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Hitman's Journey Back in Time

Page 12

by Joshua Schank

  George wraps his arms back around the girl and begins making out again. Not even thirty seconds after George is penetrating the girl, another loud thud is made; this time the thud was obvious, as the thud is coming from the front door.

  “Jesus, can’t a man get laid!” George shouted. George still thinks at the moment there is an obvious explanation, until he sees a strange man (Ben) entering the bedroom with a Top hat on.

  “George, who is that?” The hot blonde asked.

  “Good question. Who the fuck are you?” George asked.

  “I’m here to kill your sorry ass,” said Ben.

  George laughs. “Look, I don’t know if one of my friends put you up to this, but if you don’t get the fuck out that door when I count to three, I’m calling the cops!”

  Ben takes his leather gloves off and puts them on George’s dresser. Ben then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a cigarette.

  “One,” George said.

  Ben puts the cigarette to his lips and grabs a lighter that is on George’s dresser. He uses the lighter to light his cigarette. Ben pockets the lighter, since his fingerprints were not on it.

  “Two,” said George.

  Ben takes just one hit from the cigarette and puts the cigarette in an ashtray that is on George’s dresser, leaving the cigarette lit.

  “Three,” said George.

  “You go right ahead and do that,” said Ben daringly.

  George begins to walking to the phone and when he’s about to dial, he sees in the corner of his eyes that Ben has a gun pointed at him.

  “You need to sit your ass back on the bed, so we can talk business,” said Ben.

  “Can I fuckin’ at least get my clothes back on for Christ’s sake?” George asked in a pissed off tone.

  “Sure, don’t see why not,” said Ben.

  But puts his gun down and puts his already lit cigarette out in the ashtray that sits on top of George’s dresser. Ben grabs his leather gloves and puts them back on his hands. Ben then puts his Smith & Wesson behind him in his pants.

  As George and the blonde girl are putting their clothes back on, Ben walked over to the phone and pulls the wiring out of the wall.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” George asked.

  Ben picks up the phone and swings the phone hard at the girl knocking her over. The girl isn’t knocked out but is in a great deal of pain as she is on the floor with her hand over her head. Ben quickly gets his gun out and points the gun back at George.

  “You’re fucking nothing without that gun!” George shouted.

  A big smile comes on Ben’s face. “You may be right.”

  Ben walks backwards seven steps. He places the Smith & Wesson down. He then walks back another seven steps.

  “Why don’t we have a race for the gun?” Ben asked.

  George didn’t wait for any instructions, he bolted for the gun. He grabbed the gun and had a puzzled look, as Ben never even made an attempt at getting the gun. George points the gun at Ben as he grabs the hot blonde.

  “C’mon, Beth, we got to get out of here and call the cops on this psycho,” said George.

  “I’m afraid to tell you that you two aren’t going anywhere,” said Ben.

  “Look, psycho, I got the gun (wiggling the gun in the air), which means I make the rules!” George shouted.

  “Pull the fucking trigger!” Ben shouted.

  George points the gun at Ben trying to aim straight as possible. His arm is moving up and down really fast as he is trembling with fear and hesitation.

  “Pull the fuckin’ trigger!” Ben shouted.

  “Do it, honey. I think it’s our only chance,” said Beth.

  George pulls the trigger. It makes a clicking sound.

  “Yup, that’s right. Out of bullets,” said Ben.

  Ben comes rushing in and punches George in the stomach. He then hunches George down and gives him a knee in the stomach. Ben then follows up with that with a knee to the mouth.

  “C’mon, let’s see what you got!” Ben shouted

  George is kneeling on the ground spitting up blood. He drops the gun on the floor. He gets to his feet and rushes over to Ben grabbing him by the waist, trying to pull Ben down. Ben grabs George’s head and slams it against the wall. George falls over on the ground, very dazed.

  The blonde girl is sitting on the floor in tears. She has her hands over her head from the pain from the phone hit.

  “Why are you doing this?” Beth asked.

  “Well, your boyfriend…”

  Ben gets cut off in mid sentence. “He’s not my boyfriend!” Beth shouted.

