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The Rebellious Princess Chooses Two Lovers

Page 5

by Carolyn Rosewood

  He handed Ethan the brush and Ethan withdrew his cock, grasping her around the waist so she couldn’t move. The brush was long enough to paddle both ass cheeks at the same time. After the first few smacks Dominic rubbed his cock against her clit, and she couldn’t help but rock her hips into him. When he lifted her up she wrapped her legs around him, and screamed when his shaft filled her pussy to the hilt.

  Her orgasm went on for long, luscious moments while her ass burned from Ethan’s paddling. Each time Dominic thrust Ethan smacked her ass. Cadence could barely take a breath. She’d never experienced such a combination of pain and pleasure at the same time. Tears coursed down her cheeks but she didn’t want them to stop. Her pussy was tender and as sore as her ass when Dominic finally climaxed.

  She clung to him until he gently lowered her to her feet. Glancing at Ethan she watched him grasp his cock and slide more gel over it. She thought he was going to fuck her in the ass again, but instead he rinsed it off and pushed her against wall, pulling her hips toward him to slide into her pussy from behind.

  He hung onto her breasts and squeezed hard, massaging her nipples as he thrust, rough and deep. She caught a glimpse of Dominic’s face and thought for a brief second she saw jealousy, but then it was gone. He’d instigated this. Why would he be jealous?

  Her thoughts were too jumbled to concentrate on anything more than Ethan’s huge cock inside her, bringing her to yet another orgasm. She had never come so many times in one night and didn’t think her body would let her do so again, but soon she was screaming as another series of contractions overtook her, leaving her shaking and trembling when he finally came inside her.

  Dominic turned off the water and gathered Cadence in his arms, gently stroking her back and hair. Ethan cuddled her from behind, caressing her arms and legs. Cadence had never felt so sated and treasured. She never wanted to leave the embrace of these strong, amazing men.

  In The Morning The Princess Had Doubts…

  Dominic woke with Cadence’s arms and legs draped over him. He blinked a few times, turning his head to look around the room. The sun was rising, bathing the room in soft pink light. Ethan was still asleep on the divan across the room. Why hadn’t he stayed in the bed? He and Cadence had invited him.

  Dominic imagined Ethan had been fighting a battle between the desire in his loins and what was considered proper ever since he’d learned how to pull his own cock. It was obvious he’d wanted to bed Cadence for a long time.

  Cadence had certainly enjoyed them both the night before. More than she seemed to enjoy one man. Dominic had watched her face in the shower, overcome with desire, and had been seized with a compulsion to send Ethan away. But that would have invited speculation about his feelings for her, and he wasn’t ready to go there.

  His thoughts about this beautiful creature that made love like no woman he’d ever had confused him. She seemed to want nothing more from him than his company. Had she always been this emotionally detached? Was there no man in her past she had loved? Or perhaps there was and that was the reason she closed her heart now.

  Dominic was used to women clinging or dropping hints about permanent relationships. Some started fantasizing as soon as the morning after he’d first fucked them. The rumors about Cadence not wishing to marry must be true. He had to admit he’d had his doubts before taking the journey here, but he’d been proven wrong. He found it interesting that Cadence was so detached. He had never come across a woman like her.

  Not that he could blame her. Falling in love was like asking someone to slowly torture you and pretending to enjoy it. He was living proof. Every time he came close to feeling anything more for a woman than affection or lust, a suffocating sensation overtook him. His dreams were filled with images of being trapped in a hole and unable to climb out.

  Cadence sighed in her sleep so he rolled out of bed and pulled on his clothes. If he stayed naked next to her it would be too tempting to make love to her again. He needed a little rest at least.

  Ethan stirred when Dominic came out of the bathroom. He sat straight up, his eyes wide and full of fear. “I should not have stayed.”

  “Quiet. You’ll wake her.”

  “My master…”

  “I shall speak with him if necessary. For heaven’s sake, Ethan, she invited you here.”

  Ethan shook his head as his gaze landed on Cadence’s sleeping form. “No one will believe that.”

