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Welcome to Lake Ventures (New Haven Book 2)

Page 15

by Dawn Doyle

  “No, Emmy, it’s not your fault. Anybody would have assumed that too. It’s a good thing you brought her up.”

  “It is?”

  “Yeah. We may have heard about in the press first.” Nick took a deep breath and slowly blew it out.

  He said he didn’t sleep with any of them. What does that mean?

  Emily wanted to know the answer to that question but looking at the expression on Nick’s face, she wasn’t about to ask.

  “Hang on… she’s due on the sixth of November.” She said, her finger held up as she thought about it.


  “Where’s your calendar?” she said, walking over to his desk.

  Nick passed the desk calendar to Emily and she flicked back over the months.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, puzzled.

  “Do you trust me?” she asked, looking right into his eyes.

  “Of course I do.” He said, looking into hers.

  “Good. Leave this with me.” Emily turned and left Nick’s office.

  “Where are you going?” he called after her.

  “Research.” She answered, picking up her bag, and leaving the floor.

  “Dad…” she said into her phone as she left the building. “…I need your help.”

  “Leave it with me Princess.” Oli replied after Emily gave him the rundown of what happened.

  “Thanks Dad, I appreciate it.” She said, as she opened up her Macbook.

  Her Dad had given her pointers on what to look for and he was doing some digging of his own to speed up the process.

  Emily knew that Rochelle’s due date was November sixth. That meant her conception date would be around February thirteenth. She needed to find out all of the information around those dates.

  Picking up her phone, she chose a number from her new contacts list.

  “Hello is that Edna Saunders?” she asked as a woman answered her call.

  “Oui, this is she.”

  “Hi, I’m Emily Edwards, Mr. Lake’s assistant.”

  “Oh, Nick!”

  “Yes Nick. I was wondering if you could help me with something.”

  “Of course, Emily, ma chère, what is it that you need?”

  Edna, with her french accent, sounded really sweet and friendly and Emily liked her immediately.

  “I need to know about a trip Nick had taken in February. Do you know if he was with somebody?”

  “Oh gosh no. Nick never brings anybody on his trips to see us. Well, not that we know of anyway. Is everything ok?” she asked, concerned for Nick.

  “Yes, everything’s fine.” Emily assured her. She didn’t know if she should tell Edna anything, just in case Nick wanted to keep it quiet, but the woman sounded worried. “It’s just some research, nothing to worry about.”

  After the phone call, Emily logged into the company servers and checked the accounts for Nick’s flights. Of course, he never claimed his expenses though the company. She’d have to ask him personally.

  E: Do you have the flight and hotel receipts for your trips taken in February?

  N: Yes, why?

  E: I need them. Do you have them with you?

  N: No. I can log in to my account and email them to you, if that helps.

  E: Yes, that would be great.

  N: Can you tell me what you’re doing?

  E: Not yet.

  N: Ok. I trust you.

  Nick saying that he trusted her had Emily more determined to prove Rochelle wrong, before she could do any damage to him.

  Emily’s phone rang and she checked the ID. It was Oli.

  “Hi Dad. Did you find anything?” knowing her Dad, he would have found something already.

  “I did honey. I found a Rochelle Garrett, I’m not sure if it’s the same one so I’ve emailed a picture of her to you.”

  Opening her mail, Emily clicked on the message from Oli.

  “Yeah that’s her.”

  “I’ve gotten some information that you can use, but she was definitely in town that week.”

  “So she couldn’t have been with Nick.”

  “It’s highly unlikely, honey.”

  “Thanks Dad. You’re a lifesaver.” She sighed.

  “No problem, princess.” He chuckled. “You just get that boy out of trouble.”

  “I’ll try, Dad.”

  Emily received an email from Nick. He’d sent her copies of his flight and hotel receipts from the time he was away. He was away from February sixth to February twenty third. It was impossible that Nick was the father of her baby.

  Even though Emily believed him, the confirmation made her feel better and she wasn’t about to let a filthy gold digger get her claws into him.

  With a huge smile on her face as she read through the information her Dad had sent to her, she started to put together a statement incase Rochelle had gone to the press. Even if she didn’t, Emily would show her the proof that she was a lying bitch.


  Nick left the office that evening, half expecting to see Rochelle again, sighing with relief when she wasn’t there.

  He didn’t need any of this in his life right now. He was on the verge of losing Emily and he had to get her to talk to him about it, so he knew what he could do to make her stay.

  Then Rochelle had to walk in and screw everything up.

  It was strange that he was more concerned with losing Emily than the possible damage to his business.

  The first thing he thought of when Rochelle told him who she was, was what Emily had thought. She’d thought he and Rochelle were together and it had felt like a slap to the face that Emily had believed her at first. He couldn’t blame her for that. Hearing the rumors about him would’ve made anybody believe her too.

  Nick knew Emily believed him, after he explained he hadn’t slept with Rochelle. He just wished he knew what she was doing now.

