately, she knew, but she had no practical experience. Oh, but how much fun would it be to practice with him?

  The sound of movement in the mudroom caught her attention. She looked up to see the object of her new obsession came strolling in. She turned bright pink as if he could read her mind. She silently prayed for the floor to open up and swallow her. Her naughty thoughts must be written all over her face. Looking back down, she gave the soup far more attention than it needed.

  He’d clanked around in the old bathroom for a few minutes after she’d left him earlier, before coming downstairs. He told her he was heading to the hardware store. She’d tried to give him her credit card, but he’d told her he’d just save his receipts.

  “Yumm! Something smells good.”


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