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Friends With Extra Benefits

Page 12

by Luke Young

  Rob took a seat and asked, “What’s up?”

  “I want to show you something.”

  After Carl clicked the screen, a video began running of the empty party room at the apartment building. A few seconds later, Rob and Bridget came into view and stood near the black chaise.

  Rob’s face turned a pale white. “Oh, sorry. I was just show—”

  “Don’t worry about it.” Carl narrowed his eyes. “She’s hot.”


  “Your girlfriend.”

  “Thanks, but it’s not really all that serious.”

  Carl stopped the video. “You’re fucking her, aren’t you?”

  Rob’s mouth opened wide, but Carl didn’t wait for a response. “I would really love to watch you have sex with her. I’ll bet she’s really…” He shook his head with a faraway creepy look. After a few moments, Carl returned from whatever freaky place his mind had gone and stared back at Rob. “I record everything that goes on in that room. Everything… I have the bachelor party and also this…”

  Carl clicked on another video, and it began playing. He clicked again on the screen, and the video jumped to Rob getting a blowjob from Carl’s date on that black chaise on the night that Carl was off in the other room with the guards.

  Rob tried to mask his horror. “Wow, that’s… I didn’t know you had that recorded. It’s not, uh, going to be on the Internet or anything, is it?”

  Carl scoffed. “It’s for my personal collection. So what’s your girl’s name?”


  “I want to watch you have sex with her. Do you think you could bring her down to the room and put that together?”

  Rob stared at him, dumbfounded, and stammered, “I’m really not sure. We’re trying to take it slow, so…”

  Carl shook his head, disappointed. “She looks like she’s got great tits. How are her tits?”

  “They’re, uh, pretty great… yeah,” Rob replied softly.

  Carl smiled. “I met her a couple nights ago.”


  “Yeah, she was wandering through the building looking for the gym at around one in the morning.”

  “Really? I didn’t—”

  “I tried to get her to try out the steam room, but she’s a shy one.”

  “Yeah, she is.” Rob tried to process this information as he thought, What the hell was Bridget doing wandering around the building after they supposedly went to sleep?

  Carl’s phone buzzed. He hit the speakerphone. “Yes.”

  “David Walters has arrived.”

  “Okay,” Carl shot back.

  Rob stood. “So, I’ll just—”

  “Hey, I’ve got to go to this lunch meeting, but you stay… you’ve got to see the video of the bachelor party.”

  “Uh, I—” Rob began.

  “It’s so hot the way those chicks rode your face. Here. Stay.” Carl didn’t wait for a reply. He selected another video, hit play, turned the PC screen to face Rob, and then smiled. “Try to get Bridget down there. I’m serious.”

  A very clear shot of Rob being used as an apparatus began playing on the PC. Rob stared at the screen with his heart pumping wildly. Carl grinned. “Maybe you could get her to do that to you.”

  Carl slapped Rob on the back and then headed for the door. Rob turned to find the door left wide open. Rob rushed to close it and then returned to the desk. He sat in Carl’s chair, turned the screen back toward himself, and stopped the video. He sat there holding his head and struggling to catch his breath.


  Turning to the window, he watched as Carl climbed into a car with another man and then drove away. When he turned back to the PC, he pulled up the directory list of videos and saw that there were hundreds. He selected one at random and played it. He fast-forwarded to a scene of Carl having sex with two girls on the chair.

  He stopped the video and selected another; this time, it was of Carl pleasuring himself while he watched two girls lying on the floor and making out. He selected yet another, but this one was a shot of the safe door. He watched as Carl unlocked the safe, opened the door, and disappeared from view. From the camera angle, Rob could see the bottom edge of a large stack of gold. A few moments later, Carl returned into view, pushing a hand truck containing a stack of gold bars.

  Pausing the video, Rob stared straight ahead while rubbing his chin. He exhaled deeply and closed his eyes. When he opened them, he glanced at the PC monitor and noticed a number of other minimized applications at the bottom on the screen.

