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Page 5

by Alyna Lachlan

  I understand. I too work out things in my mind before speaking. I will wait for you to ask before answering. I have a few questions of my own. While I'm waiting for a reply from the council, would you do me the honor and answer them?"

  "Yes, if I can.” She tilted her head and pushed the hair back behind her ear.

  "You are intelligent and successful. What made you choose an abusive human to mate with?” The last words came out in a growl. His brows pinched together over fire bright eyes.

  "It wasn't like that, Tyron.” She ran her palm over his chest. “I met Chris at the government offices. He had overheard me talking to a clerk. I was searching for clues to my father's strange disappearance four years earlier.

  "He caught up with me as I left that office and told me he worked in a department like Moulder's in the X-files, and that he would like to help. He offered hope, so I stayed with him, even when things turned bad."

  "He would beat you when you didn't please him. That is unforgivable."

  She met his gaze. Tyron's eyes glowed in the darkened room, a fire of anger burning behind those sapphires, caged only by the man's will. He would be extremely dangerous if he turned his emotions loose.

  "Yes. I desperately wanted information of any kind on my father. When he almost killed me five years ago, I realized he had never intended to help me, so I ran away while he was incarcerated. I took a job in a small town as an herbalist, keeping a low profile, praying he would never find me.” A shiver of recalled fear raked along her exposed nerves. “He threatened to come after me and with his resources, I knew it was only a matter of time before he tracked me down. But I was brought here and found you. He is gone from my life and I can breath once more."

  "By our Prime, Dauring, you are a strong female, and I am honored to have you stand by my side.” He nuzzled her neck, breathing the sweet scent of her hair. “I wish to meet this man Chris across the battling field with swords, and teach him manners. No one shall harm you again.” He pushed the hair back to nibble on the lob of her ear. “What was the name of your sire?” When she didn't answer right away, he raised his head to face her.

  "Kenneth Baldwin.” She lowered her gaze and shook her head. “I'm sure he is dead."

  "Why do you say that?"

  Shayna lifted her gaze. “He loved mother and me. If he could have returned, he would have. I have no doubt of that."

  Tyron nodded in agreement. If it had been Shayna, nothing would have held him from returning but death.

  The computer chimed and Tyron released his hold on her to move over to view the screen. “The council is gathering.” He glanced at her again. “We have a chance."

  "What if they deny you? What will happen?"

  He ran a finger along her jaw and down her throat, continuing over one hard nipple outlined through the black shirt. “I have a clipper ship. It is small but space travel ready. We will find refuge on another planet. I will not give you up. You and I are bound and I can't live without you."

  Shayna wrinkled her brow, laying her cheek against his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. Sometimes the things Tyron said frightened her yet brought an overwhelming joy. To think he would give up everything he had for her staggered the mind. She'd never had a man care for her so deeply or stood with her when times got rough. Her father had been there when she was younger but even that didn't compare to Tyron.

  "What do we do now?” Her voice came muffled against his shirt, but she knew he heard the question. Tyron remained forever touching her thoughts with warmth and caring, and she was growing to except it.

  His hand moved down over the front of her pants, rubbing the material between her legs.

  "Tyron.” She grabbed his arm and moaned.

  His lips moved along her jaw and up to her ear. “I know Kara. I am trying to fight it but the Calling is strong. Cool my passion, love and I will give you pleasure."

  "I can do no other but answer your need for it has become mine as well."

  He unfastened her pants, pushing them down so she could step out of them.

  "What if someone comes in to work?"

  "Let them watch."

  His words brought excitement and her body responded with liquid heat. He lifted one of her knees to place her foot on a box, then pushed his long middle finger through her wet folds and blew softly in her ear. A shiver of intense pleasure ran down her length to end where his finger probed and stirred. She rocked against his hand until he pushed three fingers deep inside her. She moaned, fisting her hands into his long black hair. Thinking someone could walk around the corner, seeing them like this with her legs open and Tyron's fingers deep inside her brought her close to climax.

