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Alien Lover (Zerconian Warriors Book 2)

Page 7

by Sadie Carter

  The door slammed shut, causing the throbbing in his head to increase threefold.

  “Dex? Is that you? Dex?”

  “Thor?” A feeling of relief nearly overwhelmed him. “Are you well?”

  “My body seems to have a mind of its own. My head feels as though it might burst and I can barely breathe without wanting to vomit. Other than that, I am well.”

  “Good.” Dex turned his head slowly. Pain threatened to blind him, and he took another deep breath. A spasm rocked his right arm and he clenched his teeth against the pain. “Is everyone else here?”

  Only one light had been left to illuminate the huge room.

  “I am, Sir.” Dex could barely make out Jaxan’s voice. There was the sound of gagging. Abruptly the sound stopped as he gained control.

  He turned the other way and saw Tarack slumped on the floor, unconscious.

  “I’m over here,” Macon spoke in a low, quiet voice. “Dasha is with me. What happened?”

  “Zacharian betrayed us. He slipped a drug into our drink. Now Targos has us at his mercy and I do not know how long this drug will keep us incapacitated.” Dex clenched his teeth as another spasm rocked his body.

  “Try not to tense up,” Thor advised.

  “I know,” Dex replied.

  “For what purpose has Targos captured us?” Macon asked, his breath coming in short pants.

  “Dante. He wants to swap us for him.”

  “This was all a trap then,” Thor surmised.

  “Yes. Somehow he predicted that we would contact Zacharian, possibly because Zacharian was Dante’s manservant. He trusted him implicitly. Targos engaged Zacharian’s help then waited for us to take his bait.”

  Thor swore quietly. “He must have known that Dante was still in contact with Zacharian. Do you know where the others are being held?”

  “No. Once we escape, we will have to search for them.”

  If they were still alive.

  “Koran will soon realize something is amiss,” Thor told him.

  “As long as he does not allow Zoey to worry.”

  “He will find it impossible to keep this from her.” Thor’s voice was filled with warmth. Dex was grateful at how his cousin had welcomed Zoey. Surely, if Thor could accept Zoey then so could the rest of his family.

  Although there was no doubt that his mother would be difficult.

  “I do not envy Koran, trying to keep Zoey under control once she hears of our capture.”

  “Koran knows that his priority is Zoey’s safety. He will lock her in our quarters if necessary.”

  Zoey would be nowhere near danger. As long as he didn’t have to worry about her then he could do what he needed to free himself and his warriors.

  Chapter Six

  Zoey swung around as the door opened and Koran entered.

  “You’re late, I’ve eaten already.” Well, she had picked at her food. She felt too uneasy to eat.

  “You can take a break,” he said to the guard who had relieved Racar a few hours ago. Once they left, he turned to her.

  “I do have other duties, Zoey,” Koran told her stiffly. Did he look grumpier than usual? It was hard to tell. “I do not exist just for your enjoyment.”

  She snorted. “That’s good because you give me little of that. And what duties? All we’re doing is waiting for Dex to return with his warriors. I know something is wrong. Tell me what is going on, Koran. You do not want to make me mad.”

  Koran raised his eyebrows. “There is not a lot you can do if I lock you in your quarters.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “Wouldn’t I?”

  Yes, he would. And the bastard would probably enjoy every minute. Why had Dex left him in charge?

  “Dex won’t be happy with you,” she warned.

  “Who do you think gave me permission to take such measures if necessary?”

  Zoey felt her jaw drop. Then she pointed at him, attempting to appear stern. “You try and I will make you pay. I’ll wait. You won’t know when it will happen or how, but I will get you back. I promise.”

  Koran watched her carefully. “I suppose that is meant to scare me?”

  Oh, he was so infuriating. He could be a pain in the ass, but he wasn’t usually this bad. She pointed a finger at him as it finally dawned. “You’re deliberately trying to make me mad. But why? So I won’t worry? Koran, what’s happened to Dex?”