  The look on her face like she’d had an epiphany, was something else. She worked with purpose, looking through his calendar.

  So beautiful.

  She’d asked him to trust her, and he did. He really did.

  He still worried about Rochelle going to the press, but there was nothing he could do about it. A single phone call was all that was needed and she could’ve done that on the ride down on the elevator.

  Shit, shit, fucking shit!

  After a restless night, because it was a pill-less sleep, Nick woke up still tired and in a bad mood.

  He dreaded what was going to happen that day and he wanted to stay at home.

  He couldn’t.

  That would only fuel the accusations, if they’d been spilled, and it would make him look worse.

  He didn’t feel any better when his phone rang. Checking the ID, it was his Mom.

  “Hi Mom. How are you?”

  “Nick, is it true?”

  “Is what true?”

  Oh fuck!

  “That you’ve gotten a girl pregnant and refused to accept it?”

  “Mom, no, it’s not true. She’s lying.” He said, massaging the bridge of his nose, between his eyes.

  “Why would she do that?”

  “Because she’s a crazy gold digger Mom. That’s somebody else’s responsibility, not mine. You know I wouldn’t do that Mom, God!”

  “I know, honey, but I wanted to ask you anyway. But just to let you know, if I’m to become a grandmother, I don’t want to hear about it in the newspaper.”

  “Mom! You’re not about to become a grandmother. Will you stop?”

  “I just want you to find a nice girl to settle down with.”

  Emmy’s a nice girl. I’d settle down with her.

  “Again, it’s not my priority. I’m far too busy for a relationship.” He felt like he was becoming a broken record. “Anyway Mom, I have to go and get ready for work.”

  Nick’s stomach was rolling after the conversation with his Mom. Rochelle had gone to the press and the story had been released already.

  He didn’t know what to do.r />
  Things took a turn for the worse when his phone rang again. This time, it was Diane.

  “Good morning Di.” He said in a happy tone.

  “Nick, I’m so sorry honey. The press are outside the building. The rear too. I don’t know how you’re going to get in without them seeing you.”

  “Fuck! Let me check outside.” Nick went to his window and looked down to the pavement. Sure enough, there were journalists there too. He didn’t know how they found out where he lived. Rochelle didn’t know so they must have paid someone to find out.

  “They’re here too, Di. I can’t stay home but I’m blocked in.”

  “I assumed that, sweetie and I called Emily. She’s on her way to get you and she has a plan.”

  Butterflies swarmed in Nick’s stomach at the mention of Emily.

  “What’s she going to do?” he still didn’t know what she’d done the day before.

  “I don’t know but she took one look at the reporters and told me she needed to go get you.”

  “Does she know where I live?” Not even Diane knew that and she’d known him for four years.

  “I don’t know, but she was on her cell as she walked out. Sit tight, Nick. She’s coming to get you.”

  Nick paced the floor of his living room.

  Emmy’s coming. Everything’s going to be fine.

  His phone beeped.

  E: I’ve just pulled up. Tell the security guy to let me in.

  N: Ok.

  Nick called down to the desk to let Emily in the building as soon as she got to the door.

  The buzzer sounded to say somebody was in the elevator and pressing for his floor.

  He checked the security monitor.

  It was Emily.

  He allowed the elevator up to his apartment.

  Opening his door, he was so happy to see her standing there.

  “Get changed into this.” She said as she handed him a large bag.

  He looked inside and saw some black clothing.

  “Can’t I wear a cap and sunglasses?” He knew it was cliché and felt stupid as the words left his mouth.

  “That’s what they expect. What they don’t expect is a goth. Now, get changed. Put your suit in a garment and bag and then into that bag.”

  “Wow, you’re bossy” he said in his usual manner. He didn’t want Emily to see that she affected him so he tried to stay as irritating as she usually found him.

  Emily rolled her eyes and he laughed before going to his room to change.

  Nick walked into the living room and Emily was looking out of the window, her back to him.

  He let his eyes travel down from her silky ponytail to her shoulders. Her black, short sleeved, blouse encased her torso perfectly. Tucked into her black pants, his eyes scanned her tight waist, lingering there before moving down to her behind. Even through her pants he could see that it was pert and toned.

  He took a step forward and she turned, then burst out laughing.

  “Where did you get this outfit?” he asked.

  “I hired it from a costume shop. The wig is brand new though.” She said, still laughing.

  The long black wig reached his shoulders and the front fell like curtains covering most of his face. Teamed with the black glasses, he looked completely different. He used his own biker boots to match the black pants, sweater and long black coat that was his disguise. Emily had chosen well.

  “Are you ready to go misery guts?” she said with a smile.

  “What?” he had no idea what she meant.

  “Misery guts. Aren’t goth’s supposed to be moody?”