  “They will if I set the record straight. Now calm yourself.”

  “You would do that?”

  Dominic chuckled to hide his embarrassment. “Hey, we shared bath gel, remember?”

  “Your Highness…”

  “Relax, Ethan. If anyone gives you trouble just let me know. I’ll speak with them.”

  “Thank you, Highness.”

  “And you may as well call me Dominic. We’ve seen each other naked.”

  Ethan blushed. “I can’t call you by your given name in public.”

  “Fair enough. But in here you certainly can.”

  “Do the two of you have to argue at the crack of dawn?” Cadence smiled sweetly and stretched, letting the sheet pool around her waist. The site of her naked breasts made Dominic’s cock twitch.

  “What shall we do today?” she asked. “Let us get away from this castle and the servants’ gossip.”

  “Cadence, I’m sure you and I would have no trouble doing so, but Ethan has his duties.”

  “But I want to spend the day with both of you.” She bounded off the bed and sprinted toward the bathroom. “I’m going to wash up and then get dressed. If Molly shows up send her away. I’m tired of her.”

  Ethan watched the door close behind her, a look of frustration in his dark eyes. “How can I make her understand?”

  “You can’t. I suspect she’s always been like this.”

  “Yes, this is her way. But I cannot spend the day with her.” He began to pull on his clothes. “I shall receive a good lashing as it is unless I get to work.”

  “She won’t be happy to find you gone when she comes out.”

  Ethan shook his head. “I cannot help that.” His voice shook with barely repressed rage. A sudden thought occurred to Dominic, setting off a fresh surge of jealousy. Ethan was in love with her. It was suddenly so clear. His feelings for her went way beyond wanting to bed her. Did she know?

  “Have you ever told her how you feel about her?”

  Ethan stopped in the act of fastening his tunic and stared at Dominic as if he’d just asked him to cut off his own arm. His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down.

  “I guess not,” Dominic muttered.

  “I could no sooner speak to her parents without first being summoned by them.” Ethan pushed past him without another word and closed the door to her bedchamber behind him.

  Dominic took a seat on the divan, shaking his head. The idea of life in a castle with servants who were afraid to speak their mind was ridiculous. And yet, here he was playing the part of a Prince as though he lived it back home. Who was the bigger hypocrite?

  When Cadence found out he was a phony she’d send him away. Would it break her heart or was she so hardened that she would shrug it off? The look on her face when she’d asked to spend the day with both of them told Dominic she wasn’t quite as hardened as he’d first believed. She didn’t only want them in her bed. Cadence enjoyed their company as well.

  Guilt washed over him and brought nausea with it. What in the blazes was he doing here? This had started out as a lark, something to pass the time and satisfy his curiosity. But everything had changed now. Not only was he in danger of hurting a servant, who’d borne a secret crush on the Princess for years, but he was also lying to Cadence and making a mockery of how freely she had given herself to both of them.

  It was his fault she’d made love to Ethan. He would have spent the remainder of his days sneaking into her bedchamber to watch her sleep and nothing more. Because of him, Ethan had fulfilled his fantasies and the poor guy was probably more miser
able now than he’d ever been.

  Dominic looked around for a decanter of whiskey or wine, but there was nothing. Remorse wasn’t an emotion he was used to dealing with. He needed to quash it and fast.


  Ethan hurried to his tiny room, praying he wouldn’t run into Marcus. Luck was on his side. His master was nowhere to be found. He washed up, quickly changed his clothes, and made his way into the courtyard. Today he would finish the topiary for Cadence. If he couldn’t spend the day with her, at least he’d spend the day under her windows making something she had asked for.

  Cadence would choose this Prince for her lover. There was no doubt about it. He was handsome, charming, and he had certainly made her happy in bed.

  Picking up his shears, Ethan did some final trimming on the elephant’s trunk as he let the memories of making love to Cadence fill his mind. It was good no one paid him any attention, because his cock bulged against the front of his breeches and there was nothing he could do about it.