  Koran sighed. “Panic is counterproductive.”

  She would show him counterproductive when she shoved a stick up his ass to remove the one already lodged in there.

  “Tell me.” If he didn’t tell her then she was going to question everyone on this ship until someone told her what was going on. “Tell me what is going on.”

  “Fine,” he growled. “But if all Earther females are this bossy then I want nothing to do with them.”

  Koran walked over to the control panel and pushed a few buttons.

  A holographic image of a thin, clean-shaven man with a smug smile appeared.

  “Greetings. I am going to assume you know who I am. I have your Crown Prince. He is unharmed at the moment. Well, mostly. But that will not continue unless you fulfill my demands. You have four moon risings to produce Danteson LaBellen to me. Then I will return your Crown Prince and warriors.”

  The holographic image disappeared.

  “Shit. What did he mean, ‘mostly unharmed’?” Zoey placed her arms over her stomach, as though trying to contain her pain. Dex had been captured? What would she do if something happened to him?

  It hadn’t been that long since she had nearly lost him. She didn’t know if she could do this all again.

  “What are we going to do?”

  Koran watched her carefully. “That was Targos Turek. Last year, he challenged his cousin, Dante, to a high-stakes poker game. Targos’ mother and Dante’s father were brother and sister. Dante bet his kingdom and lost. Dante’s father was always a close ally of Dex’s father. When Dante had to flee Edreinia, the Emperor gave him sanctuary.”

  “So why does this Targos want him now?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Can we get Dante here in four moon risings?” she asked, pacing back and forth.

  “We cannot swap him for Dex and the others, Zoey.”

  Zoey swung around to gape at him. “Why not? Shouldn’t your first loyalty be to Dex?”

  Koran straightened his shoulders, staring down at her coldly. “My first loyalty is always to the Crown Prince.”

  “Then what is the problem?” She had to save Dex. She couldn’t live without him.

  “It would not be honorable. Dex gave Dante sanctuary. It is our duty to protect him.”

  “Even if it means Dex might die!” While she knew Koran was right, she wanted Dex back. No matter what she had to do.

  “Dex will not die. You insult him by suggesting that.”

  She turned to gape at him. “He nearly died not so long ago or have you forgotten that?”

  “That is different. That was out of his control.”

  “So is this. He’s being held prisoner, Koran. What do you think is going to happen when we don’t meet this asshole’s demands? Do you think he’s just going to shrug and say ‘oh well, my evil plan isn’t going to work so I’ll just release you, oh, and here’s some chocolate and champagne, no harm, no foul’?”

  He frowned. “I think I understood about half of that. Of course, Targos will not simply release him. But Dex will find a way to free himself and his warriors.”

  “Forgive me if I’m not so certain of that.”

  “Dex is a warrior. Targos is weak. Dex will triumph.”

  “Targos can’t be that weak if he managed to capture Dex and his warriors.” Why wasn’t Koran more concerned? These warriors could be so infuriating.

  “Not through a fair fight, I’m sure.”

  “Look, I know you guys are all about honor and crap, but not everyone fights fair.”

  “We know that.” Koran appeare
d highly insulted.

  “But are you prepared for it?”

  “Dante had a gambling addiction. He should never have gambled his kingdom. That was his first mistake. His second mistake was believing that Targos would play fair.”

  “And that could be your undoing as well. He won’t play fair, Koran.”

  “What Targos does is of no consequence. Dex will find a way to escape.”

  “And if he doesn’t? If he needs our help? What then?”

  “You are a female. You will have no involvement in this. I should not even be talking to you about this.”

  “Urgh!” She had fantasies about making Koran eat his words. He had to be the most stubborn, sexist male she had ever met. “Just listen to me. Dex needs our help. I know it. What if Dex dies because we sit here and do nothing? Can you live with that? Because I couldn’t live knowing that I could have saved him.”

