Pale Rider: The Spanish Flu of 1918 and How It Changed the World
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Anglo-Boer Wars (1899–1902) 225, 245
Antarctica 7, 44
anthrax 62, 128
Anthropocene epoch 277
antibiotics 31, 121, 243
antibodies 181–2, 192, 195, 209
antigens 182, 184
see also haemagglutinin
Antilles, the 21
anti-Semitism 128, 245
antiviral drugs 121
APA see Alaska Packers’ Association
Apollinaire, Guillaume 3–4, 47
Apollinaire, Jacqueline 47
Archangel 43
architecture, post-flu 123–4, 261
ARDS see acute respiratory distress syndrome
Argentina 100, 197
Arlen, Michael: The Green Hat 265
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP), Washington DC 190, 191–3
arsenic preparations 123
art, post-flu 261
Ashkhabad, Turkmenistan 114
Asia 244
flu mortality rates 170–71, 201, 202
see also China; India; Japan
‘Asian’ flu (1957) 199
aspirin 76, 122
Asquith, Herbert Henry 247
astrologers, Persian 119
Atilano, Bishop of Zamora 85
Atlanta, Georgia see Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Auckland, New Zealand 205
Audubon Society of America 277
Australia/Australians 38, 44, 93, 293
Aboriginals 21, 62, 100
flu mortality rates 44, 201
Austria/Austrians 40, 44, 130, 133, 249
music 261
tuberculosis 250
see also Freud, Sigmund; Kafka, Franz; Vienna
Austro-Hungarian Empire 42, 249, 250
Azevedo, Aluísio: O Cortiço (The Slum) 26, 27, 52
Aztec Empire 21
Babel, Isaac: Odessa Tales 127, 135
back-to-nature movements 236
bacteria 25, 26, 27, 176–7, 184
Mycobacterium tuberculosis 25, 209
Yersinia pestis 31, 73, 155–6
see also ‘Pfeiffer’s bacillus’
Baden, Germany 138, 240
Baden, Max von 267
badgers 89, 126
Baker, Josephine 104
Bal Gangadhar Tilak (independence movement) 257, 258
Ballets Russes: Cleopatra 41–2
Baltimore Afro-American (newspaper) 203–4
Bandeaux, Father 102
Bangkok, Thailand 75
Bangladesh 202
Bardakh, Henrietta 129
Bardakh, Yakov 128, 129, 130–31, 132, 133, 135, 168, 175
Barry, John M. 163–4
Bartók, Béla 218
bats 197
Bayer’s aspirin 76
Bazalgette, Joseph 28
Beckett, Samuel: Murphy 266
bees 89
Beethoven, Ludwig van 218
Beijing see Peking
Belgium 158, 159, 160
Benedict XV, Pope 238
Benjamin, Walter 292
Bergen-Belsen concentration camp 67
Bergensfjord (ship) 103
Bergman, Ingmar 30
Berlin 31, 48
Bevan, Aneurin 243
biowarfare 76
bird flu 18, 188–9, 191, 193, 194, 197, 198–9, 276, 277
birth rates, post-flu 216–17, 231
Bismarck, Otto von 240
Black Death, the 4, 8, 31, 75, 139–40, 228, 290, 291
bloodletting 123
Boccaccio, Giovanni: The Decameron 139–40
Bohr, Niels 237
Bokhara, Uzbekistan 23
Bombay (Mumbai) 10–11, 38, 49, 107, 256, 258, 260
Boston, Massachusetts 40, 41
Psychopathic Hospital 220
Boxer Rebellion, China (1900) 71
Brainerd, Elizabeth and Siegler, Mark: ‘The Economic Effects of the 1918 Influenza Epidemic’ 231–2
Brandt, Johanna 225
Brazil 26, 41, 45, 64, 100, 268
writers 268–9
see also Rio de Janeiro
Breslau, Germany (Wrocław, Poland) 38
Brest, France 40, 41, 47
Brest-Litovsk, Treaty of (1918) 38–9, 113, 127
Brevig Mission, Alaska: mass grave 190–91, 232
Bristol Bay, Alaska 140–42, 143–4, 148, 207
orphans 212–13
see also Dillingham; Yupik, the
Britain/the British 20, 38, 63, 264
adoption 231
in China 157, 158, 159
flu mortality rates 169, 293–4
health insurance 240
