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The Rebellious Princess Chooses Two Lovers

Page 6

by Carolyn Rosewood

  How had he let this happen? She was only a girl. Sure, she was beautiful and incredibly giving and loving in bed, but she was also spoiled rotten. Then again, she had been raised that way. He’d met enough Princesses in his time to know Cadence wasn’t like the others. The others wouldn’t treat a servant as an equal or care whether he was able to sneak away from his duties for a day.

  Was it any wonder Molly ran roughshod over her? But for all her naïve airs, he still sensed a deep core that she kept hidden. There was far more to Princess Cadence than a girl who liked to have a good time in bed.

  “Dominic, ride up here with us.” Cadence had stopped her horse and now studied his face carefully. He cantered his horse up next to hers. In the distance he spotted a grove of pines and desert willows. A dark shape loomed just past them, sending a shiver through Dominic. He hoped these caves weren’t extensive.

  They tethered their horses to a large Afghan pine and sat in the cool loam underneath the tree to drink water and eat the fruit they’d brought along. A soft breeze stirred the fronds, sending the sweet aroma of a nearby lotus tree past their noses. Dominic lay back, resting his head under his hands. If he weren’t so sore he’d suggest they skip the caves and make love under these trees. No one would see them or hear them.

  “Isn’t it beautiful here, Dominic?”

  Cadence’s voice roused him from his daydreams. “Yes, it is.”

  “Tell me and Ethan what the landscape is like in your Kingdom.”

  Fresh guilt washed over Dominic as he rose to a sitting position. He averted his gaze from her face, so interested and sincere. He was a fraud and it would break her heart when she found out.

  “Well, we have pine trees, being so close to the mountains, and lots of water. The air is cool and crisp. During the summer we have an abundance of flowers. Every color imaginable.”

  “It sounds like heaven.” She hugged her knees. “Does it get cold at night?”

  “It’s cold most of the year, Cadence. This heat is not something I’m used to.”

  “I’d love to see it one day.”

  Dominic pretended to be fascinated with a brightly colored rock. “Perhaps you will.”

  “The caves are cool inside,” said Ethan. “Shall we go explore them now?”

  “Ethan is fascinated with caves,” she explained. “His father used to take him rappelling.”

  “Here?” asked Dominic.

  “Yes. We also climbed these rocks.” Ethan began to gather their supplies. He hoisted a small backpack onto his shoulders. Dominic fell in step behind Ethan and Cadence as they entered what appeared to be no more than a slit in the rock. Once inside he stood quiet, in awe at the large cavern. The ceiling was impossibly high. Water dripped in the distance and the temperature had cooled at least thirty degrees.

  “Ah,” said Cadence raising her arms in the air. “That’s better, right?” She beamed at Dominic as if they had just found Nirvana.

  “Much,” he said, wiping his damp palms on his breeches and hoping she wouldn’t notice. “So you say you’ve been here before, Ethan?” What if they got lost?

  Ethan nodded. “Not in ten years, but I don’t imagine they’ve changed much since then. They aren’t very extensive, but they do have very pretty rocks if you look hard enough.”


  Cadence pouted at his question. The gesture tugged at Dominic’s heart.

  “I’d like one to put with my piece of amber. For memories, you understand.”

  He had noticed the amber on her dresser, but didn’t realize it held significance. He made a mental note to ask her about it. “All right then. Let’s go look for one.”

  Ethan lit a lantern for each, but Dominic didn’t think they do much good the deeper they went. He kept his gaze on the light his cast as though it were a lifeline. His heart beat so loudly he was sure Cadence and Ethan could hear it. Twice the lantern nearly slipped from his sweaty hands. His stomach roiled, and he wanted to ask how they were supposed to find rocks in pitch dark, but Ethan and Cadence were having so much fun he was sure if he said anything it would spoil the day.

  Every few feet Cadence would stop and hold her lantern high, illuminating stalagmites or stalactites. The look on her face was one of genuine happiness. How could he ruin this for her? Ethan knew a lot about the formations and the caves in general. He kept up a constant stream of conversation. Dominic was barely able to register the meaning of his words.

