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Breaking Away [Smoky Mountain Motorcycles] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 3

by Grae McTavish

  He groaned as he inhaled deeply. Turning toward him, it was her turn to groan. Or at least she wanted to. He’d pulled off his long black leather duster and hung it on a hook, just inside the mudroom.

  She’d heard when he pulled up. The deep rumble of his motorcycle was unmistakable. He’d pulled it into the barn, parking it alongside her truck. It just felt right having him here, and it took all her restraint to not greet him with a kiss. She’d never greeted her husband with a kiss, so why would she greet this man, a virtual stranger with a kiss? Because she knew he would insist on it. He was the type of man that would demand affection.

  Forcing a smile to her face, she turned to greet him. “You’re just in time. Supper will be ready in a few minutes. We only have three guests tonight, so it will be intimate. I hope you like fish.”

  “Fish is good. Heck, whatever you’re making smells wonderful. I’ll take it.”

  “Don’t forget to give me your receipt from the hardware store,” she added, trying to remain professional.

  Shrugging, he held up a little bag. “Don’t worry about it. It was just a few washers.”

  He left to go upstairs and get cleaned up, and she was proud of herself for not blathering like an idiot.

  * * * *

  Willa set the steaming bowls of soup in front of her first guest, wondering where Jake was. She’d expected him to come right back down.

  “Did I hear a motorcycle earlier?” the professor asked in his normal nasally tone. She’d learned long ago that he wasn’t being snobby. It was just the way he talked. She’d had several bikers stay with her over the last few months, and he’d surprised her by how open he’d been. He and Gabe had spent hours debating the legal system, Gabe being a lawyer.

  Willa chuckled at his eagerness. “You sure did. That would be my new maintenance man. He should be down any minute now.”

  The other pair of guests was a young newlywed couple. They barely noticed anyone other than themselves, so she discreetly set their soups down at their table before heading back into the kitchen. The professor wouldn’t get any conversation from them. In the kitchen, she stopped, surprised to see Jake seated at the counter enjoying a bowl of soup.

  “I hope it was okay for me to help myself. It smelled so good I couldn’t resist.” He gave her a sheepish grin, and she felt her knees grow weak.

  “Well, yes, that’s fine, but why didn’t you sit in the dining room with everyone else?” She was proud of herself for how calm she sounded.

  “I didn’t figure your guests would take too kindly to someone who looks like me.” He glanced down with a grimace on his face. He had changed into a plain black T-shirt and jeans without holes, but that was the extent of his formal dinner attire.

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” But she knew if it was some of the other guests she’d had, he might have been right. Some people were idiots. She could just imagine how her family would react to him.

  “Don’t be naive.” He shrugged. “I’m used to it. My own family doesn’t like to be seen with me.” And with that, she had the urge to find his family and give them a hard smack.

  “Well, as long as you’re here, no one better disrespect you.” She didn’t know why she felt the need to defend him. It wasn’t like he needed anyone to defend him. She was certain he was more than capable of defending himself.

  “Easy, tiger.” His expression actually seemed amused. “I appreciate the sentiment, but I know how I look, the tattoos and all. Looking like this kept me alive the last few years. I’m okay with it.”

  She felt herself blush at his endearment as their eyes locked. His were such a mysterious gray. She imagined they turned dark silver when he was angry. Would they turn stormy when he was turned on?

  Forcing her attention back to the meal, she began to artfully arrange the food onto the plates. “Ah, well, it’s okay tonight. I have a pair of newlyweds tonight, and trust me, I could serve dinner naked, and they wouldn’t notice. The other guest is the professor, and he is very down-to-earth, despite how he looks. Come on.”

  “Huh?” He stared at her with eyes that had indeed turned storm gray. He gave her a dark grin. “Sorry, I didn’t hear anything past you being naked. If that’s an option, can I vote for that?” He paused as if considering. “Though if we have guest, never mind. I don’t think that’s a view I’d like to share.”

  Willa stared. There was no other word for it. Had he said what she just thought he’d said? “Uh…” Words failed her.

