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The Grass Could Be Greener

Page 5

by Constance Masters

  “Okay,” she said. Seemed like a pretty short school day to her. When she was at school she had to stay there all day.

  “Sarah usually does the laundry first up on Monday. The kids will strip the bedclothes from their beds when you wake them.”

  Jamie was dumbfounded.

  “There’s instructions for how to wash and dry them in the manual.”

  “Of course there is,” she muttered with a roll of her eyes. She bet there were instructions for putting clean sheets back on too.

  “I saw that,” he said. “Sarah left thorough instructions to make things easier for you, as much as for us. She didn’t want you to feel overwhelmed or not know what to do. The kids will help to put clean sheets back on their beds when they’re finished with their school work.”

  “I know,” Jamie said, flipping Joe’s toast onto a plate that she’d loaded with eggs. “Eggs, because it’s Monday.”

  “Thank you,” he said with a smile as he took the plate.

  “Couldn’t have anyone spontaneously combusting because I made oatmeal on the wrong day.” She jumped and yelped as a line of fire burst across her jean-clad bottom.

  Joe raised both the wooden spoon he’d just clapped off Jamie’s bottom and his eyebrows as the disgruntled young woman swung around to face him with murder in her eyes.

  “I warned you,” he said with amazing calm. “I won’t tolerate your attitude.”

  “I - you can’t smack me with that thing!” Jamie said, hating herself as much as him for sounding so childish and ineffective. She didn’t want to sound immature or even worse, submissive. She wanted to sound outraged, which was what she felt.

  “I believe I just did. I’ve told you over and over to can the attitude. I don’t want my kids to witness your disrespect. If you continue to disrespect me, I will spank you and it won’t just be a few swats.”

  “Are you threatening to spank me for having a different personality type to your saintly wife?”

  “While you’re in in my home, you’ll speak to me with the same common decency that I expect my wife is showing your husband and for the record? I don’t threaten,” he said. “Now I think it’s time you woke up the children.”

  “What about you respecting me?” she said, refusing to let him have the final word.

  “I haven’t disrespected you and I wouldn’t. Just act the part of my wife as you agreed to for the first week and we won’t have any trouble.”

  Jamie pressed her lips into a thin line and marched up to Joe with her hands on her hips trying to portray a fearlessness that she definitely wasn’t feeling. “I don’t ever want you to spank me again.”

  “Well good. I’m glad to see we’re on the same page and you’re willing to cooperate and do as you’re told.”

  “You are impossible!” she said, stomping her foot.

  “The children?” he said. “It’s getting late.”


  Sarah brushed away the annoying tears that just wouldn’t stop. Lucky she was an early riser or she would have been hours late. As it was, she still had quite a while until she had to leave for Jamie’s job. She’d showered and dressed in one of her better outfits she’d brought from home for the purpose of going to work. The guidelines she’d been sent suggested that she be prepared for any outcome.

  When she’d lovingly packed the simple blouses and skirts that she wore to church, she felt that they’d satisfy if she ended up having to go to work. Now she was feeling completely unsure of herself. At home, no one judged her for how she looked. Joe loved the way she dressed and the children only saw their Mom. The people at this magazine were real people. They’d be wearing the latest fashions after they’d been on the newest diet. The thought of being sent back into the world where everyone was young and beautiful was terrifying her. She didn’t even wear makeup at home.

  Sarah chided herself for her self-doubt, though it was hard. The face that looked back at her from the mirror was not any kind of businesswoman. She was a housewife dressed for church who was wearing too much makeup – makeup that was running down her face with big fat insecure hot tears. If Joe were here, he would have spanked her good for second-guessing herself this way. Then he would have hugged her, made her feel beautiful and he would have made her wash her face and choose an outfit. She missed him so much. This wasn’t the first time in her life she’d felt insecure about her weight. After she’d given birth to Hannah, she’d held onto some baby weight for longer than usual. She’d been so down and he’d been her strength, as always. She wiped away the running eye makeup and her mind drifted back to that day...