  Last night, every fantasy he’d ever had about her came true. Ethan knew it would never be repeated, but even that knowledge couldn’t dampen his spirits this morning. He’d always have the memory of her lips on his, the touch of her fair skin, and the look in her eyes as she climaxed over and over again. No one could take those images away from him.

  Cadence had been everything he’d imagined and so much more. Ever since he had watched her on the balcony two weeks ago, he hadn’t been able to forget the sight of her naked breasts. Writing that note was the boldest thing he’d ever done and until he stumbled upon her reading it outside the dining room the next day, a blush on her face and a sweet smile on her lips, he had lived in terror she would be offended or worse, repulsed.

  He’d been in love with her since they were children, but of course she didn’t know that. She would never know it. A servant does not tell a Princess he is in love with her. Prince Dominic obviously didn’t understand their ways. He had treated him as an equal last night. His Kingdom must be quite progressive.

  Ethan stopped in mid-cut. A sudden thought caused his heart to race and his palms to sweat. He nearly dropped the pruning shears. Surely Prince Dominic wouldn’t tell Cadence what they’d talked about this morning? With all his heart he hoped not. He didn’t want to give his Princess any reason to regret what she’d done last night.

  Voices reached his ears and he glanced into the east drawing room. He frowned when he spotted Henry with Molly. Shouldn’t she be attending her mistress by now? Edging closer, using the trio of hogs near the windows as an excuse, he clipped as quietly as possible to try to hear their conversation.

  “You cannot tell anyone,” said Molly, handing Henry a note.

  Henry frowned. “Is it another Royal Invitation? Prince Dominic only just arrived.”

  “You let me worry about what it is, Henry.” Molly’s voice held a note of agitation and an undercurrent of fear. What was she up to?

  “But this has the Queen’s seal.”

  When Molly leaned closer Ethan stopped clipping and strained to hear what she said.

  “If you tell anyone I gave you this, I will tell the Queen I saw you with the King’s manservant in the library last week.”

  Even from this distance, Ethan was able to see Henry’s face drain of color. Ethan had always disliked Molly and believed her to be conniving, but this latest revelation took his disdain to an entirely new level. If she had this kind of power over Royal Messengers, what kind of danger might his beloved Cadence be in?

  After Henry left the room Molly glanced toward the windows. Ethan dropped into a squat and busied himself with the underside of the nearest hog’s belly, hoping she hadn’t seen him. He had to find a way to tell Cadence what he’d just witnessed.


  Cadence paced the room while she waited for Molly to come and lace up her dress. Where was that girl this morning? Yesterday she hadn’t left her side but this morning she was nowhere to be found.

  Dominic had left as she’d come out of the bathroom, but said he would return later. Cadence wanted to find Ethan and sneak away with both men for the day. If Molly found out it would ruin everything. There had to be a way to bring Ethan along. Surely she and Dominic could hide a servant for one day?

  She picked up her hairbrush again, staring at the flat side as memories of being paddled with it filled her mind. Her pussy grew moist and a soft sigh escaped her throat. Even in her wildest fantasies she hadn’t pictured the things both men had done to her last night. There wasn’t a spot on her body that didn’t ache, but it was a sweet pain because it was laced with the exquisite memory of pleasure.

  Her parents couldn’t possibly object to her taking Dominic as her lover. He was a Prince after all. But what to do about Ethan? No way would she give him up. Not now. Where Dominic was rough and domineering Ethan was gentle and considerate. Both men were skilled lovers and each filled a need in her the other didn’t. She wanted both, but how?

  The sound of hedge clippers floated in through the open doors. Cadence stepped out onto the balcony to watch Ethan. The topiary was nearly finished. She must find a way to repay him for such a gift. When she heard the doors to her bedchamber open she turned, assuming it was Molly.

  “Do you always walk outdoors with your dress undone, Princess?”

  Cadence giggled at the look on Dominic’s face. “No, your Highness. Only when my handmaid seems to have disappeared.”

  Dominic began to lace up her dress. “I haven’t done this in a while so I hope I don’t make it too tight.”