National Health Service 242–3
and Palestine 267
and Persia 43, 113, 114–15, 116, 117
writers 263, 264, 265
see also British Army
British Army 39, 160, 177
deaths 6, 248, 293
at Étaples 150–51, 160–63
Étaples mutiny 247
Persians in 206
Brittain, Vera 218, 293
‘bronchitis, purulent’ 161–2, 221
Buber, Martin 267
bubonic plague 8, 21, 31, 73, 292, 293
Bulgaria 26
Bulhoek, South Africa 225–6
burials 54–5, 74, 109, 116, 117, 118, 156
see also coffins
By the Fireside (film) 134
Calcutta, India 260
Caldwell, John Lawrence 114
Cambridge University 237
Camp Funston, Kansas 34–5, 37, 153, 163, 164
camphor oil 123
Canada/Canadians 159, 198, 202
cancers 242
Canetti, Elias: Party in the Blitz 289
Cape Town 41, 77, 204, 231
Spanish flu summit (1998) 6
Cardoso Sales Rodrigues, Nair 49, 55–6
Carella, Corporal Cesare 110
Careta (magazine) 53
Caribbean, the 21, 41
Caribbean spiny lobster 89
Caruso, Enrico 106
Casanova, Jean-Laurent 208–9
castor oil 123
Catherine II, of Russia (‘the Great’) 127
Catholic Church/Catholicism 79–80, 82–5, 102, 138, 238
Caulfield, Sueann: In Defense of Honor… 140
CDC see Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Ceau¸sescu, Nicolae 30
Céline, Louis-Ferdinand: Journey to the End of the Night 175
Cendrars, Blaise 3, 47
censorship 49, 63, 102, 282
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, Georgia 187, 191–2, 279, 281–2
Chagas, Carlos 268
Chapekar brothers 100
Chaplin, Charlie 105
Charlemagne 20
Chen Tu-hsi (Chen Duxiu) 69
Cheyenne Bottoms, Kansas 189
Chiang Kai-shek 242
Chicago, Illinois 202
Chile 45, 67–8
chimpanzees 89
China 38, 43, 62, 153, 154, 164, 165
An Lushan Rebellion (8th century) 290
Boxer Rebellion (1900) 71
British in 157, 158, 159
carrier pigeons 30
Confucianism 70, 71
ducks 199
flu ‘cures’ 125
flu mortality rates 71, 73, 167, 169–70
foot-binding 70
literature 269–70
missionaries 7, 71, 72, 74, 156, 158, 169
National Medical Association 242
National Quarantine Service 242
New Culture movement 69, 269, 270
Qing dynasty 69, 73, 125, 154, 156, 157
revolution (1911) 69, 70
and World War I 157
see also Harbin; Peking; Shansi; Shantung; Wu Lien-teh
Chinese Labour Corps (CLC) 157–9, 161, 164
chiropractic 235
cholera 27–8, 29, 62, 67,
70, 92, 107, 114, 115, 116, 117, 128, 130, 131, 132, 135, 168, 179, 256
Chopin, Frédéric 28, 209
Christakis, Nicholas and Fowler, James H.: ‘Social network sensors for early detection of contagious outbreaks’ 279–80
Christian Scientists 236
Christianity/Christians 115–16, 117, 134, 137, 205, 215, 224, 237, 258
see also Catholic Church; ‘Israelites, the’
chronic fatigue syndrome, post-flu 219
see also post-viral fatigue
Churchill, Winston 243
cities: vulnerability to infection 202, 205
CLC see Chinese Labour Corps
Clemenceau, Georges 250
Coffin, Eugene 144, 145, 147
coffins 47, 55–6, 73, 84, 110, 136, 227
‘collective’ v. individual 98–9
‘collective resilience’ 136, 137, 139
Collier, Richard 39, 77, 138, 230
The Plague of the Spanish Lady… 75
Columbus, Christopher 20–21
Commission on Creating a Global Health Risk Framework for the Future (GHRF) 275
Report (2016) 279
concentration camps 67, 245–6
Concepción, Chile 68
Connecticut, USA 202
Connelly, Mayme 146–7
conquistadors 21, 64
Constantinople: Hamidiye Children’s Hospital 67
Cook, Captain James 141
