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I am Iron Man

Page 54

by Colin Cook


  Legion watched as Garrus shifted. He was in trouble. His eye opened a little and brow quirked from the corner. It was obvious Garrus wanted to tell Shepard-Commander.

  Yet now, he assumed if he told Tali her reaction can be negative. She did not take insult too heavily to the actions of Legion.

  Legion said, "Garrus Vakarian was requesting time to himself off of the Normandy after this next mission."

  That was a shocker. Garrus felt his mandibles clicking as it never, ever was expected Legion would help him. Then he saw Tali looking up at him. "Uh, yeah. I was going to

  make a modest request to… uh, Illium?" Looking to Legion, the Geth seemed to not respond. Okay, he's on his own here. "Yeah, that's right. Illium!"

  Tali seemed to like that, and said, "Really?" A nod, she held her hands up to her chest. "That's great Garrus! I was planning to go too. It might even work out you and I

  can go shopping together. I was debating on a new VI Core for my drone, or there could be use for some engineering supplies? I'll have to look around to see what they

  have. Shepard likes to stock up on the main essentials but you can't be too careful."

  A nod and Garrus looked back to Legion. Garrus was smiling. That was pretty damn good. Suddenly they both see that they were on the Crew Deck. Garrus started out,

  "Well, I need to get back to the Battery and all, test some things. Tali?"

  Tali looked up realizing, "I'm still going to need to talk to Chakwas…. But, I might wait until after the mission now." Scratching her helmet, she turned to Legion. "Someone

  sort of distracted me with his unusual revelations."

  Legion turned to her and gave a nod. "We apologize." Stepping out of the elevator he watched her begin to leave. Looking to Garrus he saw the Turian eying him a little.

  "There is more to your actions than reporting me to Shepard-Commander? Am I correct?"

  "Yes, you are." Garrus narrowed his eyes somewhat sizing up the Geth. Looking him over. Standing there without flinch or fear. "I wanted to warn Tali about you. About

  your 'emotions' for her."

  "We have no emotions for Tali. We created our emotions for the Geth. For us?"

  "No, not that." Garrus, frowned before shaking his head sighing. "I can't even imagine how I'll try to argue with you?"

  "We do not seek arguments. What if we leave this be until data has been gathered, then we can convey between one another?"

  Garrus looked at him a moment. His eyes glaring still. Yes, it was hard to believe. Yet Garrus knew the Geth was right. Trying to argue was not to solve anything. They

  needed to understand a little more. Yet he did ask one last thing. "Why did you help me out back there in the elevator?"

  Legion told Garrus the honest truth. "We are team mates. We must help one another." Offering a hand, Garrus' mandibles click at the gesture. "So we can be friends like

  we are with Tali."

  Garrus looked down and then back up. Huh, he smiled at that. Reaching out he shook his hand. "Okay, I'll give you some room." Yet, raising his other hand in an

  accusative point of his finger he warned with a menacing scowl, "But if you hurt Tali? Just one time. I swear, I'll break your tin-can head in with a single sniper shot when

  you least suspect it. Right in that glowing lens eye of yours, got me?"

  Legion looked at him blinking, and pulling back his head from the finger in his face. Legion said, "We believe this is where fear would be elicited, however, we do not

  approve of that emotion and have kept it from being manifested. Still, we accept this attempt and inform Garrus Vakarian that we intend never to harm Tali." A nod,

  Legion pulled back from the hand offering. "We hope you understand?"

  "I got ya." A smirk, Garrus felt good now. Walking off he told him, "Talk to you later Legion."

  "Yes." Legion looked around. Then returned to the AI Core. He was going to have to add this data into his logs. It was becoming a very busy day in such a little amount of

  time. He would take this time to make a recharge of his systems batteries.

  It was a while before time passed enough to hear the intercom. Shepard called those he needed for the mission briefing. The names were Tali, Mordin, Thane, and Garrus.

  This was the team, and it was unusual he called more than just two members. Shepard like to keep it small but there must have been some reason? Whatever it was, it

  would have to wait. As they entered the briefing room one later than the other.