  Koran grew silent and she figured he was going to dismiss her. She was shocked when he gave her a thoughtful look.

  “What are you suggesting?” he asked.


  Dex sat slumped against the cold brick wall. They must be in the dungeons beneath the palace. He had visited the palace a number of times, but he’d never been down here.

  Now he understood why. There was an oppressive, haunting feel to this room. The darkness had a malevolent presence; the coldness entered your bones and remained there. Occasionally, he swore a scream of terror drifted through the rooms.

  He had no idea if it was from the living or the dead.

  In an attempt to shake off the grim foreboding that he would perish here, he studied his warriors. Most of them were sitting; only Dasha still lay on the floor, his occasional groan and jerking limbs reassuring Dex he was still alive.

  “How do we free ourselves when we are incapable of even controlling our limbs?” Thor asked.

  “How long until the drug leaves our system?” he asked Thor.

  “Without knowing what it was or the dosage, I cannot say.”

  Dex had a feeling they were in real trouble.

  Macon growled. “Does Targos truly believe we would betray someone who has been granted sanctuary?”

  “Targos is a man without honor, and he believes the same of everyone else. When his demands are not met, there is no telling what he will do. We must be gone by then.”

  Preferably before Zoey discovered his capture. His mate could be reckless with her safety when she believed someone she cared about was in trouble.

  “Why come after Dante now?” Macon wondered. “It has been over a year.”

  “I do not know,” Dex replied. “It could be that Targos was biding his time. That he waited for an opportunity to present itself.”

  “Let us hope that Zoey does not devise a wild plan to rescue us.” There was amusement in Thor’s voice.

  “Koran will ensure she remains safely on the ship. She need never know we were in danger.”

  “I doubt he can keep this from her. If he does not tell her, one of the other warriors will.”

  Dex frowned. “Why would they tell her?”

  “Everyone likes Zoey,” Jaxan explained. “They find it hard to tell her no.”

  “Then they must discover how. They are warriors, not gossips.” The harshness in his voice was due to concern rather than anger.

  Koran was there to protect her from herself. He wouldn’t allow her to do anything stupid. Not unless he wished to face Dex’s wrath.

  “I hope to one day find a mate like Zoey.” There was a wistful note to Jaxan’s voice, and Dex growled in response.

  “Remember whose mate she is.”

  “Of course, Crown Prince,” Jaxan replied quickly. “I meant no disrespect.”

  Perhaps he needed to remove Jaxan from Zoey’s guard.

  “Jaxan meant that he hopes to have a chance to find a human mate,” Macon explained. “There was no disrespect to you or milady intended.”

  Dex eased down at those words. Macon was one of his most trusted warriors, which is why he had assigned him as Zoey’s guard. He knew Macon would defend her to the death.

  “The opportunity to meet other female humans is rare,” Thor added.

  Zerconia had closed itself off to most other planets. Only one trusted ship carrying supplies was permitted to land on Zerconia once a month. Otherwise, the only interaction they had with other cultures was during expeditions like the one they were currently on or through old alliances that had existed for decades.

  Perhaps it was time to rethink that.

  “Can anyone stand?” Dex asked. The replies he received were negative. They’d have to wait and hope that the drug soon left their system.



  Koran’s favorite word. Like a broken record, he kept stating it over and over again.

  “You’re not my boss, Koran,” she snapped back. Damn, he could be such a worrywart.

  “Dex charged me with your care.”

  “Look, I know what I’m doing. It’s a foolproof plan.”

  “The plan is ridiculous. But that does not matter as you are not going anywhere near Targos.”

  “We need a way to get a team of our warriors onto Edreinia so that they can rescue Dex and the others. You tell me another way of doing that and I will gladly listen.”

  A tic developed in his cheek.


  “I do not have another plan,” he admitted and she bounced a little in excitement. “But that does not mean I will implement your plan.”