  “Are you sure they’re all asleep?” she asked from the corner.

  “Positive.” came the answer. “Now hush.”

  “Even Zeke and Josie?”

  “All of them, Sarah. Now HUSH.”

  “Can I please at least put on a T–shirt or something?”

  A sudden burst of stinging heat on each cheek answered her question but a negative response followed anyway. “No.”

  She sniffled as the tears that so far were unshed escaped and ran down her flushed cheeks. It was ironic really. She was in the corner, in trouble and naked for lying about being sick because she had nothing to wear to church that wasn’t maternity wear because she was still so fat! So he made her stand in the corner wearing nothing. Near a mirror. It was torture. She closed her eyes and tried not to watch herself in the full-length looking glass that was mocking her. Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the fattest of them all, she pouted and Joe took her arm and frog marched her to the bed.

  “Why are you in trouble?” he asked his face grim.

  “I lied,” she said looking him straight in the eye.

  “Why would you lie? “

  “You know why.”

  “If I ask you a question, it’s because I want to hear you answer it.”

  “Nothing fits me! I hate still having to wear maternity dresses to church.”

  “Why on earth didn’t you tell me that you needed clothes?”

  “I just couldn’t. I couldn’t say to you that I was so fat that I had nothing to wear. I don’t even want bigger clothes! I just want to fit into my old clothes.”

  “You can say anything to me,” Joe said with a thread of emotion cutting into his normally clear voice.

  “I know,” she said. The hurt in his voice was making her feel terrible.

  “What you can’t do is lie about it.”

  Joe pulled her over his knee and brought his hand down sharply in a fluid movement, first to one cheek and then to the other. “If you need something, you have to say!”

  “I’m sorry!” she wailed mortified that he was staring at the very object of her displeasure, her fat bottom. She could only imagine how it wiggled and wobbled like a jello mould at Thanksgiving. It’d be the colour of cranberry jello by the time he was finished with it. “Yeow, Joe, it hurts!”

  “There is no reason you have to pretend you’re sick to get out of church!” Several more hard smacks landed on the wiggling target.

  “Stop, Joe, please!” she said, kicking her legs wildly in a vain attempt to get away from that punishing hand.

  “We have to trust each other,” he lectured, punctuating each word with a sharp whack to each thigh.

  “I will, Joe, please!” she said “Please.”

  “I love the way you look!” he said, before covering her entire rear end one more time with a myriad of spanks. Finally he stood her before him. “Always.”

  “I’m so sorry, Joe,” she said. “I do trust you.”

  “Good,” he said. “Now I’m going to show you what I see when I look at you.”

  She winced slightly as he led her over to the mirror. “Do we have to do it here?” she asked.

  “Yes,” he said, tapping her already sore bottom.

  “Ow,” she whined. “I was just asking.”

  Positioned in front of the mirror with Joe behind her, Sarah did her best to look at herself, but it wasn’
t easy. She smiled when he ran both hands down her shiny locks. “I love your hair,” he said, pulling his fingertips down a long strand, straightening the curl as he went until finally he came to the ends just above her warm just spanked bottom.

  The adoring treatment of her hair with the loving look he gave her melted her enough that when his hands move back up to her face she was relaxed enough to listen.

  “These tiny creases here and here?” he said, touching the small lines near her eyes and mouth with a feather-like touch, “are there because you smile. A lot. You smile at your children when you’re teaching them, when you’re listening to them and laughing.”

  “Oh Joe,” she said, but the hands had moved down her neck and settled to cup each breast.

  “I love these breasts. Warm and full. I love the way your nipples still harden like this.” He pinched the hardened nubs lightly. “When you’re aroused.”

  “Joe!” she said, blushing furiously.

  He smiled widely. “I love that you still flush with embarrassment at the slightest little thing.” His hands trailed down her belly, stopping to cradle her soft flesh. “This is where our babies grew, safe and warm in their mother’s body. You grew four whole human beings in here.”

