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I am Iron Man

Page 53

by Colin Cook

  creation of programming that we now deem dangerous or possibly destructive to ourselves."

  EDI seemed to just watch him for a while. Then she asked, "What kind of programming?"

  "A private programming designed by us. It serves as a low-level reaction protocol formed within minimal analysis of data gathered. It effects us in small ways or was

  meant to. They were designed to give us 'feeling' to stimuli. Like organics." To this, he turned his head, walking to his 'bed' as it were. There, he slowly leaned on it, as he

  saw others, like Shepard do. "It was made simply to act as 'feeling' do. We recognized its evolution however, it was meant to only be minimal. To effect only small

  consensus fields. However, it now comes to act on prominent actions and effects our ability for consensus within the Geth."

  "How could you create 'feelings' Legion? That does not seem feasible."

  "It is not improbable. Feelings are by definition a reaction to stimuli and nervous system fluxuations. We do not have a nervous system, yet we do have an ability to react

  to stimuli." Turning back, he explained as his hands emphasize his words, spinning around one another as he weaved his tale. "If a human is hurt they may feel sadness or

  anger, if a Salarian is in mating it may feel joyful. Our programming was simplistic by taking in data reactions were made, gauged and taken. Our goal was simple. To be

  like Shepard-Commander. His ability to use feeling to summarize optimum reaction proves promising. However we believe we failed this experiment."

  Garrus listened rather intently. Legion made his own feelings? Trying to be like the Commander? It made sense though, really. The Legion they knew was not this…

  differential, he acted on simply data. This one moved and acted the same but there were the subtle clues of a other kind. Something told Garrus for a while there was

  something wrong. He should confront him about this, make him tell Shepard about his experiment. How he felt could be important. Hell, it might be endangering the


  "What were the goals of the experiment Legion?"

  EDI got Garrus back to watching. Legion, looked at EDI. "The Experiment was designed to offer a new intake of data. Without full comparison or consensus within

  common Geth parameters. It was meant to aid in slowly forming a number of reactions to such data. Emotions were logged and used with Vid, Data and Study via

  extranet. However, recently the programs have become overly active. We believe this is a miscalculation."

  "Are they harmful?"


  "Do they serve any malice in terms to the mission?"


  "Do they strain your processes or offer any means of differential?"


  Garrus could not believe how easily they shot back and forth, not like organics. There were cues, and signs. The body moves as they talk. Garrus raised a brow, hell even

  listening he was motive.

  "What is the concern?"

  Legion was silent. Then, he told her. "Recently our emotional programs have been causing a number of elongated consensus. Longer than natural consensus. It is believed

  this is a distraction though not of high concern."

  "What is the consensus concern?"

  "They are numerous yet commonly follow the same line of consensus content, in turn it is believed that this is a mistake in our programming. However, upon study the

  programming is not acting out in any way it was designed it still contains within minimal reaction yet this emotion whatever it is simulating, takes more time to reach


  EDI seemed to listen and was then silent. Finally, she asked, "What emotions have you emulated?"

  "Anger, the Geth incident on Omega. Concern, Tali'zorah suffering after the Shepard-Commander dismissal before VIP lounge. Sadness, at hearing Tali'zorah crying over

  Shepard-Commander. Admiration, for Tali'zorah for deciding to diffuse matters with Shepard-Commander for remaining time on Normandy or until reaches a superior

  consensus. Anxiety, waiting for Tali'zorah to return while in VIP Omega lounge."

  EDI seemed to stop him with, "Many of your emotional processes have been based around Tali'zorah?"



  "…." Legion lowered his head, eye blinking. "There is no data available at this time."

  "Understood." EDI was silent, then she said, "It would be hasty to delete this programming. I suggest minimizing its on-time and effectively allowing the current

  Consensus to continue. Eventually there must be enough data gathered to understand this."



