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Hitman's Journey Back in Time

Page 11

by Joshua Schank

  Ben is lying with his back on the couch. It’s been four days since he bought his new car. The phone begins to ring. Ben gets up from the couch to answer it.

  “Hello,” said Ben.

  “Yeah, Ben, how are you doing?” Tina asked.

  “I’m doing ok, mother,” said Ben.

  “Are you able to survive ok out on your own, working at that gas station?” Tina asked.

  “It’s tough, but I’m making due,” said Ben. Ben hadn’t worked another day at the gas station once since he took a job as a “hitman.”

  “I know this call is kind of out of the blue, and I know I haven’t always been a good mother to you…”

  Ben quickly interrupts her. “Look, mom, I’m not worried about all that. You did the best with the cards that you were dealt. Some things are out of our control,” said Ben.

  Tina began to cry. “I’m so sorry. I was never fair to you. You went through so much, we all did, but I always acted like you didn’t go through the same trials the rest of us did,” said Tina.

  “Look, mom, it’s ok, really,” said Ben.

  “I would like to get together some time. Would you like that?” Tina asked.

  “Yes, that would be nice, but right now, I’m really busy. Look, mom, I really have to get going,” said Ben in an aggravated tone.

  “Ok sweetie, I love you,” said Tina.

  “Love you, mom,” said Ben. Ben said the words very weak and unconvincingly. He then hung up the phone and checked his mailbox. He had a new package.

  Ben is in his car parked a few houses down from his next victim’s house. He pulls out a pack of cigarettes out of his right pocket and puts a cigarette to his mouth. He pulls out a match from the glove department and lights his cigarette. He inhales and exhales many times while studying his victim’s house as well as the nearby houses. Forty-five minutes go by when an older blue Buick pulls up to the house. Two black men and a blonde get out of the car. One black man is very slender, while the other is well built. The blonde’s name is Stacy and is Ben’s target. The two black men are both wearing a light black jacket. Stacy is wearing very revealing shorts as well as a short shirt that reveals her lower stomach as well as her breasts.

  Ben waits patiently for several minutes. Ben puts out his cigarette in his car’s ashtray. He then gets out of his car and opens up his trunk. He grabs a small black bag as well as rope that he throws into the bag. He then opens up the car door and puts his paperwork in the bag. Ben grabs his leather gloves out of his right pocket and puts them on his hands.

  While Ben is preparing to do his deed, Stacy and her two friends are inside the house smoking crack. The two black men are the on the couch as Stacy sits on a red rocking chair. Stacy takes a big hit from the pipe and passes it to the bigger built black guy. She bursts out laughing.

  “Do you remember that skanky bitch you used to date?” Stacy asked.

  The slender black guy laughed as the built black man took a hit from the pipe.

  “Yeah, we had some good times. I couldn’t deal with all of her cheating,” said the slender black man.

  The built black man laughed at the slender black man. “Who are you kidding? You cheated on her more than she did you.”

  The slender man laughed and put his fists up in a playful manner and both bumped fists laughing. “You know it, bro.” The slender man said to the bigger built black man.

  While this was all going on, Ben had already made his way on the porch. He creeps open the screen door and hides behind a few boxes.

  “I have to use the bathroom,” said the slender black man.

  Ben could hear the man walking away from the room. He notices a hallway and figures he can get to the bathroom that way. Ben slowly gets out of his hiding spot and slowly walks into and down the hallway. He could hear Stacy talking to the bigger built black man but could only hear bits and pieces of their conversation. As he got further away, it got harder and harder to hear them. As he pulls up to the bathroom door, he see’s light shining from underneath the door. He could hear footsteps in the bathroom. He reaches into his bag and pulls out a small strip of rope. He wastes no time by rushing into the bathroom and putting the rope around the slender black man’s neck. He begins pulling back, strangling the man. The man’s pants hang halfway down as he was in the process of zipping up his pants from just finishing taking a pee. The man desperately tries planting leg kicks into Ben’s knee caps with no prevail. The man screams, but the rope makes his screaming very faint. The slender black man’s eyes get really big, and he finally stops moving. Ben puts the man’s head into the toilet and walks out.

