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Page 6

by Alyna Lachlan

  Tyron's grip tightened slightly over one breast as her body milked him with quick hard thrusts. He too found fulfillment with a long moan. With a hard shove, he pressed deep and empted his hot seed into her.

  "Don't move.” He leaned across her back, nibbling her shoulder as his hand cupped both breasts, flicking his thumbs over the hard nipples. Then his fingers slid lower and into the folds where the water still teased and his body rested hard within her.

  Shayna felt him pull from her body and groaned in denial, but stayed where she was not sure she had the strength to do otherwise.

  The water stopped and just as she raised her head to see why, she found Tyron sliding under her raised leg to knee between her opened thighs.

  "I don't think..."

  "I would know the taste of you again, Kara. Will you deny me?"

  Staring into his warm gaze, she knew she would deny him nothing and found herself shaking her head.

  His large hands spread over the globs of her bottom as he brought his lips to the core of her. Shayna was still very sensitive and with the first caress of his tongue, she tightened on the edge of pleasure again. As he sucked the sensitive nub hard, she climaxed, rocking against his feeding mouth, giving a moaning cry, offering him the feast he had desired. Tyron drank all she gave, tasting every little shudder, then moved his lips to her inner thigh. He pushed a finger inside her as he sank his fangs into the flesh of her thigh. She came again hard on the first one, a deep moan followed.

  Her knee weakened and he caught her about the waist, easing her to the floor beside him.

  "You were right,” her voice sounding breathy. “It was better then any shower I had in mind."

  His answer was a lift of one brow. “Do you think you can make it to the bed?"

  She laid her forehead against his shoulder. “Toads and sticks. At this moment, I don't think I'll ever walk again.” The laughter in her voice put a smile on his lips.

  "Then I'll have to carry you.” He stood, scooping Shayna into his arms. He moved to the bedroom, sitting her at the foot of the bed then disappeared, returning with a towel to dry her off. When she reached for it, he shook his head. He wouldn't allow her to help with drying. He wanted that pleasure. He ran the soft material over her body, inspecting every curve. Tyron took his time drying her hair, careful not to pull the golden strands and cause her pain.

  She seized the moment in hopes of leaning more of this unique man that was stealing into her heart the more time she spent in his company.

  Going over some of the things she had learned from the computer study, she asked, “Tell me, are you and your mother close? I have never heard you call her anything but the queen."

  "Our world is different from yours. The queen's main function is the growth of healthy eggs to populate our tech enforcers, security."

  "She's a breeder?"

  "No, its not what's in you pretty head. She is given the best this world has to offer and twice in a life's circle, her eggs are harvested and grown in a private lab. The strongest and healthiest embryos are cared for by med-techs. Only a few are chosen. The others are terminated. At the right age, they are hatched and sent to housing for testing to see where their strengths lie. They are developed and at thirty life circles males are given a residence and a place in society. If they are above average in brain function, they are granted lessons in weapons, law enforcement, and fighting techniques, then the top ranking warriors are chosen for High Regents and a seat on the council."

  "Your world makes me all warm and cozy.” Sarcasm dripped from Shayna's mouth as she winkled up her nose and rolled her eyes.

  Tyron laughed. “I warned you.” He set the towel aside and combed his long fingers through her drying hair.

  Truly heaven She sighed, leaning her head to one side, giving him better =access. Never had a man done this for her.

  "And the females that are hatched—what happens to them?"

  "They are given a chance to visit other colonies and regions in hopes of being a Calling mate but most will become honored concubines of high regents because they are infertile."

  "Not a very loving society. It reminds me more of a beehive. I don't think I will ever fit in, Tyron. I can't live that way."

  "Beehive?” He moved around to face her.

  "Yes. On earth they are small creatures that work together to make food, build homes and produce workers to survive as a colony."

  Tyron nodded. “Perhaps these creatures are related to the dragons?"

  Shayna's laughter caused his brow to lower.