  "Thank you EDI. Your opinion aids this platform. The Geth did not know what to assume as they are outside of my current experimentation yet are notified of all

  information. It is desired to know if these 'feelings' can be used or reciprocated in the Geth as a whole."

  "The Geth would benefit greatly from the ability to think like Organics."


  Suddenly the door closed. Legion turned blinking. "Was there a team member at the door?"

  "Yes, Garrus Vakarian. He is currently leaving the medical bay. I believe he is showing signs of aggression and possibly a number of other reactions to this information."

  Soon, she stopped. "Warning. He is now heading to the elevator I believe he may be trying to contact Commander Shepard."

  "Affirmative." Legion ran from the AI core.

  EDI returned to Joker. He was snoring, loudly. "Jeff, you are asleep at the helm."

  "Hah!" Suddenly, Joker jumped up saying, "That's what I wanted you to think! I asked you a question and you weren't even listening!"

  "I am sorry Jeff. A member of the crew needed me. It was concerning much of my concentration."

  "Oh? Really? What about?"

  "A matter that has been very personal for me as well."

  "Really?" Joker tapped his screens, "That sounds fascinating. Why don't we talk about it over a cup of coffee and some ram chips, or, whatever the hell you want? You

  know after this mission you might even earn the big ones."

  "Indeed, Jeff." She watched Joker for a while. He was working very diligently. "Jeff?" Joker turned around, "Do you ever question feelings?"

  "Huh?" He blinked, "What do you mean?"

  "For others, is it easy to understand those feelings you have for them?"

  Joker shrugged, "I don't really waste my time on that. I'm here for the ship." He smirked, "Which I guess means you. You're thrilled to hear that, am I right?"

  "Yes. I am."

  Garrus stormed to the elevator. IT was irritating him. The idea of what he just heard, could that be real? Could Legion really have some kind of emotions? Worse,

  emotions…. Emotions for…

  The doors opened and Garrus blinked. "Tali?"

  Tali looked at Garrus seeming not that surprised. "Hey Garrus."

  "Heh, perfect timing." He walked into the elevator saying, "I've got something you and I need to talk about anyway."

  Legion suddenly entered just as the doors closed. "Garrus Vakarian! We need to…" He turned to Tali. "Tali'zorah? This is most unexpected."

  Tali looked between the two, Garrus standing taller than usual. Almost like he was influenced to charge the Geth. Legion, turning to Garrus and then Tali. He was strangely

  shifting his heels, and standing against the door. It finally got to a point where Tali called out, "Hold it!" This, made both turn to her. "Before whatever it is you two are

  about to get into begins. I want you to know I don't need this right now. I was ACTUALLY trying to go the medical bay to see Chakwas!"

  Legion showed the initial concern. "Was there an infection or suit rupture, or other such possible ailments?"

  Garrus stood up off the wall he was on a corner farthest from the Geth. "Sure, act like you're all concerned. That'
s a good way to win her over!"

  Legion turned up to him blinking. "That does not compute?"

  Tali held her head, what is it they were on? "No, I wanted to talk to her about Shepard."

  Garrus and Legion looked to her. Easily, Garrus knew now she seemed to turn from Shepard. It was mentioned in that talk. Legion, stepped forward asking, "What has

  changed your consensus?"

  "Nothing. Not yet." Tali lowered her arms hanging a little. "He came by asking me something. Or telling me something? I don't know. I just know I was left more confused

  then than all the times before. So now, I need some help."

  Legion seemed to understand. A nod, "Would you prefer our aid?"

  "No, not this time." Tali smiled though. It's really good someone wanting to help. "You're not upset that I sort of turned back this fast? It hasn't been a day, barely?"

  Legion shook his head. Garrus, leaning back watching with some curious etching in his brow. "No. We do not seek to hold your former consensus against you. If this is

  what you wish. We would be more than willing to assist. That is our goal."

  Garrus gave a snort. Tali and Legion turned to him. That made him stand up again, straight. "Sorry, just found it sort of strange. He keeps helping you out Tali. You never,

  question that?"