  Turning back to the window, Rob glanced out at the parking lot and then nervously toward the door. He clicked on a spreadsheet and began studying it. It was a listing of gold purchases with dates going back almost four years. At the top was an entry for the current price of gold. It held the number 1,739.22 per ounce.

  The sheet was also broken down into two sections, one labeled “Wealth Stone” and one labeled “Blue Stone.” He scrolled down the Blue Stone list to the bottom. There, he saw the most recent purchase was 600 pounds with a date less than a week old. He looked at the bottom line total of 20,250 pounds of gold with a value over 563 million dollars.

  Rob ran his fingers through his hair with his mind racing. Pulling out his cell phone, he selected a number and hit send.

  A man answered. “This is Gary.”

  “Gary, it’s Rob. I’m, uh, out with a client, and he’s asking about the fund’s current position in gold. Can you check for me?”

  “Sure, hold on a sec… Um, looks like it’s two point three million.”

  “Really? And what’s the total value of the fund right now?” Rob asked.

  “Seven hundred fifteen million and change.”

  “Thanks.” Rob ended the call. He turned back to the computer screen and shook his head. Scrolling to the Wealth Stone section of the spreadsheet, he checked the bottom line. There he found the total listing just over 10,000 pounds of gold with a value of over 278 million dollars.

  He leaned back in the chair and stared at the ceiling, thinking, How the fuck does Wealth Stone have over eight hundred fifty million in gold, and virtually none of it is on the books?


  Back in snow country after breakfast, Lisa removed her bra and panties as Victoria looked on, holding a one-piece coral-colored ski suit. Victoria said, “Just forget about last night. Nothing is better than outdoor sex on a cold, crisp day out on the ski slope. I take that back; oral sex while riding on a ski lift is pretty fucking amazing, not to mention somewhat dangerous.”

  “How would you know?”

  Victoria gave her a tired look, and Lisa returned a casual nod.

  “Giving or receiving?” Lisa narrowed her eyes.

  “Giving. I tried receiving, but the logistics of it are just impossible.”

  “Huh.” Lisa frowned as she asked, “You sure this is going to work?”

  “It can’t miss. Just do it exactly like we discussed, and when you get back, your virginity will be gone.”

  “I never pictured that my first time would be standup sex out in the middle of a snow-covered mountain.”

  “Just go with it. If it gets too uncomfortable, tell him you want to go back to the house and finish him properly. He’ll follow you like a lost puppy.”

  Putting her hand on Victoria’s shoulder, Lisa stepped into the legs of the suit. The sex coach pulled it up over her student’s shapely hips, and Lisa squeezed her breasts together by curling her shoulders as Victoria zipped her up in front.

  “You look great. He won’t be able to resist you.”

  “Okay. Thanks,” Lisa added, semi-convinced.

  “My God, would you smile… you’re about to be on the receiving end of a big, hard cock, and look at you!”

  “I’m worried that I’ll—”

  “We’ve been over everything. You know what to do. I’ve given you the benefit of all my experience. Well, some of it, anyway. If you’re not ready for this now, you’ll never be.”

  “I’m sorry. You’re right.”

  “And you’re a great skier right?”

  “Yeah, I’m pretty good.”

  “Eric isn’t, so he’ll be looking to you for some guidance up there. You’ll guide him, all right.” Victoria widened her eyes and glanced down between Lisa’s legs. “Guide him right into—”

  “Okay, enough with the sex pun jokes. You’re making me nervous.”


  Lisa took a look at her outfit in the mirror and then began, “Are you sure about Eric’s skiing experience, because I heard he was like an expert or something.”

  “I’m sure. I spoke with him about it last night. You remember where to lead him, right? Next to the snow tubing run, there’s this little path.”

  “You’re positive no one will see us? I mean, I’m not going to end up in jail, or anything?”

  “Positive. Last year, I took this guy I was seeing there, and we did it with our skis still on for more than a half hour. We didn’t see anyone. There are a lot of big trees. Just do what I told you, and everything will be fine.”

  “Okay, I can do this.” Lisa painted on a smile.

