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Friends With Extra Benefits

Page 11

by Luke Young

  She took the elevator down to the bottom level and made her way to the party room. There, she stood outside the door and glanced down both sides of the corridor. Just as she reached for the doorknob, Carl Rodgers appeared at the end of the hall.

  Pulling her hand from the knob, Bridget stared at Carl, confused, as he walked toward her. She shook her head and gave him a ditzy look. “I’m so lost. Is this the gym?”

  Carl wore a smug smile. “No, but I can show you where it is.”

  “Thanks. Rob gave me a tour earlier, but I got all turned around.” She put on an airheaded look with her hands raised.

  Carl’s face lit up. “You’re Rob’s girlfriend?”

  “We’re just friends.”

  “Oh, I thought, uh…” Carl began as his eyes shot down to her breasts for a long time before returning to her face. “It’s kind of late for a workout.”

  Bridget stammered, “I, uh, couldn’t sleep and just thought I would walk on the treadmill or something.”

  “It’s right this way.”

  Bridget followed Carl as he led her to the gym. Once inside, she climbed on the treadmill and began to walk slowly. She felt Carl staring at her with a look that screamed I want to kill you or rape you, or possibly both.

  He said, “You know what’s really good for insomnia?” She widened her eyes, and he added, “A steam.”

  “You have a steam room? That sounds—”

  “It’s unisex,” he interrupted.

  She stared at him for a moment trying to not appear completely creeped out. “Oh, I didn’t bring my suit.”

  Moving toward her, Carl put his hands on the rail of the treadmill. “It’s also clothing optional.”

  She nearly lost her balance. Carl grabbed her arm to steady her. She looked at him, a little shocked, and hit the button to stop the belt. “I, uh… I break out in hives in a steam room.”

  “That’s a shame.” Carl kept hold of her arm.

  Glancing down at his hand, she grimaced. He rolled his eyes and pulled his hand away.

  Bridget stepped off the treadmill. “I think I’m just going to try to sleep now. I feel tired now.”

  “Okay, then.”

  They stood staring at each other for a moment. Bridget painted on a fake smile. “Thanks for helping me find the gym.”

  Carl nodded and stared at her as she backed away slowly and then slipped out the door. She rushed down the hall with her heart beating out of her chest and slipped quietly back into Rob’s apartment and onto the sofa. Rob never knew she was gone.


  The next morning, Rob stood in the living room staring at Bridget as she slept. He was shirtless and wearing a pair of gym shorts. Wearing only his t-shirt and panties with one of her shapely legs sticking out from under the sheet, she looked amazing. He took a deep breath, stole one more glance, knelt down next to her and then gently touched her shoulder. “Bridget.”

  She flipped over quickly, cried out, and stared up at him, terrified.

  Rob moved back. “Sorry.”

  Glancing around the room nervously, she caught her breath and then looked back at him. “No, I, uh, was just having a bad dream.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “You should have slept with me then.”

  After giving him a chuckle, she said. “Thanks again for letting me stay over.”

  “Any time. You want to get some breakfast?”

  “What time is it?”

  “A few minutes after eight.”

  She shook off the cobwebs as Rob leaned in closer to her. She could feel the heat boiling up between them. Bridget’s eyes traveled up from his large pecs to his broad shoulders. She breathed in deeply and was dizzied a bit by his scent; it was clean, yet manly. They looked into each other’s eyes.

  She began, “I, should really get going. I have…”

  He moved his lips to hers, and they shared a gentle kiss. He pulled up and smiled at her. Exhaling deeply, she lifted back up to reach his lips. Rob came down to meet her, and they shared a long, passionate kiss. Her hands wandered all over his muscular back as he slipped a hand under her t-shirt. She moaned as he began squeezing her full breasts and sucking at the flesh on her neck.

  Bridget put her hand on his knee. After lifting her shirt over her breast, he brought his mouth down to her nipple. As he sucked it into his mouth, her eyes rolled back in her head.

  “Oh, Rob.”