  Each time Cadence stumbled over loose rock on the cave floor he flinched. What if they came to a drop-off and didn’t see it in time? The deeper they went, the more his heart raced. Should he tell them that in the mountains near his home there were underground streams? If you fell in you’d drown, alone, in the dark, with no one to hear you scream or cry for help.

  When they came to a pool of water Dominic had to stifle a moan. What if they fell in? Ethan and Cadence sat near the edge of the water. Dominic took his time lowering to the ground behind them. He tried to slow his breathing but spots danced before his eyes.

  Cadence leaned forward. “How deep is this?” She bent to pick up a pebble and tossed it in. The sound it made as it struck the surface echoed in Dominic’s brain like a death knell.

  “I’ll bet it’s freezing cold.” When she bent over and touched the water, Dominic nearly passed out.

  “Stop.” Dominic hadn’t meant to yell. His voice echoed off the rock around them, causing a new terror to surface. What if it broke off some of the rock and they were buried alive?

  He closed his eyes as the memories assaulted him. A vision of Phillip, his older brother, hanging from the edge of a drop-off, his eyes locked on Dominic’s, flashed through his mind. Get help, Dom. There’s an outcropping beneath my feet so I’ll be all right for a few minutes. Go and get help.

  “Dominic, are you all right?”

  Cadence’s beautiful face floated above his, her eyes filled with concern and fear.

  “He just fainted. Here.” Ethan held a wineskin to his lips and Dominic drank greedily. The cold water cleared his head.

  “What happened?” she asked.

  “Long story,” he croaked.

  Cadence touched his arm, her warmth spreading through him like fire. “Please tell us.”

  He gazed into her face and knew he was in deep, deep shit. He was falling for this girl and when she found out his true identity she would hate him for all eternity.

  “Maybe it will help to talk about it?” offered Ethan.

  Dominic swallowed. He’d never told anyone about Phillip. Of course his family and neighbors knew, but he had buried it for so long he wasn’t sure he could talk about it.

  Cadence stroked his arm, her touch feather light and encouraging.

  “When I was seven years old my older brother and I went to explore caves near our home.” He glanced around. “Much like these. We weren’t careful enough. And we should have had others with us, but young boys do foolish things.”

  “How old was he?” asked Ethan.

  “Thirteen. Phillip got too close to a drop-off and the rock gave way. He was trapped over the edge and I couldn’t pull him up. I wasn’t strong enough.”

  A roar like the inside of a wind tunnel had taken up residence in Dominic’s ears. He grasped Cadence’s hand, drawing strength from it. “He told me to go get help. He said he could hang on for a while because his feet rested on a small outcropping. We were no more than half a mile from home, but I got lost in the caves. I couldn't find my way out.”

  Dominic closed his eyes as the memory of being trapped in the dark with only a lantern washed over him. He’d shed so many tears he had none left by the time he emerged from the caves into the twilight.

  “It was dark by the time I got home. They searched for days. I couldn’t remember exactly where I’d left Phillip, so the men rappelled down every drop-off in the cave. Phillips’s body was never found. My parents never blamed me, but I felt responsible. It’s my fault I got lost and it’s my fault I couldn’
t find the drop-off again.”

  “Oh, Dominic.” Cadence’s eyes filled with tears as she pulled him close. He held her, fighting back his own tears. He would not cry in front of her or Ethan. He had to stay strong.

  “I’m so sorry,” said Ethan. “I can’t imagine going through something like that.”

  “Why didn’t you tell us?” asked Cadence, studying his face. “We could have done something else instead.”

  She rose and began to gather their lanterns and the backpack Ethan had carried.

  “You both looked so happy I didn’t want to spoil it for you.”

  She and Ethan exchanged a glance. “Come on,” she said. “Let’s get out of here. I haven’t seen one pretty rock anyway.”

  Dominic didn’t take a full breath until they’d emerged into the hot sun. It beat down on his head but he didn’t mind. He would take scorching desert heat to a damp cave any day.

