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Welcome to Lake Ventures (New Haven Book 2)

Page 16

by Dawn Doyle

  “You did all this work… for me. How did you find out all of this information?” he asked, realizing now, why Emily needed his receipts for that trip.

  “It’s easy working out conception dates” she said and explained to him how the cycles, ovulation and conception are calculated. “My Dad found out the information about the charity event and I called Edna Saunders. She confirmed you were alone. I just needed the receipts to prove that you’d taken a solo trip.”

  “I have to repay you for doing this.”

  “That’s not necessary. I’m your assistant; I assisted.”

  “I know, but at least let me take you to dinner or…something.”

  Dinner. Just the two of us.

  “Nick, it’s fine. I’ll go downstairs and read this out. Hopefully they’ll go away after that.”

  Emily walked away, statement in hand, and rode the elevator to the ground floor where the vultures awaited her.

  Quickly picking up his phone, he called Joe at the front desk.

  “Joe, it’s Nick. Emmy’s on her way to deliver a statement to the press. Make sure she’s ok and… um… put the phone on speaker. I want to hear everything.”

  “Ok, Nick. I’ll make sure she’s safe.” He said with a chuckle.

  That guy is weird.

  Nick smiled, paying attention to Emily’s voice as she began to talk.

  She read out all of the details and her voice sounded like she was mad at the people for even thinking there was any truth to the lies Rochelle had told.

  He sat and listened to every word.

  Every inflection in her voice.

  She’s amazing. My Emmy… She can’t leave me.

  “She gave them what for, didn’t she?” Diane asked from beside him and Nick jumped. “Oh sorry.” She chuckled. “I thought you knew I was here.”

  “Miss Edwards! Miss Edwards! Are you involved with Mr. Lake?”

  Nick and Diane’s heads snapped to the voice of a reporter coming through the speakers.

  “No.” Emily replied and then more shouts from the reporters which faded to nothing.

  “Emily’s on her way back up, Nick.” Said Joe.

  “Thanks. Was everything ok?”

  “Yeah. She’s got a mouth on her hasn’t she?” he laughed.

  “Yeah she has.” Nick said proudly. “Thanks Joe.”

  Emily walked out of the elevator and sat at her desk as if nothing had happened.

  “Thank you Emmy.” Nick said, placing a hand on her shoulder. The feeling of Emily’s warm skin, under her shirt, sent lightning up his arm, through his chest and down to areas that hadn’t felt like anything in a while. If he was honest with himself, he’d begun to get those feeling the day he met her outside Riss’ house.

  “No problem.” She replied as she sighed her breath. She remained still until Nick removed his hand from her shoulder. “I have work to do now.”


  A few quiet days later Rochelle, humiliated, retracted her claims and the publicity from the whole story had seemed to attract new business.

  Even though that was great, Nick was concerned with Emily. She appeared to be distant and would barely hold a conversation, even with Diane.

  He’d tried to ask her but she would just say ‘I’m busy’ or ‘I’ve got a lot on at the moment’ before burying her head in the new investment proposals.

  That morning, he’d had a few calls from people looking for investments and he’d agreed to a meeting, in a few weeks, from a guy who was also from England.

  Nick was careful and made sure that the business had nothing to do with Jeff.

  His day was going great, apart from Emily’s distance and he’d arrived at his parent’s house, for dinner, before he left again for LA. There was still work to be done for the nightclub, and he wanted to check on the construction progress, and it would be a little while before he could take a break.

  He wouldn’t be as long this time.

  He couldn’t. Just a few days and he would be back.

  I’ll miss her too much.

  Unconsciously, he rubbed his arm. It was healing well and the itching had subsided quite a lot.

  “So how are things with you and Em?” Ryan asked bringing Nick out of his trance.

  “Um… ok I guess. Why?”

  “It’s just that, since she started working for you, you smile more. You don’t look like you’ve got a grudge against the world anymore. Even in the middle of the Rochelle mess, you still had a goofy grin on your face.”

  Ryan knew about Rochelle and was shocked to learn that Nick hadn’t slept with her. After that bit of information, he’d wanted to know if he’d ‘done the deed’ with the others too, of which Nick told him to mind his own business.

  “Business has been going great, a lot of work has been completed, and a few mistakes were cleared up. Of course I’m happy.”

  “Yeah, but it’s not just that though, is it? Em helped you a lot with the press. She didn’t have to.” He laughed before biting into his fries. “You both don’t act like you hate each other.”


  “I never disliked Emmy. At all.” Which was true.

  “See… There’s the whole ‘Emmy’ thing too. You’re the only person that calls her that. I thought it was just to piss her off, but you say it to us, when she’s not even there, so I’m kinda guessing it’s your cute name for her.”

  “Stop it Ryan. Mom might hear you and you know how she gets.”

  “Ooh, you didn’t deny it though.” Ryan said, pointing at him.

  “Shut up.” He growled, which only made Ryan laugh.

  “Everything ok boys?” Mia asked as she sat at the table.

  “Yeah, Mom. Nick has just been telling me that he’s loving his ‘work’. Can’t get enough. Keeps that pretty smile on his face.” Ryan beamed.