  “That’s it. Now go get you some man meat!”

  Lisa returned an uncomfortable look.

  “Sorry.” Victoria rolled her eyes and added in a haughty Italian accent, “Go make love to him.”

  They both broke into laughter.

  At the base of the mountain, Eric and Lisa stood with Jillian and Brian.

  Jillian said, “Well, we don’t want to slow you two down. We’re starting on the bunny slopes.”

  “But we’re definitely going to move to the more advanced ones right?” Brian asked hopefully.

  Jillian leaned over and whispered in his ear. Lisa and Eric looked on as Brian’s jaw dropped a bit.

  “Well, maybe, uh, we’ll see you two up there later,” Brian said.

  “Or maybe not,” Jillian added.

  “Yeah.” Brian smiled, and they shared a sexy look.

  “You two have fun,” Jillian said as she and Brian headed off.

  Widening his eyes, Eric gave Lisa a look. “Newlyweds.”

  She nodded with an embarrassed smile. “So, I heard this is only your third time skiing.”

  He scoffed. “Who told you that?”

  “Oh, I thought I just heard…”

  “I mean I haven’t skied in, like, three years, but my parents had me on black diamond slopes when I was six.”

  “Wow,” she replied, suddenly concerned.

  “So how about you?”

  She stammered, “Me, too… I’m totally black diamond.” She scoffed. “Anything else is, like, a complete bore.”

  He smiled, “Awesome. Finally, a girl who can ski. You’ll probably be a little bored here… this isn’t Colorado or anything. A black diamond on this mountain is probably like an intermediate slope at Vail.”

  She nodded with an uneasy smile. “No doubt.”

  “Great. Let’s do the Grizzly.” Eric took off toward the lift as Lisa whispered with her brow furrowed, “The Grizzly?”

  At the top of the run, Eric looked down the slope, smiling. “You want to go first?”

  Lisa stared down the steep run with an anguished look. “No, I’ll follow you.”

  He nodded and pushed off down the run. After taking a deep breath, she followed after him. Lisa held her own, and at one point, Eric glanced back at her and smiled, which caused her nearly to wipe out. After regaining her balance, she survived the first run, and on their second run, Lisa began scouting out the slope to find the trail to the secluded spot that Victoria had mentioned. On the third run, she finally located it, and while riding up the lift, she said to Eric, “Follow me this time. I want to show you this special trail.”


  At the top of the slope, Lisa stood next to Eric while wearing a goofy smile. She waited for a few other skiers to begin their runs, so they were alone. She pulled her zipper down, exposing a whole lot of cleavage. Eric glanced down at her breasts, and his mouth opened wide.

  “Follow me,” she said excitedly.

  Lisa took off down the hill at high speed and left Eric grinning at the top. He took a deep breath and rushed after her. She glanced back at him, smiling as he punched his poles into the snow in an effort to catch her.

  “Come on,” she screamed.

  “Where are we going?” Eric yelled as he caught up to her.

  “I’ll show you.”

  “Aren’t you cold?”

  “I won’t be after you warm me up.” She glanced at him with sexy grin.

  Smiling excitedly, Eric stole one more look at her nearly-exposed breasts. One of his skis hit an icy patch and slipped out from under him. He lost control and went tumbling off to the right and toward a line of trees, all the while screaming loudly.

  Lisa watched in horror as he barely avoided slamming into a tree and flopped down hard onto the snow in a giant heap. While attempting a sharp turn toward him, she lost control as well, crashing to the slope with mounds of snow pilling into her open jumpsuit.

  She shrieked loudly as the shock of the icy cold snow felt as if it were burning her skin. A group of skiers went to check on Eric; others rushed to her and gave her a strange look when they spotted her snow-covered breasts.

  Five hours later, after Eric’s sprained ankle was wrapped in the emergency room and Lisa’s mild case of frostbite was treated, everyone returned to the house. Eric and Lisa didn’t have a chance to discuss the incident, mainly because he was hopped up on painkillers.