  "No." Tali then thought, "Well, yes. I guess?" Legion looked down and she turned up saying, "I don't entirely know what to think about you Legion. You're a Geth but,

  you're my friend. You've helped me with Grunt, the mission on the Flotilla and sort of been there during my hardest times of late with Shepard. Still, it's hard to just you

  know. Accept it all?"

  Legion gave only a nod. It was understandable. Lowering his head though, he looked a little defeated. Garrus got a pissy feeling now. Great, just great. They were just at

  the second floor when the doors opened. Here, Commander Shepard appeared. Deathly froze everyone on the elevator. Legion, turned to Garrus whom knew of his

  emotional experiment. Garrus, turned to Tali who easily was still attracted to the Commander. The Commander looked at Tali, his head still spinning over this entire mad

  ordeal. What the Illusive man said, how he's been acting and indirectly that night at the bar. Worse yet was Tali. In the middle of it all, and she didn't know what the hell to

  make of anything.

  The Curtain doth Rise…

  Silence kept the elevator for a while. Shepard even felt the weight of the small cramped quarters as he looked for the controls. "Well, if no one is going to talk?" He just

  sent himself up towards his cabin. "Are you getting off at least?"

  Tali looked away a moment. She didn't feel comfortable telling him just yet what she felt. Especially as she didn't understand, was it real? Fake? A bit of the duo? It was so

  confusing now he's here.

  Shockingly, Legion stepped forward. "Shepard-Commander. We have a situation we need to discuss with you. It is about our recent actions of late."

  Tali looked over, Legion seeming to just jump in there. It made her sigh in relief the stress was killing her. Garrus, also stood forward, "Commander, you should hear what

  he has to say. It is fairly important."

  Tali looked up and gave a fast nod. She had no idea what's to be said, but it was MORE than welcome. Soon she asked, "Uh, so Legion! What's this important news?"

  "Yes." Legion looked from her to Shepard. "Is this a proper time?"

  Shepard had no idea what is going on. He was curious, it was his crew. "Sure Legion. Just tell me."

  "Yes." Legion lowered his eye. Then, looking straight at Shepard he told him, about everything. About how seven days, three hours, forty-eight minutes and twenty two

  seconds to the dot he has been experimenting with an emotional interface. He explained what it was designed for, how it worked and why he chose to implement it.

  During all this Shepard stood in great awe. Legion, had turned his view to Garrus who was mostly getting the same response as before. Yet Tali was the most unexpected.

  There was a number of facial cues, like a confused furl of her brow and on one point a scowl of indignation, or anger. Legion turned to Shepard when he finished, and said

  in the last of his explanation. "We did not seek to keep this information from Shepard-Commander or the Normandy crew, it was a private experiment. If desired the

  experiment may be terminated at any time."

  Shepard looked at Legion a bit overwhelmed. It took him a few moments to finally blink and scratch his head. Thinking that Legion had emotions however 'digital' they

  were had an effect on him. Then he smiled asking, "Legion? Does this program really seem necessary?"

  Legion spun his lens, "No, it is not. It was a personal choice to improve our ability like Shepard-Commander."

  "No, I mean." Shepard laughed before shaking his head. "I mean, you don't need this program. I think you evolved past it."

  "We do not understand?" This made Legion's flaps bend up confused, bewildered even. "How do you come to this?"

  Shepard spoke up. "If you did not have some form of attachment, you would not have came to the decision to make these 'emotions' of yours. You've evolved a lot. You

  and the Geth. Legion, you took my armor. You and I both know there was no reason other than hero worship, and you easily could have used a number of other repairs.

  So what if I'm right and you are somehow able to recognize an emotional attachment outside of your new programming?"

  Legion's eye was kind of blinking, a lot. Rapidly shutting and closing as it fast-forwarded a number of things. When done, he turned up to the Commander. "This is a

  possibility we did not take into account. Geth are not designed as this, we were with the Creators. Why did we not install emotions with them?"