  “Koran, it’s a good plan. You said that Targos has a lot of visitors who come to gamble and watch the games he puts on. All we have to do is find a smaller ship that I can use. Then I will make contact; claim I am a widow who is bored and looking for some entertainment. Hopefully, he’ll be intrigued enough to allow me to land. You guys will be hidden onboard. You can sneak out while I keep an eye on Targos, find Dex and the others, free them, and then we can all meet back at the ship. Easy.”

  “Easy? Zoey, there are many factors that could go wrong.”

  “Like what?”

  “He could refuse to let you land.”

  “He’s probably never met an Earther female. We don’t have any military outposts this far from Earth. I’m willing to bet he’ll be curious enough to let me land.”

  “He could search the ship as soon as you land and find us.”

  “I’m pretty sure I can stall them long enough for you guys to sneak off.” She hoped. That was a weak spot; she admitted it. But she couldn’t think of a better way to get them onto Edreinia. Obviously, Dex’s plan had failed, so that was no longer an option. They couldn’t trust anyone on Edreinia to help them.

  “I just need some way to convince him that I’m on the up and up. Like a connection, something to explain why I would want to watch his stupid games.”

  What kind of games were they? The Edreinian version of football? It didn’t matter, she could fake being interested. She’d done that with her ex-fiancée plenty of times.

  And not just when it came to sport.

  “No. We are going to stay here, where it is safe, and wait for Dex to contact us.”

  “Koran, stop being such a coward.”

  His eyes widened. “You insult me.”

  “Look, I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be a bitch, really. But I am just so scared. We can’t just sit around and do nothing. We need to help him, and my plan is good.”

  “It isn’t a plan. It’s wishful thinking.”

  “It’s a great plan. You rescue Dex while I keep Targos distracted. What can possibly go wrong?”

  “It is more a case of what can go right.”

  “But you’re thinking about doing it, aren’t you?” She could hear it in his voice. Thank God. She felt terrible for how she had spoken to him, but she had to do whatever she could to get through to him.

  “What if Targos refuses to let you leave?”

  “Why would he detain me? I’m a guest.”

  “I do not like this. I told Dex I would protect you.”

  “Giz and Boris will be with me.”

  “That is supposed to reassure me?”

  “Look, you can’t be my bodyguard. You’re not exactly inconspicuous. As soon as Targos spots you, he’ll know who you are. He doesn’t know Dex has a mate. He won’t know who I am. I’ll tell him that Boris is a servant and Giz is a pet. Perfect.”

  “I am supposed to leave your protection to a small, lazy creature that spends all his time eating and sleeping and a mute, one-armed male that we don’t know the first thing about. That is not a sound plan. Zoey, it is not happening. I am done arguing about this.”

  Koran turned and walked to the door.

  “You’ll change your mind when Dex doesn’t return. I give you forty-eight hours.”

  Koran stormed out of the room.

  “Stubborn, arrogant barbarian.” Zoey paced up and down the room. “Why won’t he even listen to me? This will work.”

  She knew Koran was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He was just doing his job and she should cut him some slack. But the idea of losing Dex filled her with such horror that she knew she had to do whatever she could to make Koran listen to her.

  Giz bounded over, snuggling in against her. Placing her hand on his head, she gave him a scratch behind the ears. “Don’t you listen to him, Giz. You’re not lazy. You just like to relax.”

  Giz stared up at her, and she swore he smiled. “You believe in me, don’t you?”

  He bounced up and down, making a snuffling noise. She was going to take that as a yes. Zoey looked over at the corner of the room as Boris stepped forward, out of the shadows. “What about you, Boris? You with me?”

  Boris gave her one slow nod.

  “Good. Now we just have to wait. If Koran doesn’t see sense then we’ll just have to figure out a Plan B. Either way, I am getting Dex out of there.”


  Koran actually returned far quicker than she’d guessed. Two hours later, he stormed into the room. Immediately, her guard stood at attention.

  “Changed your mind so soon?” she asked sweetly.

  “I just received some information from a source on Edreinia.”


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