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Alien Lover (Zerconian Warriors Book 2)

Page 6

by Sadie Carter

  “I know. It’s just that I love you. I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you.” Just the thought of not having him with her was enough to make her stomach clench with fear.

  “You will not lose me.” He moved down her body, kissing and nipping at intervals.

  “I know you’re a big, tough fighting machine, Dex. You’re the baddest of the bad. I get it. Doesn’t mean I can’t worry about you.”

  He paused, clearly thinking that over. “All right. You have permission to worry about me.”

  “Thank you, your highness.”

  “No need for formal titles. But you can only show your worry when we are alone. Other warriors may not understand.”

  Zoey rolled her eyes, then let out a low whimper as he grazed her nipple with his teeth.

  “What about when you almost died on Lyona? I was out of my mind with worry and others saw.”

  “I was mortally wounded. You thought I might die.”

  “Okay, so if you’re close to death’s door then it’s acceptable for me to show I’m scared for you?”

  “I do not think there is a door to death. Although I would prefer you didn’t show your fear for me in public, I understand that you find it hard to control your emotions. Earthers are very emotional beings.”

  He was so infuriating sometimes. If he weren’t positioning himself between her legs, she’d have told him where he could stick his control. He parted her lower lips and her clit throbbed with anticipation. Emotions bombarded her from all sides—need, pleasure, arousal.

  He took a long lick of her juices. Dex pushed one finger deep inside her and Zoey let out a deep breath as her pussy clenched around the digit. It wasn’t enough. She needed more.

  Thrusting his finger in and out of her passage, Dex strummed at her clit with his tongue. Zoey’s pleasure grew.

  “Dex, please. Fuck me.”

  He gave her clit a final flick with his tongue before rising and crouching over her. The head of his cock slipped inside her and she groaned as he paused.

  “Dex, don’t torture me.”

  “Look at me, Zoey.”

  She gazed into his eyes as he stared down at her. “Gods, you are so beautiful.”

  “I am?”

  “Yes. More beautiful than the Chiffa flower.”

  She didn’t know what that was, but okay. She’d take it.

  He pushed forward then drew back. Slowly. Then faster. And faster. Destructive sensation exploded across her nerves.

  Zoey gave herself over to pleasure as Dex brought her to a rush of rapture so intense that she screamed, arching up, trembling as ripples of bliss slipped through her body, brushing every nerve ending.

  Dex came with a low groan, his body straining over hers. The tendons in his neck stood out as he threw his head back. Then he collapsed beside her, breathing heavily.

  Zoey snuggled up against him. “Promise me you’ll be careful.”

  “I promise, my own. I have every reason in the universe to make certain that I come back to you.”


  Zoey paced back and forth across the small room. Dex had grown tired of having everyone in his quarters, and he didn’t want her hanging around the warriors’ common areas, so he’d had a sleeping chamber converted into a sitting room for her, Boris, and Giz.

  Since leaving Musin, Boris had stuck close to her side. He never said anything. Sometimes she actually forgot he was there, he was so quiet.

  She’d had no luck finding out anything about him, despite countless hours of research. Still, it was keeping her busy while they made their way to Edreinia, which probably kept Dex happy. Between that and her lessons with Thor, she’d had a rather boring trip.

  They’d arrived just outside of Edreinian airspace the previous night. Dex had taken a handful of warriors and left in a shuttle a few hours ago. She had no idea how he planned to get onto Edreinia without this Targos discovering them. But she had to have faith he knew what he was doing.

  So why did she feel so anxious? She had a deep foreboding that something would go wrong. She wished Dex had explained his plan, had talked to her about the risks involved.

  But he’d refused to discuss his mission with her. Zoey couldn’t help but feel left out. Dex persisted in thinking that it was his job to keep all of this from touching her, worrying her.

  She knew his preference would be to keep her in a protective bubble where nothing could touch her. She wouldn’t allow him to go that far. But he still tried to protect her as much as he could.