  “Regardless, this piece of shit on the floor has been arrested several times for armed robbery, even killing a man. Doing as little as seven years for it,” said Ben.

  “Oh my, I would have never thought that. What do you want with him? Why do you even care what he’s done? Was the person that he killed a loved one of yours or something?” Beth asked.

  “I’m assigned to kill him, and that’s what I’m going to do,” said Ben.

  “Please, don’t do this,” Beth pleaded with Ben.

  Ben bends his right leg and looks like he’s doing a pose as he puts out his right arm, with his left leg straight and stretched out. “As…” Ben stands back up, and then bends his left leg and puts out his left arm while keeping his right leg straight and stretched out, “you…” Ben stands back up and puts his right arm over his waist and bows, “wish.”

  Ben walks over to George getting him to his feet. George is still out of it, and because of that is very wobbly. On the left corner of the room there are two huge hooks with nothing on them. They look like coat hangers, but these are larger and sharper. At one point, George or a previous owner must have had something quite large over those hooks. Ben drags George over to the left hook and picks him up a little off the ground and shoves his body into the hook, right through the heart. George’s body tries to fight it as his hands went flying in the air for several seconds before coming to a complete stop.

  “Hey, he looks like an ornament!” Ben shouted excitedly, laughing at his own sick joke.

  Beth has a very frightened look on her face. “You’re sick. I thought you were going to let him go.”

  “Well, I lied. Sometimes I do that, especially when I’m dealing with trash such as yourself,” said Ben.

  “Please, let me go,” Beth said in a very scared, worried tone.

  “That depends,” said Ben.

  “Depends on what?” Beth asked.

  “Whether you’re honest with me or not. What drew you to this loser?” Ben asked.

  “I thought he was hot. Is that a crime?” Beth asked.

  “That’s a good one,” said Ben laughing. I do believe it’s partially true, but you went after him because he had that bad guy look to him. That’s your type, am I right?” Ben asked.

  “Well, yeah, but I would have never thought he killed someone,” said Beth.

  “During a bank robbery, he and seven of his friends were wearing masks when he murdered one of the bank tellers. They couldn’t quite pin it on him. Not just because they all were wearing masks and gloves, but because he’s almost the exact same height as two of his friends. The friends’ stories changed so much that the cops ended up only prosecuting him for the bank robbery itself. Then to top it all off, he got off twenty years early from good ole parole. We have a very weak system,” said Ben.

  “That is truly fucked up and had I known about that, I wouldn’t be here with him right now,” said Beth.

  “Let me ask you this, would you or have you ever robbed someone?” Ben asked.

  “Definitely not!” Beth shouted, feeling insulted.

  “That’s it. I’m tired of your lies!” Ben shouted as he began to drag the woman to George’s bedroom window. She tries to fight him with hard slaps that don’t do her any good. When they reach the window, Ben begins to choke her. She mutters “Ok, ok, I’ll tell the truth,” said Beth. Ben releases the gri
p and takes his hands away.

  “I used to break into people’s houses and steal their jewelry. I made thousands of dollars. I was a bad person, but I’m not that way anymore. I was poor and needed money to support me and my little one,” said Beth.

  “So, you were an angel, just simply doing it so you can eat and provide for your child. Why do I get the feeling that you were doing it for drugs? Was it cocaine?” Ben asked.

  Beth’s face is a dead “give away” that he caught her in a lie. “Actually, worse, I used to shoot up heroine. They took my child away, giving it to my ex,” said Beth.

  “I wonder why,” Ben said in reply to the child being taken away. “I’m supposed to believe you changed? People don’t change.”

  Ben opens up the window and then the screen. Beth knows this doesn’t look good.

  “What are you doing?” Beth asks scared for her life.

  “Well, what does it look like I’m doing?” Ben asked.

  Ben grabs Beth and begins sticking her body out the window, head first.

  “Please, don’t do this! I’m telling you the truth!” Beth screamed.

  “I believe you, but I also believe that the world will be a much better place without you in it or people of your nature for that matter,” said Ben.

  Ben picks her body up from her waist and tosses her out the window. The woman screams as her body hits the pavement over fifty feet below, killing her instantly.