  “Well, you brought it up. I mean come on. I’m only a man, honey. A beautiful women mentions walking around naked, and how am I supposed to react?” He glanced down at the not-so-subtle bulge in his faded jeans.

  Her cheeks heated in a blush, and she murmured a quick, “Thank you.”

  “Thank you?” he questioned.

  “For saying I’m pretty,” she explained, chewing her lip nervously.

  “You’re not pretty. You’re beautiful,” he said, coming to his feet to stand in front of her. “And you have to know it.”

  She didn’t, and it was really nice hearing it. Rather than respond, she scooped up the tray with the plates and headed for the dining room.

  Jake held the door for her before following her with his own bowl of soup. He eyed the guests suspiciously. She was right. The newlyweds didn’t even look up. The other guest, the one she called “the professor,” immediately let his eyes roam over him. Jake stilled, as if waiting for the condemnation or disgust to appear, but instead a wide smile split the man’s rather rodent-like face.

  “Excellent, company. Please sit, young man.” He actually pushed the chair next to him out for Jake to join him.

  Shock appeared on Jake’s face, but he took the seat. She sent him a reassuring smile as she served everyone the main course, including him. She placed their empty soup bowls on her tray before returning to the kitchen with a smile lifting her lips.

  In the kitchen, she breathed deeply and tried to force herself to calm down. At least if the professor kept him entertained, she wouldn’t have a chance to make any more of a fool of herself. Of course, the night was still young.

  The professor was giving a lively description of his latest research article when she reentered with dessert twenty minutes later. Dessert was simple tonight with homemade lemon pound cake and a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

  As she set his plate in front of him, Jake gently caught her by the wrist. “When do you eat?”

  The professor let out an uncharacteristic snort. “She eats after everyone else has. She’s hardheaded that way, despite the fact that we’ve told her over and over again to join us.”

  “You’re my guest,” she protested.

  “And you’re my boss, so you shouldn’t be serving me,” Jake countered.

  “Thank you,” the professor seconded.

  “But…” she protested.

  “Really, join us.” This came from the newlyweds, who’d managed to pull themselves away from each other.

  She shot Jake a dirty look. He was completely upsetting the order of things. This was her business. Just wait till she got him alone.

  She’d let him know just how out of line he was.

  Chapter Three

  Willa was loading the last of the dishes into the dishwasher just as Jake reentered the kitchen. He’d been up in the old bathroom tinkering for the last hour while she’d prepped everything for tomorrow’s breakfast. She’d explained that her day started early, so prepping everything the night before always helped.

  She spun to face him, and he noted that she’d put a stern look on her face. He realized she was trying to appear intimidating. “We need to talk. Sit,” she ordered imperiously, pointing to one of the seats at the counter.

  Raising an eyebrow, he dropped into the seat. Very few people had the nerve to talk to him like that, but he’d see where she was heading.

  “I can’t have you contradicting me in front of the guests. I have a business to run, and you have to realize there is a certa
in order here.” He could tell she was doing her best to appear hard-nosed, and he had to fight to keep the smile off his face. She was such a feisty little thing, but the way she chewed her bottom lip betrayed her nerves. He’d spent too many years with his life depending on his ability to read people. He’d never expected to use this ability for something so wonderful as getting to know an incredible women like Willa.

  “And me telling you to eat upsets that order?” he asked. If she thought he’d sit back and let her neglect herself, she was in for a rude awakening.

  “Exactly.” She smiled, as if pleased with herself for her businesslike demeanor.

  “Well, I’m afraid it’s just going to have to be upset,” he countered calmly.

  “Excuse me?” Her mouth was hanging open, and the image of putting that cute little mouth to work flashed before his eyes, again. That would probably be coming on a little strong, so he forced himself to take things slow.

  “Look, I don’t know what type of men you’re used to dealing with, but that’s not how it’s going to work with me.” He stood and slowly walked to stand in front of her.

  “But…” she stammered, taking a step back.

  “But nothing. As long as I’m around, you’re going to take care of yourself.”