  “What shall we do now?” asked Cadence. “I’m not ready to go back yet.”

  Ethan checked on the horses. “There’s a small lake at the top of this outcropping. Would you like to see it? I know how much you love water.”

  “Ethan, how thoughtful of you.” Her eyes blazed with tenderness.

  Ethan blushed. “When you speak I listen.”

  “I vote yes. Let’s go.” She glanced at Dominic. “Would you be all right with that? I know you don’t like the heat.”

  “Water sounds wonderful, Princess.”

  Cadence clapped her hands like a child. Ethan led the way, showing expert skill at climbing rocks. Dominic took the rear. He admired the way Cadence’s ass moved under her skirts, and enjoyed the occasional glimpses of bare skin as she lifted her dress out of the way to climb.

  “We should have pinned your skirt up,” he said.

  “Yes, that would have been easier. Blasted thing. Why can’t I wear breeches like a man?”

  Dominic laughed. “Because, your Highness, you are expected to dress for your station.”

  “Oh the blazes with that. I want to be able to move when I’m outdoors, not worry about snagging this delicate fabric on a rock.”

  “Speaking of rocks…” Dominic reached down and picked up a pink and gold spotted rock. “Will this do for your memory collection?”

  She stopped climbing and reached out to take it. “Oh, Dominic it’s beautiful. How do you suppose it got this color?”

  “I have no idea.”

  Ethan held out his backpack. “Put it in here for safe keeping so your hands are free to climb. We’re nearly there.”


  Cadence scanned the horizon, surprised to see how high they’d climbed. In the distance she spotted the castle. The ground was flat around them for miles, except for several rock formations like the one they had just climbed. The strong scent of minerals reached her nose. Sparse trees dotted the plateau and a large bird Cadence couldn’t identify flew away as they stood surveying the landscape.

  “See how the castle shimmers in the sun,” she said, pointing.

  It’s quite beautiful,” said Ethan.

  “How far is the lake? I can already smell it.”

  The three walked toward the trees and Cadence gasped as the water came into view. Nestled between several pines, it sparkled against the clear sky as if the surface were covered in diamonds.

  “Do you suppose the water is safe to drink?” she asked.

  Ethan approached the lake, dipped his hand in and brought it to his mouth. “Seems all right, but it has a mineral taste you might not care for.”

  Cadence sat on the ground near the water and breathed in the scent, wishing she could stay on top of this rock with them. Ethan sat beside her, and Dominic settled himself on her other side. He looked much calmer now. Cadence had been so afraid when he fainted inside the cave. She had never seen anyone turn pale so quickly.

  “Are you feeling better now?” she asked, touching his arm. His skin was warm, not ice cold like it had been earlier. He smiled and her heart skipped a beat. She couldn’t imagine losing one of her siblings, especially not in such a horrible way. He must have been so terrified.

  “Much better. Thank you, Cadence.” He glanced at Ethan. “Thank you both of you, for listening and for understanding.”

  “I don’t have a brother,” said Ethan, “but I would be devastated if I’d lived through something so terrifying. You must be very strong.”

  When a shadow passed over Dominic’s features Cadence frowned. They should talk about something else. This was only dredging up bad memories for him. “What do you suppose Molly is doing right now?” she asked. “I didn’t tell her I’d be gone all day.” She couldn’t help but giggle.

  Ethan twisted to face her, his eyes filled with concern. “Cadence, forgive me. I forgot to tell you what I overheard this morning. Molly was in the east drawing room while I worked on the topiary. I saw her hand Henry, one of the Royal Messengers, a note. He asked if it was another Royal Invitation and she told him not to worry about what it was. When he mentioned it bore your mother’s seal, she… she threatened him, telling him to keep quiet and just deliver it.”

  A shiver passed through Cadence despite the heat of the day. She remembered the look on Molly’s face this morning and her uncharacteristic curtsy. “To whom was it addressed?”

  Ethan shook his head. “I don’t know.”

  “How would she be able to get the Queen’s seal on a note?” asked Dominic.

  “Molly is sneaky.”

  “Do you think it’s something to worry about?” Dominic asked Ethan.