  “They’re not in there anymore, Joe,” she said, jumping as his hand clapped off her bottom renewing the sting that had just started to fade.

  “I love to feel your curves,” he said, the tips of his fingers gliding from the gentle swell of her belly to tug at the neat line of curls on the delicate skin of her mons. He parted her lips and his fingers dipped inside her. “And this, always so wet and welcoming.”

  “Joe,” she said, her breath hitching as he delved deeper within her folds.

  “I love to lose myself in here,” he said, twirling his finger before suddenly retrieving it and turning her around. “Look over your shoulder.”

  “Please, Joe. I don’t want to,” she pleaded.

  “Do as your told.”

  She turned and said nothing as he traced the deep ridge of her spine until he reached her bottom. “No,” she said as his finger slid between her round cheeks.

  “You don’t like me to touch you here?” he asked. When she didn’t answer, he added, “Don’t lie.”

  “I don’t want to watch,” she almost whispered.

  “It’s beautiful,” he said, rubbing each cheek as though he could erase the pink handprints that decorated it. He tapped each cheek several times. “This is what I see, Sarah, and it’s beautiful.”

  She looked, but not at her freshly spanked behind, or the fingers that were exploring it. Her eyes were drawn to her husband’s reflection in the mirror. The thing that she focused on was her husband’s face. All she saw there was love and true admiration. That was all that mattered.

  Until now. Joe could always make her feel good about herself. From that day, he always made sure she had clothes to wear to church. They hadn’t been expensive clothes but they were nice, she’d liked them, she felt nice in them until now. Unfortunately, Joe wasn’t here to reassure her.

  She smoothed down the blouse and undid another button at the neck and then took a deep breath. It was still a chain store outfit with discount shoes, but if she was good enough inside and out of this outfit for Joe then it would have to be good enough for the rest of the world.

  “Here goes,” she said.


  “Good morning, Sarah,” Caroline said, as she spoon-fed oatmeal into each of the girls mouths.

  “Morning, Caroline,” she said. After having a quick look around for Jeremy, she whispered. “Do you think I look okay?”

  “You look lovely,” the older lady answered quietly.

  “Thank you,” she mouthed. “Good morning, Sophie. Good morning, Poppy,” she said happily.

  “Morning,” Sophie gabbled around a mouthful of her breakfast.

  “Hi, hi,” Poppy said with a wave.

  “Do you always feed them?” she asked Caroline curiously.

  Caroline rolled her eyes. “I know what you’re thinking, but Jamie likes it done this way.”

  “Oh,” Sarah said, trying to keep her disapproval to herself.

  “I know. They’re not babies. At least...” she indicated a discrete finger towards Sophie, “someone isn’t.”

  “Hmmm. What does Jeremy have to say about it?” she mouthed.

  “It’s okay. He’s gone to work. He had a house to show early,” she said. “I think he would agree but he doesn’t like to make more waves than there already are.”

  “I see,” Sarah said. There was a beep at the front of the house and her eyes widened. “I think that car’s for me. Wish me luck.”

  “You’ll be fine,” Caroline said. “Hopefully we’ll have a chance to chat when you get home.”


  Jamie stood in the backyard glaring at the umbrella style outdoor line. “What are these people?” she asked nobody as she tried for the umpteenth time to sling a large wet sheet over the moving target.

  “Should I start looking for the cow to milk?”

  “My mom thinks the sheets smell better when they’re dried by the sun,” Josie said. “If you wind the handle like this the line comes down as far as it can and it won’t spin.”

  “Oh. I’m sorry, honey. I guess I’m just not used to all this.”

  “I know. I saw you wrestling the sheets through the window. That’s why I thought you might like some help.”

  “Thanks,” Jamie said. She watched the red–headed little girl and was touched by her kindness and thoughtfulness but at the same time wished that her life were easier. A pretty little thing like this should be more concerned with chatting with her friends and listening to the latest music than having to worry about the best way to dry sheets.