  “What was that noise?” Stacy asked.

  The built black man just laughs. “Are you sure you’re not tripping from all the hits you took?”

  “No, I heard something,” said Stacy.

  The built black man says, “I’ll go check.”

  As the built black man is walking down the hallway to the bathroom, he is greeted by a man (Ben) wearing a Top hat and pointing a Smith & Wesson at him.

  “Who the fuck are you?”

  “Get your ass back into the living room! We have business to discuss,” said Ben.

  “Fuck your business!” The man said in an angry tone.

  Ben fires a shot at the man’s lower stomach. The built black man falls down.

  “I’m not going to ask you again. Get the fuck into the living room!” Ben exclaimed.

  The built black man uses his left arm to help himself get up. He puts his right arm around his stomach. He wobbles, as he’s in very severe pain. He is able to wobble himself to the living room and onto the couch. Ben ties up his hands and ties his upper body as well.

  “What the fuck do you want from us? We don’t have any money,” said Stacy.

  “I didn’t come for any money. At least not from you,” said Ben.

  Ben finishes up tying the built black man and walks over to Stacy. He then gets out another rope from his black bag and begins tying her up as well. She gets feisty and kicks him in the leg in the process.

  “Listen, bitch, if you don’t stop moving, I’ll kill you right now! It’s your choice,” said Ben.

  The woman calms down.

  “Don’t you worry, Stacy, as soon as I get out of this, I’m going to kill this psycho,” said the built black man.

  Ben starts laughing. Ben turns his attention to the lady as he’s finishing up tying her up.

  “We are going to play a game. If you are honest with me, you don’t get killed and I leave. But if you lie to me, bitch, I’ll cut one of our fingers off. Do we have ourselves a deal?” Ben asks.

  Stacy begins shaking very badly as she nods her head “yes.” Ben reaches into his black bag and pulls out some paperwork.

  “It says here that you took in your sister’s daughter, because she died from cancer. It says here, the daughter accidentally killed your newborn baby in a bathtub with scolding hot water. Is that true?” Ben asked.

  “Yes, it’s true,” said Stacy.

  “Wrong answer,” said Ben.

  Ben grabs his pocket knife out of his right pocket and opens up the sharpest blade.

  “Please, don’t do this!” Stacy shouted.

  “I’m afraid this is going to hurt,” said Ben right before bringing the knife down to her index finger on her right hand. He slices it off. The lady screams and tears come rolling down her cheeks.

  The built black man screams, “You fucking psycho! I will kill you!”

  Ben keeps a cold look on his face. “Your sister’s daughter that you took in after her death failed a lie detector test. You forced her to take the blame for your baby’s death, didn’t you? You never wanted the baby as it reminded you too much of your ex, who left you shortly after he knocked you up. Your daughter didn’t accidentally kill the baby. She killed the baby, because you told her to! You are responsible for killing the baby! Isn’t that so?” Ben shouted.

  Stacy’s tears ran deeper. “I’m so sorry.”

bsp; “Why would you ever force an innocent young girl to take the fall for you?” Ben asked. Ben puts his face only inches away from Stacy’s face.

  The built black man spoke up, completely shocked with what just happened. “Is that true, Stacy?”

  Tears began coming down Stacy’s cheeks as Stacy nods her head “yes.” “I’m so sorry. Please, let me go. I won’t tell anyone. And even if I did, you could turn me in for killing my baby.”

  Ben notices a large pair of scissors on the table near Stacy.

  “You are a very sick woman. What kind of example would I be setting if I let you go? You make me fuckin’ sick!” Ben shouted.

  Ben quickly grabbed the pair of large scissors, cocked back, and with full force, aims it directly at Stacy’s left eye. The full force connects deeply through Stacy’s eye and deep into her skull, killing her instantly. The chair tipped as Ben did this and fell over when Ben walked away to his own seat.