Cooper, John Milton, Jr 251
Copeland, Royal S. 86, 103–5, 108–9, 110, 111–12, 130, 235
Copeland, Royal S., Jr 87, 108–9
Corbusier, Le (Charles-Édouard Jeanneret) 123–4
Cordeiro, José Luís (Jamanta) 54
cordons sanitaires see ‘sanitary cordons’
Correio de Manh (newspaper) 54
Correo de Zamora, El (newspaper) 79, 81, 82, 83
Corriere della Sera (newspaper) 102
Cortés, Hernán 21, 22
cowpox vaccine 98
Crazy Horse, Chief 145
crime 100, 106, 127, 130, 136, 138, 139–40, 153, 155, 231, 233
Crosby, Alfred: America’s Forgotten Pandemic 43, 99, 262
‘crowd diseases’ 16, 18–19, 23, 25
Cruz, Oswaldo 53, 268
Cuba 80
Cunard, Nancy 265
cytokines 192–3, 195, 217
Czechoslovakia 42, 267
Dakar, Senegal 49, 50
Dangs, the 203
Darwin, Charles: On the Origin of Species 28–9
De Beers Company 77
Defoe, Daniel: Journal of the Plague Year 136
dementia 220, 226, 242
Demerara, SS 41, 49–50
dengue fever 20, 67
Denmark 64, 201–2
depression 24, 264, 265
post-flu/post-viral 24, 218–20, 264, 265, 283
Desai, Dayalji 257, 259
De Simone, Raffaele 109–10
Diaghilev, Sergei 41
digitalis 123
Dillingham, Alaska 142, 143, 144, 146, 149, 190
disease surveillance systems 92–3, 96, 278, 279, 283
‘disgust response’ 89–90
disinfectant, use of 97, 100
DNA 31, 184, 185, 201
Doane, Lt Philip S. 76
doctors 137–8, 240, 241, 243
Dodge, Captain Frederick 144, 145, 148
dogs 197
Don Juan 267–8
Don Juan Tenorio 267
Dos Passos, John 262
Downton Abbey (TV) 291
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan 237
‘drift’ 185, 196
‘Dr Kilmer’s Swamp-Root’ 124
drugs 76, 121–3, 124
see also antibiotics
Dublin 43
Duchamp, Marcel 3
ducks 18, 188–9, 199
Dujarric de la Rivière, René 172–3, 176, 177–9, 180, 181
Durban, South Africa 77, 204
Dyer, Brigadier General Reginald 259–60
dysentery 168, 169
Earhart, Amelia 218
Ebey, Adam 215
Ebey, Alice 215
Ebola 17, 18, 61, 90, 231, 275, 292
EC see European Commission
Edel, Harold 105
Edgar, Robert 227
Egypt 19, 254
Einstein, Alfred 237
EL see encephalitis lethargica
El Niño-Southern oscillation (ENSO) 276–7
electron microscopes 184, 190
micrograph of flu virus 272–3
electrons 184
elephants 89–90
Eliot, T. S. 262, 264
‘Sweeney among the Nightingales’ 264
The Waste Land 264
Eliot, Vivien 262, 264
Emergency Fleet Corporation (US) 76
encephalitis lethargica (EL) (‘sleepy sickness’) 220–21
‘endemic’ diseases 18
Ennes de Souza, Antonio 49, 51
Ennes de Souza, Eugenia 49, 51, 56
ENSO see El Niño-Southern Oscillation
Epicurus 19–20
‘epidemics’ 13, 14, 18, 23, 95–6, 182
as acts of God 28, 78, 89
epidemiologists/epidemiology 6, 166–7, 241–2, 292
Epsom salts 123
Escofet, José 267
Esselstyn, Reverend Lewis 116, 117
Étaples, France 150–51, 160–61, 162, 163, 176, 189, 218, 247
ethnobotany 124
êtres de raison 184, 238
eugenics/eugenicists 29, 99, 202–3, 244, 246, 253, 267–8, 269, 282
European Commission (EC) 282–3
Ewald, Paul 194–5
Eyam, Derbyshire 90
Faisal I, of Iraq 250
faith-healing 121, 236
Faith Tabernacle 236–7
farming 16, 22, 215, 277
Fei Mu-sa (Pastor Fei) 158, 159
Fenzhou, China 72
American hospital 71, 74
fertility rates, post-flu 216–17, 231
Fiji 205
film industry/films 30, 105, 129, 133, 134, 135, 229, 266, 275, 282, 291
Fitzgerald, F. Scott 262
This Side of Paradise 262
Fleming, Alexander 176, 177, 238
Flexner, Abraham 31
Florence, Italy 139–40