  “Thanks, honey,” she said. “I can manage now. You go grab yourself five minutes before we start the school work.”

  “Okay,” Josie said. “Thanks.”


  Sarah held her breath as the large glass doors to Jamie’s floor opened. Summoning the last piece of courage that she had hidden in her soul, she stepped into the room to a sea of new faces.

  “Hi there,” a thirty-something blonde said, stepping around from behind the reception desk to greet her. “You must be Sarah. Hi. I’m Amy.” She offered a giant smile.

  “Hi. Yes, I am. Sarah, I mean.”

  “Come, I’ll introduce you to everyone.” The friendly girl took her arm. “I think you’ll like it here. We’ve been looking forward to getting to know you. Such an interesting concept, swapping lives like that.”

  Sarah’s head was spinning by the time she was directed to her very own desk. Well, Jamie’s very own desk.

  “I know this is probably not what you’re used to,” Amy said. “So we’ll just go slow. Jamie has a column that she was already working on.” She passed Sarah a piece of paper. All you have to do is read it over and check that there isn’t anything that needs to be changed before it’s submitted. You know, a once over, an edit.”

  “Okay,” Sarah said. “I guess.”

  “You do know how to spellcheck?”

  “Yes,” Sarah said. “I can do an edit. I’m used to marking my kids schoolwork.”

  “You mean their homework?”

  “No, their schoolwork. My kids are home schooled.”

  “Oh. Why?”

  “We feel it’s best,” Sarah said. “For a lot of reasons.”

  “Really?” Amy said. “You know what? Hold the editing. How would you like to write me a piece about the benefits of home schooling?”

  “You can decide that?” Sarah asked a little confused at the offer.

  “Yes. This is my magazine.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you were the receptionist.”

  Amy giggled. “A lot of people make that mistake. I like to sit up there, makes me feel like I’m a part of things. I like to talk to people, you know? There isn’t a better way to see what interests people than t
o talk to them. All kinds of people on a daily basis.”

  “Okay, then, if you’re serious, I could try my hand at writing. I’m not really sure how interesting I could make it.”

  “Well, good,” Amy said, flashing a white smile. “I can’t wait to read it.”

  “Thanks, I think. I hope you don’t expect it to be too polished though.”

  “That’s okay. You work it up and then we’ll go through it together,” she said. “Um, Sarah? Does this mean that Jamie is home schooling your kids?”

  “Yes,” Sarah said. “She’ll be doing everything I do.”

  “Oh, I’d love to be a fly on the wall. Jamie’s sweet, mostly, but she’s a bit of a princess.”

  Sarah tried to hide the grin that was twisting the edges of her lips. “So would I.”

  “She has that darling husband of hers wrapped around her little finger.”

  “Oh really?”

  “You must have noticed. Lovely guy, but whipped!”

  “Hmm... I haven’t been there long.”

  “Well, take my word for it. Ever since they had those baby girls, he has practically shelved his career to take over when the nanny has to go home. Poor thing’s been wanting to retire for thirteen months but they keep begging her to stay.”

  “Poor Caroline.”

  “Is that her name?” Amy said. “I really don’t know why they don’t put the girls in day care or split their care. I told Jamie she could mostly work from home.”

  “You did?” Sarah was shocked. A small part of her could understand Jamie wanting a career, but if she could have both, why wouldn’t she want to be with her children?

  “Yeah, sure. There’s a lot of working mothers here. Anyway, see what you can come up with. There’s a lot been written on home schooling and not all of it good. This could be your chance to put your own slant on it.”

  “Thanks, I’ll try,” Sarah said. It might just give her something to focus on this week.

  Chapter 5

  Jamie passed Joe a cup of coffee and was pleased when she saw the flicker of surprise in his eyes. He hadn’t asked and she’d made it for him anyway. She even got him cookies.


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