  Miranda was also there though she was not called. The human second-in-command had her reasons to be here. Yet people had an issue with her. For the most part

  Miranda was devoted to Shepard now. Yet she was also the most loyal to Cerberus. It was a major conflict to interests.

  Shepard stood before the team gathered though with his arms crossed. Looking back at everyone, trying to decipher the general moods. Soon someone else entered and

  Tali recognized the person, the Quarian medic girl from Omega, Seima? She looked to Tali and then to Shepard. Walking to the head where Shepard was, Seima coughed a

  little, she was sick… most expected since what happened on Omega. When they were calmed, and collected his team the commander spoke up. "The Hunley is a large

  ship designed to be a carrier previously by the Alliance. It can be considered easily the size of five Normandy class vessels. This ship has seven floors of use, and most are

  connected by stairwells and elevators leading to a number of intricate hallways. A ship this size would be difficult to maneuver alone but we luckily have someone fairly

  comfortable with the layout." Looking to Seima, he gave a nod. "Seima?"

  Seima looked over a little nervous. Quarian nature again. She turned up to a diagram showing the ship, a large vessel indeed it looked like a giant block with numerous

  engines, and a great number of turrets along each entry port, and atop the vessel. "The ship has seven useable ports for entry. Three on the left and right sides, and the

  seventh is actually here on the top." She motioned, jumping as the diagram zoomed in. EDI acted on her motions.

  Seima coughed again, this time sounding out of both her illness and the shock. Motioning her hand as Shepard went to grab her. He was obviously worried for her, and Tali

  understood why. She wasn't faring well after Omega. That place was a dirty place. Seima began again, "The top port is a maintenance exit and entrance, we usually can

  go out the three other ports but this one, is also the closest to our main deck, you still have to pass the halls but it's the top floor of the ship where the deck is. There you

  should be able to access all other functions, and information of the ship. That's where I'd start?"

  Shepard gave a nod. Looking to Tali his eyes seemed worried. Tali noticed that too… it made her anxious. What was he worried about?

  Shepard walked over, letting Seima step back. "A few hours ago another ship linked with the Hunley. A Quarian Flotilla ship." Looking about, Tali stood forward a little. "It

  was a marine vessel. We intercepted the message." Which, he played.

  Tali's eyes widen to the familiar Quarian male voice. It couldn't be…

  "This, is Kal'Reeger! Flotilla Marines! Damn it, if you get this message do NOT dock with the S.S. Hunley! This ship's a ghost ship! There's no crew! There's no-" Static,

  started to pressure in. A scrambled, "Wh-who? Wh! Gah. Stop! Damn it! Gah!"

  Shepard watched Tali's actions. She was shaking as she leaned on the table. Reeger nearly killed himself saving her life. It's obvious this might be too much for her? Yet he

  believed she was the best choice. Shepard spoke up, "Also, Cerberus sent a team to excavate something from the ship. I want to know what, but we have other issues

  on board." Looking to Seima, he gave a nod and she abides.

  Seima motioned to the left of the ship, a passage and entrance that now z
oomed in. "Right here was the entrance they used. It leads into the third lower floor, and

  eventually can lead you to the fifth floor quickest where we have our research labs. There wasn't anything of importance really. Yet I wasn't part of the research labs I

  worked in the medical terminals." She watched the ship scan to the right side. "Uhh…. Yeah, over here." EDI again was acting on cues. Yet Seima didn't mean her to show


  Shepard looked at the team, telling them now. "This isn't a simple mission. With this information, I've assigned three teams for three specific goals. Tali and Mordin?" The

  two turn to him for their assignments. "You're in charge of finding any survivors. EDI will make a scan yet when you get there, you need to find as many as you can and

  get the hell out of there fast. Mordin's medical aid should be enough to assist with the injured and Tali, being a Quarian I'm hoping any traumatized personnel will be

  receptive to you."

  Tali gave a nod, "I'll do whatever I can Shepard." She lowered her head, Reeger? How long was it now…?

  Mordin, gave a smile of his own. "I'll assist as obvious, commander!"