  “I’ll tell you if you do.”

  “What were you watching so intently?”

  Cadence pointed. “Ethan is working on the topiary. Isn’t it beautiful?”

  “I suppose if you like animals made out of plants.” Dominic’s voice was filled with sarcasm.

  “Well I think it’s wonderful. He’s put a lot of work into it and all because I asked for it.”

  He turned her around to face him, placing his hands on her shoulders. “So let me see if I have this right. You love the sea and animals, even fake ones, and you have a soft spot for a certain young man who unfortunately for you is a servant.”

  Cadence lowered her gaze. Something in his tone made her uncomfortable, but she couldn’t quite define it. “He was very kind to me last night.”

  “And I wasn’t?”

  She snapped her attention to his eyes. “Oh, no. That’s not what I meant at all, Dominic. You’re an amazing lover. You both are. I’m just… I don’t know what to do.”

  His gaze softened as he stroked her cheek with one finger. “What do you mean? Tell me what’s troubling you.”

  She couldn’t tell him what she’d been thinking. He was a Prince. Surely there were servants in his castle as well. Despite the fact he hadn’t treated Ethan as a servant last night, he would never understand.

  “Will you help me figure out a way to get him out of here for the day?”

  Dominic’s expression clouded over for a moment, but Cadence couldn't decipher the look in his eyes. Had she asked too much of him? Would he think her a fool?

  “If that is what you wish, I will help you.”

  He took her hand and led her back into the room as Molly entered. “Forgive me, your Highness. I was delayed.”

  “She’s already dressed,” said Dominic, his eyes and voice cold. “And she won’t need your services for the remainder of the day.”

  Molly’s eyes flashed with amusement and the corners of her mouth turned up. The expression was gone almost as quickly as it spread over her face, but the hairs on the back of Cadence’s neck stood up and her heart began to race. What was going on?

  “Of course, your Highness.” Molly dropped into a curtsy, gave Cadence a quick glance, and then retreated from the room.

  The Princess Spent The Day With Both Men…

  Cadence led Dominic into the courtyard where she couldn’t help but admire the flexing muscles in Ethan’s forearms as he clipped a t
rio of hogs. When he turned, his smile made her nipples tingle. A fine sheen of sweat bathed his face. The scent of hard work wafted from him and that combined with Dominic’s cologne sent a thrill through her. If she weren’t so sore and tired, she’d take them both back to her bedchamber for the day.

  “Dominic has come up with a brilliant plan to sneak you out of here for the day.”

  Ethan raised his eyebrows. “You were serious about that?”

  She touched his forearm, letting her fingers linger over the fine dusting of hair. “Of course I was.”

  “What’s the plan?”

  “I’ve gone to Marcus and told him I want you to take me on a tour of the gardens in the courtyards and outside the castle, so I can get some landscaping ideas. Since he expects you’ll be with me all day, he won’t be looking for you.”

  Cadence placed her other hand on Dominic’s arm, the warmth of his skin sending desire straight to her swollen pussy. “Do you see, Ethan? It’s a perfect plan”

  Ethan looked like a young boy who’d just been informed he no longer needed to do his lessons. He held up his pruning shears. “I need to put these away first.”

  “We’ll wait here for you.” Cadence gave Dominic’s arm a squeeze. This was really going to happen. She had the entire day to spend with two gorgeous men and no Molly tagging along. She hadn’t felt this free in months.


  Dominic listened to Cadence’s animated chatter about some caves she wanted to explore. The idea of being inside a cold, dark, damp space with her didn’t exactly send a thrill through him, but he wasn’t about to tell her why. Ethan seemed as excited as she was, so Dominic went along. As long as he was with Cadence, he’d pretend to be happy.

  The surge of jealousy that he had experienced when Cadence said Ethan had been kind to her last night came back as he watched Cadence and Ethan riding side-by-side. He hated the fact he had lashed out at her when she said that, knowing it was merely an offhand comment, but the words had tumbled out of his mouth before he could stop them.


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