  “Oh. I see what you mean. Yeah, I’m ready to go, narky arse.” He replied, trying to imitate her accent. Holly had called Ryan a ‘narky arse’ in the past, telling him it meant moody. He’d been bickering with Cora about her wanting to hang out with them when Holly had come to her rescue. Cora had loved telling him all about it.

  “Oh my God, that’s so lame.” She replied, with an American accent.

  Nick just stood and stared.


  “That was really good.”

  “Let’s just go.” She groaned and they left his apartment.

  Surprisingly, or not surprisingly because Emily was a genius, they got out of Nick’s apartment building without any of the reporters realizing who he was.

  Getting into Emily’s car, her Mum’s black Audi Q5, he put his bag on the back seat.

  “That was amazing. They didn’t recognize me at all.” He said, turning to watch as the view of his apartment slipped out of sight.

  “Of course they didn’t. You don’t look anything like you.”

  “Thank you, Emmy.” He said, softly. Watching her as she focused on the road.

  “Don’t thank me too soon, we haven’t gotten to the office yet.”

  “Were there many there?”

  “A few, yes. And by a few, I mean the lobby was chocker. I had to fight my way back out.”

  “Did you hurt anyone?” he chuckled as he had visions of Emily punching people out of her way.

  “Not quite.”

  Emily was growing quieter with him, the further they drove and Nick wanted to keep the conversation going. They hadn’t fought the whole time and he was enjoying it, considering the circumstances.

  “How did you know where I live?”

  Nick’s apartment was in the Bellevue area, quite a distance away from his office. He’d moved there to get further away from the city. Away from the place that had been the cause of his nightmares for over a year.

  “I called Holly, she called Ryan, Ryan texted me.”

  “What did he say in his text?”

  Nick hoped that he didn’t try any playful banter with Emily. Especially about his and Emily’s work relationship.

  “Just your address.” She said as she pulled into her usual parking spot. “Here goes.” She said, opening her door.

  Nick got out and took his bag from the seat.

  Approaching the doors, he paused when he saw the swarm of reporters all waiting to get the scoop on the ‘tyrant business owner who leaves pregnant girl all alone’.

  Nick felt an arm link through his and quickly looked down.

  It was Emily’s.

  “Just keep moving.” She whispered as she urged him along.

  They got into the building, without anybody stopping them, and went through the security door to the elevators.

  “Oh my God!” Nick sighed as he removed the wig and glasses.

  Emily looked up at him and pulled her lips into her mouth to stop herself from smiling.

  “What?” he asked when she then put her hand over her mouth.

  She pointed to the doors, where he could see his reflection. His hair was messy and flicking in different directions.

  “That’s one cool look. I might style it like this everyday.”

  “Oh honey, you’re ok!” Diane said as the elevator doors opened.

  “Yeah thanks to Emmy. She did great.” He said, turning to her but she was already on her way to her desk.

  “I’m glad, sweetie.” She smiled as she patted his arm. “But you look like death, so go and change.”

  That comment made Nick laugh and he walked into his office to get out of the black clothes.

  After a few minutes, there was a knock on his door.

  “Come in!” he called as he finished fastening his tie.

  Emily slowly opened the door, keeping her eyes down.

  “It’s Ok, Emmy. I’m decent, you can look.”

  Her eyes shot to his and she scowled, her cheeks flushing.”

  “Whatever, divvie. I just wanted you to give you this. It’s a statement disproving Rochelle’s claims. If it’s acceptable, you or I can give it to the press.”

  Nick took the piece of paper from Emily and read the statement.

  Rochelle Barrett’s claims are completely false.

  I/Mr. Lake did not father her unborn child.

  She entered the office
s of Lake Ventures with one purpose; To blackmail me/Mr. Lake into giving her money for her child, that she knew, wasn’t his.

  Our sources have disproved her claims and have the evidence to support it.

  The date which her baby is due, would mean that the time of conception would have been around February 12th or 13th.

  I/Mr. Lake was in LA. From February 6th until February 23rd.

  He had been alone on his trip and his flight receipts, and hotel receipts confirm that.

  Eye witnesses claim that Mr. Lake was alone the whole time he was in LA.

  Miss Garrett was not in LA, but here, in Seattle, attending a charity event hosted by her father and some other business associates.

  The dates of their stay were February 9th, though to the 15th.

  She attended every one of the charity events, therefore was impossible for her to be with Me/Mr. Lake during the time of conception.

  There is also photo evidence for every event, showing Miss Garrett’s attendance.

  Behind closed doors, she admitted to me/Mr. Lake that the father didn’t have any money, but I/ Mr. Lake did.

  Her reasons for the blackmail…?

  I/ Mr. Lake refused to sleep with her.

  “Wow, Emmy…That’s incredible.” He said, his heart swelling with the amount of work she had put in to help him, considering she didn’t like him very much.

  He thought about the last sentence, about him not sleeping with Rochelle, and decided he wanted to tell that truth.


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