  Shepard motioned to Thane. "Thane, you're a skilled assassin and I know how you move in ducts thanks to our first encounter." The Drell stood rather emotionless, arms

  behind his back. Tall but so strangely quiet. "I want you to use these ducts," the diagram scanned the floors leading to the research terminals. "You can move quickly and

  perhaps get to them before we even enter the ship. That should be where you find the Cerberus team if they are still alive? I don't know yet I just want to know really

  what they were researching on this ship… try and learn anything you can."

  "Understood Commander." Thane, spoke with that voice like ground gravel. Easily, the most terrifying. Or intimidating so far of the crew. Hard to believe he may be the

  most religious man here.

  "Good." Shepard motioned to Garrus now. "Garrus and myself, will team up with Seima to traverse the top of the ship and head to the main deck. Where we hope to

  learn what happened to the ship, her crew and any number of other things. If not possibly turn back on life-support?"

  Garrus had to ask, since that seemed important. "Why exactly are we going onto a ship without life support and believing there's a crew?"

  Seima looked at the Turian and explained, "Quarians do not need life support. At least, not for long periods of time. We usually run our ships with minimal use on reserves,

  and because of that this ship being how big it is? We're forced to use most secondary functions sparingly to conserve our resources. That's not to say we don't like the life

  support systems, a less strain on our suits as we can use the common functionalities and supplement with suit functions."

  Garrus blinked at her, then asked, "Ah, so am I the only one that didn't get all that?"

  Mordin grinned, telling Garrus while Tali held back her own giggle. "Quarians have suits and do not need the life support. We should be safe enough on our own."

  "Ah, I got it now." Garrus frowned to Shepard. "If that seems wise commander I'll go in with you, all the same. I just don't know if I'd expect a lot of survivors if the ship

  is offline like this? How many crew were there?"

  To that, Seima lowered her head. "Our crew was when we left, 234 Quarians." There was alarm, some shock. "We were all on pilgrimage mostly. Yet, we had some that

  were formerly of the Flotilla, choosing to leave and aid us on our Pilgrimages. It's hard to believe but Antura, our captain? He often actually would ask if we sought to

  continue the Pilgrimage. I recall a Vary'Ex Vas Soya whom worked in the medical wards, a really skilled Quarian medic, she taught me most everything I know now." A

  nod, she even told them, "She was considered the most sought after female on the ship. Men were constantly coming in with 'suit ruptures' for her to paw over… I'd

  imagine our most downloaded software was because of her, the neural stimpack…"

  Tali could not help but sigh at this. "Oh boy…"

  Shepard heard the ship begin to slow down. Funny, you work on something so long you get used to this. "EDI? Are we closing in?"

  EDI told him, "Yes Commander. However, the Normandy has slowed down as Jeff requires manuvers around debris." Shepard was going to ask what kind, yet she told

  him, "On trail of the Hunley we've come to find a number of ship debris. Two ships have been destroyed recently, one we believe a Blue Suns vessel, the other a Cerberus


  Shepard got it. Looking to the team he swung his hand out, "Dismissed! We're going to be moving out immediately. Any questions?" No one asked, so he left to the deck.

  He wanted to see this debris.

  Tali walked slowly out. She was confused. Why was Reeger here? What in the name of the Flotilla could he have gotten involved with? She was worried. If he's involved.

  There could be a Flotilla security risk? That meant she needed to help her people. To help her people was perhaps one of the highest regards she had. Most everything else

  Tali was worried about was gone, she now began to follow toward the docking bay so they could land where needed.

  Shepard watched a moment as they pass some debris. "Joker? What's our status?"

  Joker sighed, "So far just rummaging the garbage commander. No life signs, no com buoy. I don't suppose…" he slowly turned the corner of some large debris, and saw

  something. "Huh, that might be our ship?"

  Ahead the large vessel floats about slowly. With attached to the right side another ship. Seeing that, Shepard asks, "EDI? What ship is that?"