  "Tyron.” His name came from between clenched teeth. Her body shook on the verge of sublime pleasure.

  Tyron ran his tongue along her neck, pulling a sleeve down to bare one breast. He stroked the sensitive point between her thighs and sank his fangs in near her nipple, his tongue flicking the harden nub.

  Shayna cried her release, holding Tyron's head to her. Her legs weaken so Tyron's hold around her waist tightened, while he continued pleasuring her with his other hand. He drank deep, not sure when they would get another chance to bond. The erotic taste of her slid across his tongue and he knew there was nothing sweeter.

  Lifting his head, he sighed, his eyes closed. His body shook from his physical need, the scent of her, and the taste of her doing nothing to cool his lust.

  He undid his pants and his hard staff sprung free. “I need you, Shayna.” He picked her up around the waist and sat her on a large box. Her hands reached out wrapping around him, stroking, milking him and he groaned, but it wasn't enough.

  Grabbing her around the waist, he lifted her upon his lap as he sat down. He adjusted her so her sheath met his sword and he sank deep within her wet folds.

  "Feed from me Kara. I would know the pleasure of it once more."

  With slight hesitance, Shayna brought her tongue over his male nipple as she road up and down on him. As if compelled, she bit down and felt Tyron shutter in release, his hard cry echoed through her heart as the warm essence of him fell across her tongue, spicy, sweet, nectar. The ride of his hard rod, stroking and sliding into her body brought her to climax again. Her fingers pushed into his hair as she pressed her face into his throat.

  Tyron's large warm hands caressed her back as they both rested. He leaned back against another box, closing his eyes. “I'm getting used to this. I think it could become a habit.” A wicked grin curved his lips, showing off his dimple, yet his gaze remained closed.

  "Mmmm, yes. One I hope you pursue.” She could feel the rumble of laughter in his chest before she heard it. She smiled. Never had she been this comfortable with a man. The sensation was nice.

  She laid her cheek on his chest. “This Calling fever you speak of—has it ever happened to you before?"

  "Only once, and a living hell."

  "How did you control the fever then?"

  "There are female feeders. They are trained in ways to help ease the symptoms but the fever never cools. Before the fever ends, you think the beast has won or you beg for death. To explain what happens is like a pot of water that is set over a flame. The water heats, growing hotter and hotter until you feel the flesh peeling off your body.” It takes the right balance of hormones and DNA placement to cool the fever for a time before it begins to heat again. That is why the blood exchange, but only a true Calling mate can control the erratic emotions.

  Shayna ran her hand along his cheek. “How long does this fever last?"

  "One full life circle."

  "A whole year?” She was stunned at what he had gone through.

  He nodded. “Many of our males turn on their first test of passage without a Calling mate. You, Shayna, are very important to me. More than you can ever guess. The Calling comes to all Eliscean males once every hundred life circles."

  "Toads and Sticks! Are you telling me, you are two hundred years old?” At his familiar l
opsided smile, she asked, “Just how long do you live?"

  "We, Shayna, that includes you, live for a thousand life circles if we are not killed in battle or turn dragon. Only a few of the beast are kept for work or executions.” The others are hunted and killed. An over abundance of dragons would see all life destroyed. We keep a tight reign on the number of males who have turned.

  She pushed away from his chest. “I wish you hadn't brought that up."

  The nightmare she had of herself tied to posts with an attacking dragon caused a shiver of dread. What if it hadn't been a dream but a future telling? On earth, she thought it only a bad dream, but here dragons lived.

  No. She couldn't go down that path. To be afraid of something that hasn't happened was a waist of energy.

  "Shayna!” Tyron's voice broke through her thoughts.


  "Have you seen the future?” His eyes narrowed.

  "No, Tyron. I had a bad dream the night before I was taken. That is all."