  “Well, um….” She was trying so hard to keep the strict look on her face, but the tremble in her voice gave her away. “Well, you don’t have to work here.”

  “Oh, I think you need me here, just as much as I need to be here.” He hadn’t felt this good in months.

  “Jake, that’s ridiculous. You just got here today.” She shook her head, as if trying to fight the obvious. The bright kitchen lights caught the fiery crimson of her hair, and he had to fight the urge to reach out and see if it was as warm and luscious as she was.

  He sighed and moved to sit back down. “I know Gabe told you I have some baggage. Let’s not pretend he didn’t.” He paused, rubbing his aching leg and trying to decide how much to tell her. Probably wouldn’t make her too happy to know she had a nut-job living under her roof, so he decided to play it safe. “This is the most useful I’ve felt in a long time. I’m not going to give that up.” And he wasn’t about to give her up. Being with her made the guilt go away. He didn’t pretend to understand it. He just knew that she was the warm, safe place he’d been looking for long before he was shot.

  “And I’m glad. It’s nice not being terrified that something is going to go kaboom, and I won’t have any clue of how to fix it, but that doesn’t mean you can just take over.” She actually rested a hand on the sexy curve of her hip, and he wanted to groan and laugh at the same time. Only she could make a word like kaboom sound sexy.

  He jumped up and began pacing, ignoring the slight limp. He couldn’t just blurt out he’d decided to keep her. Well, he supposed technically, since this was her place, he’d decided to stay, but either way, she was his. She’d think he was nuts, and hell, she’d probably be right. He couldn’t explain it either. There wasn’t a rhyme or reason to it.

  She interrupted his pacing by stamping her foot. “Jake, I’m serious! You can’t just come in here and announce yourself my keeper.” She wrung her hands in frustration.

  He stopped in front of her, looking down into her flushed face. “Can’t I? When was the last time anyone looked after you?”

  “I don’t need anyone to look after me!” she replied stubbornly, her long legs braced wide like she was prepared for a fight, and he was more than happy to give it to her.

  “You might not need it, but you got it.” He moved to stand toe to toe with her.” Like I said, I don’t know what kind of men you’re used to dealing with, but I’m a man’s man, and that means I take care of my women.”

  “I’m not your woman!”

  “You wanna make a bet?”

  He hauled her close, and before she could even utter a squeak of protest, he covered her mouth with his. He tangled his hands in her glorious crimson hair. She froze for a minute in shock, and he half expected her to knee him in the nuts, which he figured was no more than he deserved. But instead she gave a little whimper of surrender before winding her arms around his neck. He felt her go up on her tiptoes to give him better access to her mouth. Her tongue slid out to tentatively meet his. It was all the encouragement he needed. A deep, satisfied growl rumbled up from his throat at her surrender. He caught the soft, round curve of her bottom in his hands. He lifted her up, grinding his rock-hard erection against her. It wasn’t nearly enough.

  Drawing back, he ordered gruffly, “Put your legs around my waist.”

  “No, Jake, I’m too big, and your leg—”

  “My leg’s not what aches right now, woman,” he snarled, hearing the anger in his voice but not caring. He didn’t need her pity. “Do what I said, now.” His leg might hurt, but it was strong and would hold.

  She stilled, and he was afraid he’d gone too far, but then she forced a shaking breath in and complied. She’d changed into a soft knee-length skirt before dinner, and it now bunched around her waist. He could feel the damp heat coming off her panties as he ground himself against her. She wasn’t put off by his high-handedness, just the opposite apparently.

  “Oh God, Jake, I need…” Her gasp filled his ears as the ridge of his cock met the hot numb of her clit.

  “I’ve got you, baby,” he crooned. Propping her on the edge of the counter, he slid his hand in between them, nudging the soft cotton of her panties aside. “Damn, you’re so wet!”

  “Sorry,” she mumbled, obviously embarrassed. She tried to pull away, but he held her to him with easy strength.

  “Sorry? Fuck, darling, don’t be sorry. It’s hot as hell knowing you’re as turned on as I am.”

