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The Tin Ticket: The Heroic Journey of Australia's Convict Women

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by Deborah J. Swiss

  Description List: Mary Grady. Archives of Tasmania, CON 19/1/13, 261.

  Description List: Hannah Herbert. Archives of Tasmania, CON 19/1/13, 265.

  Description List: Janet Houston. Archives of Tasmania, CON 19/1/14, 415.

  Description List: Frances Hutchinson. Archives of Tasmania, CON 19/1/14, 17.

  Description List: Agnes McMillan. Archives of Tasmania, CON 19/1/14, 438.

  Description List: Eliza Morgan. Archives of Tasmania, CON 19/1/14, 235.

  Description List: Bridget Mulligan. Archives of Tasmania, CON 19/1/9.

  Description List: Ann Price. Archives of Tasmania, CON 19/1/13, 296.

  Description List: Mary Rennicks, Archives of Tasmania, CON 19/1/9, 160.

  Description List: William Roberts. Archives of Tasmania, CON 18/1/21, 76.

  Description List: Eliza Smith. Archives of Tasmania, CON 19/1/12, 247.

  Description List: Mary Sullivan, Archives of Tasmania, CON 19/1/13, 306.

  Description List: John Wild. Archives of Tasmania, CON 18/1/30, 80.

  Description List: Amy Wilson, Archives of Tasmania, CON 19/1/13, 321.

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