  Rob moved to the other breast as her hand wandered up his thigh to the bulge in his shorts. When her hand reached his nearly hard penis, Rob feverishly bit down hard on her nipple.


  He pulled away from her. “Oh, sorry.”

  “It’s okay.”

  Sliding up on the sofa, Bridget took a deep, calming breath. Her glance traveled down to his large bulge. She ran her tongue around her lips with her eyes still locked on it. God, she wanted him, but she needed to stick with the plan.

  Rob grinned and began lowering his mouth back to her chest. She grabbed his head with both hands. “Sorry, I really should go.”


  He leaned back as she pulled her shirt down and then curled her legs up to her chest. “Yes. I can’t do this. I’m not ready.”

  He sat next to her and stared straight ahead for a moment before glancing back at her and noticing she was staring right down at his lap. He followed her eyes, noticed his excited condition, and quickly grabbed a pillow to cover up. They shared a smile.

  Bridget tore her eyes from the pillow. “Sorry about getting you all, uh…”

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  “I just don’t want to rush into anything. I really like you, but I’ve always had bad luck when I let things get physical too soon.”

  “You’re right. We should take it down a notch.” He shook his head in unenthusiastic agreement.

  She painted on a tentative smile. “Not that it wouldn’t be amazing. I think it would totally be amazing.”

  “Oh, definitely.”

  “But I need to get to work.”

  He nodded as Bridget stood and quickly grabbed her shorts. Rob stared at her tight ass while she put them on.

  After slipping on her shoes, she smiled at him.

  Rob asked, “Do you want to do something later?”

  She gave him a sorrowful look. “I can’t. I’ve got to work late and I’ve got this big project going on at work. I’ll be buried in it up until Christmas. Then I need to go home for the holidays…” She rolled her eyes. “But can I call you when I get back on January third?”

  “Oh, yeah. Sure.” He stood and dropped the pillow to the sofa now that the swelling had been mostly reduced. “I have a lot going on at work this week myself, so…”

  “Okay, good.”

  Bridget picked up her purse, and he followed her to the door. She turned back quickly and knocked into him. They shared an awkward grin as she once again drank in his scent.

  “I, uh…” she began, and Rob moved his lips to hers. Wrapping her arms around his neck, Bridget pressed her body to his. She felt his excitement rising up again and could sense her own body begging for his touch.

  She pulled away and tried to catch her breath. “Wow… When I get back, uh, let’s definitely do something.”

  He nodded quickly. “Something.”

  They stood for a moment, just staring at one another.

  “Bye,” she said, and then she opened the door and slipped into the hall.

  Bridget took a deep breath and leaned against the wall as he did the same on the other side of it. Glancing down at his groin, Rob decided he needed to relieve the pressure… and as soon as possible. He rushed toward the bathroom, as Bridget remained slumped against the wall, still struggling to catch her breath.


  Just before Christmas, with the trial only a few short weeks away, the once again happy newly married couple planned a spur-of-the-moment ski getaway. Badly needing a break from all of it, Jillian was looking forward to a relaxing weeken
d away with a few close friends.

  Brian, Jillian, Victoria, and Lisa drove together to Gatlinburg, Tennessee, the location of the only ski resort in the southeast. Two other couples, along with Eric, whom Lisa had met at Jillian and Brian’s wedding, were also on their way to meet them at the five-bedroom house they rented for the weekend. Eric was still recovering from his recent breakup with Annette, and after Brian’s begging wore him down, he finally agreed to go. The plea came from Jillian through Victoria on behalf of Lisa, but Brian could not disclose any of that. He made up some story about how much fun it was going to be and also included a joking reference to Eric owing him one, since Eric broke his CD player during their freshman year at college.

  Gatlinburg was a thirteen-hour drive from Miami, but Victoria’s doctor had given her the approval to make the trip as long as she stayed off the slopes. Victoria loved to ski and had fond memories of a trip she took the previous year to this same resort. She was disappointed that she wouldn’t be able to ski but wanted to go for two reasons: first, to celebrate her successful completion of the Master’s program, and second and most importantly, to help Lisa finally lose her virginity.