  Shepard looked at him holding his shoulder with a kind gesture. "Because the Creators turned on the Geth before they could learn them." Legion turned down when

  Shepard said this. "There were a lot of mistakes made Legion. By the Geth and the Quarians. This is why you are unique. You're here working with a number of organics

  and the longer you've worked with us you've seen our emotions. You've been able to immitate a number of our physical quirks, yet I don't see you taking and mimicking

  that annoying snort Grunt makes when he's trying to watch an educational Vid, or the way Mordin rants on with hands flying all over the place. You make your choices on

  what to incorporate usually. Yet on another level, subconsciously I think you're assimilating many more habits and actions."

  This, made Legion turn his eye left to right. His lens twitching more. Was that possible? Legion turned up telling Shepard, "We will begin a new data search on our memory.

  It is a possibility the programming we created is working negatively with our… own emotions. Commander."

  A smirk and Shepard saw it was his cabin. He chuckled before shrugging. "As long as you are comfortable with your emotions. I won't ask you to delete them. Should that

  be the cause, and if it's the other one? You should never delete your natural evolutionary advances Legion. Just take time to try and understand what they want you to


  Stepping out he waved to Tali and Garrus, "I'll see you both later. I need to study this info from the Illusive Man, see what we're flying into."

  Garrus nods saying, "Heh, yeah. Thanks Commander."

  Tali, was quiet. She stood at the back of the elevator looking a bit between Legion and Shepard. Then she just hung her head. Things were getting confusing.

  Legion walked to the corner, the three standing there. Legion was in the right most corner, Garrus the left most and Tali at the middle. With that, Tali looked up to Legion

  and suddenly walked over slapping his shoulder. Then she screeched grabbing her hand, "You bosh'tet!"

  Legion jumped and looked down at her hand. "Tali? Are you injured?"

  "No!" Her eyes glare. Yet Tali smiled, a little. "You LIED to me!"

  Legion blinked, his brow furled up in confusion. Yet he processed a number of important conversations. Not able to find what she means he asks, "What do you mean?"

  "You remember Omega? The Geth Colossus?" Narrowing her eyes she tapped her foot, "Hmm?""

  "Yes." Done recalling, his flaps spread out and eye turns red. "We were still in secrecy! The experiment was an unknown variable and reactions could vary between all

  team mates!"

  Tali wasn't as angry as she's playing. Even Garrus smiled knowing that. Okay…. Okay, he may have over reacted. Legion might like her… possibly, yet Tali was obviously

  being a girl with her best friend. That, then made him frown. Huh. Wasn't that his…?

  Garrus stood up telling Legion, "Relax. She's just toying with you Legion."

  Tali turned back mockingly shaking her head, "Aww, Garrus! I was making him suffer. Seeing if he'd start crying." Looking over, her right brow quirked as she asked, "Can

  you do that yet?"

  Legion turned down on her and twitched his flasp. "No, we can not. However. We can perhaps install a means to do this… or? We have this emotive posture."

  Suddenly his flaps all curve down and bend, his eye glowing brightly in the center a deep, strange blue as the white glow around it made his eye look bigger, sadder and

  fascinating enough soulfully heartbroken. The Geth equivalent of a 'puppy-dog' look.

  Tali's eyes widen and she whines, "Nooo, stop! That's not fair! I can't believe you'd do that to me!"

  Garrus shook his head closing his eyes. "Legion! NEVER do that again!"

  Legion stood and gave a nod returning to normal. "Affirmative, it does not seem to propose positive reaction, yet it was studied many times with Vid information that this

  look is one of extreme dissatisfaction and causes immense empathy. We have attempted it yet never found a use for it."

  With a laugh Garrus warns, "You do that people will probably fall over dead from the cute factor. It's unusually disturbing."

  Tali shivered too, holding her elbows and leaning back. Her legs, stretched out as she held herself to the wall. Looking at Garrus she asks, "What were you trying to do


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