  The images in her thoughts looked much like the dragon pits and he wondered if she was tapping into her mental powers. If she was she didn't want to speak of it. “Come, I have to take you to Taylee's residence.” Tyron stated, sitting up and helping her to stand. “I can't leave you here. Some of those lower class workers will see you as a treat and think nothing of selling you to the queen.” He adjusted his clothes and stood. Reaching for his weapon, he repositioned it at his waist, pulling his long black duster over to conceal it, before glancing her way.

  "Do you trust this brother?” She raised her gaze, searching his features after redressing.

  "We are close. He will do this for me."

  "That's not what I asked."

  "I know. But it will have to do.” He held his hand out to her. “Are you ready?"

  At her nod, he took them to the door and out onto a dim lit walkway that passed in front of and behind many businesses, weaving through what reminded her of old run down inner city streets. The only difference was rock formed a black ceiling instead of the night sky.

  Another hour of moving through dark back alleys and up another lift, saw them standing in Taylee's dining room. He didn't look happy to see them.

  "Taylee, I need you to watch Shayna for a few hours."

  "Does this have anything to do with the council meeting you called?"

  "Yes. Shayna is now my bound Calling mate. My mark is documented. But obviously, the queen refuses to see my choice."

  "That is because of what you have done is unheard of. We have never found a Calling mate from an outsider.” Taylee frowned, glancing at Shayna, even now wrapped under Tyron's sheltering arm. Yet, there was a strength about her. She stood straight. Her green eyes snapped with fire and he could see she wished to speak, but kept her mouth shut. To find strength in a female, even one of Elisceans elite, was rare. Taylee found himself compelled by it, even envious.

  "If this is true, it would mean a way for Elisceans to survive. Perhaps, nature has found a way to keep us from dying out. Maybe the Queen knows this and is afraid of change and what it would do to our well-ordered life."

  "I agree. And for this, she would do all to see it stopped. She doesn't have the understanding of the Calling fever and what one goes through.” Tyron ran his fingers up the back of Shayna's neck and into her hair. “I will not lose the woman I have waited two hundred life circles to find, just to appease the queen's fear of change. Will you stand with me?"

  There was a heavy pause as Taylee ran his gaze over Shayna then swung back to Tyron.

  "At this point, I will not step out in conviction with you but neither will I hold a hand against you. She may stay here, protected until we return from the council."

  "That is all I need. My thanks."

  Taylee turned, stepping away to speak to a servant, yet kept his gaze on the earthling Breeder.

  "Santo, see that a room is made up for Tyron's Calling mate. Tell no one who she is until I return from council."

  The servant bowed and left.

  Taylee watched Tyron bend his head toward Shayna, whispering in soft tones. He had never seen his older brother act so gentle. Tyron was a warrior, powerful, and direct. The honors he held were hard won. Now to see him finding pleasure and contentment stirred a growing need in Taylee's chest. Shayna was a beautiful female. The sun's bright rays were captured within her golden hair. Hair that could stir every male's lust, even his, but she cared for Tyron, and Taylee wouldn't go against his brother over a female. If in truth they were bound, no one, or thing, could separate them. Their very souls would be fused with the exchange of blood.

  Taylee watched her fingers, caressing his brother's jaw. If he found his Calling mate, the one to ease the fire in his blood, would he not do all in his power to hold her? The answer was, yes! Envy, and his own loneliness burned a fire through his belly. Within four life circles, his time of the Calling would be upon him again. He knew he wouldn't make it through one again without his mate, and he wouldn't see Tyron cheated out of his mates help. He would do what he could for Tyron and Shayna.

  He moved off to his monitor room, where he pushed a code of buttons. “High Queen. Taylee 426."

  The frowning face of an older woman with dark hair appeared on the monitor. “Taylee. Why have you summoned me?"

  "In hopes you will desist with your plans for Tyron's Calling mate."

  "They are bound then?"

  "So I have been told. Tyron said his mark is on file. If you continue mother, you may lose them both in the end. She is just an earthling breeder, what harm could one so small cause. Tyron is a strong leader among the council. Is this attack wise?"