  Everyone settled in at the house just after 7:00 p.m., and Brian went to town to pickup dinner. Victoria was sitting on the bed, waiting for Lisa to model a sexy outfit she had picked out for her to wear that night.

  Lisa slipped out of the bathroom, wearing jeans and a tight pink sweater, which was unbuttoned just enough to put Lisa’s push-up bra-enhanced cleavage on full display.

  “Now that looks good.” Victoria said. “Let me see the back.” Lisa turned, and Victoria gave her a wide smile. “Your ass looks spectacular.”

  Craning her neck to get a look, Lisa replied, “You think?”

  “I’d be surprised if Eric doesn’t get hard the minute he sees you.”

  “I hope.” Lisa stared at her reflection in the full-length mirror.

  “Now remember to avoid all political discussions.”

  “Okay. Sure.”

  “Alright, let’s get out there.” Victoria said. As she stood, she clutched her belly with a grimace. “Ouch.”

  Moving quickly, Lisa took hold of her arm. “Are you okay?”

  “The baby must be kicking my bladder again. I need to pee, like, every ten minutes.”

  Lisa guided her to the bathroom. “I’ll wait for you.”

  “No, get out there and show him your ass. I’ll be two minutes.”

  In the dinning room, a huge selection of wings, ribs, and corn on the cob were spread out before the group. When Victoria entered the room, she instantly spotted Lisa gnawing on a chicken wing. She looked at Lisa in shock and then glanced at Eric to find him staring at the spectacle as well.

  Lisa was slurping and sucking the meat off the bone with expert precision, as Eric looked on, slightly horrified.

  “Lisa!” Victoria called out. Glancing up at her, Lisa continued enjoying her wing. Victoria gave her a look. “Uh, can I see you for one second?”

  Victoria pulled Lisa into the powder room and closed the door. After sighing, she began, “Um… we already talked about this, didn’t we?”

  “Talked about what?” Lisa replied. Then she sucked the wing sauce off two fingers with a loud pop before staring at Victoria, confused.

  Victoria made a face, paused, and then said, “Yeah, that.”

  Looking down at her hand, Lisa eyed another glob of sauce and began raising the finger toward her mouth. Victoria grabbed her arm by the wrist and rolled her eyes while shaking her head.

  “Remember the conversation about the way you enjoyed the food at the wedding?”

  “Sure,” Lisa replied casually.

  Victoria nodded with her eyebrows raised until Lisa returned an embarrassed smile. Lisa began, “Oh… I thought you were only referring to shrimp.”

  “No, this eating rule covers all foods. Honey, I’m sorry I wasn’t clearer on this. When a man sees you devouring food like a buzzard attacks a deer carcass on the side of the road, he understandably gets concerned. Look, when a guy watches you eat, he’s picturing you performing oral sex on him.”


  “Yes, really. He imagines that what you’re doing to that wing, you’ll be doing to his penis when he places it between your lips. And now, this penis of his is very important to him. Do you understand that?”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  “And the way you went to town on that wing, the only conclusion he could logically reach is that after you’re finished with his penis, he’ll be pulling back nothing more than a bloody stump, and that scares the shit out of him.”

  “Oh, okay. I get it.” Lisa nodded with a slightly confused stare.

  “So I would skip the wings, at least for tonight.”

  “No problem.”

  “What else do they have out there to eat?” Victoria asked.

  “Ribs, um… corn on the cob, and salad, I think.”

  Victoria shook her head once again with the concern screaming out loudly from her intense facial expression. “I don’t want to see you anywhere near a rib or the corn, for that matter.”

  Lisa gave her a perplexed look. “Why?”

  “I’m not even going to answer that.” Victoria frowned.

  “What can I eat, then? I’m really hungry.”

  “You should stick with the salad.”

  “That’s not going to fill me up.”

  Victoria shook her head. “Sweetie, if you want to have any chance of really getting filled up this weekend, then you’ve got to focus on the penis a little more and the food a lot less.”