  What he didn’t realize was that it was the not knowing that was killing her. Ignorance wasn’t bliss.

  “I have a bad, bad feeling about this.”

  She glanced over at Giz, who yawned and rolled over on the large, padded sofa he was dozing on. Nothing much ever worried Giz.

  Boris stood across the room, watching her. Racar was standing close to the door. Dex still didn’t trust Boris enough to leave him alone with her. Thor, Macon, and Jaxan had gone with Dex, along with two other warriors.

  “Don’t you ever relax, Boris? Do you even sleep?” He seemed to be permanently at attention. Always watchful, always on edge. She wished she could help him feel more at ease.

  She didn’t bother waiting for him to answer.

  The door swished open and Koran stepped inside. He nodded at Racar, who quickly left.

  “Have you heard anything?” she asked.

  “They just departed three hours ago.”

  “I thought they might have messaged when they landed safely.”

  Koran’s gaze seemed to soften slightly, but perhaps she just imagined it.

  “They will be successful, Zoey. Dex will not thank you for worrying about him.”

  Zoey waved her hand. “I know I’m supposed to just sit here and act like nothing is wrong but screw that, it’s ridiculous. How am I not supposed to be scared?”

  Koran frowned. “You insult Dex by worrying over him.”

  “Oh shut up or go away. You’re not helping.” She knew Dex was strong and smart. But there was something wrong.

  “Are all humans this volatile and emotional or is it just the females?” Koran asked.

  “Get out. Seriously. I will hurt you.”

  Koran folded his arms over his chest. “I am twice your size and a skilled warrior.”

  “With a head so large I’m surprised it fits through the door,” she shot back. “I am not in the mood for you, Koran. If you’re not willing to listen to me, then you know where the door is.”

  “I thought my head was too large to fit through it?”

  Giz sat up and hissed at him.

  Koran pointed at him. “You stay there. I know you put dye in my mouthwash. I only just managed to clean the pink from my teeth.”

  “You use mouthwash?” she asked.

  “There is no excuse for bad breath,” he replied stiffly. “Zoey, he will be all right. You will feel foolish when all of this worry is for nothing.”

  “Look, I know everyone thinks I’m stupid but I do know that this mission is dangerous.”

  Koran scowled. “Who called you stupid?”

  “It doesn’t matter.” She slumped down on the sofa and rested her head in her hands.

  A low, menacing growl filled the room and she glanced up in surprise to find Boris standing in front of her. His arms were relaxed at his side, but she could feel the tension emanating from him.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, standing. “What is it?”

  “I tried to get closer to you, but your friend stepped in front of you. Does he actually think to protect you from me?”

  “I don’t know. Boris, it’s okay. Koran won’t hurt me.”

  “He is threatening me.” Koran’s voice was filled with menace and she tensed. Everyone had started to relax around Boris, who had been calm since that first day.

  Even he and Macon seemed to have come to some sort of understanding, although she had no idea how.

  Boris had finally allowed Thor to examine h
im. Thor had discovered that his left arm was paralyzed. Useless. Unfortunately, he hadn’t been able to do anything to help his arm. Some of the scarring could be removed, but Boris wouldn’t step into the regeneration chamber, and without a few sessions in the chamber, there was nothing Thor could do for him.

  Boris was protective of her, though. Any hint of a threat and he moved in to protect her. It was almost as though he’d appointed himself her bodyguard. But then, who knew what went inside his head?

  “He’s not threatening you. He just doesn’t want you to get too close to me.”

  “Tell him to step away. Do it now, Zoey or I will be forced to address his threat.”

  “He is not a threat.”

  “Stand over there,” Koran snarled, pointing at the corner.

  “Hey! Nobody puts Boris in the corner,” she defended. “Leave him be.”

  “Dex left me in charge of your safety. If I find he is a risk, then I will lock him away.”

  Boris growled.

  “Understood that, did you?” Koran asked, his gaze thoughtful. “Step aside. I am not going to harm her. I would give my life to keep her safe.”