  “I don’t know. I just thought Cadence should know.”

  “Well I’m going to ask her about it as soon as I return.” Cadence pulled the fabric away from her bodice where it was sticking. How she longed for a cool tub full of water right now. Grinning, she glanced at Ethan and Dominic in turn.

  “How cold is that water?”

  “Are you thirsty?” Ethan held up the backpack.

  “That’s not exactly what I had in mind.”

  Ethan’s eyes widened.

  “Cadence, you can’t be serious.” Dominic’s dark eyes danced with amusement.

  She stood. “Why not? It’s not as if we can be seen.”

  Before she lost her nerve, she strolled toward the water, unlacing her bodice. She removed her boots and dipped a toe in the water. To her surprise, it was warm. Someone’s hands were on her laces, undoing them. She closed her eyes and let the desire course through her. So much for being too tired and sore, Her pussy was already soaking wet.

  Soft kisses trailed down her neck as her dress and undergarments were pushed down around her waist. She let them fall and stepped out of them, kicking them aside. When she opened her eyes, Ethan stood to one side, already down to his breeches.

  Dominic moved from behind her and tossed his clothes on top of her dress. His impressive cock stood straight up, pointing toward the sun that warmed their naked bodies. Ethan waded into the water first.

  “The bottom is sandy right here.” He held out a hand, smiling at Cadence in a way that made her nipples tingle and her clit throb.

  She took small steps until she was chest deep in the water, and then relaxed into Ethan’s warm embrace. As Ethan kissed her Dominic moved behind, his shaft pressing against her ass. He reached around and grabbed her breasts, forcing a moan from her.

  Ethan’s hands cupped her face as his tongue continued its slow assault on her mouth, sending electric jolts through her body. Dominic moved one hand to her sore clit, and after a brief flash of discomfort, Cadence relaxed as he rubbed it in soft strokes. The other hand squeezed her nipple until an orgasm was imminent. Ethan’s mouth moved to her neck, nipping at her skin. Cadence reached between them to grasp his cock, sliding her hand up and down in time to Dominic’s finger on her clit.

  As the climax tore through her body, Ethan moaned and she felt his cock spasm. He held her until he stopped trembling and then Cadence turned around to face Dominic. When she wrapped her han
d around his engorged shaft he kissed her rough and deep while she gave him a hand job. It didn’t take long for him to come either, and he held her close as Ethan had done.

  Sighing, Cadence leaned back and floated on the water’s surface. “I could stay here all day,” she said, closing her eyes against the noontime sun.

  She drifted for several minutes before turning over and swimming lazily toward the opposite shore. Standing close to the edge, she dunked her head underwater, laughing when she came back up and shook the water from her curls. Her hair would frizz now and all her makeup would wash off, but she didn’t care. She hadn’t had this much fun in a long time.

  The Princess Became Outraged…

  By the time Ethan returned to his room it was nearly dinnertime. Had Marcus been looking for him or had their plan worked like Dominic assured him it would? He changed clothes, went to the scullery, fixed a plate, and returned to his tiny room to eat alone like he did every night. Cadence would be in the dining room having dinner with her family and Dominic.

  He hadn’t dared to hope he’d have any more time with her, but she had given him an entire day. Ethan would never forget the look in her eyes as she took his hand and walked naked into the water. He wished he could take her to that lake – their lake – every single day. His life would never be the same from this point on. No scullery maid would ever satisfy him again. Who could compare to Cadence?

  Her kindness and concern when Prince Dominic had fainted inside the cave hadn’t surprised Ethan. She was nothing like her siblings. They were spoiled and mean, and looked through people as though they didn’t even exist.

  Ethan vowed to find out more about the note Molly had sent and how she had put the Queen’s seal on it. He would do it for Cadence. He would earn her love in return, even if she could never utter the words.


  After Cadence dismissed Molly for the night, she walked out onto the balcony. The stars were abundant tonight and the moon nearly full. It cast a blue hue on the gardens below. Her gaze settled on the topiary as Ethan’s warning about Molly came back to her.


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