  Ben cups his hands in a triangle form over his mouth. “Wait up for me, darling!” Ben shouts laughing once again at one of his jokes. Ben walks away from the window.

  Ben takes a long look at George hanging from the wall. Ben takes off his suit and puts it over George’s dead body.

  “Damn, you would make one hell of a coat hanger,” said Ben laughing. Ben puts his suit back on and grabs his Smith & Wesson, putting it in his backs under his lower back.

  Ben walks over to George’s dresser and grabs George’s ashtray. In the ashtray is Ben’s cigarette along with two others. If George would have never brought the hot blonde back to the apartment, Ben would simply dump the ashes and cigarettes into the toilet. He would then clean the ashtray to the best of his ability to get rid of any saliva traces to the best of his ability. He then would take a rag to clean the ashtray to the best of his ability. Since, however, he’s short on time, as someone either has or shortly will discover the dead hot blonde; he simply grabbed the ashtray to take with him. As Ben is walking near the Bedroom door, he turns to George’s dead body one last time.

  “Hey, George, grab yourself a jacket from the bed. You look cold.” Ben laughs to himself as he walks out the bedroom door.

  Chapter 14

  Ben is in his prison cell skipping around the table. He skips with his right leg out in front and then left leg out in front. Ben skips around the table three times before coming to a complete stop. Ben is facing the wall, and all we can see is his backside. Ben puts his feet together and does a military “about face.” Ben stands still with arms straight down. In the military, they call this “at attention.” Ben eases up and smiles.

  “Well, hello strangers. I hope I haven’t scared you away yet. Did you miss me?” Ben laughs as he hears footsteps near his prison cell. A cop by the name of “Mr. Krotz” is by his prison cell.

  “You have a visitor, Ben,” said Mr. Krotz.

  Ben looks away from Mr. Krotz and addresses his imaginary audience. “Well, you’re all going to have to excuse me, I actually have friends. What do you know,” said Ben laughing. As Ben is getting up from his chair and walking to the prison cell’s exit, he is interrupted by Mr. Krotz.

  “I can’t let you go out dressed in a suit. You need to get changed into your prison clothes,” said Mr. Krotz.

  Ben smiles, “Of course.” Many of the cops liked Ben. They didn’t feel much pity towards most of Ben’s victims, since in their mind he was more innocent than them.

  A few minutes after changing, Ben followed the cop out to the phone area. Ben sees a well dressed man that he doesn’t recognize. Ben picks up the phone at the visiting booth.

  “Hey, look, I don’t know who the hell you are, and to be honest, I don’t care. I’m just glad to actually talk to a real live human being for once,” said Ben laughing.

  The man across from Ben on the other phone line looked nervous.

  “Is something wrong? Don’t be afraid of me. I really need someone to talk to,” said Ben.

  “My name is Donald.”

  “Donald who?” Ben asked.

  “Donald Greer.”

  Ben was filled with emotions. Donald Greer was a name that he would never be able to forget, as that is the name of the man that killed his father in the drunken driving car crash. Ben’s face quickly went from smiles to filling up with anger and rage. Ben got his face as close to the glass as humanly possible.

  “You slimy, no good, motherfucker! If I was on the other side of this glass, I would cut you up to little pieces, put your body parts in a bag, and then shred them in my garbage disposal at home!” Ben exclaimed.

  “You have no idea how sorry I am for killing your father,” said Donald.

  Donald put his head down and began to cry.

  “You’re the one crying? You ruined my life, motherfucker!” Ben exclaimed.

  Donald shakes his head. “I’m so sorry. All I ask is for your forgiveness.”

  “My forgiveness? The only forgiveness you will get from me is a very painful death! By the way, how much time did you get for killing my father?” Ben asked.

  “Eight years, but then I had another four years of probation. I feel that I served my time and only ask for forgiveness,” said Donald.

  “You think you served your time? You only did eight god damn fucking years! People like you are the reason that I’m behind bars. I was hired to kill people like you who either got off altogether or did very little time for the horrible crimes that they committed. Fuck your forgiveness!” Ben said.