  “You sick fuck!” The built black man shouted.

  The built black man is finally able to free himself. Though the built black man is severely injured, he is able to rush at a reasonably fast pace to and out the front door to his car. Ben seemed in no hurry to run and catch him. Ben finally gets up, grabs his black bag and walks at a medium pace outside the porch and near the Buick. The built black man can’t get the car started. It won’t turn over.

  The black man notices Ben. “What the fuck is wrong with this piece of shit?”

  Ben knocks on the driver’s side door.

  The built black man shouts, “Oh, shit!”

  Ben opens the driver’s side door and is holding the car battery in his hand.

  “Going somewhere,” said Ben.

  Ben pulled out his Smith & Wesson and shoots the man in the leg. The man screams in pain. Ben sits the car battery down next to the man’s car.

  Ben pulls the man out of his car and into the middle of the road. Ben grabs his black bag that he sat next to the man’s Buick before shooting him. As Ben is walking to his car with his black bag, the man screams, “Why are you doing this to me? I don’t have anything to do with what Stacy did!”

  Ben gets into his car and starts it up. He backs his car into reverse, and then pulls it into the middle of the road. It’s two o’clock in the morning. Everything is quiet on this particular road. Ben is about seventy feet away from the injured black man. Ben has his foot on the gas pedal while the car sits in “park.” He plays with the gas pedal for a bit, with his foot pressed hard on the gas pedal. He finally eases up on the gas pedal for a bit. Ben once again puts his foot hard onto the gas pedal, but this time puts the car into “drive.” Ben keeps his foot hard on the gas pedal- flooring it to get the speed up as high as possible. As Ben nears the black man, he hears the man shout out loud, “Please, don’t kill me!” The words were screamed, seconds before Ben began running over the built black man. Ben’s body went up and down from the impact of the car over the body. Ben had cleared 90 mph, and because of this, the car made loud thud sounds after Ben’s tires left the body. Ben kept the car at 90 mph as he drove away.

  Chapter 13

  “You are one evil son of a bitch, but I like that a lot,” said Henry, who is seated directly across from Ben in his office at mob headquarters. “I get why you killed the two witnesses, but why did you torture them so much?”

  “That Stacy chick just made me so fucking mad. The fact that she would kill her innocent baby by putting her sister’s daughter up to it, and then convince her sister’s daughter to take the blame for the death,” said Ben.

  “Well, even with the girl failing the lie detector test, the cops seem to buy the story,” said Henry.

  “Well, I got her to tell me the truth. I can just imagine that the evil cunt convinced the girl that if she spoke the truth, that she would end up in a foster home with bad parents that would beat her up all the time,” said Ben, shaking his head. “I do have to hand it to the girl, though, for being smart. She had the young girl kill the baby while being watched by a babysitter. The babysitter gets locked up for child neglect, and Stacy, who was the mastermind behind the operation, gets off scotch free. Or she thought so anyways,” said Ben.

  “Well, now you see that we run a professional business and would never put you in a situation where you would kill an innocent person,” said Henry.

  I just hope Stacy’s sister’s daughter wasn’t there when I took Stacy and those two thugs out.

  “Nope, already read the papers on it. Turns out the girl, Katie, was staying the night at her friend Debra’s house,” said Henry.

  “How did you get a hold of the newspaper from out of state,” said Ben.

  Henry laughed. “You forget that I told you that we have many more offices in other states. In fact, we have several offices in most states. I simply had some friends mail me the newspaper. Besides, I have to know that you did your job. I have many ways of finding these things out, but a newspaper helps confirms things. Most jobs won’t be newsworthy worldwide like your first job, unfortunately.

  Ben is in his car smoking a cigarette. He’s parked at a bar called “Red Fox Lounge” preparing to kill his next target. Ben reaches into his glove box and pulls out a huge white envelope that had a bunch of papers in it. Ben begins skimming through some of the papers and stops on the fourth one. The picture shows a man in his late thirties with dark hair and an average built. Above the photo it says “George.” The next paper shows George, except this time with a shotgun in his right hand. Ben puts the papers back in the envelope and throws it in the passenger’s seat. He then gets out of the car and proceeds to enter the bar. Above the entrance door is a sign in huge letters: “Red Fox Lounge.”