  Nick didn’t miss Ryan’s meaning of ‘work’, insinuating that it was Emily.

  He suddenly didn’t feel hungry.


  Feeling uneasy that Nick was away, Emily checked through her emails and replied to the departments. She knew Nick would be away for most of the week but it didn’t stop the strange feelings she got whenever she came into work.

  It was like ice had been poured inside her chest and the melting causing freezing water to run through her veins.

  Her stomach twisted inside every time she caught a scent of his clean, soapy smell in the air. She thought she was going crazy.

  She had to find somewhere else soon, otherwise she would completely lose it.

  But, she hadn’t had any luck.

  Looking through the advertisements, there were no jobs available in her field of work. She’d spent the last couple of nights thinking about just leaving and going to work for her Dad. She’d even come close to telling him that morning, but something stopped her. She just couldn’t bring herself to say ‘Hey Dad. I want to leave my job and come work for you.’

  Leaving her job meant leaving Nick.

  And she couldn’t do it.

  ‘Are you involved with Mr. Lake?’ the reporter’s question repeated in her head over and over. ‘No’ she’d said. Just that one word had turned her world upside down.

  No, I’m not involved with him.

  No, I don’t have feelings for him.

  No, I don’t think he’s adorable when he laughs like a kid.

  No, I don’t think his smile lights up his whole face.

  No, I don’t miss him.

  No, No, No!

  Emily felt the tingle in her nose as tears were threatening to form. She quickly blinked and put her focus back into her work. Nick had some important meetings coming up and she needed to make sure the companies were properly researched and scheduled.

  “Hey honey!” said Di, happily. “Are you ready to go for lunch? Julie is meeting us in the lobby. Kendra and Lois are there too.”

  Kendra and Lois worked with Julie in the personnel department.

  “Yeah I’m ready.”

/>   “So, who’s up for a night out tomorrow?” Lois asked with a shake of her shoulders.

  “In the middle of the week?” Emily asked.

  “Yeah, we do it all of the time.” Lois replied.

  “Where?” Julie asked.

  Kendra leant forward as if telling a secret.

  “The Funhouse.” She giggled.

  Julie, Lois and Diane all giggled along with her.

  “What’s The Funhouse?” Emily asked, confused as to why it was so funny.

  “It’s a ‘show’ club.” Kendra winked.

  “Men dancing, taking their clothes off.” Diane explained, noticing Emily’s still confused expression.

  “Oh I don’t think so, sorry.” She said, politely. “I don’t feel up to that.”

  “What’s wrong sweetie?” asked Lois.

  It was funny how all four women called her honey or sweetie.

  “Nothing. I’ve just been busy working and when I’m home, I’m looking for my own place.”

  “Well if you change your mind, just let us know. We have a few tickets for tomorrow and it’d be great if you could come.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  That was enough put a huge smile on their faces. Big enough as if she’d just agreed.

  Getting home, Emily walked up the stairs and heard the tell-tale signs that Holly and Alex were at it… again.

  Seriously? They’re like rabbits!

  Even though Emily complained to herself, she couldn’t help feeling a pang of jealously. She wanted somebody to love her the way Alex loved Holly.

  She’d never felt like that.

  Emily wondered what it would feel like to have what they had. It looked incredible.

  If only she could find that for herself.

  There was only one person that came to her mind when she thought like that and the big, fat, simple word would rear it’s ugly head again.


  Chapter 8

  Emily looked up, when Nick appeared from the lift, and she froze. He didn’t look too good.

  He had dark circles under his eyes and he looked tired.

  She was worried.

  “Nick, are you ok? You don’t look so good.” She said, following him into his office.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I just have a lot on my mind and a huge hangover.”

  Hangover? He’s been out drinking?

  Emily’s throat tightened at the thought. Then came the burning in her stomach.

  “Hangover? You came to work with a hangover?”

  “Emmy, please. Keep your voice down. I really don’t need this today.” He said, rubbing his temples.

  “Oh you don’t need this today?” she said incredulously. “Well, you’re going to get it. I’ve been working here to keep your schedules up to date and new business organised and you come in with a bloody hangover?” Emily turned to leave his office. “Cock’ed” she spat.

  “Hey.” He said, causing her to pause. “Is there any chance I could get some coffee?”

  Oh you didn’t just say that!

  “Wha’?!” she shouted, her softer accent disappearing in her madness. She turned to see the corners of Nick’s mouth turning up into a smile.

  Fuck you and your smile!

  Emily slammed the door and took a deep breath.

  “I take that as a no?” she heard Nick shout from the other side of the door.

  “You’re close to achieving fuck ’ed status.” She said to the wood.

  “My bad!” he replied.

  “Count to ten sweetie. Count to ten.” Diane giggled.

  “I need to get back to work before I hurt him.”

  “You need some relaxation. Think about tonight sweetie. It could do you good to get out there.” Diane said, glancing to Nick’s door.

  “I don’t know Di. I’m not in the mood.”

  “That’s what he said.” Diane said with a wink.