flu 13, 15
cause 66—7, 177
early epidemics 13, 14—15, 19—20
first pandemic 22—3
and infection of animals 16, 17, 18
name 22–3
symptoms 46
transmission 15, 180
see also bird flu; ‘Spanish flu’; ‘swine flu’; vaccination
Ford, Henry 30
formaldehyde 183, 190
Fowler, James H. see Christakis, Nicholas
fowlpox 182
France 37, 38, 40, 41, 47, 63, 77, 94–5, 162, 165
adoption of minors 230–31
ARDS 208
attitude to World War I 177
and closure of public places 99
‘epidemic medals’ 293
trenches 160
see also Étaples; French Army; Paris
Franicevic, Ante 230
Frank, Anne 67
Fränkel, Carl 154
Freetown, Sierra Leone 40, 41, 64
French, Dr Linus Hiram 143–4, 145, 147, 148, 212–13
French Academy of Sciences 178
French Army 177, 248
and Chinese labourers 157–8, 159
flu 39, 40
World War I deaths 6
Freud, Sigmund: Beyond the Pleasure Principle 266
‘friendship paradox’, the 279–80
Galen 14, 27, 75, 117, 123
Gandhi, Kasturba 254, 258
Gandhi, Mohandas (‘Mahatma’) 254–5, 256, 257, 258–9, 260
García Triviño, Dr 63
Gates, Frederick Taylor 244
Gavaudan, Ferréol 77
Gehman, Jesse Mercer 238
genes/genetics 31
and flu 207–10
sequencing flu genes 189–91, 193, 283
geriatric medicine 243
germ theory 25–6, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 62, 75, 99, 101, 102, 116, 215, 235, 292
German Army 39–40, 113, 130, 133
flu 37–8, 248–9
prisoners-of-war 246, 266
World War I deaths 6
World War I offensives 39, 247–8
Germany/Germans 3, 38, 39, 40, 42, 64, 76, 253
and eugenics 29
healthcare 240–41, 243–4
Lebensreform 236
literature 262–3
nurse-training programme 138
post-war reparations 251–2
revolution (1918) 253, 267
and Russian prisoners-of-war 38
and World War II 252
see also German Army; Nazi Party
Ghana 64–5, 236
GHRF see Commission on Creating a Global Health Risk Framework for the Future
Gibson, Graeme 180
Gill, Douglas 162
Gitchell, Albert 37, 153, 164
global warming 277–8
Godoy, Lt Dagoberto 68
Gonne, Maud 43
Goodpasture, Ernest 182
Granite Mountain, Utah 207–8
Great Kantō earthquake, Japan (1923) 293
Greece, ancient 13–14, 19
Grey, Colonel W. G. 114–15, 119
Guam 80
Guardian (newspaper) 102
Gujarat, India 215, 255, 256, 260
Gujarat Sabha (organisation) 256
H antigen see haemagglutinin
H1 antigen 185, 196, 197–8
H1N1 subtype 186, 187, 200
H2 antigen 185
H2N2 subtype 199
H3 antigen 185, 186
H3N2 subtype 199
H3N8 subtype 195–6
H5N1 subtype 189, 276, 278, 282
H7N9 subtype 276
Haber, Fritz 30, 247
Habsburgs, the 90
haemagglutinin (H antigen) 184, 185–6, 193, 281
Haidar, Saiyid, Hazara Chief 114
Haig, Sir Douglas 248
Haile Selassie I, of Abyssinia 41
Haipat, Laksman 215, 216
Hall, Josef Washington 158, 159
Hallberg, Anders 228, 229
Hallberg, Clara 228–9
Hallberg, Engla 228–9
Hallberg, Nils 228–9
Hammer, Pauline 230
Hammett, Dashiell
‘Holiday’ 265
The Maltese Falcon 265
Hammond, Lt J. A. B. 161, 162–3
Hannoun, Claude 188, 199
Harbin, Manchuria (China): plague 153, 155–6
Haskell County, Kansas 163, 189
Hayworth, Rita 30
healers, traditional 125
healthcare systems 8, 121, 240–41, 242–5
health workers 137–9
see also doctors
Hearst, Phoebe 238
Hearst, William Randolph 238
heart disease 217, 242
Heisenberg, Werner 237
‘heliotrope cyanosis’ 46
Hemingway, Ernest 71, 262
Hemingway, Willoughby (‘Dr Will’) 71
Heraldo de Zamora (newspaper) 81