  "Are you lecturing me?! Beware your tongue is not removed."

  Taylee sighed. “I only ask questions the council will seek."

  "This lowborn outsider is a threat to our way of life.” The woman stated, confirming what Taylee had already guessed.

  "Once news of finding a Calling mate outside of Elisceans elite is heard, our warriors will seek out other worlds, leaving Eliscean Prime unguarded. Our females forgotten, our ways changed with this influx of out-worlders. I will not see this happen. I will expect you to vote with me at council. Be there!"

  "I come within the hour, with or without your order."

  The monitor went black, leaving Taylee disturbed. Something about his conversation didn't set right. By Dauring, none of what was happening made sense. He ran fingers through his hair in frustration then got up to ready for the meeting. This was only going to get worse before the end. He sensed the storm brewing and building just out of sight.

  The room Taylee gave Shayna was large. One area seemed to have three dozen massive pillows and a kneeling table at its center. The bed set on the opposite wall, but what she wanted most was a long hot shower. Did they even have things like that here?

  Tyron strode to a panel of buttons and pressed one, causing a door to slide open, giving entrance to an unseen room.

  "Come, Kara. I would see to your every wish."

  "A shower, perhaps?"

  A wicked smile curled his lips. “Better."

  He waited as she stepped through, then followed. The bathroom looked sleek, refined, and coldly functional. Tyron opened another door to their left that looked like a well-lit, large closet.

  "Take off your clothes and step inside."

  Shayna did as directed, feeling Tyron's heated gaze on her as she stepped naked into the small room.

  "What is this?” she asked, glancing around the four bare walls.

  The door clicked shut and she turned to view a very naked man. The sight of him heated her instantly. Tyron was so handsome and hard in all the right places. She raised her hand to his chest, caressing over tight sinew and warm flesh.

  He covered her hand with his larger one, holding her to him.

  "If you continue, I will forget to turn on the water."

  He pulled her into his arms and pushed a silver button.

  "Ninety-eight degrees."

  Water rained down from the ceiling then jets came from each corner to caress their bodies. She cried in delighted surprise as the warm water ran down their bodies.

  "Is the temperature right?"

  "In your arms everything is right.” There was an awkward pause, before she spoke again. “Although you should have a sign around your waist stating 'Danger, slippery when wet.’”

  His deep laugher brought things to right again. She hadn't meant to hint at her growing feeling and a touch of unease settled in her belly until his lips met hers. Her world focused down to him. There was nothing but him at this moment.

  His large hands took hers, raising them over her head as he pressed her against the wall. The water ran over her skin like hot fingers, while Tyron continue to feed at her lips. He tasted spicy, warm, and very wet.

  Tyron turned her to face a forceful water jet then pulled her knee up to set her foot on a handle so her woman's folds were spread open to the pulsating heat of the waters spray.

  Her back pressed into his chest and his stiff rod rubbed between the cheeks of her bottom. She laid her head back against his shoulder, her hands sliding over his wet hips, holding him close to her.

  Tyron rolled her nipple between his thumb and finger then moved his other hand down to spread her so the forceful water teased the nub of her desire as he nibbled on her neck.

  Shayna rocked her head back and forth as erotic pleasure built. She was so open and sensitive. Every stroke of his staff along the seam of her bottom made her press backward. When the tip of his rod move low she would try to lift her hips so he would slid even lower and push deep into her woman's sheath, but he would refuse by stroking up her bottom again.

  "Tyron, please."

  His hot breath along her ear brought a shiver of pleasure. His voice deep and husky with desire. “Tell me what you want, Kara."

  "I want you hard inside me. Don't tease me any more."

  "Bend over and place your palms on the wall in front of you."

  She felt the slid of his hands along her sides then down the seam of her bottom following the line until he circled the nub of pleasure. She pressed back against his staff feeling its bare length find her woman's passage, and pushing deep within her from behind. The combination of pulsating water and Tyron's hard body pushing into her, caused a scream of release to pass her lips in a wild climax.


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