  "Why do you laugh?"

  "Bees are about the size of the end of my finger.” She held up her smallest finger to show him how small bee's were.

  He lifted one brow as if she had lost her mind and she laughed harder. What a wonderful man he was for not having had any love or tenderness in his life.

  "Have you never known compassion, the warmth of a loving touch? Was there no one to give you a hug when you hurt yourself as a child?” She ran her hand along his cheek in a caress.

  He frowned. “A warrior needs none of this. When we are wounded we get up and fight again until we breathe our last."

  She felt a heavy sorrow settle in her chest and realized how blessed she had been to have had two loving parents. “I guess it's up to me to give you what you have missed, Tyron.” She pulled him to her in a hug, kissing his neck. It was shocking to realize how quickly he had found a place in her heart. The fear of caring for another had receded and her heart was opening to this man by the hour.

  He needed her, but just as important, she needed him as well. They made love again. This time it wasn't hurried or erotic, it was slow, intense, a communion of souls. If she couldn't say she loved him, she would show him by touch.

  * * * *

  Tyron left Shayna to sleep while he went down to Taylee's monitor room. He wanted to research an ancient law called the KarronMar. It stated that someone could stand between the dragon and the accused. If the dragon was defeated, the accused would go free. Only a few warriors in their long history had won the rights of KarronMar. Tyron knew his mental powers were strong as well as his sword arm. If things didn't go his way at the council, and they couldn't escape, the KarronMar would be something to fall back on. But the challenge wasn't the only thing he wanted to research.

  He came to the computer room because of something Shayna had said earlier. The council members did have breeders, of course—none had been named Calling mate, but now he wondered if there wasn't more to this refusal of the queen.

  Tyron typed in Shayna's first and last name and hit search. He was more than surprised at what came up. Shayna's father's name appeared with hers as well as two other Baldwins. Her father had been here on Eliscean Prime. Tyron clicked on Kenneth Baldwin's file. Words in bold stated, FILE DELETED.

  Tyron frowned. Only the queen or a voting by the council could remove a person's file. Normally a deletion came after an execution.

  The date the file was erased happened one life circle after Shayna said her father had gone missing.

  Tyron needed more information. With his secret code, he went into the council's files on meetings and scanned that life circle records until Kenneth Baldwin's name came up again.

  He had blown up two of the seven growing stations at this compound, vowing to starve them all if he was not returned to earth. Of course, that was impossible when his body had been transformed upon arriving to Eliscean Prime. That is why they were so careful to study the person to be altered. Those with family or defects of the mind and body were not taken. What went wrong?

  For Kenneth's crime, the queen ordered him to the dragon pits.

  Who purchased him? Tyron rolled back pages to discover the man had been sold to the queen in a private showing just like what he'd done with Shayna. That would mean the queen had prier knowledge of him before his arrival. In that case, surely, she knew of his wife and daughter.

  Tyron leaned back against the high-backed chair and rubbed his ey
es as a sharp pain built between his brows. With what Shayna had said about her father, he would have refused the queen's bed and tried everything to get home to his wife and young daughter. However, the queen would only see him as a low-born, off-worlder, who had spurned her advances. A woman's rage would indeed be a reason to hate Shayna.

  He groaned. How could this get any worse? Should he tell Shayna that the queen had kidnapped her father, after sharing with her that Elisceans never took those with families? It didn't look good for him on any front.

  He stood. There existed nothing but to face this challenge head on. He went armed with knowledge and determination. There would be time before the council meeting to work out things in his mind, and he prayed what he had was enough. Shayna would be safe. Taylee gave his word to guard her well.

  With long strides, Tyron left the residence and headed toward the capital.

  * * * *

  Taylee stood next to a table near his entrance, cleaning his sword. When he finished, he slid it back into its sheath, and set it on the wall holder. His thoughts wandered to Shayna. Having a beautiful female in his residence was hell. The predator in him kept catching her scent and his body reacted. Tyron asked too much of him. Leaving now for the council meeting would keep him from breaking his sacred word to his brother.