  "That, would be an unknown Quarian vessel. There are no crew aboard." Scans began of the ship, EDI told Shepard. "I am registering five life signs at current. However,

  they are all amassed on the medical ward of the facility."

  Joker asked, "Five? That's it EDI? That ship had over a hundred personnel!"

  "That is all currently alive at this time Jeff. My scans are not incorrect. Warning, a number of unknown energy signatures are amassing the ship's lower decks, and the

  engine has been offline for as long as the Quarian ship has been attached. It was active previously heading to the nearest Mass Effect relay."

  Shepard frowned to that. Why was a derelict ship heading to the mass effect relay? "Was a course plotted?"

  "Yes. However it is unknown where it was specified. I will need to link to the computers of the Hunley to learn more."

  "Delay that." Shepard shook his head, turning to get his helmet. "Me, Garrus and Seima will find out what we need to. I don't want the Normandy connected to that ship

  unless it has to be. Do you understand me?" He was getting a bad feeling. Really bad. The worst kind he can imagine. Looking back he asks, "Are the crew ready in


  "Yes Commander."

  The Shuttle moved slowly toward the ship. First, connecting to the right side, having to go two floors below the closest entrance to medical, as the Quarian ship was still

  connected. Then, the ship flew to the top of the vessel slowly holding, Thane covered the controls before Shepard and Garrus, along with Seima could get off. When they

  were on the ship Thane flew to the other side. Mordin and Tali were standing at the entrance to the ship's port beginning to make a move out. Mordin, asked Tali, "Does

  this ship have a feeling of ill will?"

  Tali looked around. "No more than any other ship. It feels a little deserted, yet if there are only five survivors… I'm worried what happened here?"

  "It is unknown. Could be a leak of some form of gas. Wise to keep our suits up."

  Tali looked to Mordin asking, "You think a Quarian wouldn't be protected from that? Honestly?"

  "No, knew better. Was an attempt to alleviate current stress." A smirk in his helmet, he asked, "How did I do?"

nbsp; "Lousy." He pistol drawn, she whispered, "I saw something move?"

  Mordin turned up aiming his pistol as well. The lights on them turned on, and the dark hall creaked a little. Mordin narrowed his eyes, he saw nothing. So Tali lowered her

  gun saying, "Nevermind, I think I'm a little on edge?"

  "Current mission is troubling. Quarian people missing. A number of unknown, unrecognized possibilities." The science officer and Tali move down the halls slowly for now.

  "Would advise speeding up our search yet for now, am not prepared to blindly charge into danger."

  "On that Mordin? We both agree."

  Shepard and Garrus scoped the area. Seima, seemed to be tapping at her Omni-tool. As she coughed, Garrus asked Shepard softly, "You think it was wise taking her

  along? She's sick after all commander."

  Shepard gave him a nod, "Trust me Garrus. I asked her numerous times if this was a good idea by her view, she said she needed to do something to help her keep her

  mind off of Omega." Walking, Garrus recalled the events. She lost a friend there. That wasn't a good experience was it? "Seima? Do you know anything from the hub?"

  Seima stood tapping her tool. Turning back she said, "No Commander. So far, the ship's VI hasn't responded. The Captain leaves that on during all times. I can't imagine

  why it's offline." Walking, she then told them. "I'm also picking up some interference in the ship. We won't be able to communicate with the teams inside."

  Garrus frowned, "Why? Is it something in the ship?"

  "I can't really tell." She shook her head, "Well, the energy fluctuations they seem to be coursing the main power lines in the ship. Almost like they are being drawn and

  then pushed back out from the engine. Even if it's offline it's still holding a lot of power, though this is the weird thing. The Engine is charged almost fifty times what it's

  supposed to be, technically our engines aren't even able to hold this much power." Looking back she scratched her helmet. "Commander something is really wrong. We

  need to get inside and get to the deck as soon as possible!"

  Shepard gave a nod, and looked to the hatch a far ways ahead. "Now I wish we'd landed a little closer."

  Thane walked the halls slowly. He was getting a feeling. He knew to trust his feelings. To trust them as much he did the training of the Hanar. Yet now, he sensed a


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