  She let out a throaty laugh. “I doubt anyone could possibly be as turned on as I am right this minute. Sorry, it’s been awhile.”

  “Same here. We’ll take care of each other.” He scooped her back up into his arms, loving how she automatically wrapped herself around him.

  * * * *

  Willa forced her head up from where she’d buried it in the crook of his neck. “Wait, I need to check and make sure everything’s locked up.”

  “Did it earlier. Only thing we need to do right now is find a bed.”

  Willa wanted to shout for joy. He was everything she’d ever dreamed of in a lover, and they hadn’t even made it to bed. She knew the feminist in her should be appalled in his chauvinistic, macho attitude, but how could she when it turned her on so damn much? One thought niggled at the back of her mind, marring the perfection she was feeling. Would he be disappointed? Reggie always had been. She’d always been too tall, her boobs too big, hips too round. He’d said she lacked imagination, but when she’d tried to spice things up, he’d laughed and said that wives didn’t do those things. That was why men kept mistresses. She’d kicked him out of their bed, and he’d never tried to come back. Six months later, he’d wrapped his fancy sports car around a tree going seventy miles an hour. That was one thing Daddy’s money couldn’t buy him out of.

  It hadn’t been that big a deal, disappointing Reggie. Sure, it had hurt, but you couldn’t disappoint someone who was so disappointing. Disappointing Jake was another matter altogether. He was her dream lover.

  He paused at the door to her bedroom, as if sensing her churning thoughts. “We don’t have to do this,” he whispered softly. “I know I’m not exactly Mr. Smooth.”

  “No!” She’d die if he changed his mind. “It’s just…” How did she put it into words? It was so embarrassing.

  He shouldered the door open and softly kicked it shut. She let her gaze sweep her room. It was her private haven. Decorated in shabby chic, it wasn’t perfectly neat, rather slightly cluttered, but warm and lived-in. The bed was her big splurge on herself. When she’d moved out of the condo she’d shared with Reggie, she’d left nearly everything. The only thing she’d kept was the antique jewelry box that had been his last gift to her. It wasn’t that she had a sentimental attachmen
t to it, just that she really liked it. It fit the rest of the shabby-chic décor and helped make it the heavenly retreat she’d always dreamed of. The bedroom furniture that now graced her room had only been slept in by her. The bed was a decadent king-sized sleigh bed in a deep-red cherry finish. It had seemed like a silly purchase at the time, such a large bed for just her, but not now. Somehow it just felt right having Jake here. He was a sharp contrast to the feminine atmosphere. He was all hot, ready male. He was perfect.

  He paused, just inside the door. “Baby, you need to speak now, ’cause as soon as I get you in that bed, you’re going to be in for a rough ride.”

  Willa felt her breath hitch at the gruffness of his voice. To hell with it, she told herself. Even if she did disappoint him, at least she’d have tonight. She leaned in and playfully nipped the throbbing pulse at the base of his neck. “I’m counting on it.”

  His grin was wicked. There was no other way to describe it. “Oh, baby, I’m going to bang you like a drum.” She knew the line should sound cliché, but coming from him, she knew he meant it.

  They fell onto the bed, his massive frame making her feel small. He propped himself up on one elbow and lowered his mouth to take hers. Nipping at her bottom lip, he sucked it gently between his before laving the sting with his tongue. He ate at her mouth, and then drew it in a scorching kiss, his lips possessed hers. His teeth caught her tongue, and she wondered how something as simple as a kiss could enslave so completely, but then there was nothing simple about his kiss.

  Willa grabbed fistfuls of his shirt as he overwhelmed her. She wanted to feel skin and see more of the tattoos that covered his arms. Sensing her need, he sat back long enough to yank the shirt over his head and toss it aside. He pulled her up with him, and the silk blouse she’d worn went flying across the room to land next to his shirt. His fingers made quick work of her bra, and it went flying as well.

  “Fuck yeah! I knew these would be beautiful!” he said as his hands caught her breasts and kneaded them together.


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