  “Look, I understand your frustration and anger, I do. I would probably be as upset in your shoes. You have to understand though, I’ve changed my life. I’ve been sober for eleven years, and I have a job in which I make over 50 grand. It took a long time, but I changed my life,” said Donald.

  “People like you never change. Each and every one of your kind are nothing more than frauds. You people go around fooling everyone close to you, only to turn around and hurt everyone all over again. I hope you burn in hell!” Ben shouted.

  Ben slams the phone down and then follows Mr. Krotz back to his prison cell.

  As soon as Ben takes a seat in his chair in his prison cell, he addresses his imaginary audience.

  “I’m so sorry, but as you can see, I’ve been rudely interrupted. Time to get back to our original broadcast time,” said Ben.

  Chapter 15

  Seven years later, 2004- Ben is now thirty-years-old. He is now one of the boss’s favorite hit men. Because of his excellent work the past seven years, the boss takes him out to a fancy restaurant with four other hit men.

  “Ben, I’ve seen you come a long ways as a hitman. I seen so much potential in you when I first hired you, but not even I, could have ever imagined the sick bastard you would become. I mean that in a positive way of course,” said Henry. Ben and the other three hit men all laugh after Henry said that. “Ben, I brought you here today, because I wanted to introduce you to some of my finest men.”

  Henry points to the man next to him (Henry’s left). “That there is ‘Smasher.’ ’’ Smasher is Puerto Rican, late thirties, shaved head, and wore earrings. He, just like all the hit men is wearing a black suit. Neither Henry or Smasher were sitting next to Ben, as Ben is in between the two other hit men.

  Henry points to Ben’s left. “This one on your left is ‘Death by Midnight.’ ’’ Death by Midnight is a huge muscular black man. He looks like he can bench press five hundred pounds in his sleep.

  “The one on your right is ‘The Silencer.’ ” The Silencer looks
far from dangerous. He is fairly tall at 5’11’’ but has a really small body frame weighing about 145 pounds. Despite his physical limitations he is deadly accurate shooting guns. He’s also in elite shape, as he runs marathons a few times a year.

  Ben got up and began shaking the other three hit men’s hands and then sat back down.

  “So, I see everyone has nicknames,” said Ben.

  “Would you like a nickname?” Henry asked.

  “No, I think I’m fine with Ben.”

  “Listen, Ben, the reason for this meet is simple, I want you to join with forces with these three guys. I can raise your hit rate to $800,000 a kill,” said Henry.

  “What exactly do these guys do?” Ben asked.

  “They go to the biggest cities as well as overseas and kill the biggest drug lords, the biggest company leaders, the biggest everything, Ben. You can be ‘big time’ like these guys. Just say the word, Ben,” said Henry.

  “I greatly appreciate the offer, but I didn’t get into this business for the same reason these three other guys did. I’m not into killing big shots! You see, it’s the little people that ruined my life,” said Ben.

  “Ben, I’m giving you a chance of a lifetime,” said Henry.

  “Bullies ruined my childhood, a rapist stole my heart, and a drunk driver stole my soul. Those are the kinds of people I want to kill. I’m not a natural born killer like your prize ‘three.’ ’’

  Henry has a big laugh. “Son, I’ve been in this business for a very long time. I know a killer when I see one, and you are a ‘killer.’ ’’

  Everyone at the table got quiet for several seconds. Henry broke the ice.

  “Maybe I rushed things a little bit. Think things over. You know I’m happy you’re a part of my team, regardless, who you kill. You’re one of my angels of destruction,” said Henry.

  Ben is standing outside his car about fifty feet away from a red barn. Ben is wearing his black leather gloves and has papers in his hands. He goes through them and stops at one of the pages. In the pictures is a heavyset man in his fifties. The man, despite being extremely overweight, does have muscular arms. The man also has a beard. Ben throws the stack of papers on the ground and whips out his pack of Kool cigarettes out of his right pocket. He puts the pack near his mouth, so he doesn’t have to use his fingers to get a cigarette out, but instead, he uses his mouth. After bringing the cigarette in his mouth and putting his pack of cigarettes away, Ben pulls a lighter out of his left pocket and lights it.


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