  For a moment she thought Boris would ignore him, but then he stepped aside and half-turned to look at her.

  Zoey nodded, hoping she looked reassuring. “It’s true. He might be a pain in the ass and a jerk at times, but Koran would never harm me.”

  Boris stepped back so he was standing beside her.

  “See?” she said brightly. “No problems here. Surely you have something more important to do than babysit me?”

  “There is nothing more important to Dex than you, Zoey.”

  God, she wished she could believe that.

  “I overheard the two of you talking the other day. In the senior warriors’ area. I know Dex doubts that I can perform my royal duties.”

  He frowned. “Dex spoke out of concern for you. He has received reports from your tutor that you are struggling.”

  “I didn’t ask to be freakin’ royalty or to leave everything I know. But I am damn well trying. It’s that stupid tutor’s fault. It’s like she’s setting me up to fail.”

  “What do you mean?” His gaze narrowed.

  “Doesn’t matter.”

  “Zoey,” he warned. Boris stiffened again and she sighed. The last thing she needed was for things to erupt between them. “It’s silly. I feel like a child complaining about the mean teacher.”

  He just waited silently.

  “Fine. She’s teaching me all this stuff that I don’t see is relevant; she goes way too fast and she keeps telling me all the time how I need to be obedient. Subservient.”

  She thought she saw his lips twitch.

  “I can see how that would be difficult for you.”

  “It’s not funny. I really don’t understand how it’s relevant for me to know all the names of all the emperors and empresses of Zerconia. Do you know how many names some of these people have? Empress Azalea Malia Karttia Souela Lolabe Xa’a. I mean, jeez, the poor kid must have taken forever to learn to write her name at school.”

  Koran looked puzzled. “Why would she teach you that?”

  Zoey threw her arms up. “How do I know? Because she’s an old bat who hates me?”

  “Madam Arana is very well-respected,” he told her in a scolding voice. “Let me see these lessons.”

  Thirty minutes later, Koran sat back with a sigh. “I do not understand any of this.”

  “See! I’m not thick.”

  “Thick?” He glanced at her. “No, you are rather small in comparison to our women.”

  “Thanks, I think. Actually, I meant that I’m not stupid. This stuff is impossible to learn, right?”

  “She is teaching you all the wrong things. Why have you not brought this to Dex’s attention?”

  “Because I didn’t know what he’d asked her to teach me. Besides, Dex has enough on his plate at the moment.”

  “What do Dex’s eating habits have to do with anything?”

  “I mean that I don’t want to create more problems for him. Shouldn’t you have heard from him by now?” she asked worriedly, wanting to change the subject.

  “Everything is fine. But I should get back to the bridge. I will send Racar back in.” He gave Boris a suspicious look.

  “Oh, give it a rest, Koran. Boris is as harmless as a butterfly.”

  “He is not harmless.”

  Yeah, she didn’t really think he was, either.

  “I will be back to eat the evening meal with you. Do not waste time worrying over Dex. He is a strong warrior and leader. He will return safe and sound and then you will feel the fool for spending this whole time worrying.”

  Zoey rolled her eyes as he left.


  Dex woke slowly, a shiver rattling through his body. Nausea bubbled in his stomach and he took a deep breath. Then another.

  His limbs jerked and he clenched his teeth as they bashed painfully against the floor.

  “If you relax it will be much less painful,” a silken voice told him.

  It galled him to take the advice, yet commonsense told him to listen if he wanted to prevent himself from coming to harm. So he forced himself to relax and gradually the spasms reduced to the odd twitch.

  Opening his eyes, he glared at the male looming over him.


  “Glad to see the drug didn’t fry your brain. Or cause you to lose control of your bowels. That happens sometimes. Very unpleasant.”

  What the hell had happened? How did he end up here? Dex searched the depths of his memory. Nothing. Panic threatened to well up, but he forced it down. A warrior didn’t panic. A warrior remained cool and calm.