  He had put a guard on her room so no one could come or go until he returned from council. It kept him honest and her safe. Right now, his focus centered on Tyron. He was going to need all the support he could get.

  The door to his apartments suddenly slid open behind him without warning.

  Four of the queen's guard rushed in. Taylee swung around, pulling his laser from his waistband. Taking aim, he fired twice, bringing down two men before he was fired on. He took a shot in the shoulder and one in the side. His body jerked with each hit, pushing him back against the partition. The fire from the knock out drug burned its way into his gut, taking the strength from his limbs. He yelled in rage as he slumped down the wall, watching as the remaining guards fanned out, no doubt searching for Shayna. How had they known?

  The queen! A growl of frustrated anger rumbled from his chest as he heard Tyron's Calling mate scream. Then his world went black.

  Shayna had just finished dressing when the bedroom door forcefully swung open, slamming into the wall. Two guards rushed her. A scream tore past her lips as she turned to flee, searching for an escape. Rough hands grabbed her arms, pulling her through the doorway. She twisted, kicking out at the man holding her, connecting her boot with muscle. The guard grunted, then spoke to the guard on her other side. She couldn't understand what was said, but they laughed, so she kicked him again.

  As they pushed through the main exit, she spotted Taylee lying as if dead on the floor, blood showing on his shirt.

  "No!” Was he dead? How could the queen give orders to have her own son killed?

  She started fighting harder using all her strength, pulling, kicking, scratching, and if she could have gotten closer, biting. But a fist to her chin kept her from doing further damage. Stars exploded through her brain, followed by peaceful darkness.


  Shayna's first awareness was nausea. She was bouncing up and down with something hard jammed in her stomach. Opening her eyes, she found her nose three inches from a man's back as she was carried upside down over his shoulder. She hit him where she hoped his kidney lay. “Put me down before I'm sick all over you."

  Shayna was dumped across a bench in a hallway with brightly colored walls. She sat up slowly, glaring at the two guards as she tried to settle her stomach by taking deep breaths and swallowing. Rubbing her belly, she asked, “Where is this place, why was I brought here?"

  "Off-worlder, if you can walk, you will find your answers through those doors.” The guard pointed to her right. “We are expected.” He growled, taking her arm and pulling her roughly to stand.

  She jerked her arm from his hold. “Don't touch me. I am High Regent Tyron's Calling mate."

  The guard nodded, stepping back and waited. Shayna knew the queen sat behind those doors. As she moved forward, the guards followed. They were alert to any move she made.

  Stepping through the double doors, Shayna spotted an older woman with dark hair, reclining on a couch. A low table covered with many different dishes of food sat before her. She had her fingers posed over a plate of what looked like large red berries when she glanced up at their entry.

  "So you found the whore.” A sneer twisted the queen's lips as her gaze ran along Shayna's length. She picked up a piece of red fruit, twirling it between her thumb and finger. “You are shocked at my language? I learned a lot from an earthling such as you long ago. Slut, whore, bitch, along with a few others words were all taught to me by a man.” Her voice turned hard with anger, her gaze narrowed, showing lines across her forehead. She tore into the blood red fruit with her white teeth, setting the uneaten part back on the plate.

  Shayna didn't know where this was going. At the moment, the woman seemed unhinged. She was unsure if she should speak, but the quiet hostility brought forth a need for survival.

  "I'm sorry,” Shayna offered. “Names of that sort are degrading and shouldn't be used."

  "Your father taught me those words."

  "What?” The room seemed to tilt and Shayna shook her head. She had heard wrong.

  "Your father, Kenneth Baldwin. He was my lover, you know."

  "You're lying.” She felt as if the floor was about to open up and swallow her. The queen was playing some cruel trick.

  "I don't lie, earthling."