  A cute bartender walked up to where Ben stood at the bar counter. She is wearing a nametag that said “Heather.”

  “What can I get you, boss?” Heather asked Ben.

  “Make it a Jamison,” said Ben.

  “You betcha,” said Heather.

  Ben took a seat and began looking around the bar. Ben spotted his “target” as well as eight other people. It is a quiet, slow night. Heather sat a cup of “Jamison” in front of Ben.

  “$5,” said Heather.

  Ben handed Heather a $5 bill. He then turns his attention to George. George is seated next to two other people his age, likely his buddies. He notices that they are staring at a very attractive blonde, probably in her early thirties sitting alone. George and his two friends are sharing a laugh while checking out the hot blonde. Ben is too far away to make out anything that they are saying. Although it was painfully obvious it had something to do with the blonde. One of the men who has greasy dark hair with a long dragon tattoo on his right arm, finally got up and walked over to the blonde. The other friend of George’s had his hands inches away from his breasts stressing how big the girl’s breasts were. Ben couldn’t hear what he was saying, but it was painfully obvious. Both men laughed. They then watched their greasy haired friend go into action.

  “Can I buy you a drink?” The greasy haired man asked the attractive blonde.

  “Get lost, loser,” said the attractive blonde.

  “Do you know who you are talking to, bitch?”

  “Yes, I do. I talk to losers like you all the time.”

  Heather rushed over to the table after hearing the greasy man’s threatening words. “Hey, watch your mouth, or leave!” Heather shouted at the man pointing a finger at him.

  The man obediently walked back to the table where his two buddies sat at. His two buddies laughed at him on his way back the table and continued to laugh after he sat down.

  “Let a real man show you how it’s done,” said George.

  “Let’s see what you got, Romeo,” said the greasy haired man.

  Ben is too far away to hear the conversation but does watch as George gets out of his seat and walks over to the very attractive looking blonde.

  “Hey there, would you like some company?” George asked.

  “Depends on what you want?”
The attractive blonde asked.

  “Just want to talk,” said George.

  The attractive blonde smiles and then says, “Sure.”

  Ben is a little closer to the hot blonde’s table and is able to make out their conversation. Ben drinks the last sip of his cup of Jamison. It’s his second drink of the night.

  Ben is driving on the road. He was following George but lost him due to traffic and the weather (it’s raining). Luckily for Ben, George didn’t lose him until he was already on the street that he lived. It was a long road, and it would still take Ben about five minutes on the road to get to George’s place. Besides knowing George’s street address, he also knew George’s vehicle, which will help him locate the house, as the rain is making it very difficult to read house numbers. Ben knows he has the right place when he sees a somewhat beat up 1989 Chevy Cavalier. “Looks like we have ourselves a winner,” said Ben to himself as he parks three cars down behind the car.

  While Ben is preparing to end George’s life, George is on top of the attractive looking blonde making love. George gets to a seated position and takes his shirt off. The blonde’s shirt and pants are already off. She undoes her bra. George begins to kiss her more passionately as he’s taking off his pants and boxers. She begins to make moaning sighs as George is preparing to have sex with her. Just as George is beginning to penetrate the girl, a loud thud sound is made downstairs.

  “Did you hear that?” The hot blonde asked.

  “It’s the next door neighbors, they are always loud,” said George.

  “It sounded like it was coming from downstairs. You want to go check it out?” The hot blonde asked in a very worried tone.

  “Trust me, I don’t get any visitors, especially at these hours,” said George.

  “Maybe someone’s trying to break in,” said the hot blonde.

  George laughs. “Look around, I don’t have anything.”

  The blonde girl looks around. There really wasn’t anything of value. There were a lot of dirty shirts on the floor and an old television. There definitely is nothing of value in his home.


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