  “Some wake up with no memory of who they are. Not that I expected that to happen to you. Not the great Crown Prince Dexanon Xa’a, future ruler of Zerconia. He wouldn’t dare forget his own greatness.”

  Tendrils of memory reached out to him. A spasm made his leg convulse and he gritted his teeth, trying to breathe through it.


  Hard to do when the male who had put him in this position was standing over his helpless body. Being vulnerable and unable to defend himself was a completely foreign feeling.

  To quote Zoey, it sucked.

  “I’m surprised you haven’t asked about the warriors who accompanied you.”

  If Targos had hurt them, he would … what? He couldn’t even move.

  “Where are they?”

  Targos waved an elegant hand. Having lost his parents at a young age, he had been taken in by his uncle, Dante’s father. He had been given the best of everything. He could have done great things. Been a great man. Instead, he’d chosen to cheat, swindle, and lie his way through life. It had gained him a planet, wealth, people to run round after him.

  But was he happy?

  Dex wouldn’t be. Not without friends and family. Zoey. Shit. Zoey. He had to get out of here. No doubt she was growing concerned. Even though he’d told her countless times that her worry over him was misplaced. It was an insult. As though she doubted his ability to protect himself and his warriors.

  Zoey only worries because she cares.

  “Your warriors are safe. They are recovering in another room. As a goodwill gesture, I am even willing to reunite you with them. But first, you need to listen to what I require.”

  What happened? How had Targos gotten the best of him?

  Edreinia was a large planet, but eighty percent of the surface was water. Large areas of the planet weren’t monitored for incoming spaceships since ships couldn’t land on water. So they had deliberately crashed into the water to avoid detection with the intention of stealing a shuttle to make their way back to their ship.

  They had arranged to be collected by boat by a male who remained loyal to Dante. Zacharian had paddled out and rescued them up under the cloak of darkness then taken them back to his home.

  He had insisted on giving them a hot drink before they headed out.

/>   Then nothing.

  “Zacharian betrayed us?”

  Targos nodded, smirking. “You did not seriously think you could use my own people to betray me?”

  “They are not your people.”

  The other male’s face darkened. He drew his leg back and kicked Dex in the ribs. Air rushed from his lungs as agony engulfed his chest. As he worked his way through the pain, he plastered a smile on his face.

  “Is that the best you can do?”

  Provoking him probably wasn’t wise. Blow after blow landed on his torso, his ribs, even his head, and Dex lay there, weak as a babe, unable to defend himself.

  Taking a wheezing breath, Dex stared up at Targos. “Feel better?”

  Targos straightened his suit, brushing out the creases. “Actually, I do. Zacharian was only too happy to drug you then contact me to retrieve you and your men. Really, Dex, it was a foolish endeavor to attempt to go against me.”

  “What do you want? Why did you purchase some of my warriors in a slave auction?”

  “Come now, surely you have worked it out. What could you possibly have that I might want? Think, Dex.”

  “You want Dante.”

  Of course. But Dante was an old friend and ally.

  Dex wouldn’t betray him now.

  “You cannot have everything you want.”

  Targos scowled at him. Then like a switch going on, he suddenly smiled. His mood swings were even worse than Dex had remembered. “I think I can. But I do not wish to disagree with such an esteemed guest. I can be reasonable even if you cannot. Guards!”

  Three armed males stormed in. They looked cold, hard. As though life hadn’t been kind, and it had molded them into some nasty characters.

  Where had Targos found these people? They weren’t native to Edreinia. Edreinians rarely grew over five-foot-five and had a timid nature. That’s why he couldn’t believe that Zacharian had betrayed them.

  “Take my friend here and put him in with the others.”

  With rough hands and no care for his injuries, one of them grabbed his hands while another took hold of his ankles. Swinging him between them, they carried him out of the cell, carelessly smashing his side into the doorframe.

  They made their way down a dark passage, then the men paused. He heard a door creak open. They carried him into a dark room and threw him into the corner where he landed with a loud thump, his breath swooshing out of him as agony thrummed through his body.


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