  "Where is he? I want to see him.” Shayna moved toward the queen but a guard grabbed her arm, holding her in place.

  "You father was unbalanced.” The queen waved her hand in a nonchalant way, as if the matter had no significant. He tried killing us all, so I gave him to the dragons. That is why you will never be a Calling mate or breeder to Tyron. Insanity runs in your family."

  "You murdering bitch.” Shayna tried to jerk her arms from the guards hold. “You are vindictive and without compassion. You have no idea what love is, so I feel pity for you.” All those lonely years swarmed up to choke her with tears. This woman had ripped her happy home apart, and had changed her whole life.

  "Hold your tongue, lowborn."

  "Why? I know my fate and in a way, it's freeing. I can speak my mind. But you on the other hand, will die painfully alone in the end and no one will care. One always carries their sins to the end and you have many. They will choke you to death and all you hold dear will be taken away.” Images of this woman in service clothes gazing though iron bars flashed through Shayna's mind.

  "Guards—take this slut to the underground caverns and chain her to the wall until she is taken to the dragon pits. No comfort is allowed.” The queen's sparkling gaze turned back to Shayna. “I may not be able to touch you yet lowborn, but that doesn't mean I can't make you suffer until the dragon tears you apart."

  The guards hold on Shayna's arms tightened, dragging her backward toward the door.

  "Tyron will come for me. Your plans will fail and your crimes will see you fall!"

  * * * *

  Tyron paced outside the council room doors, raking fingers through his hair. This was the first time he sat in opposition to the queen's wants and knew the council would be tough. He worried over Shayna's safety. She had taught him tenderness, softness, and giving. She gave of herself without inhibitions or restraint. That gift above all others touched his harden heart and brought a peace and contentment he'd never known. Today he fought for Shayna's life but also his. He could never go back to living alone.


  He glanced up to see Taylee leaning against the wall near the entrance, his features pale, his breathing labored and shallow with beads of sweat dotting his forehead.

  Tyron moved over to his brother, helping him to one of the hall benches, a thick dread invaded his heart. “What has happened?"

  "The queen's guard. They broke in and s
hot me with drug darts.” Taylee grabbed Tyron arms in a painful grasp, his gaze wild, angry. “They took Shayna from under my roof, killing my guard. Forgive me."

  Tyron's growl shook the walls, his hands curling into fists. “Where is she?"

  Taylee shook his head. “The attack came over an hour ago so the queen must have her by now or know where she is."

  Tyron felt the beast stir within, as rage spilled into his gut. Knowing the queen's vindictive nature, he feared for Shayna. If his Calling mate were hurt, he would kill them all. The laws, be damned.

  With both hands, he shoved the double doors open to the council chambers, causing them to bang against the wall. All heads turned his way as the doors slammed shut with a resounding bang. “By what right do you have to break and enter into a council member's residence and take my Calling mate from his protection, killing his guard to do it?"

  Even though the room stood full of male council members seated in a half circle about the room, his question and gaze fell directly on the queen. She lounged on a seat at the center of the half circle on a raised platform throne. A sly smile fell over her thin lips.

  "It's against our laws for anyone to touch a Calling mate. It's dangerous for all concerned when the male is suffering the powerful fever. You tempt fate!” The menace underlining his words brought the guards to stand on either side of the queen. “Only her male is to be with her at this time of their bounding fire to protect him from turning. We have too many males becoming dragons because there are no mates to cool the Calling. Yet, you would break into High Regent Taylee's dwelling, shoot him, then lay hands on my mate.” The words resounded about the large room, a testament to his fury.

  Fire spit from her gaze as she sat up. “How dare you wave the law before me, Tyron. I have ruled this clan for three hundred life circles, giving it all that I have, and I'll not have some off-worlder slut destroy us. The record shows you have not taken a female in many circles of life. When was the last time, twenty-five, fifty, marked life circles? There is no record of a mating since the last Calling fever."


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