  Eric retired to his room, and Lisa spent the night pouting about her embarrassing day. Victoria tried her best to cheer her up, but nothing worked, and everyone went to sleep early. After midnight, Lisa woke up and struggled to get back to sleep. She glanced over at her sleeping roommate/sex coach and sighed. With no one to stop her, she decided to go to Eric’s room to apologize.

  She knocked on his door once and then opened it slowly. She found him sitting up in bed, watching television. After giving him a sympathetic smile, she whispered, “Mind if I come in?”


  Lisa closed the door and sat with him on the bed. He turned off the television. She began, “Sorry about today. I was just trying—”

  “To kill me.” He gave her a serious look, paused for dramatic effect, and then broke into a smile.

  “No, I was trying to… I don’t know exactly. It was Victoria’s idea.”

  “Thanks for showing me your breasts, but I would prefer if you did that when we weren’t going forty miles per hour down an icy ski slope.”

  “Again, sorry about that.” She returned an embarrassed smile.

  “Don’t worry. It’s a memory I won’t soon forget.”

  They shared a laugh.

  She asked, “Can’t sleep?”

  “Yeah, I went to bed too early. The drugs wore off, and I don’t know… I’m just wired.”

  “Are you in any pain?”

  “A little.”

  “Can I get you anything?”

  “No, I’m good.”

  They shared an awkward silent moment until he said, “They’re nice.”


  He smiled. “Your breasts.”

  “They were. Now they’re all red from frostbite.”

  They shared another laugh.

  Eric asked, “What exactly were you trying to do out there?”

  Lisa bit her lip for a moment and then stammered, “Well, um, I guess I was hoping to…”

  “To what?” he asked.

  “To have sex with you out there.”

  He grinned. “And get frostbite over your entire body and mine, for that matter?”

  “Something like that.” She looked away from him shyly.

  “That sounds like fun. I’ve never had sex outside while wearing skis. In fact, I’ve never done it outdoors before.”

  “I’ve never done it, either.”


  “No… sex. I’ve, uh, never actually done it,” she admitted in a low voice.

  Staring at her in disbelief, he asked, “You’ve never had sex?”


  He smiled and scoffed. “Come on. You’re kidding.”

  Lisa glared at him. He reacted to her look by putting on a straight face. “Sorry, I’m not making fun of you.”

  After she made eye contact with him, he broke into a smile. He covered his mouth, but a laugh escaped anyway. Frowning, Lisa got up and headed toward the door.

  “Wait,” he called after her. “Sorry. I swear I’m not laughing at you.”

  “What are you laughing at then?” She moved to the bed and glared down at him.

  After holding his hand out with his lip curled, he put on a silly grin and began, “So wait, let me see if I understand. You wanted your first sexual experience to be outside on a ski slope in twenty degree weather. Most people go for something romantic… dinner, some flowers, maybe a nice hotel room, but you think snow, skis, all with a chance of being arrested for indecent exposure.”

  Widening his eyes, he stared at her with a serious expression, waiting. When Lisa finally broke into a laugh, she slumped down next him on the bed and grinned. “Well if you hadn’t passed out drunk last night we could have had our romantic night. You should have seen me in that see-through bikini.”

  “See-through bikini?”

  She sat on the bed, nodded, and glanced at him with a smile before turning away coyly.

  “Sorry about that.” Eric moved his hand to her face and brushed the hair away from her eyes. “You’re beautiful.”

  Lisa turned to look him in the eye. He leaned to her and she moved closer to him. They closed their eyes, and their lips met briefly. They pulled away from each other and opened their eyes for only a moment before Lisa slammed her lips back to his, kissing him hard. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her body on top of his with her legs still dangling on the carpet. She slipped a leg up onto the bed, striking his ankle.

  “Ouch,” he moaned.

  “Sorry. Sorry.”

  “It’s okay. Maybe if you moved to the other side.”

  Lisa pushed up from him carefully and walked around the bed. She stopped and stared down at him while she pulled off her t-shirt, exposing her slightly frostbitten, pink—but still beautiful—breasts. “I promise I’ll try not to hurt you anymore.”


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