  “That makes sense, but I do need my strength. If I don’t eat, I get cranky.”

  Victoria pondered this for a moment. “Okay, you can have the ribs, but eat them with a knife and fork. Got it?”

  “I can do that.”

  “I mean it. If I see you sucking on a rib or slurping sauce off your fingers you’ll be finding yourself a new sex coach.”

  Lisa nodded with an embarrassed smile.

  “Just remember we want him to want to put his genitals near your mouth.”

  “I’ve got it now.”

  “Good, now wash the rest of the sauce off your hands and get back out there.”

  During the rest of the meal, Lisa was able to control her table manners—for the most part. After dinner the three couples and Lisa, Eric, and Victoria sat in the great room to watch a movie and enjoy some cocktails. Brian whipped up his semi-famous cosmos for the women, while the men guzzled beers, and Victoria sipped cranberry juice.

  They watched the George Clooney movie, The Descendants. Even though it was currently still in theaters, Victoria had in her possession an Oscar screener DVD copy of the film. The copy was courtesy of one of the producers of the movie, with whom Victoria had had a brief, yet passionate, fling eighteen months earlier, while he was on location in Miami. The two still kept in touch despite that fact that he was now married. Victoria figured that although she could no longer enjoy his body, she could still enjoy an early movie release in the comfort of her own home or while on vacation, as the case may be.

  It turned out to be the wrong film choice as far as Eric was concerned, since it was a story about a husband who learns of his wife’s secret affair while she’s in a coma. One hour into the film, Eric was on his seventh beer, and his comments sprinkled throughout the viewing made it evident he had recently discovered that Annette was cheating on him.

  After the film, the three couples retired to their bedrooms while the three singles stayed behind in the great room, talking. As Eric polished off beer number nine, Victoria shared a look with Lisa. Then Victoria asked, “So, what should we do?”

  Lisa shrugged her shoulders.

  Victoria paused, thinking, and then her eyes brightened. “Hot tub? I’ll just put my legs in, but you guys could get in.”

  “I’m up for that,” Lisa replied excitedly.

  The women looked at Eric for his reply, but he was mer
ely staring down into the bottom of his empty beer bottle.

  “Eric,” Victoria called out.

  “Huh?” he replied.

  “Feel like going in the hot tub?”

  “Why not,” he mumbled half-heartedly.

  Victoria smiled. “Great. Go put on your suit and we’ll meet you out there in a few minutes.”

  Victoria pulled out her see-through white bikini and handed it to Lisa. Lisa put it on, and Victoria adjusted her breasts for maximum cleavage display.

  “He won’t be able to resist you. When this gets wet, your nipples will come shining through, if you know what I mean. He’ll be so hard that his bathing suit will explode off his body.”

  Smiling, Lisa stared in a mirror at her bikini-covered breasts.

  Victoria added, “After you two get settled, I’ll excuse myself. Just keep the twins underwater until I leave, and then sit up and put them on display. After that, I’m going to guess your bed won’t be slept in tonight.” Victoria winked at her.

  “Gosh, I hope so.”

  Victoria slipped on bikini bottoms along with a hooded sweatshirt, and they headed out to the great room to wait for Eric.

  After a few minutes, when Eric still hadn’t appeared, Victoria lightly knocked on his door with Lisa standing behind her. When he didn’t respond, Victoria opened the door, and they found him face down on the bed, wearing only boxer shorts and snoring loudly.

  Victoria moved to him and called his name a few times before pushing on his shoulder to jar him awake. When he did nothing more than groan and turn over, they shared a sad look and slipped out of his room.

  “I guess you’re getting a roommate tonight,” Lisa said.

  “Don’t worry about it. We’ll try again tomorrow.”


  Just after 10:00 a.m., Carl sat in his office at Wealth Stone watching a video on his PC. Rob knocked on the open door. “You wanted to see me?”

  “Yes, Rob. Please come in and close the door.”

  Carl motioned for him to sit in a chair opposite from his desk.


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