  “Di!” Emily squeaked.

  Diane walked back to her desk laughing. For a woman in her early sixties, she sure surprised her.

  “Ok, I’m going to put a swear jar your desk, young lady.” Diane said suddenly.


  “Because all you’ve done today is curse at Nick. Don’t think I can’t hear you from my desk, Missy.”

  “He annoyed me Di.”

  “Yes, and people get on my nerves all of the time, but have you heard me ranting? Huh? No, you haven’t.” Diane moved closer to Emily and lowered her voice. “Look, I know Nick can be a pain in the ass to you, but since you’ve been here, he’s changed. He’s a little like he used to be a few years ago.”

  Emily’s expression urged Diane to continue.

  “I don’t know what happened but over a year ago, he went away for a month without giving us any warning. When he came back, he was different. He hardly spoke, he never left his office and by judging from his eyes, he didn’t sleep either. He’d been slowly improving but when you came here… he’s a different person.”

  Emily took a moment to digest what Diane had said. He’d been the same since she first met him, but that was only a few months ago.

  What happened?

  “I bet he’s just happy he’s got somebody new to piss off.”

  Diane picked up the jar and wiggled it in the air.

  “What?” Emily asked.

  “Five dollars for every curse word. Pay up.”

  “Oh my God! I’m going to be broke by the end of the week.”

  “Well, think of it as a saving device. You stop swearing and you’ll save your money. At the end of every month, we’ll give whatever is in this jar, to charity.”

  Emily groaned. It was a good idea because she did swear a lot. Her Mum had joked that her mouth was so foul she could make a sailor blush. She had to admit, it wasn’t an attractive quality, but it felt good to get it out.

  “Fine.” She said as she got out her purse and put five dollars into the jar. “Don’t forget Nick, too. He swears just as much as I do.”

  “Oh don’t worry, sweetie. I’ll inform him.”

  Diane turned to Nick’s office and knocked before entering.

  A few minutes later, Diane came back out with more money in the jar.

  “Did he tell you where to stick your jar?” Emily laughed.

  “Oh no. I actually walked on him in the middle of a conversation to his lawyers about the businesses that tried to under pay him. He had a few choice words to describe them.”

  The companies Emily had found were falsifying their expenditures.

  “So how much did he have to pay?” Emily could see that there were a couple of extra bills in there.

  “Fifty dollars.”

  “What? Ha!” Emily burst out laughing. “I thought I was bad.”

  “He seems fond of a term you use, too. That cost him fifteen dollars.” She grinned.

  Emily knew exactly what term that was. Cock head.

  No. That doesn’t make me smile inside.

  Emily was grateful when she got home. She wanted to take her shoes off and relax. She’d left the office another twenty dollars lighter, but it was nothing compared to what she would have lost if she’d spoken her thoughts out loud.

  Nick had stayed in his office, venturing out once or twice, but Emily wouldn’t look at him. She could smell him though, and it made her mouth water.

  He’d been dealing with the businesses who tried to rip him off. They had broken the terms of their contracts and Nick was pulling the plug.

  Emily would have done more than that. She would’ve gone there and torn them a new arsehole. Unfortunately, that was frowned upon so the legal way was probably the best way to go.

  As she climbed the stairs to go to her room, Emily heard Etta James’ ‘Leave your hat on’ playing in Holly’s room. Hearing Holly’s excited squeals and claps, Emily groaned as she realised what was happening. Alex was stripping for her.

  Oh for Fuck’s sake! Don’t they ever get tired?

  She really needed her o
wn place. Fortunately, she was looking at an apartment in Belltown in a couple of days; the same area Riss and Ryan were moving to.

  Emily went into her room and closed the door, which didn’t block out the music and Holly’s cries for Alex to ‘get ’em off’.

  What the hell. A show of my own might be good.

  She got out her phone and sent a text to Diane.

  E: I’ve changed my mind. I’ll get a cab and meet you at the club.

  D: That’s great! We’re going to have a lot of fun. We’re meeting at nine.

  Emily chose an outfit. Her black skinny jeans and a black tank top that ruched down the centre seam and showed off a little cleavage with the deep v-neckline, but still loose enough to hide her boobs. The vest stopped just above the waistband of her jeans and showed a little skin of her lower stomach and pelvic bones. Digging out her white sparkly belt, she slipped it through the loops and fasted the buckle. Pulling on her black heeled boots, that went to mid calf, she looked in the mirror.

  Even though she wasn’t exactly ‘dressed up’ it was more than Emily had done in a long time.

  It felt good.

  She even felt a little bit sexy.

  Emily had been working out a lot, mainly because she was trying to escape being in the same area of the house that Holly and Alex were getting down and dirty, but also from trying to clear her mind from the stresses of Nick. Work! She meant work.

  Emily left her hair out, the straight length hitting just below her shoulder blades, and just swept the front back with her hand.

  Her makeup was minimal, a little bit of smoky eyeshadow, eyeliner on just the upper lid, mascara and a nude lipgloss. Minus the eyeshadow, it was the same she wore for work, but it was enough with her outfit.


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